I’m sorry but I have to respectfully disagree with most of this, but I agree with some. It’s a combination of all those factors.
it also very much depends on the culture you’re in, and what it values.
Where I’ve had the issue with gym being the sole goal, is that the kind of woman you will attract will be, unsurprisingly, women who like fit and attractive men above other traits. While a lot of these women can be attractive, I’ve found this attitude highly unattractive on a woman. I’ve had some female friends who’ve spoken about how their last fling had amazing abs, or massive biceps. I feel these women are sexually motivated and male poor dating partners. If this isn’t what you want, great. If you want to bang and bang, it may be a good strategy. I just find women like this off-puttting.
The same for money. Not so much career. Career shows the man you are, your resourcefulness and competence. Money alone is a terrible thing for a woman to be attracted to if you’re the guy who has it.
A lot of men with money simply inherited it, or took over a family business. Some had parents able to pay for amazing school that got them a de facto good job. None of these are indicative of a superior man.
Social skills I find are the most potent factor and also quite a good one to have as the women attracted to you often dig you for you. It’s the only thing that I’ve been blessed with naturally. I’ve been front running with a pot belly against uncharismatic gym goers a lot of my youth. I became a DJ and that got status and that came mainly from social skills. Flat, autistic and logical men without artistic flair or expressive communications do themselves an injustice. However, many women will still like them. Some of their fathers and brothers were the same. Actors, politicians, business mogels actually do better than bodybuilders. Top athletes on a par, but that’s the effect of status, not the body per se.
it all comes back to social status and quality of provision ultimately. This is what makes a man. Added to this is honour, integrity, charm and manners, and competence. These are what attract the best quality women.