My sentiments exactly. And not all sins or biblical laws are weighted equally. It wasn't considered a sin to get drunk. Jesus himself drank wine. It was considered sinful to be a drunkard or alcoholic.
Anyway the issue here is a pragmatic one. Gays want to be considered as equally valid to heterosexuals. What they actually want is preferential treatment, as if they're some "disadvantage minority group", and they are getting that already as it is. They use PC intimidation and a propaganda campaign to accomplish this goal. They're not benevolent to heterosexuals and not as socially valid as heterosexuals and hetero marriage, who perpetuate the species, create families and promotes social harmony in general. Traditional families and marriage have enough pressures breaking it down with feminism, family law, etc, gays are one more. I see gays, lesbians and "transgenders" as mixed up, abnormal or defective individuals. To tolerate them is one thing, to make them mainstream is another. That's how I see it.