Actually, speakeasy, incest does hurt society because it allows the chance for recessive traits to present themselves and affect the health of the offspring over time. Polygamy on the other hand actually helps as it is somewhat the reverse of incest. And isn't polygamy legal in Utah? If not, then the Muslim and old Jewish traditions allow it. The thing I see is that just because it exists, you think that it is the same as being promoted. Allowing gay marriage is a lot different than finding two guys on the street, setting up a chapel, and telling them to get married or else. As for all the evolution example, you can't really say that for sure since what was a mistake today can be a benefit tomorrow. Look at some of the moths that developed around the time of the Industrial Revution in England. The black moths used to be eaten till as the trees where covered with soot and the normal ones were the ones being picked off. As for Larry Craig, if there was gay marriage back in the day, you think he would have had those kids? Nope because he'd be laid up with Steve/Julian/Bruce/whoever doing whatever gay guys do. Sure, he has the capacity to have kids but more than likely he wouldn't act on it. And I know you're not a Christian, but I brought that up to prove the point marriage for love isn't a new thing; that was my point, not the place where it came from. But my point is that legally, they are being denied something that really the government shouldn't be playing a part in. What's going is it that at the end of the day, any marriage is just two names on a sheet of paper. The real bond is between the two people who made the arrangement themselves and whatever higher power they follow. Now, if the government can decide who can and can't get married, there's legal grounds to split up couples just because someone in charge says so. My thing is that when you give any government power to not reconize something in one case, it's only a matter of time till it does it in another case. In the past it was interracial marrige. Today it's gay marriage. Tomorrow it may be marriages not done through the government. To do we may save marriage for heterosexuals, but if the laws are on the books to deny marriage to a group, I think its only going to be a matter of time till some silver tongue legislator from whatever political party changes stuff around so marriage is done away with period. May sound paranoid, but history has shown me different. So yeah, I don't agree with homosexuality, but needless fights can create new problems when you don't consider everything at stake. I don't know what type of prefferential treatment gays will get when they are allowed to marry, but I'd sooner allow them to spend their life with each other than let the government reach a little bit further into people's personal lives.