Search results for query: college/

  1. J

    Social Circle: The right size

    When it comes to choosing a social circle, there are important considerations to make. The type of social circle you have can significantly impact your relationships and personal growth. Closed, Stable Social Circle A small, closed social circle made up of familiar, "bluepilled" people can be...
  2. zekko

    Hand jobs

    I saw this video on YouTube, "Do girls like hand jobs?". Looks like a guy walking around a college campus asking women if they like giving hand jobs. I was a little surprised most of them answered in the negative. Seems to me they would enjoy the tactile experience of feeling some parts that...
  3. C

    Muslim Snapchat Girls

    I actually have a huge fetish for Muslim women. They make me feel like a white knight crusader that will free them from their oppression. A Che Guevara of some sort. I “dated” 2 afghani girls in the past. The first one was when I started talking to girls. She was starting college and I was...
  4. G

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    There was a girl pretty close in age to me who broke up with me when I was in college. I was pretty devastated at the time. Avoiding heartbreak isn't why I'm into older women though. Fear of pregnancy is. When I was 20, I nailed some 45+ year olds. 13 years later, I'm still into 45+ year olds...
  5. FlexpertHamilton

    A quick observation about OLD and location settings

    I used to live in a city with a population of about 200,000 (metro was millions but so are most metros). There were hardly any colleges around. The women I met were gorgeous and generally high quality. I have since moved to a larger city over twice the size, but with a very high University...
  6. RickTheToad

    We need an equivalent of The Free Speech Union In The US, perhaps other nations

    Most other nations do not have free speech. The US, by far, gives the most rights in terms of free speech. It's the only country where free speech cannot be taken away by a congressional act. I remember, back in the 90's Ice-T...
  7. V

    Going to be another brutal summer for much of the US it appears...

    I figured lol. Just your fascination with it I mentioned in the other thread (this thread?) how the national weather service lowered their standards for storms. For those unfamiliar, they lowered the threshold of what makes a storm a storm. Wind speeds etc. I would assume they did the same...
  8. B

    Going to be another brutal summer for much of the US it appears...

    Went to college initially for it and was my major for 2 years before switching.
  9. B

    Chick admits it - women settle because they can't get the guy they really want, and will leave husband in a heartbeat if something better comes along

    They're human beings, in other words. When behaviors like being well-groomed/Not leaving the house looking like a ragamuffin and self-possession aren't modeled at home and in our institutions, we end up with abominable antics like this...
  10. gwoppin

    New Beginnings

    Remade CV and cover letter, been applying as a warehouse operative. Decent pay and usually lots of overtime available. No cigarettes but lots of weed. Ive started training again, ive taken an interest in calisthenics. Down on the tea and coffee. Havent done a single thing for college in...
  11. AmsterdamAssassin

    New strategy for securing straight to your house dates

    You're not dating the 'vast majority' of the female population. I could give you a whole answer on that alone, but I'll just link to these answers on Quora:
  12. G

    New strategy for securing straight to your house dates

    Being on the spectrum repels the vast majority of the female population. That isn't an excuse; simply a fact. Elliot Rodger had good looks, wealthy parents, and was at a California college. Yet he still couldn't get laid (because he was on the spectrum)
  13. EyeOnThePrize

    The Harshest Lesson/s Life Taught You (so far)

    I've used Mr. Wonderful's approach when a family member asks for money. When a relative asks for a loan I tell them that I'll gift them triple the amount, meaning that I don't want it back. I also want to know nothing about where it goes and we are to never speak of it again. The caveat is that...
  14. B

    Had an interesting albeit disappointing date tonight

    And we go to the scientific studies on this topic that show its baseless and is likely the placebo effect at work...meaning people believe it works so it works, but nothing to do with doing it or not. "Based on the available scientific evidence, there is no clear support for the idea that...
  15. G

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    I've mentioned on this forum that during college, I probably spent 100 hours striking out on hookup websites for every successful lay I got (and even then, all my successful lays in college came from the woman messaging me) With a full time job, I don't have the time to pour 100 hours into...
  16. G

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    As I mentioned on a previous post, I convinced myself during college I had outgrown the spectrum. Yet it still didn't help me with the ladies. All of my sex during college (all of which was free by the way) came from hookup websites. See, even without using the spectrum as an excuse, I still...
  17. A

    Had an interesting albeit disappointing date tonight

    For many guys it absolutely has. However, I know friends who are horny even if they rip it off 3 times that day. For everybody else, it's super helpful to be "full". Wish i knew this back in highschool and college when i was a jerkboy beta with no libido.
  18. B

    Initiating female contact as a male gender role is not as bad as it seems

    As we've discussed elsewhere on this forum: Even women have to learn the nuances of attraction. We're kidding ourselves if we believe Sydney Sweeney became The It Girl of The 2020s by sheer luck alone Vs Putting copious efforts into activities like keeping her body fit enough to look like this...
  19. SpartanWarrior77

    WTF...on molly, my game skyrockets 400%. Not on molly, I'm invisible

    So I've experimented on and off with molly over the years and with high levels of predictability, I noticed my game skyrockets 400%!!! The number is obviously superfluous but the point is that OMG it's different. I usually hate frat/college type venues but I went to one on one pill of molly...
  20. C

    Initiating female contact as a male gender role is not as bad as it seems

    When I was in an elevator alone with that lady my heart went a bit faster. Just asking my boss about the other lady also had my heart beating faster, and then I told my boss to "forget it" when he asked what that was's like any logic (ie I am in an office, I'm talking to my boss...