Search results for query: college/

  1. RickTheToad

    The Harshest Lesson/s Life Taught You (so far)

    When you are at your lowest point in your life, you truly only have one person who will support you: you. A person, male or female, must know how to adapt and pivot for survival in our world. The gov't may or may not eventually give you a lifeline, but in the end, it's you and you alone. It's...
  2. B

    The Harshest Lesson/s Life Taught You (so far)

    Say what we want about the vocals The message is right on the money
  3. R

    The Harshest Lesson/s Life Taught You (so far)

    You won't really get a good sense for what a proper long-term strategy is until after you've graduated and left college. The harshest lessons I've learned I'm my (short) lifetime is that you should never compromise your core values, even when doing so might be beneficial. I always knew this was...
  4. inquisitor

    The Harshest Lesson/s Life Taught You (so far)

    As the title says. For myself, after having lived at least two decades, with obviously still having very little to show for it, I reckon that sickness does tell you how short life really is (in my case, it nags me everyday). The more I learned about my disorder and being in a third-world...
  5. CornbreadFed

    Elon welcomes third kid with 38 year old careerist executive work wife

    I don't even like Elon Musk or anything to do with Tesla and I find it cringe that the RP is over here pushing this only real wealthy men date 18-year-olds without degrees. Look at them speaking, they aren't dating 18 year olds, they are dating older single moms on the down low or hiring...
  6. Gamisch

    Matthew Stafford Wife admits She Dated The Backup QB TO Make Him Jealous!

    I am fecking this mid 20 girl now , and not only the significant age difference is "troubleling ", it's more about how many orbiters are hanging around her. She has a husband for anything,party husband, work husband, eating ice cream husband and yeah me d1ck husband. Cute ,intelligent...
  7. Solomon

    Matthew Stafford Wife admits She Dated The Backup QB TO Make Him Jealous!

    Gamich is right, just look at how her eyes light up when she starts talking about the "Bad Boy" you can see the narcissistic glee in her eyes. Also in the context @pipeman84 her and Matthew weren't official but I bet ya Matthew was still clapping those cheeks. It's very well known that Matthew...
  8. AmsterdamAssassin

    Is smashing a friends sister ok?

    Not to mention that if they stay friends, there's always a chance of the sister meeting Murk's baby momma. Women are notoriously bad at keeping secrets.
  9. Barrister

    Is smashing a friends sister ok?

    Why would you give a person this kind of power over you? Asking her not to tell anyone was akin to handing her your balls on a plate. She knows now that she has something on you. Not to mention it probably dried her up a bit to hear that. Regardless, I am unclear on your relationship with the...
  10. O

    Open your mouth and see where it leads!

    It doesn't matter if you look like Brad Pitt, if you don't open your mouth you will never get anywhere with women. I have a perfect example from tonight: Now usually, I am the guy who 100% waits for IOI's before I make a move. Usually, this is the correct move but not always the case. I was...
  11. I

    Did I make a mistake not making a move?

    I asked if what she said could've been something I interpreted incorrectly given the context. I did not ask anyone here if I should go up and talk to her right now. It's funny you say "like a woman" three times without realizing the hypocrisy of posting on a forum and giving other men advice...
  12. SW15

    Harridan fears becoming "invisible"

    I learned the word harridan from @MatureDJ . I had never heard that word before @MatureDJ . Yes, we do. I have heard some stories about women 50+ getting a lot of attention on Match and OurTime and even the swipe apps. No one wants that feeling. I think men feel the feelings of...
  13. SW15

    The time frame of the game now

    There's always been debate around this topic. I'm in my early 40s. When I was in the last 2 years of high school and college (1999-2005), communication was almost all voice phone calls and voicemail machines. After getting a woman's number from an in-person approach, the common guidance was...
  14. Gamisch

    Intuition vs redpill ideology

    Absolutely. Each man needs his own personal way of game. You gotta have the knowledge so you understand what buttons to push and when. But being comfortable in your own skin is mandatory. Without the latter (personal experience) no woman will touch you with a ten foot pole. Talking about...
  15. Solomon

    Intuition vs redpill ideology

    This is an excellent thread brother I do a lot of things that people would say are simpish for example, I was just deleting text messages on my other phone (I have 2 phones, one for business and one for personal) and back in 2019 I had text messages of this cute 19-year-old who lived in PA...
  16. B

    Harsh Truth: You will never beat women in the dating game

    Most here may be familiar with it, in the same way most folks are now familiar enough with corporate buzzspeak for this dude To be just barely understood. I'm not convinced that The Manosphere couldn't benefit from their own versions of ****erson and Kimble though...
  17. B

    The true red pill vs the fake red pill

    The Red Pill is, and has always has been, riddled with the sort of fatal errors which characterize the very same philosophy it claims to be inimical to Just a few examples Quote the article: "The frenzy over...
  18. B

    We need an equivalent of The Free Speech Union In The US, perhaps other nations Currently, the only civic organization of any consequence on this subject which exists here in The US* is FIRE, and their approach remains a highly legalistic one That won't diminish...
  19. Solomon

    A Tip That Helped Improve My Game By 9000X!

    Hello Gentlemen, First, I know this is a long post, but I believe some folks need to read and internalize this(heck even myself cause I have tendency to forget)what I'm about to type is nothing new to most of you. It may even sound rehashed or like the "same old, same old." However, I found...
  20. B

    Attractive Charissa Thompson Getting Divorced for 2nd Time at Age 40 & is Childless

    Sucks for her, and is of no consequence to us