Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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What I think is either shooed from, or implied at least as a negative, is dating single mothers. So at 40, in the last 2 years, never have I once gone out with a single mother.

Dialogue of any consistency landed mostly in the early 30’s, while casual sex typically ran the spectrum of early 20’s to late 30’s. Having been in a 18 month relationship with a childless woman whom I met at 33, I learned that even as a elementary school teacher, the issue of priority equality and attempting to create an environment of equal time between all members was not something that ever seemed to be totally resolved. In other words, when they’re not your kids it’s really hard to ‘get it.’ Especially when you have never been in that environment at all.

So what I am saying is, and I just wonder - what I did in my teens and 20’s before I got married - then obviously made a massive mistake in a marriage - but then why not go back into casual relationships which mostly likely can blossom into something with a single parent - just not rule out childless either

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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It’s typical Red Pill catch up and getting Chad’s leftovers. Late to the party, but that’s other men’s choices that I don’t care about. RP tortoises had to “do the work” and contribute to GDP and hit the pavement while teenaged broccoli heads, criminals, and couch surfers attract women by way of existing.

Richard Cooper, Myron Gaines, Michael Sartain, and the like—late to the party, frantic, overly serious, middle-aged cleaner-uppers and catcher-uppers.
Not necessarily.

1. Plenty of younger women are sleeping with older guys, especially these days and yeah, in many cases it is a Sugar Baby relationship but you are hitting her in her prime while MOST young guys are not

2. Plenty of guys got married young due to their upbringing or were like me and spent most of their 20s in LTRs since we, mistakingly, looked down on the player lifestyle and would be shamed for it in most places outside of big cities

3. Contrary to popular belief, most "Chads" are not smashing, I am sure @CornbreadFed can confirm this too but a lot of these "Chads" find a Stacy to wife up or settle down with FAST

4. You use the worst of the red pill to make an example overall

5. I have met Michael IRL and can confirm that he most definitely has hot girls he is sleeping with

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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It doesn’t. See my post if you wish. If a guy is not a womanizer by 30, chances are he won’t be one.
This is false and I have seen plenty of counterexamples of it, commonly happens with guys that come off of a divorce and dudes who accumulate resources and freedom later in life. Heck, Hefner did not start Playboy until an older age. I would ask you to expand your worldview some more here.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2022
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Tbh I really hit my stride from 28-31 and banged my most amount of women. I've usually been a late bloomer.

I used to suffer from big anxiety and overthink everything (still happens), but I just learned a lot from the past. Plus I'm much better looking now.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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What society do you live in? American society pressures no one to get married.
I disagree that there's no pressure in American culture to get married.

I am a never married 41 year old male who has felt some level of pressure in my interactions to get married.

I think both men and women feel pressure. I think pressure is different for men and women. I'll discuss the American male experience of pressure below.

For American men, pressure to marry mainly comes from 3 sources....

1. Friends/social circle
2. Family/parents
3. Religion

Friends/Social Circle

Most men have friends and some social circle. The members of most men's social circles are similarly aged. When a man reaches his late 20s/early 30s, there will often be a flurry of marriages in his social circle.

Most men will have a social circle with members with a blue pill ideology towards romantic relationships.

Most men will see all their friends getting married and they'll start to wonder about themselves. They'll wonder why they haven't gotten married and if they should get married because it seems that's what all their friends are doing. Red pill men are not exempt from this thought process though most red pill men know how to handle it better.


Some men also face familial pressures to marry. Men will see similarly aged siblings and cousins marrying, often around the same time that their friends are marrying. This adds to the thoughts and feelings described above.

Some parents can put pressure on an unmarried adult child to marry. It depends on the parent/child relationship.


Many men were raised in Christian religions that are based around marriage. This can compound the parental pressures mentioned above to marry. Many Christian faiths ban pre-marital sex. There are people that marry so that they can have sex within their religion.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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1. Plenty of younger women are sleeping with older guys, especially these days and yeah, in many cases it is a Sugar Baby relationship but you are hitting her in her prime while MOST young guys are not
You have observed something that happens. How common is it? There's a case that it is less common than you think that it is.

The Pew Research Center recently released some data points to show that US husbands and wives are very close in age (see below). On average, men are only 2.2 years older than their wives.

There's a key question to ask. How do age gaps differ between non-marital couples and these marital couples in the Pew data?

I don't think that they would vary drastically. Most people are blue pilled and most people end up married.

Most men are pussie beggars for similar aged women after age 30.


3. Contrary to popular belief, most "Chads" are not smashing, I am sure @CornbreadFed can confirm this too but a lot of these "Chads" find a Stacy to wife up or settle down with FAST
I agree with this point. "Chads" do smash but sometimes for limited periods of time. In colleges, most fraternity members opt for a sorority girlfriend. This can be considered "Chad and Stacy" but that's not the full truth. "Chad & Stacy" are only from the top tier fraternities and sororities. Some guys in top fraternities put up high notch count but a lot will get a monogamous relationship with a Stacy tier (8+ female) from a top sorority.

A lot of "Chads" do eventually settle down with a "Stacy" and that's a pairing that makes sense. A very good looking man forms an LTR (often leading to marriage) with a very good looking woman.

Women like the "6" range woman in the video below are upset. This "6" range women can have shorter term sex with many 8.5+ range men but can't find an 8.5+ range man for a longer term commitment. This eventually forces a 6-6.5 range type female to settle for a 6-6.5 range male and that's far less exciting for the woman than the days of her sex with 8.5+ range men.

8.5+ range men will only settle with some 8+ woman in looks for the most part.
