Day 60.
Right after we broke up, I left her place, crashed my bike, got a broken collar bone.
She called me the next day I picked, we chat, I said everything she wanted to hear, and puff, gone. This was friday.
I got the surgery on monday, and only tuesday she texted me saying 'if I wanted, she could try to visit me' ........ f off
I said I was leaving the hospital thatday so it wasnt needed.
Called me 2 days later asking how I was. This time I was brief, and asked if she wanted anything, she said no, just want to know if you are allright. I said I was, than said I had to work, and hung up.
A few hours later, she texted me saying that she wished that I recovered soon enough, and that I forgot my glasses at her place, for me to tell her when I wanted to visit her to get them. I replied, o k .
That was the last time I spoke to her. That's 60 days ago.
Fkd 2 chicks along the way. Hooked up with 5.
I did some low frame sh!t reposting some stories from chicks that posted me, in order to get to her nerves.
She saw them all, to no effect.
But aside from that, absolutely no contact. I've also now decided to completely vanish from social networks.
Looking back, I regret reposting the stories, because even if it was other chicks posting, which show some value, it gave light to her of where I was, and what I was doing, where the best course of action is actually vanish.
Anyway, I am now a seasoned expert of handling NC (and crying alone in the WC hahaha), so not calling, texting and cheking her medias is easy peasy.
Now, here I am again at the hospital, writing in bed, after the second surgery I just had 2 days ago, because the damage from the bike acident affected the leg as well.
But, despite being hospitalized again, going NC, I actually feel good about my self.
Still miss the b(tch evey now and them. But got my sh(t back together, and the pain is not as excruciating pain as before
Just to give you guys a brief backstory, I'm from
Brazil, and moved to portugal this August, mainly because of the chick (Dydy).
I wanted to live in Europe, and I landed a job while I was vacationing here in Portugal at her place.
So, having the job, and dating my high school crush felt like the right thing to do.
I got here 90 days ago. Me and her lasted less then a month.
Its been though 3 months.
I spent more than €10k, got a broken wallet, a broken collar bone, broken femur, and a broken heart. And had 2 surgeries.
All of this alone, away from my friends and family.
Anyway, I had this message with a forum member, but decided to share with all of you guys in here:
DAY 62:
We are keeping it strong mate!
Got out of the hospital saturday, a chick (Tilde) friend turn plate turn friend again of mine went to get me.
Took me to a bar, had a drink with me, took me home, did pharmacy and groceries for me, cooked me dinner, went out again to a bar. Slept over, but we were too wasted to do anything, and nothing happened.
Sunday my sister came from Paris to visit me, we had lunch with some friends. Incredible food, great people. Fun times!
After that, the chick (Tilde) from saturday came over to my place, said she didn't know what she was feeling for me, so I've wore my big boy pants made a move, hooked up! Awesome sh(t. It felt so good man!
no s&x, but no problem, I'm not in a rush. As pook said,
Patience is the Refined Sense of Confidence.
And besides I've got 17 stitches in my legs, so its actually better not too.
Anyhow, It was great! Seriously! I have the hots for this chick, and it was really good to win one, you know what I mean.
I've been taking so many punches since I've got here in Portugal, it was good to win one round.
Then it was my mom 70's y/o bday, I had a video call with her, and I cried of happiness an gratitude of having both my parents alive, thanked them for everything, and told them:
That after 3 months, that was the first day that I was actually trully happy.
And that is it. I had an excellent weekend, and as we know, life is tough, but it has its moments.
Yesterday was one of these!
That's it guys.
Keep strong, keep your head up, own your sh/t, reclaim your balls, and never lock back!