Search results for query: college/

  1. J

    The invisible Frame

    Hi guys! This is something very easy yet difficult to observe, and this appear again and again, also here in the forum. I want to explain this in more detail. I would start from: The perspective of women in their 30s and 40s What is the perspective of women in their 30s and 40s? Many women in...
  2. Jumbo Gumbo

    Printed dating profile fliers

    A few months ago I asked a woman about the idea of just handing out my dating profile in fliers. It was a woman who I was only texting with from online and we never met up. She never even sent me her photo. She said the same things. Said it seems desperate, but, she did not live in my...
  3. I

    Why do some very attractive women go for average guys their entire life?

    Good analysis. One of my college friends was a "gigachad" basically. I remember one time we were chatting after we graduated and he mentioned how some girl came up to him at work and he was like "you're too hot for me". This guy's selection process was interesting; he'd go after the baddest and...
  4. SW15

    So what's your game with college-educated chicks that are outraged that they can't get a proper job from that degree?

    This is an interesting topic. I'm going to discuss her situation first and then go on to the topic of how she might be approached and seduced in the open market. Alison...
  5. MatureDJ

    So what's your game with college-educated chicks that are outraged that they can't get a proper job from that degree?

    It seems that there are increasingly more chicks in this category, and that they can be susceptible to tight game.
  6. G

    An interesting trend I've notice with Gen Z males and how this may shape society

    I have some points I'd like to address, OP. I'm close in age to you (I'm 33). When I was in my teens/early 20s, dating/hookup sites were somewhat in their infancy (at least compared to today). At the time, I remember thinking "This is perfect for a guy who's too shy/socially inept to talk to...
  7. taiyuu_otoko

    The "exposure theory" on jobs

    I've worked plenty of fast food jobs when I was younger. I remember it being pretty fun and a good way to meet others (coworkers also in HS and college).
  8. Dash Riprock

    An interesting trend I've notice with Gen Z males and how this may shape society

    Somewhat related, I just read an interesting article in the Denver Business Journal. According to a national survey from, 10% of Gen Z employees and 12% of Gen Y (Millennial) employees are currently on a PIP (Performance Improvement Plan) with their present employer. Those...
  9. SW15

    Fb groups I see for females looking for roomates rooms.

    I don't think the odds are in your favor that you could work out a sex for discounted rent arrangement with a female in the 7+, 24 and under age bracket. I'm able to envision that happening. It seems like a minority of auto repair situations. It would happen in a smaller shop.
  10. I

    Why do some very attractive women go for average guys their entire life?

    There's this pretty attractive blonde I know who I've only seen in relationships with average to below average looking men. It's a brain teaser to me. When she was in college she dated this pretty average looking asian dude (today he would get called incel based on his looks). In college this...
  11. SW15

    Video on why nightlife is dying

    Nightlife has had a long slow decline. It had completed by the time that the earliest Gen Z's were turning 21. The big changes happened during the heyday of the Millennial generation. When the earliest Millennials (1981-1986 births) were in their 20s, online dating websites first became...
  12. SW15

    The Importance of Money in Men's SMV

    ...There are 18-24s who do have longer term relationships. They don't tend to last more than a couple of years. For those that attend a college/university, most college formed relationships will end within 3 years of graduation, which is around age 25. There are many 25-32 year old women who...
  13. Hamurabimbi

    Quick poll: Have you guys ever paid for any sort of "dating coaching"?

    When I was 18. before college started, I took a local community education class on meeting women. It was very inexpensive. A one day class. Mostly devoted to daygame coldapproach. The irony was that it was drilled into us that we would probably fail. And how to deal with that and how to learn &...
  14. zekko

    Men should stop chasing.

    Also, back in the '50s and '60s, in order to live their best lives, women needed to secure a husband to support them financially. That fact evened the playing field considerably. But that role has been replaced by the government, and also by themselves (women are now more likely to get a...
  15. G

    Men should stop chasing.

    I'd say apps led to this problem moreso than the internet by itself. The internet has been around since the 90s. Dating/hookup apps have only been a thing for the past decade or so. When I started college 15 years ago, we obviously had the internet. Dating/hookup apps were nonexistent...
  16. B

    Social Circle: The right size

    Surround yourself with people who are committed to intellectual, psychological, and perhaps even spiritual growth, rather than folks who's idea of fun = Binge watching The Acolyte or groaning over how awful "The System" is You'll have a much richer existence
  17. MatureDJ

    An interesting trend I've notice with Gen Z males and how this may shape society

    These Sun Devil coeds could probably get up to that income territory: :rolleyes:
  18. L

    Social Circle: The right size

    Yeah, it's all about what you prioritize. A closed circle gives you stability, but limits your growth. An open circle is stimulating, but risks relationship instability. I think a balanced approach is key.
  19. B

    Video on why nightlife is dying

    A user named spinaronnie wrote these words on that thread, back in '11: "The GAME has CHANGED fellas, and game material hasn't evolved to catch up with the profound changes in communications technologies as it has affected social dynamics in recent years" Those same words can be adapted for our...
  20. SW15

    Video on why nightlife is dying

    This is generally true, though there are some exceptions worth mentioning. This is true for women under age 50 who are able bodied and not severely overweight (slightly overweight doesn't hurt a woman's chances too much in youth and middle age). Most women who fit this description won't find...