How non-online "DJ"s get (almost) any chicks they want


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by playasupreme
Everyone has the potential for genius. Sometimes it has been bred out or conditioned out and we need to conciously practice these skills to make them ours again. Practice makes perfect. Do you think Payton Manning always threw the way he does now? No, he had some talent and he stuck with it to make what he does now look effortless.
This is not true at all, what do you even consider a "genious"? Somebody who can regurgitate some stupid PC garbage some teacher told them about world politics or history? Thats what I take it as because you mention it just takes practice. Creators are born, not made.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
traits ARE GENETICALLY PASSED ON, just as eyecolour, haircolour, bonestructure etc.... A kid can be born with HEAPS of talent in a certain area but he still needs to TRAIN it and WORK WITH IT...

Just by interacting with other people you are working on your communicational skills but some people are born with more talent and potential in that area than others not to mention there is something called INTELLIGENCE/IQ (I think IQ is a load of bull though) but that also has alot todo with traits....


Mar 4, 2004
Reaction score
dillin: then just accept yourself as the loser you were born


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2000
Reaction score
U guys are scaring the crap outa me, my 9 yearold brother does nothing but watch tv alllll day, he has 1 friend that comes over. I dont want him to end up being non social, what should I do?

How would you guys explain something like this, my father never lifted weights in his life, and i recieved his genes and now i lift weights, what will become of my son if i have one.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Okay the whole thing dealing with enviroment and learning from siblings and everything... I think that it can be borned with and learned. Here is the article about genetic personalities:

All individuals throughout their life follow a seven year cycle. The seven year cycle consists of two major segments. The first year of the cycle is the catalyst for the remaining six year period of the cycle. Whatever takes place in the first year of a cycle will continue for the remainder of the seven year cycle unless one is diligent and purposely alters the cycle.

Each cycle change may evolve into either a positive cycle or a negative cycle. The final outcome depends on the individual and above all is controlled by the individual. There is a misconception that life is fatalistic and this is inaccurate. We are all masters of our existences, especially the beginning and final outcome of each individual cycle pattern.

The cycle pattern does not begin the day an individual is born. There are those who are part way through the cycle pattern at the time of birth. Those who are part way through their cycle before birth account for the erratic personality traits exhibited by some newly born children. The early stages of existence are noticeable in each and every child. Some children are calm, cool and collected, while others express erratic behavioral traits.

In all instances the different personality traits are attributed to the year of the cycle position. The positions or cycle years can be defined quite simply by using the "21 Emotions Exercise".

A simple method of discovering whether a child is in a positive or negative cycle is to recall the period of conception and discover the exact emotions both parents were displaying at the time of conception. The difference between both parents would define the exact emotion the fetus would be governed by. If the difference between both parents was positive the child would be aligned to a positive cycle. If the difference was negative the child would then be in a negative cycle. As well whichever corrective emotion is calculated between both parents, the end calculations will show the exact emotion the child will be governed by and the exact emotional trait which the child will experience throughout his or her life.

For instance, let us presume that the mother's emotional end-result totaled plus nine (+9) and the father's end-result was minus five (-5), or vice-verso. The end-result would be plus four (+4). Therefore, if the end-result is plus four the child would be in a positive cycle. Research has proven when the child is in a positive cycle the parents can be assured the child will be generally healthy and quite easy to care for. The opposite holds true for a child born in a negative cycle. Research has proven that in the majority of cases the negative cycle child experiences increased illness and is usually difficult to handle.

Furthermore, the primal issue is what major emotional personality trait will the child have to overcome or enhance throughout his life. The above example showed the end-result was plus four (+4), therefore the emotion that the child will display at the time of birth will be Freedom. Each and every experience the child undertakes will primarily consist of one purpose in mind, either to express Freedom and/or enhance the potential of learning what Freedom is.

Using the aforementioned example, as the child changes his cycle once every seven years whatever the type of cycle it may be, whether a positive or negative cycle, in the first year of the cycle change the change will consist of the genetic emotion Freedom. It is mandatory for the child to express Freedom for the cycle to be positive. If the child does not religiously express the emotion Freedom the cycle will be reversed and be negative.

The purpose of life for a negative emotional trait and cycle child, assuming that the genetic parental trait end-result was minus four (-4) or Despair, would be to always make sure that the emotion Despair is understood and controlled throughout his existence. It has been observed that children born in a negative cycle are more susceptible to highly charged emotional problems throughout their life. Children born in a negative cycle also account for the higher percentage of these individuals seeking psychological or psychiatric counselling.

In both cases the positive child and the negative child will be susceptible to the emotion by which they were conceived. Throughout their life they will discover every thing they do or any and all decisions that they are forced to make will revolve around whatever genetic emotion they were born with. Furthermore, the genetic emotional trait will continuously be triggered by all circumstances they partake in. How each of us deal with our genetic emotion being triggered, particularly by others we associate with or are subliminally affected by subconsciously; is one of our tasks in life.

Defining in which year of the cycle pattern a child or adult is in, whether it be a positive or negative cycle, will be explained in Chapter Seven, "Calculating Your Seven Year Cycle".

We have now discovered two major platforms of our personality traits. The first platform is the type of cycle with which we were brought into the world and the second platform would be the genetic emotion which governs our existence. The predominant question would be then, can we alter or change our life patterns or personality?

The answer to the aforementioned question is of course we can alter or change our life patterns and personalities. As previously mentioned life is not fatalistic. The argument by some would be; if we are pre-programmed to either a positive or negative cycle most assuredly we are not in control of our life. The contention that we are not in control of our life is completely false.

Although we begin our existence with a specific cycle whether the cycle is positive or negative, and we are governed by a set of emotional traits, we must comprehend our only obligation in life is either to correct a negative emotional trait or to enhance our positive ambitions. Correcting a negative emotional trait or enhancing our positive ambitions can be accomplished by establishing a criterion in the first year of each and every seven year cycle. If we fall victim to our stubbornness or procrastination and do not make sure we are following our personal established guidelines, we are then responsible for the final outcome.

We have a number of alternatives to altering our in-bred genetic emotional personality traits. In the previous chapter it was explained that for every question, no matter how profound or how complicated, the "21 Emotions Exercise" can be used to discover which emotions are required to conceive an answer to all problems. The simplest alternative is to complete the exercise asking yourself the question, "How do I offset my genetic personality emotional trait?" One will then find out which emotion is actually causing them to be limited to the positive or negative genetic emotion frequency and how to use the respective genetic emotion. Once one has completed the exercise they will discover by either eliminating the negative emotion or enhancing the positive emotion they will then be able to make decisions based on the corrective measures instead of continuously allowing their genetic emotional personality trait to come to the forefront.

The aforementioned point is pivotal. Without realizing it, most individuals base the majority of their decisions on their genetic emotional traits, complicated by the actual emotions they are experiencing at the time of their decision, when the emphasis should be that they should be exercising the decided corrective emotion predominantly. The genetic governing emotion will always interfere with our ongoing emotional changes. If one knows which of the emotions is genetically active than they can govern accordingly.

Master Homer

Don Juan
Mar 18, 2004
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL
If you worry about your genetics so much, you WILL be a loser, and chances are you already are. And your a ***** AFC if you think talent is inherited. There is nothing I can't handle.



Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Master Homer
And your a ***** AFC if you think talent is inherited. T.
No, this is called being knowledgable and "knowing" what youre talking about. In your case its called ignorance.

Master Homer

Don Juan
Mar 18, 2004
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL
Originally posted by dillin
This is not true at all, what do you even consider a "genious"? Somebody who can regurgitate some stupid PC garbage some teacher told them about world politics or history? Thats what I take it as because you mention it just takes practice. Creators are born, not made.
How can you create with no tools? :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Master Homer
How can you create with no tools? :rolleyes:
in this case humans (penis+vagina) is the tools that create (the genetics created out of the genetics of their parents + randomizing)

Master Homer

Don Juan
Mar 18, 2004
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL
Originally posted by Kineti[C]harm
No, this is called being knowledgable and "knowing" what youre talking about. In your case its called ignorance.
Whatever, keep yourself down thinking your not capable. Your right it's all genetic, and you where just born inferior and there is NOTHING you can do about it. I just might have been born genetically superior and I accomplish things with no effort because God likes me better then you.

As Morpheus would say, "I can only show you the door, you must go through it."


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Master Homer
Whatever, keep yourself down thinking your not capable. Your right it's all genetic, and you where just born inferior and there is NOTHING you can do about it. I just might have been born genetically superior and I accomplish things with no effort because God likes me better then you.

As Morpheus would say, "I can only show you the door, you must go through it."
Actually I was born with a very good geneset but I dont see how that is relevant.... Your genes does not RESTRICT you in anyway its just that some people are born with certain traits more positivly reinforced than others etc...

Master Homer

Don Juan
Mar 18, 2004
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL
Originally posted by Kineti[C]harm
Actually I was born with a very good geneset but I dont see how that is relevant.... Your genes does not RESTRICT you in anyway its just that some people are born with certain traits more positivly reinforced than others etc...
Perhaps, but the desire and will to be better at something is vastly more important. The only thing your genes do is direct construction of proteins, and do so almost completely based on environmental conditions.

Master Homer

Don Juan
Mar 18, 2004
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL
Also there is always ways around genetics. Don't like your hair color? Die it. Don't like your eye color? Wear contacts. Don't like your complexition? Get a tan. Got acne? Use BP. Too short? Get HGH shots. Too skinny? Work out.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Master Homer
Also there is always ways around genetics. Don't like your hair color? Die it. Don't like your eye color? Wear contacts. Don't like your complexition? Get a tan. Got acne? Use BP. Too short? Get HGH shots. Too skinny? Work out.
Hey guys, just ask Homer.

He has the answer for EVERYTHING!!!

Master Homer

Don Juan
Mar 18, 2004
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL
Originally posted by Amog
Hey guys, just ask Homer.

He has the answer for EVERYTHING!!!
I've seen you post and you haven't been much of a help to anyone. If you have anything constructive to say, by all means do so. Otherwise shut up.

Thanks in advance.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Wow, it sounds like you've read ALL of my posts.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Amog - You don't sound like a 20 year old, no offense.

BTW, about the whole genetic thing...

A guy who has a pimping personality which was genetic can teach a young grasshopper the basics all the way to the advanced levels of being a ladies man.

Or not?


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by tactic
Amog - You don't sound like a 20 year old, no offense.

BTW, about the whole genetic thing...

A guy who has a pimping personality which was genetic can teach a young grasshopper the basics all the way to the advanced levels of being a ladies man.

Or not?
Chances are, a "natural" wont be able to. He usually does not realize what he is doing. On the other hand, PUA's such as Mystery or TylerDurden have broken down PU into a science. They will always out Alpha a natural because the have a understanding of the process. Naturals generally do not.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Well the natural's could experience it while they know that what they are discussing about or what they are doing is part of what women want. I understand it's not easy to explain though, like how i became more harder to get than others.