This thread is still kicking...
Also anyone who isn't looking into TDs blog is really missing out on some serious value. As far as lifestyle goes, RSD is the only company I know that actually shows that there living the lifestyle. It's not like other companies where all you know is that they can pickup hot chicks and it can bring the illusion that all these guys do is pickup.
Nonetheless a lot of these guys are living there life in the way that they want to live it. Heck if it wasn't for RSD I would've never made my social circle in the way it is today and I surely wouldn't be doing certain things I'm doing in my life right now.
It's crazy how many people hate and can't just use the other people's success as an inspiration to improve your own life. It's so easy to be negative which is why many people are negative. It takes a lot to be a positive person.
TOO MANY people come into this with a scarcity mentality and no purpose in life what so ever. They come to sites like this to fill the empty bucket with the hole inside. They want a gf to feel there neediness because they want the validation of having a girl. (How sad)
I've yet to see so many highly motivated and positive people in this community than anywhere else. How many of you guys complaining actually are living the life in the way that they want too. How many people are doing what they love or moving towards it? How many people is just settling for mediocrity.
I can't speak for all guru's because I've never spoken to all but from what I've seen and what gives me inspiration...(Most of the guys mentioned are RSD instructors and this is because I've only spoken with RSD instructors)
Johnny Soporno (Not part of RSD) - The name is a dead give away about what his lifestyle is about. I never really listened to his stuff but the guy is living the life the pics speaks for themselves...and he isn't no male model in the looks department
Adam Lyons (Not part of RSD) - How many people do you know goes to the club 50 girls 5 guys? If your not a student you must bring 10 girls with you in order to roll with him. I can just imagine how many club owners love him for this.
TD - I thought I was passionate about my interests, this guy has a relentless drive and passion when it comes to anything that he does.
Nathan - Dude has some insane life experiences makes the average guy's life look like he does the same routine sh!t. This is the guy who actually motivated me to jump into the deep end and live the life I want to live
Jeffy - Also living the life and doing the things he loves. I remember back when I first met him it was like one minute he was in NYC, then FL at Jamie foxx party, then in south africa doing the bootleg MTV cribs on there hotel. If you've ever read his archives you know how far he's come
Tim - Well known Aussie DJ...if you've never heard his transformation story then I feel bad for you. It's just motivates you to want to go out and make your own movie
Ozzie - How does an almost 40 year old man have so much energy? If you've never seen his party pics or his little videos lol. If your not a closer than you are considered chode.
Alexander - The young dude in the crew, if you haven't seen his world tour video...your missing out again. The guy is living the life and like all the other guys I've mentioned they have a serious drive. If you read his operation charlie kilo you'd know what I'm talking about.
Hoobie - Can you say he's a porn director...I guess all guru's do pickup 24/7 lol. If you've seen his before and after pics you're jaw would drop.
Mehow (not part of RSD) - Just look at this guy, he's come a long fuking way. I'm actually impressed. This guy offers alot of value also.
Yep it may sound like I'm dik riding but I am truly inspired by these people because of the huge transformation that they've done. Even guys who I never learned from but could see where the were coming from and where they've arrived its inspirational. (Same goes for mystery, style and anyone else who've come a long way)
The transformation in all these people should be your drive and motivation to improve your own life and live your own successful lifestyle (Whatever that maybe)
RSDnation to me has the most positivity that I've ever seen in a forum. It's almost as if it is the outcast group. (due to "The Game" and a lot of hate towards these guys lol, people are messing out on alot of value)
Many of those guys took it upon themselves to meet up and sarge. You got the NYC crew, the dutch crew, the sydney crew, the london crew, florida crew, etc. It's not like it was a lair or anything it was just the positivity was so intense that people just had to start meeting up. I personally had a ****load of guys in NYC willing to meet up and if I had any problems guys were willing to meet up and push me through it.
I can guarantee you that RSD isn't the only crew who is living the life there are sh!tloads of other so called "gurus" who are living there life in the way that they want to.
Most people don't realize this is something that is added to your lifestyle, it's not your actual purpose in life, it just enhances your life. I know for me personally people enjoy my company more and a lot of people are inspired by the fact that I'm actually moving towards something.