Why Mystery has so much success


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
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Los Angeles
Derek Flint said:
Nope, Ross Jeffries created things like Negs, 3 second rule, IOI's, LMR and most of that stuff.
now where the fvck did you get that idea?

Ross Jeffries is teaches speed seduction and NLP patterns. Why the hell would speed seduction need to neg? Mystery's game is value based, that's why he needs negs, to lower a girl's relative value. Go dig through ASF and you'll be able to find the posts where he came up with negs and all the other stuff.

Half of you guys are way off and some of you are going off on tangents. Charlie Sheen has 4000 lays - so what he's a natural and he's also a celebirty so he doesn't have to DHV. Most guys are the opposite - normal guys who need to internalize some kind of social structure. Some of your guys' reasoning is that Mystery's game is different than yours, so it must not work. You should know by now what gets results for one person might not work for another because of identity-dependent congruence. Just because you're congruent with a certain structure of interacting doesn't means someone can model you and get the same results, and vice versa. I don't use Mystery Method either - the guy who's game I'm most congruent with is Vin Dicarlo, but that's no need for hating.

And TD never had approach anxiety. He had fear of public speaking but obviously he had to get over it if he wanted to teach workshops. His only real vice was he acted like a sociopath at times, as did some of the other RSD guys, which is why you find a lot of shvt talk about him


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
ready123 said:
now where the fvck did you get that idea?

Ross Jeffries is teaches speed seduction and NLP patterns. Why the hell would speed seduction need to neg? Mystery's game is value based, that's why he needs negs, to lower a girl's relative value. Go dig through ASF and you'll be able to find the posts where he came up with negs and all the other stuff.

Half of you guys are way off and some of you are going off on tangents. Charlie Sheen has 4000 lays - so what he's a natural and he's also a celebirty so he doesn't have to DHV. Most guys are the opposite - normal guys who need to internalize some kind of social structure. Some of your guys' reasoning is that Mystery's game is different than yours, so it must not work. You should know by now what gets results for one person might not work for another because of identity-dependent congruence. Just because you're congruent with a certain structure of interacting doesn't means someone can model you and get the same results, and vice versa. I don't use Mystery Method either - the guy who's game I'm most congruent with is Vin Dicarlo, but that's no need for hating.

And TD never had approach anxiety. He had fear of public speaking but obviously he had to get over it if he wanted to teach workshops. His only real vice was he acted like a sociopath at times, as did some of the other RSD guys, which is why you find a lot of shvt talk about him
You have a point, but what I'm saying is the PU gurus don't have that much success, you can tell that from watching their videos. It's hype. Plus they are somewhat of charlatans and in it for the money. Do they have more success with their own methods than if they did things a different way? Maybe. Is there other and better ways of gaming than Mystery and style suggest? I think definitely. For example take a guy like Criss Angel, he iss a self-made man and a magician. He doesn't use Mystery's tactics, he uses his own normal personality. And he gets women going ga ga over him much more than Mystery does, he doesn't even claim to be aPUA.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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krazyboy99 said:
what would you say is the best way to go about learning to be attractive?

and TD is definitely not a fraud. RSD is the real deal
The day I started stopping being unattractive is the day a woman came into my life who showed true affection towards me only for me to fall for it get sucked in and shook off from her by her. This woman was one of the most bizarre creatures I'd ever met. I can't explain. Some say, "Oh, it's your oneitis," but I say she has something different some sort of great light source that changed me as a person.

Also, at the time of her time with me I had already left my hometown, my afc desk job, and was in a blue collar man's man job, which I am still currently in. For years (my mom's a feminist who's won landmark lawsuits in the name of equal pay, women's rights etc), I was raised not only on the media's bs feminization - what you AUGHT to do with your life i.e. be a good little boy and go to college (I did and graduated), get a pansy deskjob and move up as white collar), I was pampered by a man-hating mom to boot!

It took driving 1000 miles away with what little I had to break away from everything and start over on MY terms, meet a woman that I never would have met if I'd stayed where I was born, and become the man that I am today. It takes courage, confidence, action, and risk outside of the institution, outside of the matrix, to become a real man. When you lay it all on the line time and again, you become a real man. Money, job, and status helps too and people respect you for it when you fight for the job and career you want and get it! outside of your own home town even, no handouts, no gimmies, just you doing what you want to do out in the wild doing it.

Sacrifice for your own needs and others' is what makes one a real man. Be a risk-taker, go through the school of hard knox and you'll exude more wisdom and more honesty than most of these daddy's college girls that you see out night in and night out.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
ready123 said:
now where the fvck did you get that idea?

Ross Jeffries is teaches speed seduction and NLP patterns. Why the hell would speed seduction need to neg? Mystery's game is value based, that's why he needs negs, to lower a girl's relative value. Go dig through ASF and you'll be able to find the posts where he came up with negs and all the other stuff.

Half of you guys are way off and some of you are going off on tangents. Charlie Sheen has 4000 lays - so what he's a natural and he's also a celebirty so he doesn't have to DHV. Most guys are the opposite - normal guys who need to internalize some kind of social structure. Some of your guys' reasoning is that Mystery's game is different than yours, so it must not work. You should know by now what gets results for one person might not work for another because of identity-dependent congruence. Just because you're congruent with a certain structure of interacting doesn't means someone can model you and get the same results, and vice versa. I don't use Mystery Method either - the guy who's game I'm most congruent with is Vin Dicarlo, but that's no need for hating.

And TD never had approach anxiety. He had fear of public speaking but obviously he had to get over it if he wanted to teach workshops. His only real vice was he acted like a sociopath at times, as did some of the other RSD guys, which is why you find a lot of shvt talk about him

I got that idea from the RJ seminar I attended in 1995 when I was first introduced to the "community"

Yes, that's not a typo - 1995 is correct.

Mystery didn't come up with "Negs"

He may have come up with the term "Neg" but he didn't come up with using them to lower a womans value.

Charlie Sheen f**** Hookers, Porn Stars, Strippers, etc...and if you read what led to his divorce with Denise Richards, you would realize he is an AFC

He really has no game, just money and status and uses prostitutes and pays for sex.

I don't hate Mystery, but I don't care for his method as it is flawed and will actually prevent people from developing into a natural.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
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The reason why he has strong inner game is because not only has he external validation from his followers and women, but he has also discovered his purpose which is the main component of a strong inner game.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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I read TDs article referencing possible SA. I saw nothing in there that was an admittion of being a fraud. My interpretation is that he admitted to having some deep routed insecurity that he had been masking by putting on his PUA personality. When he went out without his PUA guad up, he felt like a chode. He went on to say he was surprised how quickly he could revert back to feeling uncomfortable like that. He also admitted to stage fright, something even professional public speakers experience.

None of that makes me think he is a fraud, I just have an intuition that this guy might have long oversold himself. He doesn't fit the bill for a ladies man, IMO, but I won't pass judgement since I've never met him.

Johnny Soporno

Senior Don Juan
Nov 27, 2006
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Toronto, LA, NYC, Miami, Amsterdam
potato said:
And who is hating here? You.

Actually I do have people paying me s.hitloads of money for my skills, talents, and genius. It’s just that I have value to the world at large unlike Johnny Soporno and Mystery who’s only value is to losers desperate to find a way to become a man.
Potato, your presumptive condemnations of me demonstrate that you haven't actually watched my videos, or read any of my books.

I strongly encourage you to visit www.SeductiveReasoning.com and download & review the six sections of my Introduction to Seductive Reasoning seminar; I am sure you'll find yourself both delighted and impressed by what you'll see.

If you're interested, write to me afterwards and I'll give you the list of ISBNs of my publications. Like yourself, I am an active (and published) Freethinking anti-theist (as you'll discover early in my seminar) and in my book 'Seductive Reasoning: How Evolutionary Psychology Created God' scheduled for publication in the third-quarter of this year, I address such issues as the political motivations behind The Holy Roman Empire's deification of Jesus and the First Council of Nicaea, etc.

Johnny Soporno
Lifestyle Guru - Evolutionary Psychologist

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
I get a little sick listening to or watching any "guru" pua or natural selling material out there to date. I haven't found one that seems to have his life outside of picking up girls together or falls in-line with my beliefs about life and how we should conduct ourselves out in public. So when I watch these "gurus" I grin n' bare it soley for the information being demonstrated. My state of mind is taken down a few notches when I listen to these dudes because I know I'm smarter, more ethical. Nonetheless, the information contained within the mystery method is good to understand, but not necessarily use. Develop your Own style. I can not follow just One man's system. I follow Jesus first and foremost. I'll just take the bits and pieces of certain styles and adapt it to my own way of approaching the public places. I'm not a big talker in public, I rely A LOT on my looks, my genuineness, and my kindness or generosity, but at the same time with a streak of badassness. I pretty sure that mystery and the like could slay a lot more hoodrats than I, but my style is that of the patient stalwart persistent boa constrictor. I eat my victims slower in the field.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
Poonani Maker said:
I get a little sick listening to or watching any "guru" pua or natural selling material out there to date. I haven't found one that seems to have his life outside of picking up girls together or falls in-line with my beliefs about life and how we should conduct ourselves out in public.

Their lives IS all about pick up. They do what they enjoy and make a ton of money with it. Isn't that what we should all strive to do? Just because they don't do what mommy and daddy told them like "Become an accountant or engineer and make a lot of money" or "Marry a woman to get your sh!t together" etc. means that they haven't got their lives together? They are living 100x more exciting lives than any of us could ever dream of...
So when I watch these "gurus" I grin n' bare it soley for the information being demonstrated. My state of mind is taken down a few notches when I listen to these dudes because I know I'm smarter, more ethical.

That's why AFC exists. Smart + ethical=no pu$$y. By smart I mean overanalizing every little detail instead of just doing it.Nonetheless, the information contained within the mystery method is good to understand, but not necessarily use. Develop your Own style. I can not follow just One man's system. I follow Jesus first and foremost. I'll just take the bits and pieces of certain styles and adapt it to my own way of approaching the public places.

Why do you want to develop your own system if there are proven systems out there that work? Why go through 1000s of rejections in hope of creating your own method?

I'm not a big talker in public, I rely A LOT on my looks, my genuineness, and my kindness or generosity, but at the same time with a streak of badassness.

looks alone can only get you the average/cute chicks. Hot chicks are surrounded by good looking people all day long. You are nothing special to them. And we all know nice guys finish last. I have never seen a guy that is good with women that isn't able to talk a lot. James Bond for example couldn't get laid even if his life depended on it in the real world. He's a fictional character I pretty sure that mystery and the like could slay a lot more hoodrats than I, but my style is that of the patient stalwart persistent boa constrictor. I eat my victims slower in the field.

I'm not trying to shampoo the guys crotch here, but the guy has dated models and celebrities. Not exactly "hoodrats" IMO.
Jul 31, 2007
Reaction score
ChrizZ said:
TD is a well known fraud.
Do you have anything to back this up? Is that even your own opinion or just something you heard from someone with an agenda?

Read his blog:


There is more value on that free blog than any product from any other guru on the market. I challenge anyone to read that and tell me he doesn't come across as an extremely authentic person.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
LeComteDeMonteCristo said:
Do you have anything to back this up? Is that even your own opinion or just something you heard from someone with an agenda?

Read his blog:


There is more value on that free blog than any product from any other guru on the market. I challenge anyone to read that and tell me he doesn't come across as an extremely authentic person.
Psssttt... It's a lite version of MM. :whistle:
Jul 31, 2007
Reaction score
Francisco d'Anconia said:
Psssttt... It's a lite version of MM. :whistle:
What? Are you even reading the same thing I am?

It has nothing to do with "Mystery Method."

They are all about deep identity level change. Being what they call a "sexworthy guy". Someone who identifies himself as an attractive man and has 100 percent belief in himself. This is purely natural game.

I'm telling you people their stuff is better than anything you will ever read in the DJ Bible. Before you dismiss it check out their free blog, check out their free 2 hour audio seminar, check out their forum.

I guarantee you this will improve your game.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
This thread is still kicking...

Also anyone who isn't looking into TDs blog is really missing out on some serious value. As far as lifestyle goes, RSD is the only company I know that actually shows that there living the lifestyle. It's not like other companies where all you know is that they can pickup hot chicks and it can bring the illusion that all these guys do is pickup.

Nonetheless a lot of these guys are living there life in the way that they want to live it. Heck if it wasn't for RSD I would've never made my social circle in the way it is today and I surely wouldn't be doing certain things I'm doing in my life right now.

It's crazy how many people hate and can't just use the other people's success as an inspiration to improve your own life. It's so easy to be negative which is why many people are negative. It takes a lot to be a positive person.

TOO MANY people come into this with a scarcity mentality and no purpose in life what so ever. They come to sites like this to fill the empty bucket with the hole inside. They want a gf to feel there neediness because they want the validation of having a girl. (How sad)

I've yet to see so many highly motivated and positive people in this community than anywhere else. How many of you guys complaining actually are living the life in the way that they want too. How many people are doing what they love or moving towards it? How many people is just settling for mediocrity.

I can't speak for all guru's because I've never spoken to all but from what I've seen and what gives me inspiration...(Most of the guys mentioned are RSD instructors and this is because I've only spoken with RSD instructors)

Johnny Soporno (Not part of RSD) - The name is a dead give away about what his lifestyle is about. I never really listened to his stuff but the guy is living the life the pics speaks for themselves...and he isn't no male model in the looks department :D

Adam Lyons (Not part of RSD) - How many people do you know goes to the club 50 girls 5 guys? If your not a student you must bring 10 girls with you in order to roll with him. I can just imagine how many club owners love him for this.

TD - I thought I was passionate about my interests, this guy has a relentless drive and passion when it comes to anything that he does.

Nathan - Dude has some insane life experiences makes the average guy's life look like he does the same routine sh!t. This is the guy who actually motivated me to jump into the deep end and live the life I want to live

Jeffy - Also living the life and doing the things he loves. I remember back when I first met him it was like one minute he was in NYC, then FL at Jamie foxx party, then in south africa doing the bootleg MTV cribs on there hotel. If you've ever read his archives you know how far he's come

Tim - Well known Aussie DJ...if you've never heard his transformation story then I feel bad for you. It's just motivates you to want to go out and make your own movie

Ozzie - How does an almost 40 year old man have so much energy? If you've never seen his party pics or his little videos lol. If your not a closer than you are considered chode.

Alexander - The young dude in the crew, if you haven't seen his world tour video...your missing out again. The guy is living the life and like all the other guys I've mentioned they have a serious drive. If you read his operation charlie kilo you'd know what I'm talking about.

Hoobie - Can you say he's a porn director...I guess all guru's do pickup 24/7 lol. If you've seen his before and after pics you're jaw would drop.

Mehow (not part of RSD) - Just look at this guy, he's come a long fuking way. I'm actually impressed. This guy offers alot of value also.

Yep it may sound like I'm dik riding but I am truly inspired by these people because of the huge transformation that they've done. Even guys who I never learned from but could see where the were coming from and where they've arrived its inspirational. (Same goes for mystery, style and anyone else who've come a long way)

The transformation in all these people should be your drive and motivation to improve your own life and live your own successful lifestyle (Whatever that maybe)

RSDnation to me has the most positivity that I've ever seen in a forum. It's almost as if it is the outcast group. (due to "The Game" and a lot of hate towards these guys lol, people are messing out on alot of value)

Many of those guys took it upon themselves to meet up and sarge. You got the NYC crew, the dutch crew, the sydney crew, the london crew, florida crew, etc. It's not like it was a lair or anything it was just the positivity was so intense that people just had to start meeting up. I personally had a ****load of guys in NYC willing to meet up and if I had any problems guys were willing to meet up and push me through it.

I can guarantee you that RSD isn't the only crew who is living the life there are sh!tloads of other so called "gurus" who are living there life in the way that they want to.

Most people don't realize this is something that is added to your lifestyle, it's not your actual purpose in life, it just enhances your life. I know for me personally people enjoy my company more and a lot of people are inspired by the fact that I'm actually moving towards something.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
LeComteDeMonteCristo said:
What? Are you even reading the same thing I am?

It has nothing to do with "Mystery Method."

They are all about deep identity level change. Being what they call a "sexworthy guy". Someone who identifies himself as an attractive man and has 100 percent belief in himself. This is purely natural game.
And what of all of that isn't in MM or VA? You do know that TD was a student of Mystery and that's why the core of RSD is so similar to MM?
Jul 31, 2007
Reaction score
Francisco d'Anconia said:
And what of all of that isn't in MM or VA? You do know that TD was a student of Mystery and that's why the core of RSD is so similar to MM?
I'm aware of the history of the seduction community. I've been kicking around these boards since about 2001. But that has nothing to do with it.

MM isn't even MM anymore. Read Cajun's (MM instructor recently on show Keys to VIP) blog, his game is almost entirely natural. MM was just a teaching tool but things have moved on since then.

Hell I'm not going to waste my time typing any more on this when there are free audio seminars, blogs and forums out there for people who want to know more. I'm telling you TD and his company are a value emitting machine, if you dismiss them based on crap you've read in The Game or because you think it is just another MM you are denying yourself quality information that has the potential to explode your inner game.

Edit: And I mean no disrespect to Mystery. He is a pioneer in the community so you can find his influence in just about any of the companies if you look for it. But seriously, forget "methods" now. You don't need a method if you have solid inner game and that is what TD can help you achieve. I'm not exaggerating, man, I've seen this guy speak and he has the knowledge and drive to be huge in the self-development industry and I'm talking Tony Robbins huge.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
LeComteDeMonteCristo said:
I'm aware of the history of the seduction community. I've been kicking around these boards since about 2001. But that has nothing to do with it.

MM isn't even MM anymore. Read Cajun's (MM instructor recently on show Keys to VIP) blog, his game is almost entirely natural. MM was just a teaching tool but things have moved on since then.

Hell I'm not going to waste my time typing any more on this when there are free audio seminars, blogs and forums out there for people who want to know more. I'm telling you TD and his company are a value emitting machine, if you dismiss them based on crap you've read in The Game or because you think it is just another MM you are denying yourself quality information that has the potential to explode your inner game.

Edit: And I mean no disrespect to Mystery. He is a pioneer in the community so you can find his influence in just about any of the companies if you look for it. But seriously, forget "methods" now. You don't need a method if you have solid inner game and that is what TD can help you achieve. I'm not exaggerating, man, I've seen this guy speak and he has the knowledge and drive to be huge in the self-development industry and I'm talking Tony Robbins huge.
All you're saying is that you think Tyler is a better mass marketer. I'll give him that because Mystery is much better at theories and concepts than marketing and general business practice (look at who's making money off his original company). It's the same thing as most major corporations where the creative intellect seldom runs the business aspect of their product.

Tyler markets well to the "regular guy" who needs a quick fix and immediate successes to build upon. MM and VA was written for guys who would read pages upon pages on causality, motivating factors, inter dependencies, etc. Not many guys want that much information (you can see it in the forum), they just want to be told what to do because they got lucky and have a date in six hours with a HB. Tyler caters to this crowd extremely well. It in no way says that he's a better "guru," it just says that he's a better businessman.


Don Juan
Jan 19, 2008
Reaction score
I feel this wasnt mysterys best performance, but he was dealing with a really tough girl to crack, the kind who thinks she has seen every kind of guy under the sun and therefore made every attempt to lower his value and make him buckle. I feel he did an amazing job given this, the ONLY thing I thought was lame was when he said "I hate you" and smacked her with his hat, it came off kind of gay boyfriendish. But he is the master after all