Why Mystery has so much success


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
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L777 said:
Even though he's richer than you, … and gets more and better looking women that you?
Can you show this to be true? Don’t you have a track record of hating me? There have been times when I was literally mobbed by women. I don’t think Mystery will ever be able to make that claim.

By seeing these videos of Mystery and comparing them with what Neil Strauss has written about Mystery, I’m sure he gets a high rate of flakes. In the book, The Game, when Mystery hooked up with his girlfriend Katya, it came after 3 days of sarging and a pocket full of phone numbers. She was the only one that returned his calls and moved in with him as much because she needed a place to stay as anything else. She quickly realized that he was a horrible boyfriend and dumped him, favoring one of his friends. This caused him to fall into a depressive, violent downward spiral that nearly cost him everything.

Except for the cult like reverence that guys like you feel for him, everything that I read about him, the more I know the less and less my opinion of him becomes. There is always all this talk of him being a great magician. As best as I can tell it is little more than a baseless boast.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
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Snow Plowman said:
One of my most ATTRACTED chicks was a chick who barely talked, she just sat there and watched me live my life. Logically I couldn't said she wasn't attracted, but this chick I can easily say LOVED me, and if I was to record our interactions you'd be bored out your ass because you'd see 10mins of her sitting there as I talk to other people. 1-2 mins of me giving her some attention and then going to do my own thing. She just loved being in my reality and being with me. The day that a friend of mine wanted to talk to her, and I basically backed off of her was the day I seen her look like she was about to cry and also when she was with my friend she looked as if she was asking me to help her.
This is, in my opinion, the best way to get chicks. Just be the type of guy that women fall for. A good portion of my social life revolves around bouncing around a network of a little over a dozen women, some who are just friends, some who are lovers but all who claim to love me.

In all this talk surrounding the Mystery Method is the talk of demonstrating value. I really don’t see the value that he is supposedly demonstrating. To me he is little more than a passing novelty with little to no substantial substance, which might explain his inability to form a lasting relationship.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
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manchester UK
potato said:
Can you show this to be true? Don’t you have a track record of hating me? There have been times when I was literally mobbed by women. I don’t think Mystery will ever be able to make that claim.

By seeing these videos of Mystery and comparing them with what Neil Strauss has written about Mystery, I’m sure he gets a high rate of flakes. In the book, The Game, when Mystery hooked up with his girlfriend Katya, it came after 3 days of sarging and a pocket full of phone numbers. She was the only one that returned his calls and moved in with him as much because she needed a place to stay as anything else. She quickly realized that he was a horrible boyfriend and dumped him, favoring one of his friends. This caused him to fall into a depressive, violent downward spiral that nearly cost him everything.

Except for the cult like reverence that guys like you feel for him, everything that I read about him, the more I know the less and less my opinion of him becomes. There is always all this talk of him being a great magician. As best as I can tell it is little more than a baseless boast.
Yea this is kinda like a guy whoe is quite good at basketball amongst his friends claiming to be better than Michael Jordan. Newsflash: HE'S BETTER THAN YOU.

Same with Johnny Soporno...that claim's even more ridiulous because if you just watch his seminars its so blatantly obvious he's genuine...hell, he even has 2 of his girlfriends with him and they're both smoking!!

Do you have people paying s.hitloads of money for your services? Answer is no. Give it up. Hater. And when you have a point to make....is there any chance you could spare us the anecdotes....seriously, we get it, women love you. Now get this: Mystery and others like him are BETTER than you. End of.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
potato said:
Except for the cult like reverence that guys like you feel for him, everything that I read about him, the more I know the less and less my opinion of him becomes. There is always all this talk of him being a great magician. As best as I can tell it is little more than a baseless boast.
While I don't care for all your unsubstantiated bragging and I don't think you give any useful advice on how to PU women, I agree with you here. If you want to see a real magician and a real PUA who doesn't even claim to be one, look at Criss Angel. This guy just does his acts and you can see the girls even teenagers going ga ga over him. Mystery and Style & co. are a bunch of posers.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
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krazyboy99 said:
does he need to put up a vid of him having sex before you believe he has game?
I'm not saying that he doesn't get women, I'm just saying that he is a poor choice for a role model. All of his fans are men. You don't see women chasing after him. The ones in his videos all seem to be rather average and drinking. If he was the real deal, the man who women wanted he wouldn't have to game them. As best as I can tell all he gets is drunken party girls, him and everyone else. And the way he acts like a spoiled brat when he doesn't get his way, a girl rejects him, or he doesn't get enough attention....

I just don't see how anyone can read the book The Game and not come to the conclusion that he is a loose cannon, a nutjob, an attention wh0re... And some of you worship him. What does that say about you?


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
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manchester UK
potato said:
If he was the real deal, the man who women wanted he wouldn't have to game them.
...and THAT'S where your understanding of this community is fatally flawed, that one sentence.

Look up the word seduce (as in SEDUCTION community) and the second and most relevant definition is as follows:

"to persuade or induce to have sexual intercourse."

All of these websites, bootcamps, books etc are targeted at men who don't have women 'flocking around them' (about 98% of men I would imagine) and helping them to get laid, by seducing or gaming them. This doesn't neccessarily have to be a sinister set of lies and tricks that you will probably make it out to be.

The thing that YOU don't like is the fact that certain people (Mystery in this case, who I'm not actually a fan of, but look at him objectively; he gets results) has taken this game to such a level to become MORE successful than the guys like yourself who have it naturally easy. And this really gets to you. Assuming you are like you say, you've had it relatively easy your whole life....then you heard of guys actually doing better than you, and got pissed off.

The mature thing to do, especially for someone in his 40's, would be to just not bother posting on this board, as you really can't relate to most of the guys on here....but for some reason you went on a crusade, badmouthing some of the most respected people in the business, and my personal favourite guru and quite clearly a genuine, nice guy who gets laid like a rockstar.

My advice; just leave, go and live your charmed life....if its that good, why waste your time belittling others? I swear I grew out of that at about the age of 15!!


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
DjDan said:
L777, in my opinion, someone like Mystery who falls in a depressive state when a girl dumps him does not have game.

End of the story.

P.S. Not to mention that he claimed/bragged his success rate is 12%. (That is he gets a date with 12% of the girls he approaches. Being a 6'5 tall guy with average looks would get him that kind of success without any scripted routines.)
You're not seeing the bigger picture. Mystery is just the example at the moment cos of the nature of this thread.....you can replace his name with any of the other gurus, or any of the guys that are at mASF that are getting great results.

Potato says that these guys aren't the real deal because they have to TRY to get women...ie. cold approach and then seduce.


And he doesn't like the fact ppl like this are getting better than he NATURALLY is. I've seen it with myself. Guys that were getting action back in highschool when I was jacking off and now getting outgamed by me, and not sleeping with as many quality chicks as me....the tables have turned. My game has evolved and has become better than these "naturals", just in the same way that Mystery and other good PUAs' game has evolved and become better than potato's.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
L777 said:
...The mature thing to do, especially for someone in his 40's, would be to just not bother posting on this board, as you really can't relate to most of the guys on here....
Ehem... :trouble:


Don Juan
May 28, 2007
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I'd have to agree with some of the posters that said it's fake...it's almost TOO smooth. With enough experience I do believe someone can become good with women. Mystery is beyond good. He is super slick and quick witted regardless what she does or says. Needless to say even guys I've known who were good with girls weren't THAT good. The whole thing seems staged to be honest and since he has his own show, I wouldn't be surprised it's all rigged and just a way to make a buck.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
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manchester UK
Francisco d'Anconia said:
Ehem... :trouble:
Lol...because of the fact that he doesn't use GAME, not the fact he's in hos 40s!!

I'd sooner listen to your advice than most of the younger guys' here anyway mate!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
L777 said:
Same with Johnny Soporno...that claim's even more ridiulous because if you just watch his seminars its so blatantly obvious he's genuine...hell, he even has 2 of his girlfriends with him and they're both smoking!!

Do you have people paying s.hitloads of money for your services? Answer is no. Give it up. Hater. And when you have a point to make....is there any chance you could spare us the anecdotes....seriously, we get it, women love you. Now get this: Mystery and others like him are BETTER than you. End of.
And who is hating here? You.

Actually I do have people paying me s.hitloads of money for my skills, talents, and genius. It’s just that I have value to the world at large unlike Johnny Soporno and Mystery who’s only value is to losers desperate to find a way to become a man.

As a side I deconstruct religion, especially Christianity, in written works, in lectures, in debates. Your reaction reminds me of those believers when I explain to them that Jesus couldn’t have possibly existed. Do you defend your position with well crafted, thought out, factual arguments? No, you attack me directly, in emotional outbursts. Typically when someone resorts to insults it signals that they’ve run out of intelligent things to say.

Yes, Johnny Soporno gives lectures and Mystery has boot camps. It doesn’t mean that what they are saying is the right or best way, it doesn’t even mean it’s true. You’ve been indoctrinated into a cult and Mystery is your Jesus.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
L777 said:
...I'd sooner listen to your advice than most of the younger guys' here anyway mate!
Carry on! :up:


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
potato said:
And who is hating here? You.

Actually I do have people paying me s.hitloads of money for my skills, talents, and genius. It’s just that I have value to the world at large unlike Johnny Soporno and Mystery who’s only value is to losers desperate to find a way to become a man.

As a side I deconstruct religion, especially Christianity, in written works, in lectures, in debates. Your reaction reminds me of those believers when I explain to them that Jesus couldn’t have possibly existed. Do you defend your position with well crafted, thought out, factual arguments? No, you attack me directly, in emotional outbursts. Typically when someone resorts to insults it signals that they’ve run out of intelligent things to say.

Yes, Johnny Soporno gives lectures and Mystery has boot camps. It doesn’t mean that what they are saying is the right or best way, it doesn’t even mean it’s true. You’ve been indoctrinated into a cult and Mystery is your Jesus.
Factual? How I can I possibly actually prove that these guys have success, any more than you can prove that you do? Obviously I can't but its quite clearly true. I know it and you know it. these websites aren't just going to be 100% BS are they now. Be fair.

And please don't bother to try to make me look like some little kid who's throwing his bricks out of his pram....I take a class in debating at one of the most prestigious universities in my country so I know all about what you're talking about. My arguements were thought out, crafted and as factual as possible in this situation in a later post. Its pretty sad that you use the fact that you're older than me to imply that you're more intelligent....I highly, highly doubt you are....you don't even get the basic concept behind the whole community, as you demonstrated in an earlier post.

And LOL about Jesus not existing!! Wtf? Its well documented...the question is whether he really was who he said he was....there's no debate at all as to whether Jesus existed. None. And you call yourself a genius? Lol

Oh and PS: I don't like Mystery....duh!!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
L777 said:
You're not seeing the bigger picture. Mystery is just the example at the moment cos of the nature of this thread.....you can replace his name with any of the other gurus, or any of the guys that are at mASF that are getting great results.

Potato says that these guys aren't the real deal because they have to TRY to get women...ie. cold approach and then seduce.


And he doesn't like the fact ppl like this are getting better than he NATURALLY is. I've seen it with myself. Guys that were getting action back in highschool when I was jacking off and now getting outgamed by me, and not sleeping with as many quality chicks as me....the tables have turned. My game has evolved and has become better than these "naturals", just in the same way that Mystery and other good PUAs' game has evolved and become better than potato's.
If you look around you will see that as much as half the posters here don’t see the PUA way as the best way to get women.

Look at someone like DjDan, he didn’t spend all his time learning game, he transformed himself into a man that women find attractive.

It doesn’t take a lot of thought to see that the promise of PUA methods can’t possibly be true – that any man can learn a few rules, apply them and get any women he desires. Teach a hundred men game and turn them loose on the same woman and you’ll see the ridiculousness of it all.

Over the past few months I have been showing women PUA literature and videos, asking their opinions. Without exceptions they find it all appalling. When I show them pictures of Mystery, Ross Jefferies, Johnny Soporno, and all the others they are not at all impressed. Creepy is word they tend to use.

I have a woman in my life who loves me, who worships me and is more than willing to tell the world how wonderful I am. I believe that almost every guy in the world could have such a woman in their life but they will never find her following the teachings of PUA gurus. Teaching one routines will do nothing toward the goal of forming relationships. Towards the end of The Game Neil Strauss wrote something to the effect of that it was shared values and experiences that created relationships not six hours of routines and two hours of sex.

I think that ultimately most people, men and women, would prefer a long lasting relationship with someone with whom they feel a great deal of love – and I think society would be better off for it. PUA ideas are the antithesis of this.

In the end I think that the PUA teaching business, on the whole does not only a disservice to the men who get sucked up into it, but to society as a whole.

So how do you get women? You become the man she wants. Part of it is improving yourself, part of it is being more social, and part of it is discovering women who are most compatible with you. I’ve been very successful at finding women who I am highly compatible with not by trying to seduce a thousand different women but by doing what I want and befriending the women who seemed to be doing the same thing. I have a step brother who is a little slow and not at all that attractive. Still he has managed to have long lasting, loving relationships with women and he doesn’t at all use PUA techniques or antics.

One thing that I’ve known for a long time is that women do fall for men that they see around pretty much the same way as men fall for women. Just as a woman who keeps her weight under control, dresses nicely, does her hair and make up well, has good posture, has interesting things to say, and is confident and happy will have more guys attracted to her, a guy who gets and stays in shape, dresses nicely, grooms himself well has good posture, has interesting things to say, and is confident and happy will have more women attracted to him. No PUA antics required.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
potato said:
If you look around you will see that as much as half the posters here don’t see the PUA way as the best way to get women.

Look at someone like DjDan, he didn’t spend all his time learning game, he transformed himself into a man that women find attractive.

It doesn’t take a lot of thought to see that the promise of PUA methods can’t possibly be true – that any man can learn a few rules, apply them and get any women he desires. Teach a hundred men game and turn them loose on the same woman and you’ll see the ridiculousness of it all.

Over the past few months I have been showing women PUA literature and videos, asking their opinions. Without exceptions they find it all appalling. When I show them pictures of Mystery, Ross Jefferies, Johnny Soporno, and all the others they are not at all impressed. Creepy is word they tend to use.

I have a woman in my life who loves me, who worships me and is more than willing to tell the world how wonderful I am. I believe that almost every guy in the world could have such a woman in their life but they will never find her following the teachings of PUA gurus. Teaching one routines will do nothing toward the goal of forming relationships. Towards the end of The Game Neil Strauss wrote something to the effect of that it was shared values and experiences that created relationships not six hours of routines and two hours of sex.

I think that ultimately most people, men and women, would prefer a long lasting relationship with someone with whom they feel a great deal of love – and I think society would be better off for it. PUA ideas are the antithesis of this.

In the end I think that the PUA teaching business, on the whole does not only a disservice to the men who get sucked up into it, but to society as a whole.

So how do you get women? You become the man she wants. Part of it is improving yourself, part of it is being more social, and part of it is discovering women who are most compatible with you. I’ve been very successful at finding women who I am highly compatible with not by trying to seduce a thousand different women but by doing what I want and befriending the women who seemed to be doing the same thing. I have a step brother who is a little slow and not at all that attractive. Still he has managed to have long lasting, loving relationships with women and he doesn’t at all use PUA techniques or antics.

One thing that I’ve known for a long time is that women do fall for men that they see around pretty much the same way as men fall for women. Just as a woman who keeps her weight under control, dresses nicely, does her hair and make up well, has good posture, has interesting things to say, and is confident and happy will have more guys attracted to her, a guy who gets and stays in shape, dresses nicely, grooms himself well has good posture, has interesting things to say, and is confident and happy will have more women attracted to him. No PUA antics required.
Lets just agree to disagree. Please just don't be so adamant that your opinions are fact in the future. Not cool.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
GoSens said:
"PUA"'s, haven't even been around for that long, so it's no wonder you wouldn't find one with that many lays.

Where exactly did you read that? Other than what you see in "The Game", I've heard nothing but good things about TD. He's probably the most knowledgeable guy in the community on the subject.
TD is a well known fraud.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
ready123 said:
negs, peacocking, IOI's, LMR, 3 sec rule, and a ton of other concepts that are thrown around on every seduction website were all created by Mystery

you can also credit him for any herb you see doing magic tricks in a dance club, guys relying too much on canned material, and the expensive workshops that have popped up all over the world

the only thing I'd hate on him for trying to standardize peacocking, but other than that, the guy is one of the best PUA's in the world
Nope, Ross Jeffries created things like Negs, 3 second rule, IOI's, LMR and most of that stuff.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Charlie Sheen gets hot women, but he also uses a lot of high-class hooker's as well as dating porn chicks.

He used to be engaged to Ginger Lynn, who was a porn star back about 20 years ago.

Did anyone read about his failed marriage to Denise Richard's and how AFC he went?

It's pretty pathetic.

Another guy who uses his status to get women, but can't keep 'em.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
potato said:
If you look around you will see that as much as half the posters here don’t see the PUA way as the best way to get women.

Look at someone like DjDan, he didn’t spend all his time learning game, he transformed himself into a man that women find attractive.

It doesn’t take a lot of thought to see that the promise of PUA methods can’t possibly be true – that any man can learn a few rules, apply them and get any women he desires. Teach a hundred men game and turn them loose on the same woman and you’ll see the ridiculousness of it all.

Over the past few months I have been showing women PUA literature and videos, asking their opinions. Without exceptions they find it all appalling. When I show them pictures of Mystery, Ross Jefferies, Johnny Soporno, and all the others they are not at all impressed. Creepy is word they tend to use.

I have a woman in my life who loves me, who worships me and is more than willing to tell the world how wonderful I am. I believe that almost every guy in the world could have such a woman in their life but they will never find her following the teachings of PUA gurus. Teaching one routines will do nothing toward the goal of forming relationships. Towards the end of The Game Neil Strauss wrote something to the effect of that it was shared values and experiences that created relationships not six hours of routines and two hours of sex.

I think that ultimately most people, men and women, would prefer a long lasting relationship with someone with whom they feel a great deal of love – and I think society would be better off for it. PUA ideas are the antithesis of this.

In the end I think that the PUA teaching business, on the whole does not only a disservice to the men who get sucked up into it, but to society as a whole.

So how do you get women? You become the man she wants. Part of it is improving yourself, part of it is being more social, and part of it is discovering women who are most compatible with you. I’ve been very successful at finding women who I am highly compatible with not by trying to seduce a thousand different women but by doing what I want and befriending the women who seemed to be doing the same thing. I have a step brother who is a little slow and not at all that attractive. Still he has managed to have long lasting, loving relationships with women and he doesn’t at all use PUA techniques or antics.

One thing that I’ve known for a long time is that women do fall for men that they see around pretty much the same way as men fall for women. Just as a woman who keeps her weight under control, dresses nicely, does her hair and make up well, has good posture, has interesting things to say, and is confident and happy will have more guys attracted to her, a guy who gets and stays in shape, dresses nicely, grooms himself well has good posture, has interesting things to say, and is confident and happy will have more women attracted to him. No PUA antics required.
While I don't think your post is 100% accurate, I agree with what you're getting at.

MM and all these other guy's are mostly hype and hope.

I've gone into detail in the past about the Mystery Method and why I think it is very flawed, so I'm not going to go into it again.

I do agree with improving yourself and becoming the type of Man that seduces women as opposed to a guy who learns how to seduce women.

There is a big difference between the two.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
There are lots of good points on this thread. It's funny thay many of us have came to similar, independant conclusions.

Now this is just wild speculation on my part, but here is my best guess as to the "community" gurus based on limited observation:

TD: I think he may have had some success, but I don't think he is or ever has been totally comfortable with his ability to pick up women. Mystery has vouched for him as have a few other people, but there is something about him that I just don't trust. He strikes me as someone who isn't very comfortable with himself. The south america trip could well be just for travel purposes, but a guy with even a modest level of $$$$ down there is king with ladies. It sounds like he may have headed south because things weren't going so well in the states. My vote is probably really tries to be a PUA, and probably has had some highlights, but tends to exagerate his level of success.

Mystery: I don't think Mystery is a fraud per say. I do think he started off to become a PUA. Read his archives, this fvcker is whitty. I think he is more than capable of pulling on a regular basis. If you look at many of the women he has been seen with, however, they are often very average looking or have serious issues. Mystery tends to exagerate the quality of the women he picks up. One girl he claimed to be in love with is a common criminal and has been arrested for burglary. lol. Does this sound like a guy with unlimited options, going for criminals? I could see banging her, but falling in love with white trash? Come on! Basically, all of his "products" will probably just repeat the same mantra over and over, I can't understand why people throw there money at him . I would hang out with him for a weekend if he promised not to do anything too embaressing, but pay for videos? Get real! I'm betting Mystery was a good PUA as far as that goes, but is mosty in the business of seperating men from their $$$$$ at this point.

Ross Jefferies: Old, weird, and believes in black magic. The only redeeming quality is he seems to be a good public speaker which is probably why it was so easy for him to form a cult. I won't say he couldn't pull 20 years ago, but I would bet it was pretty limited. Nowday, he is probably limited to hookers in Thailand or nursing home chicks.

Neil Strauss: Actually this guy seems OK. He doesn't strike me as quite as weird as the others. He seems to have a good sense of 'coolness', especially in a dorkable sort of way. Sure, he isn't the most attractive man, and the height factor isn't helping him, but I have faith that this guy is someone who would do well socially in most situations.

Charlie Sheen: I'm sure he'd laugh his ass off if he read these forums.

There are men who naturally attract women like flies to **** in every city. Some of the internet gurus have raised good points, but this whole "community" is kind of silly. There are now guys in every city thinking that because they read some book, it is going to compensate for dressing badly, having poor social skills, and emotional/mental disorders. Running around talking about how everyone is a 'chode' might make someone feel better about himself, but it doesn't do much self-improvement.