Why Mystery has so much success


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
This guy is great at making the girls feel comfortable. The best thing he has going for him is that he does not seem threatening to woman. He comes across as there gay friend and is very tall and some woman love guys 6"3 and above.

His style is not my style. the fvcking guy puts on make up and wears nail polish yet you guys worship him like he is a GOD. There are some guys from the KEYS TO THE VIP SHOW that would school mystery and I feel I would school him too yet everyone here worships him like he is a GOD.

Being friends with a girl and holding a conversation is different than bending her over and fvcking her brains out. Mystery has the first part down but I don't know about the second.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
negs, peacocking, IOI's, LMR, 3 sec rule, and a ton of other concepts that are thrown around on every seduction website were all created by Mystery

you can also credit him for any herb you see doing magic tricks in a dance club, guys relying too much on canned material, and the expensive workshops that have popped up all over the world

the only thing I'd hate on him for trying to standardize peacocking, but other than that, the guy is one of the best PUA's in the world


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
AFC Savior said:
too bad you guys still dont understand that Mystery acting the way he did IS HIS OWN NATURAL GAME
You can tell his act is a fake. it comes off as staged, his replys are too quick and come off like he's said it a million times. It's over the top C/F, doing this doesn't look natural.

in my opinion, he seems very persisitent, but it seems needy. Also notice how she's qualifying Mystery and Mystery is trying to qualify himself by coming off C/F. In my opinion, she controlled the conversation and made Mystery look vulnerable. And mystery's defense to this was to act even more ****y and throw out more negs.

I don't think she bought it, yea she liked the fact he was a magician. Mind you they are in Hollywood. Everyone's on the look for celebritys. His routine wouldn't stand a chance in most other cities.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
SAKongen said:
That's all the old stuff that was going around during the time that the show was being aired. I'm looking for what he's been doing in "the society" since winning the title of "Pick UP Artist." Wasn't he supposed to tour with Mystery and help teach seminars? Where's the information about him doing anything like that? Hell, was he even able to keep all the pendants he won during the show?

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Sandow said:
You can tell his act is a fake. it comes off as staged, his replys are too quick and come off like he's said it a million times. It's over the top C/F, doing this doesn't look natural.

in my opinion, he seems very persisitent, but it seems needy. Also notice how she's qualifying Mystery and Mystery is trying to qualify himself by coming off C/F. In my opinion, she controlled the conversation and made Mystery look vulnerable. And mystery's defense to this was to act even more ****y and throw out more negs.

I don't think she bought it, yea she liked the fact he was a magician. Mind you they are in Hollywood. Everyone's on the look for celebritys. His routine wouldn't stand a chance in most other cities.
My sentiment exactly. A lot of how you go about it, depends on where you are. The ultimate DJ could adapt himself to the section of the world he's in. Now That's knowledge of human psychology. Some places would get you killed like over in Arab countries. Where You Are can make a Big difference to how you are received by the girls. I tend to thrive in the celebrity look-out places of the US too, because I look of royal ilk, hot as fvck. Where I was born and raised, women don't even notice me as much. There are more lesbians and gays where I'm from and musicians, minorities, it seems more people where I'm from originally are all about hearing and would prefer a musician or dirty filthy pua.
Jul 31, 2007
Reaction score
ChrizZ said:
I highly doubt Mystery pulls a lot of smoking hot women. He pulls the cute and average chicks. Don't believe the hype.
And how does that affect you? Let Mystery go after whatever girls he wants to. The Keyboard Jockeys on this site never cease to amaze me. Some 18 year old punk hating on Mystery! Is this for real? Kid, stick to masturbating and leave the pu$$y for the guys that have the balls to get out there and make approached instead of sitting behind their keyboards critiquing others.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
...I guess I'll be a KBJ and actually point out what I see for all the other guys who don't go out and can't really see past the few routines that he says.


This is once in a life time thing as I have nothing better to do while baby sitting, but who knows it might help the newbies

00:10 - 00:21
Chick sh!t tests Mystery twice and he break rapport and cuts her thread both times. Before the video starts she was attracted to some extent because chicks don't sh!t test guys this hard unless she's interested and also because most guys would've logically answered her from the first sh!t test she threw and blow himself out. If a guy isn't getting sh!t tests from girls then she isn't even attracted to him. (Sh!t test comes in many forms)

00:21 - 00:37
Mystery is now leading the interaction

00:41 - 00:46
Mystery creates some open loops by asking what she does for fun, and then saying he's sorry he met her there, then busts out a cold read at the end. For all the newbies this is great because he wouldn't run out of things to say because he can go right back on what she does for fun.

00:46 - 00:57
Chick sh!t tests Mystery and he passes again by not logically answering her question. Then he gives her an answer that he wished he was asked.

1:02 - 1:14
She starts sh!t testing Mystery again and he passes again

1:14 - 1:43
He starts to go into a story but there is an interrupt which he looks like he is ready to handle whatever is about to come, but to keep her engaged he brings the attention back to her until it gets interrupted again. Now NOTICE each time he was interrupted he dropped that conversational thread as a way of not looking needy. He was about to go into a story about his brother, interrupted, he goes into a story about his neice and interrupt... (This is key because he now doesn't come across needy because most guys will keep trying to get the story in, its like a story that gets interrupted and you try to keep going with the story but the effect of the punchline is already gone because someone interrupted)

1:43 - 2:26
...he goes into some routine...but notice how he is leading and taking charge of the whole thing, him saying look at me and telling her what to do. This routine is intriguing based so shes now fascinated by it.

2:26 - 2:40
He starts teaching her something (The stuff about psychology) I'm assuming its also what he'd call a DHV, key thing is he is leading and he taught her something aka Offered Value

2:40 - 2:50
He goes into another cold read

2:50 - 2:52
Tension from the slience, he kinos (Look at how she's looking at him its surely on)

2:52 - 3:04
Breaks the tension, she asks a question (This wasn't a sh!t test, like the start of the interaction)

3:04 - 3:16
Illusionary input is being done right here, basically it seems like she is speaking back but really he structured it that way she doesn't really have to think about what to say. It's generally a one word answer that needs to be given, usually yes or no. Also he leads the conversation as he always been throughout the interaction.

3:16 - 3:22
He points what he does, of course she is all hyped about it because she's ATTRACTED already. (She was attracted long before she found out what he does)

3:22 - 3:29
Unconscious sh!t test as I like to call it. She isn't consciously aware that she just sh!t tested him. Notice how this sh!t test sounds different from the earlier sh!t tests which sounded more breaking rapport like. He doesn't even answer, he just gives some gibberish.

3:29 - 3:39
She's qualifying herself to him

3:39 - 3:54
Immediately engages the obstacles/interrupts. You don't want to be standing around with your dik in your hand as the obstacle comes in and ends up ruining the set all because you didn't engage the obstacles that interrupted.

3:54 - 4:00
His chick grabs his hair and he breaks rapport again by teasing her

4:00 - 4:08
She tries to sh!t test which he passes again

4:08 - 4:36
He reengages the obstacle back in the conversation and basically befriends, and gets the ok from the friend that he's cool and now the chick mystery is talking too is more comfortable because her friends like him so its cool. At the same time as he talks to the obstacle he is creating sexual tension by teasing his target but not directly stating it instead saying it to the obstacle.

4:37 - 4:42
Eye contact...building the sexual tension even more...notice they laugh to break the tension.

4:42 - 5:00
Starts conversation again, teases and builds a bit of sexual tension again

5:00 - 5:20
He puts the hat on her which they call lock in prop lol, she ends up qualifying herself again saying it doesn't fit her, he then cold reads yet again about how it makes her look playful

5:22 - 5:30
Another unconscious sh!t test, she isn't bluntly aware of these sh!t tests as you can tell by the tone of her voice. Mystery does sound eager when he said "hmm" but the set is going so well that it doesn't matter, and anyway he still passes the sh!t test by saying the dictionary thing.

5:30 - 5:38
Gives her a compliment and a bit of kino, breaks rapport when teasing her and playfully whacks her with the hat.

5:38 - 5:56
He is creating more sexual tension by indirectly teasing the target by talking to the obstacle. Also he reengages the obstacle because its a 2set now and he has to give attention to both or else obstacle could get bored and drag the friend away. Meanwhile as he teases he kinos his target some more.

5:57 - 6:18
lol, this part had me laughing. Basically gives he cold reads her in a playful way, the thing about this cold read was it had a bit of unpredictability at the end. "Were you beaten as a child...don't answer that" (lol)

6:18 - 6:30
Similar to the "So how do you guys all know each other?" line where you find out the logistics and relationships between everyone in a group. Also notice his eye contact again

6:30 - 6:40
Lol, this part cracks me up ("I'm not as smart as I seem") She qualifys herself again.

6:40 - 6:51
More cold reading

6:53 - 6:56
Notice nothing is being said he is just looking at her. He is putting social pressure on her and expecting her to talk

6:56 - 7:06
She tries for rapport, which she clearly is interested. He makes her invest more and have her guess which she then guesses and he teases and gives her a back turn

7:06 - 7:15
Another unconscious sh!t test which he answers slightly to what she wanted to hear.

7:16 - 7:40
Starts shifting gears by using some cold reading, in sort of a push/pull kind of way.

Overall...the sh!t was solid all the way through and you can clearly see he is very calibrated. Majority of his verbal content comes from teasing to bypass sh!t tests and using a lot of cold reads, which works out well because cold reads complement magic since he can use the magic to describe there personality...similar to what he did at one point in this set.

He handled the obstacle/interrupt and even used her to his advantage to create more sexual tension. The obstacle was never really left out of the set.

That was the basic summary of his set...his cold reads and the way he passed the sh!t tests.

Other stuff that were good were...
- His voice its expressive (Reason most people would say he sounds gay is because he is expressive which is a good thing when it comes to women. Some are just more expressive than others...mehow? lol)
- His body language was laid back and chill, he was animated but not try hard animated
- Kino was well calibrated
- Eye contact was deadly

In the end it was a great set, anyone who begs to differ just haven't been out in the field that much. Mystery game doesn't look like its heavily based on laughter its more of fascination and intriguing, I'm assuming because his identity is a magician and so he talks about alot of unknown topics that will end up fascinating the chicks. This was without a doubt a solid set...

While I don't like Mystery Method due to specific flaws in it, I do think its one of the best methods out there, if you can get passed the few flaws then you have a real solid method. I respect Mystery's game though because from what I've seen and heard he is the real deal.

The biggest problem though is everyone thinks of Mystery as "Routines" when it's far from it, you could do MM without a single routine. Mystery Method is basically the M3 model structure not the routines. A guy who is more C&F will not use cold reads but more C&F to replace the cold reads. Some guys to kino they might show her something that requires touch as there way of kinoing.

It's the misconceptions of MM that causes alot of people to stray away from it and I haven't really seen none of there instructors mention the flaws...but why would they? Some flaws off the top of my head...
- Some will be very button pushy and seeking for reaction
- Some will build a routine stack as there foundation instead of there personality (identity) and having the routines complement his personality. (Everyone does Routines in some way shape or form, if you've told the same story to 2 different friends that could be considered a routine)
- Some never improve there personality and instead will be the same person so once the routines run out they are nothing
- Some misapply the techniques and just use it for the sake of using it...NEGS the most misused technique ever. (I don't even use that sh!t)
- Some think of the structure as linear
- Doesn't focus on improving himself instead focuses on improving his routine stack and delivery

While I don't use routines its a technique like everything else and shouldn't be over used if its going to be used at all. Many people think you are suppose to go in like a robot spitting these lines when MM isn't even like that, but they don't really explain that publicly, maybe in bootcamps they do.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...you get the idea. Mystery would get his a$$ kicked in much of this world. The guy is more feminine than 98% of American females.

Mystery shows you how gullible many males are. It is a shtick that attracts primarily American/British males who are confused about their standing in society these days. The whole thing is an act that attracts the same guys who read men's magazines and watch "Entourage".

Read up on John Casablancas. That guy was the real deal. A true man that had great taste in girls. Funny thing is that he has never bragged about his relationships.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Sandow said:
You can tell his act is a fake. it comes off as staged, his replys are too quick and come off like he's said it a million times. It's over the top C/F, doing this doesn't look natural.

in my opinion, he seems very persisitent, but it seems needy. Also notice how she's qualifying Mystery and Mystery is trying to qualify himself by coming off C/F. In my opinion, she controlled the conversation and made Mystery look vulnerable. And mystery's defense to this was to act even more ****y and throw out more negs.

I don't think she bought it, yea she liked the fact he was a magician. Mind you they are in Hollywood. Everyone's on the look for celebritys. His routine wouldn't stand a chance in most other cities.
Yeah it did seem fake and staged. Or at least it didn't really look like a PU to me. They're standing around on some Street in LA and it just looked like some stand up act really. Some of his lines wouldn't work in places like the Midwest. At one point Mystery says "you're such an a.sshole." 9/10 if you say that to a girl around here no matter how you say it, they go apesh!t, and cap'n savahos and bouncers might even get involved.. People in the southwest tend to be more ****y and out with stuff. MM stuff is basically useless in a place like where I live, loud clubs full of 21 year old ADD girls.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
ketostix said:
At one point Mystery says "you're such an a.sshole." 9/10 if you say that to a girl around here no matter how you say it, they go apesh!t, and cap'n savahos and bouncers might even get involved.. People in the southwest tend to be more ****y and out with stuff. MM stuff is basically useless in a place like where I live, loud clubs full of 21 year old ADD girls.
that's BS. if you can't get away with saying something like that and the bouncers come over, your calibration is way off as is your sense of relative value

Snow Plowman broke the whole video meticulously, explaining the subcommunication of whats going on in the video. If anyone thinks it's staged, then try and dispute Snow Plowman's post.

I don't see what's so hard about believing Mystery's the real deal, especially when a lot of the concepts thrown around on this board, including some in the DJ Bible, were first conceptualized by him. The guy's been around longer than anybody except Ross Jefferies

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
DonJoseCantosie said:
If this were true, than why does he teach "routines" if u could use ur own personality and that going up to her with ur true intention in my mind(that u like her) is a bad idea?
This site is loaded with "routines" and thousands of peeps copy (including the people who complain about "routines) them word for word, every day, yet nobody gets hated on because of it.

Yes, when somebody posts about how to respond, what to say, what does this and mean, etc. they are copying somebody else's scripts/phraseology, therefore using some form of routine.

Mystery's success wouldn't exist if he didn't have his inner game together. It is when newbies attempt canned lines and scripted banter that they fail. Nothing wrong with using somebody's else's idea and putting your own spin to it, and better yet, doing it after you got your inner game together.

Lord Shinra

Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score
Although I read up on the Mystery Method when I restarted my stuff, I just used it to get over my fear of approaching.

After using it as a crutch for a short time, I began using the Lord Shinra Method.
And everyone else should be using ____________Method, not recycled routines made by Mystery or anyone else.

I dare someone to use a bunch of lines that Mystery or any other guru have ever used, and 70% of your approaches will ask you "Are you a pick up artist?"


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2004
Reaction score
I agree he came off weird, I honestly can't believe it actually worked because it looked real cheesy if you ask me.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
krazyboy99 said:
You guys putting down mystery are fvcking retarded. How many of you would've been able to plow through all that sh1t she was giving her? I'm willing to bet none of you would've gotten through that. The man developed all of his own sh1t and it works for him. he's doing great.
Of all these videos of Mystery doing pick ups he never seems to really get the girl. Most of it just shows him going up to a girl and talking to her. That is not a difficult feat. I can walk up to almost any woman and get her to talk with me - it’s no big deal. Also, in this particular video at one point he is on the verge of losing his patience with her. If he was all he is claimed to be there would be no need for that little confrontation. He obviously doesn’t have the charm to disarm the woman.

Reading Snow Plowman’s analysis and listening to the YouTube video analyses and considering that Mystery is considered the best PUA does little more than confirm my opinion that PUAs and the game they play is lame. Regardless of what you guys say, Mystery was never really in charge of the conversation and the girl never showed that much interest. Even after the kiss at the end she didn’t look at all like she was falling for him.

By comparison here is how I approach women.

I am a very happy person. I’ve long known that wherever I go that people are drawn to me because of it. Typically when I first meet a woman there is a great deal of eye contact. This eye contact is not just looking at each other but communicating at a basic animalistic level which generates quite a bit of emotional energy between us that tends to build. Once we begin to speak it is already on.

I think many people think of me as being quiet and shy yet when I connect with someone I am never at a loss for words. Whereas Mystery is constantly thinking in terms of what he is saying and how it is getting him closer to his goal, I just say whatever; just enjoy the moment regardless of the outcome. I don’t have any stock stories and I never try to calibrate with or counteract what the woman is saying or in anyway try to lead the conversation. I have no plan or method I just start talking. It’s an adventure into the unknown.

I don’t think that a woman has ever given me a sh!t test. If it would have been me there rather than Mystery she wouldn’t have been giving me crap over the way I was dressed. More likely she would have been looking at me, smiling, quite possibly doing that squirm thing some women do. She would reach up and touch my hair or my arm or shoulder saying something like “nice hair” or “nice arms” or some comment on how my smile makes her feel.

When her friend came over I would have said nothing special, just look in her eyes and she would understand what was going on.

And of course I never used the foul language that Mystery used. My wholesomeness draws them in just as much as my happiness.

So, I’m not at all impressed by Mystery’s performance. From my perspective he put a lot of effort into getting a girl who will most likely flake on him. I’ll take my charm over Mystery’s method any day.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
DjDan said:
My question is how many movies did Mystery have to shoot until he got one girl that responded positively?
Like I said earlier, you can tell that the film has a bunch of edits. I'd be curious to know the length of time that it took. It would show just how persistent the guy can be.
Jul 31, 2007
Reaction score
DjDan said:
To me it seemed like he's the type of creepy nerdy guy that just DOESN'T GET THE HINT.

Women hate those idiots.
But that is exactly what makes so many men so successful with women. You call it not getting the hint, I call it not giving up at the first sign of resistance. So many women put up a front and if you just recognize that it is token and plow through it you will have more success.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
It's funnyIt's funny dudes is actually hating on the guy as if he doesn't actually pull chicks. Read his archive, or any other person back on that era's archive, the dude was getting results.

Is he the best PUA? I don't know, but who cares it's like saying "Who has the biggest dik?" it doesn't matter if you got a dik your capable of fuking. Same with the best PUA BS...if your good you have OPTIONS and can live a lifestyle of constantly having beautiful women in your life.

Here is video I found...(Obviously a marketing video)

The thing is it doesn't matter what "METHOD" is being used or whether or not you like what he does...the fact is give respect the guy got skills and he gets the results. I think it was TD who talked about this but a lot of people in this community either are haters or fans of someone.

Francisco d'Anconia said:
Like I said earlier, you can tell that the film has a bunch of edits. I'd be curious to know the length of time that it took. It would show just how persistent the guy can be.
This is true, I did notice that

potato said:
Reading Snow Plowman’s analysis and listening to the YouTube video analyses and considering that Mystery is considered the best PUA does little more than confirm my opinion that PUAs and the game they play is lame. Regardless of what you guys say, Mystery was never really in charge of the conversation and the girl never showed that much interest. Even after the kiss at the end she didn’t look at all like she was falling for him.
Honestly that set was solid, while the whole "Best PUA" BS is dumb to me as there are many different styles, and people all with different identities it would be dumb to really say one person is better than the rest. In my mind there are AFCs, decent guys, and guys who are GOOD. In this case Mystery is GOOD. (I'm basing this off his archives and how innovative his stuff were)

Trust me, Mystery was leading that whole interaction, sh!t tests doesn't mean she was leading it, she was trying to throw him off his game.

Something I notice about alot of guys is that they expect to see some serious reactions. Like firecrackers and balloons all over the place, with some spectacular sh!t. Thats only certain sets, most sets go down real basic. That set mystery did was very basic. Now if you want chicks jumping up and down, giggling and turned on right then and there, you can do that...but you won't really get solid results.

An example is this set... http://youtube.com/watch?v=ACzfg7mbwU8

That set isn't solid, I bet you if he called she'd flake, but she'd fuk him right then and there. A lot of guys would consider this PU better than the Mystery PU. O yea I'm just waiting for guys to now jump out and say that this chick was just a slut lol.

potato said:
By comparison here is how I approach women.

I am a very happy person. I’ve long known that wherever I go that people are drawn to me because of it. Typically when I first meet a woman there is a great deal of eye contact. This eye contact is not just looking at each other but communicating at a basic animalistic level which generates quite a bit of emotional energy between us that tends to build. Once we begin to speak it is already on.

I think many people think of me as being quiet and shy yet when I connect with someone I am never at a loss for words. Whereas Mystery is constantly thinking in terms of what he is saying and how it is getting him closer to his goal, I just say whatever; just enjoy the moment regardless of the outcome. I don’t have any stock stories and I never try to calibrate with or counteract what the woman is saying or in anyway try to lead the conversation. I have no plan or method I just start talking. It’s an adventure into the unknown.
Me and you have very similar way of approaching except I also know outer game for logistics purposes. Really its all just different styles. Calibration is something that needs to be balanced because majority of the time it's not needed. I guy who is uncalibrated will do mistake such as when a chick is saying "No" he'd automatically give up not realizing she just isn't ready yet just keep on moving the interaction forward.

As far as outer game goes it is also a bit of importance because most guys would have no clue how to approach that chick on the train who is with 4 of her male co-workers, they wouldn't know how to meet a woman and get her back to his or her house within an hour or two.

potato said:
I don’t think that a woman has ever given me a sh!t test. If it would have been me there rather than Mystery she wouldn’t have been giving me crap over the way I was dressed. More likely she would have been looking at me, smiling, quite possibly doing that squirm thing some women do. She would reach up and touch my hair or my arm or shoulder saying something like “nice hair” or “nice arms” or some comment on how my smile makes her feel.
All girls give sh!t tests you just aren't aware of it, if a chick isn't attracted to a guy she won't bother giving him any sh!t tests.

potato said:
So, I’m not at all impressed by Mystery’s performance. From my perspective he put a lot of effort into getting a girl who will most likely flake on him. I’ll take my charm over Mystery’s method any day.
Trust me from the looks of it, that set was solid. You can't really notice it unless you can actually see whats going on. It's like hearing japanese but not knowing a word of japanese so you can't really understand.

Basically before the camera even came on she was attracted, she was giving him serious sh!t tests to see if he was congruent to the value he projected because your average man couldn't wear what he is wearing. He passed all that stuff and she was becoming more and more attracted. Finally she started to settling down and realize he is who he projects himself to be and she now started qualifying herself to him. At the end you then see he was starting to actually get into comfort with her which it then cuts off.

The biggest problem about Mystery Method is that it implies that a guy is going in with lower value than the chick and that you have to make her notice that your value is on her level which is why I never really liked MM because I don't even think of myself as lower value than any chick.

But I must say he is good at demonstrating his value. But this is why Pickup should never be recorded because guys will see the video and think "Thats it" expecting to see some extravaganza type of pickup when really its just socializing.

One of my most ATTRACTED chicks was a chick who barely talked, she just sat there and watched me live my life. Logically I couldn't said she wasn't attracted, but this chick I can easily say LOVED me, and if I was to record our interactions you'd be bored out your ass because you'd see 10mins of her sitting there as I talk to other people. 1-2 mins of me giving her some attention and then going to do my own thing. She just loved being in my reality and being with me. The day that a friend of mine wanted to talk to her, and I basically backed off of her was the day I seen her look like she was about to cry and also when she was with my friend she looked as if she was asking me to help her.

This is why in my mind if a chick is still interacting with you then it is still ON play that sh!t to the hills. Now while I wasn't looking at Mystery's set from this perspective because many people don't have the same belief as me but if I was to see it from my perspective that sh!t was on before the camera even had cut on.

Yes I think he is weird, Yes I think he is a bit of a nerdy, but in the end he still gets results.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
potato said:
Of all these videos of Mystery doing pick ups he never seems to really get the girl. Most of it just shows him going up to a girl and talking to her. That is not a difficult feat. I can walk up to almost any woman and get her to talk with me - it’s no big deal. Also, in this particular video at one point he is on the verge of losing his patience with her. If he was all he is claimed to be there would be no need for that little confrontation. He obviously doesn’t have the charm to disarm the woman.

Reading Snow Plowman’s analysis and listening to the YouTube video analyses and considering that Mystery is considered the best PUA does little more than confirm my opinion that PUAs and the game they play is lame. Regardless of what you guys say, Mystery was never really in charge of the conversation and the girl never showed that much interest. Even after the kiss at the end she didn’t look at all like she was falling for him.

By comparison here is how I approach women.

I am a very happy person. I’ve long known that wherever I go that people are drawn to me because of it. Typically when I first meet a woman there is a great deal of eye contact. This eye contact is not just looking at each other but communicating at a basic animalistic level which generates quite a bit of emotional energy between us that tends to build. Once we begin to speak it is already on.

I think many people think of me as being quiet and shy yet when I connect with someone I am never at a loss for words. Whereas Mystery is constantly thinking in terms of what he is saying and how it is getting him closer to his goal, I just say whatever; just enjoy the moment regardless of the outcome. I don’t have any stock stories and I never try to calibrate with or counteract what the woman is saying or in anyway try to lead the conversation. I have no plan or method I just start talking. It’s an adventure into the unknown.

I don’t think that a woman has ever given me a sh!t test. If it would have been me there rather than Mystery she wouldn’t have been giving me crap over the way I was dressed. More likely she would have been looking at me, smiling, quite possibly doing that squirm thing some women do. She would reach up and touch my hair or my arm or shoulder saying something like “nice hair” or “nice arms” or some comment on how my smile makes her feel.

When her friend came over I would have said nothing special, just look in her eyes and she would understand what was going on.

And of course I never used the foul language that Mystery used. My wholesomeness draws them in just as much as my happiness.

So, I’m not at all impressed by Mystery’s performance. From my perspective he put a lot of effort into getting a girl who will most likely flake on him. I’ll take my charm over Mystery’s method any day.
Even though he's richer than you, known as a better seducer than you, and gets more and better looking women that you?

Can you say, HATER? :D:D:D