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    There is no parrallelism. ASF is a whole different world. Sosuave can not offer anything except people to hear you gripe.
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    How non-online "DJ"s get (almost) any chicks they want

    Looks can be helped. Find some pivots(girl friends) to help you get dressed and cleaned up. Tell her you need help being more attractive to women. They love this ****. When it comes to voice, all you can do is work on tonality, and smoothen out the delivery.
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    The "everyone's watching me" feeling

    Sharpshooter When walking in public areas, try holding eye contact with women. Dont look threatening. Make it look as if you're interested. With a slight smile for example. It may be difficult for you, but persistance is key.
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    deep voices

    Work on your tonality. Smoothen it out, and project more. It may be a good idea for you to get a voice recorder to listen to yourself. The voice recorder is also good for recording sarges. You can listen to yourself after the fact and see what you need work on.
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    Cell Phone vs. Home Phone

    I dont really think that matters. TD posted something about calling a girl twice in a row. For exa: Call the HB. If she does not pick up, call her right back. I have had success with this. Give it a try. Everyone is doing it.
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    DJ Tip in progress

    "Flex for me" (HB Flex's and you squeeze her bicep) "Flex!" (still holding her bicep) "I said FLEX!!" Of course the whole time she actually is flexing. Expect to get hit. I love this routine just because its so funny and playful.
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    My worst afc experience still haunts me...

    OMG, you are so alpha
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    DJ Tip in progress

    I use a lot of kino. Have you ever considered giving HB's a high five? I do it all the time.
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    Do women reject guys whom they perceive to be "overqualified?"

    If you are overqualified, she will wonder "why does he want me when he can totaly have someone way better?"
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    Alt.Seduction.Fast aka
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    I WAS BLIND-SIDED! I’m SICK...I need your guys help more than ever

    You guys need to quit being his emotional tampon. He's addicted to the attention.
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    The overall theme of this board is very AFC. There are a lot of guys on this board who call themselves "players" yet dont even know the first thing about being a player. Its very apparent to me by the way that many of the guys post. I agree that there are many keyboard jockeys on this board...
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    Being too flashy, Trying too hard?

    On the flip side... I "peacock" fashionably. It draws unbelieveable attention for ME. It is NOT for everyone. It will only help you open. The rest is up to you and your game.
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    How non-online "DJ"s get (almost) any chicks they want

    Chances are, a "natural" wont be able to. He usually does not realize what he is doing. On the other hand, PUA's such as Mystery or TylerDurden have broken down PU into a science. They will always out Alpha a natural because the have a understanding of the process. Naturals generally do not.
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    WTF. This really confuses me.

    You guys are wrong, but not entirely. Adrian, Girls have a few reasons for saying they have a b/f. It sounds to me like your game is weak right now so her telling you she has a b/f is a way for her to weed you out. She'll tell you that even though she may not have a bf because she...
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    How non-online "DJ"s get (almost) any chicks they want

    Wow, it sounds like you've read ALL of my posts.
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    How non-online "DJ"s get (almost) any chicks they want

    Hey guys, just ask Homer. He has the answer for EVERYTHING!!!
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    Uh. At the beggining, she wanted HIM. At the end, we made out.

    That sounded tight as hell to me man. You could have had a Full Monty. You totaly had her buying temp up. Man you even got passed LMR! You SHOULD have had the Full Monty. Dont worry about the virgin part. Virgins are desireable. People have gotten laid with that word.
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    Calling women out on their BS...

    When you tighten up your game, it will fall into place.
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    Hahahahaha ... you gotta read this

    This board is SOOO far behind...