This is an interesting topic. I'm going to discuss her situation first and then go on to the topic of how she might be approached and seduced in the open market.
Her frustrations beg the question: does a college degree still hold value?
Alison Johnson was 24 years old in Fall 2023 when she went viral on the internet from posting that video to her TikTok page. She was about to turn 25 at that time, so it's likely she's 25 now in Summer 2024.
She has some legitimate gripes though she also has some unrealistic expectations.
According to her LinkedIn, she went to college from 2017-2021. It looks like she did one semester/one year at a no-name private college before doing her last 3 years at a lower tier public university. Her degree was conferred from a lower tier university. The only upside about her degree is that she obtained a Bachelor of Science in Business with a Marketing focus. That's a more useful degree than a liberal arts/social sciences type degree. It's still not a degree worth going into debt $80k for. It's not impressive that she's done nothing with her degree for 2-3 years after earning it. That degree is going to go stale fast in the employment market.
Marketing is also a tough field. There's a lot of competition for jobs and also it's a very layoff prone occupation. Companies are known to lay off marketers when the economy goes bad. Her degree from a lower tier university is not likely going to help her get hired on its own. She would need some other marketing accomplishment to support it.
As a marketer, the fact that she has a solid quantity of TikTok followers would help her cause for getting a job. However, she also has a website for what appears to be a side hustle and the website is somewhere between subpar and mediocre. At best, this is a mediocre reflection upon her skills as a marketer.
She also mentioned wanting to have a $100,000 - $200,000 a year marketing job. She's not qualified for one of those based on everything I've mentioned in the 3 previous
text blocks/paragraphs. She is likely qualified for a lower level Marketing Coordinator or Marketing Assistant job that would pay around $40,000 - $55,000 depending on the company and the city. How has she not obtained one of those low level Marketing Coordinator or Marketing Assistant jobs? Companies right now can hire very experienced people for those since the economy is slowing, but the hiring environment was better for it in 2021.
She would have been better off following one of the 3 paths below.....
1. Not going to college at all and starting to work
2. Going to trade school for some medical certification and becoming some sort of medical assistant/dental hygienist.
3. Doing general education credits at a local community college and then transferring to higher ranked university to complete a bachelor's degree in Business with a Marketing focus.
I think Option 2 would have been best for her.
She holds some blame in choosing the schools/degree program she did and not having enough self-awareness to realize that there were better alternative paths. However, not all of the blame should fall on her. Both her parents and her high school guidance counselor are also to blame on this. It is justifiable that she feels frustrated right now and wishes she spent her money on a car instead of a useless piece of paper. Plenty of bachelor's and master's degree level graduates have had the same thought process she has expressed on TikTok.
The best asset that she has overall is an impressive physique. She has nice muscle definition and low body fat. She likely has A cup breasts and cannot afford breast implants to get a solid C cup. Even with her A cups, she's still rather desirable. Her physique should help her get hired for marketing jobs and also with attracting men in the sexual marketplace. She might struggle to get hired at Hooters/Twin Peaks with her A cups despite a great physique overall, which is why she's had to work in a sushi/Japanese restaurant.
She has gotten an impressive restaurant job right now if she's making more serving sushi rolls than she would as a Marketing Coordinator or Marketing Assistant. If she serves her time in marketing, she might be able to make more as a marketer than in a restaurant, even as an Assistant Manager/Manager. However, she's a Gen Z and Millennials/Gen Z's have always hated the concept of paying their dues. It is understandable why the Millennials of the late 2000s/2010s and the Gen Z's of today have disliked that concept.
How might she be approached and seduced in real life?
I doubt that she's actually single right now. Given her physique, I doubt she's had any problem attracting male attention, getting dates, or getting boyfriends. If she were single, this is how I think she would be best seduced.
I would play up the looks game first. She's likely to be seeking the Chad type, top tier guy on looks. She's attractive enough to get attention from top tier men on looks given her low body fat and muscle definition. She's not an 8.5+ on looks but there's a case for her to high level cute/borderline hot. So she might struggle to get commitment from a top tier Chad but she could get a commitment from a Chad Light type (above average, slightly below a Chad). These might be guys in the 7-8.4 range on looks.
Money game could work on her if the man is in the 90th percentile + on either income or net worth. That's quasi sugar daddy game.
Given that she works at a restaurant, she likely works at night a lot. She might go out to a bar later in the night after her sushi restaurant closes. So a guy in a nightlife venue would likely be approaching her later in the night closer to closing time in a nightlife venue. In a nightlife venue around 1-2 AM, looks game is likely to matter more than money game. She might also be present on swipe apps if she's single but I think she'd get enough DM's on Instagram to not even need to use a swipe app. She'd be approachable on Instagram for men with the right Instagram presence. The right Instagram presence is difficult to cultivate so I think it'd be better to try to approach her in real life at a nightlife venue. During the day, she probably spends time in the gym and is likely seeking the most fit gym guys. It might be possible to get her at a coffee shop or maybe outdoors walking somewhere.
For her, looks will matter most. It's Rule #1. Be good looking. She's the type of woman who is going to want a man who is 6'0"+ with muscles and not socially awkward. That type of man is most likely to get her.