Why Girls Today are Flakier than Ever Before and How to Adapt to Game in this Era


Master Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
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North America
Amante Silvestre said:
Easy guys. It's not as bad as it's being made out to be here.

First of all, the main reason why there is a big upswing in women not answering their phones (hence "flaking") is because the odds are good that you're number is unfamiliar to them. I don't answer numbers I don't know either. Has nothing to do with my ego being stroked and all of that.

Second, while text and FB compliments are flattering and all, nothing can substitute for hot chemistry and an eye-crossing, back-arching, leg-squeeming orgasm. Trust me. Women aren't sitting back with satisfaction because 40 dudes are stroking her ego from afar with communications technology. In fact, I would go so far as to say that being flooded with texts , emails and FB posts are probibly making women more desperate now than ever before to find a guy in the flesh who gets their juices flowing. This isn't a disaster to game. It's an opportunity.

Third, too many guys are falling back on technology themselves. They prefer pursuing women via text or an email because it either a) makes it easier for a guy to hide his poor convo skills and/or b) helps distance him from the possible (and in many cases, likely) pain of rejection. Technology also makes it so much easier for women to do the rejecting, or even better yet, avoid situations that would require her to reject you to begin with. Despite what most guys like to think, a lot of women hate the chore of hurting a guy's feelings. For them, it's so much easier to not answer the phone at all then to answer and explain why they lost interest or why it's not going to work out.

Finally, getting a woman's number doesn't mean less now that it did before. The problem is how that information is obtained and used, and this is where a lot of guys have to change up thier game. You're never the only guy who has hit up a particular woman for her digits. If she thought you were cute enough to get her number, then the odds are good that there are other guys out there who have passed the same test. If you're not doing anything in your approach that makes you memorable...then yeah, simply getting a number won't lead to much success. You're just going to end up in a sea of unfamiliar numbers popping up on her phone. It's good to get your name and number into her phone and not just her info into yours. You also have to aim for her to immediately recall an attraction and a good experience with you when your name and number comes up on her screen when you're calling.

1-201-555-6969...."who the f*ck is this calling me?"

Amante (201)-555-6969..."Oh! It's the cute, funny guy with the deep sexy voice I met at Studio 1 the other night!"

Huge difference.
I like this post much better than some of the others ones on here, since they are all pessimism and not much practical tips to actually "adapt to game" in this era.

Going of on the last thing he said, I've recently been experimenting with sending a follow up text within a few hours of meeting a girl - I've gotten pretty good results every time. Simply something like this:

"Hey, great to run into you tonight - chat soon

This way, they can save your number into their phones and then recognize who it is when you call. They also remember your name making it more likely they will pick up and want to talk to you if they are truly interested.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 9, 2012
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Serg897 said:
I like this post much better than some of the others ones on here, since they are all pessimism and not much practical tips to actually "adapt to game" in this era.

Going of on the last thing he said, I've recently been experimenting with sending a follow up text within a few hours of meeting a girl - I've gotten pretty good results every time. Simply something like this:

"Hey, great to run into you tonight - chat soon

This way, they can save your number into their phones and then recognize who it is when you call. They also remember your name making it more likely they will pick up and want to talk to you if they are truly interested.

Thank god there are some real, getting out in the world, optimistic playboys left on SS~ TOO MANY OF YOU ARE FOLLOWING A NEGATIVE MINDSET.

Ive only been on the site a few months, and F UCK MAN, MY GAME went DOWN. Why? Because all the "wannabee" playboys advising an absolute load of balls was mentally draining draining the sperm from my testicles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The truth is, from time immemorial, females have had guys hitting on them non stop, and unless they are complete sluts (of which there have been many over all periods of history) girls wanna feel a connection with a guy. And its not all about amazing game~there is alot to be said for a coo, calm and collected demeanor. The main thing is, you just gotta keep getting out of the door, hitting up girls and whoever you are, you'll be banging.......


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
1. too many men... for each women out and willing t oF there are 20 men trying to F her

2. Cell phones etc.. its now super easy for females to manage 20 dudes a day by texting etc

3. male desperation.. men are offering females more and more for sex so females are more an more choosey


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Zerro said:
The irony that these days we're becoming increasingly connected yet increasing isolated.
Very true. We used to have communities instead of forums.

spinaroonie said:
Facebook, texting, and online datin...uman history![/QUOTE] Options to date us too.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
spinaroonie said:
The late 2000s saw a dramatic acceleration in the growth of female-centric communications technology - namely, the explosion of texting, social networking, and online dating.

IMO all the growth in technology has had a negative effect on game. Simply, girls today have more options and more distractions literally at their fingertips than ever before. They get their egos stroked constantly on Facebook. They have guys constantly blowing up their smartphones texting them out. They get hounded with hundreds of messages on online dating sites. They’re getting constant attention and validation and being pulled in all directions.

There was a time when “getting a number” actually meant something. You’d call her home and she’d pick up, you’d have an actual phone conversation, you’d set up a date and she’d actually show up. It sounds like something from the Jurassic period but the older guys here will attest to this.

Now it’s 2011. How many threads have we read here where a guy seemingly has a great interaction with a girl in a club and gets the number, only to have the girl screen out his call or ignore his texts a few days later? “Flaking” as a verb didn’t exist in the 90s or earlier – flakes were something that came with dandruff.

It’s funny to read guys in here still crowing about getting numbers. Fellas, numbers means nothing. How many of those numbers are translating to dates and lays?

Girls today give out their number like candy on Halloween. Girls will give out their number to get rid of you. Girls will give out their number just to get their egos validated from constant texts. Girls will give out their number even when they have no intention of seeing you again.

Now guys will come on here and say that it’s all a numbers game – that you need to talk to 100 girls and get 20 numbers, play these little text games, and maybe get 3 dates out of it.

Who has time for that sh*t? I have other demands on my time – I work, I study, I work out, I volunteer, I have hobbies, and spend time with family and friends. Far better to invest in one quality interaction with one quality girl that I’ll be assured of eventually dating and laying.

Game 1.0 is dead. It’s time for Game 2.0 – game in the smartphone era.

Rule #1 for Game 2.0: Numbers from bars and clubs mean nothing. 90% of the numbers you get from bars & clubs will flake. PUSH FOR THE PULL.
The absolute KEY to dealing with all the flakiness is to simply become immune to it. Almost Zen like. You can't be affected by nonsense if you simply don't let it affect you and stive to be the best person you can be. I don't expect anything from a chick. I only seek to learn and grow myself from those experiences and better myself armed with knowledge.

If a chick flaked on me? Hell I'd ignore it like it never happened. Why? Because it shows people you are immune to their nonsense and have your own life and they aren't as in demand to me as they may have thought as I have options as well.

Once you get over yourself, your ego, and keep your emotions in check you don't mind any results. You just learn and grow for yourself. No need to be 'completed' by someone else....especially by some flaky media and feminist brainwashed sheep.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
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Not really connected but we also have some **** music these days.

We get Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black and Beyonce and Emminem etc.

Go back a few decades and the music is so much better

I've been born in the wrong era dammit


Master Don Juan
Dec 23, 2011
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Eternal_water said:
Not really connected but we also have some **** music these days.

We get Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black and Beyonce and Emminem etc.

Go back a few decades and the music is so much better

I've been born in the wrong era dammit
I get that feeling sometimes myself, I look back at the sex symbols of the 70's looked like and think "I'd be getting laid without any effort if I had lived back then."


Don Juan
May 10, 2012
Reaction score
I don't think the facebook era has done girls any favours either to be honest. I have lost count the amount of girls I've had on my friends list who went right down in my estimations when you see the sheer amount of attention seeking and validation craving between them and their friends.

The photos are nice to look at for a day or so, then they just get deleted and I am left relieved that I never tried to get involved when I get insight into their real personalities.

If you have oneitis, I suggest you just add them! Unless she is geniunely interesting or funny, you'll go right off her... Then all they are left with are the try-hards that write "i totally agree LOL!xxx" over every single status.

Facebook for girls is the electronic version of girls who lunch together, you really dont want to be there and it is the last place they want to be approached by guys.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 9, 2012
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DonGorgon said:
1. too many men... for each women out and willing t oF there are 20 men trying to F her

2. Cell phones etc.. its now super easy for females to manage 20 dudes a day by texting etc

3. male desperation.. men are offering females more and more for sex so females are more an more choosey

I am sorry Don Gorgon, but you are the BIGGEST CU NT on her.


Get a life and stop destroying young mens perceptions of life~if your life is sh it then do something about it...i've sometime thought that neggers like you on this site are permanently trying to derange young guys and that your a gaylord sent to turn people gay - If its so hard for you go and get a ho or buy a foreighn bride

OC Speedball

Don Juan
Mar 8, 2011
Reaction score
Mind blown at how many guys on here are complaining about women flaking on them. (Especially a lot of the guys on the first page)

If you are having less than a 40% success rate then you are doing something wrong. I am somewhat new to this stuff and I have a 50-60% success rate. Girls always return my calls and I get around more than half of them to meet up with me. I do cold approach and college game; no online dating BS...maybe that is why some of you guys are getting flaked on so much.

If a girl loses interest in me it's because she got to know me better and she decided she didn't like me; either because of my lifestyle, my interests, or my personality. (Yes guys, it IS possible for girls not to like you. You have to remember that not every girl is going to be high IL). If girls don't even want to get to know you better then there is something seriously flawed in your game.

Amante Silvestre said:
Easy guys. It's not as bad as it's being made out to be here.

Finally, getting a woman's number doesn't mean less now that it did before. The problem is how that information is obtained and used, and this is where a lot of guys have to change up their game... If you're not doing anything in your approach that makes you memorable then yeah, simply getting a number won't lead to much success.
This man speaks the truth.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
Reaction score
OC Speedball said:
Mind blown at how many guys on here are complaining about women flaking on them. (Especially a lot of the guys on the first page)

If you are having less than a 40% success rate then you are doing something wrong. I am somewhat new to this stuff and I have a 50-60% success rate. Girls always return my calls and I get around more than half of them to meet up with me. I do cold approach and college game; no online dating BS...maybe that is why some of you guys are getting flaked on so much.

If a girl loses interest in me it's because she got to know me better and she decided she didn't like me; either because of my lifestyle, my interests, or my personality. (Yes guys, it IS possible for girls not to like you. You have to remember that not every girl is going to be high IL). If girls don't even want to get to know you better then there is something seriously flawed in your game.

This man speaks the truth.
Can you elaborate on how you get 50% of girls you approach and number-close to meet up with you? Lots of guys here struggle with flakes, so it would be good for the successful guys to share tips.

You say you do college campus day game...

1. How long are your interactions?
2. Do you text or call first? What do you do if you call and she won't pick up?
3. How long do you wait to text / call?
4. How long after the initial interaction do you go for the meetup?
5. How would you rate your looks?

Thanks OC Speedball, I'd really appreciate your feedback.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Getting a girls number isn't sh!t. Girls give out their number like how predators give out candy. You will see better results when you realize that you need to be different from the other people who approach this girl. How do you do that? You be confident and you be bold. Whenever I'm chopping it up with a female I try to make the interaction is not too long. By the end of the interaction she will know that I'm feeling her but I ain't sweating her. I approach her get the basic details out and let her talk about herself a little bit. I then tell her this

Ok, Well I got something to do right now but it was nice meeting you. Let me slide you my number. You seem pretty interesting and we should finish our conversation 1 on 1. Just call me *insert day*.
Now if you say this and give her your number and she hits you up then she is 100% interested in you. Chances of flaking are nearly 0% if you do this. You new cats better save this post because I'm dropping a gem.

OC Speedball

Don Juan
Mar 8, 2011
Reaction score
spinaroonie said:
Can you elaborate on how you get 50% of girls you approach and number-close to meet up with you? Lots of guys here struggle with flakes, so it would be good for the successful guys to share tips.

You say you do college campus day game...

1. How long are your interactions?
2. Do you text or call first? What do you do if you call and she won't pick up?
3. How long do you wait to text / call?
4. How long after the initial interaction do you go for the meetup?
5. How would you rate your looks?

Thanks OC Speedball, I'd really appreciate your feedback.
Sure thing, man. I actually just did a 30 minute campus sarging session with my friend.

First off, I want to preface this by letting you know that I am relatively new to this (about a year). I had hardcore acne and braces until recently, so it really held me back. I am not some pimp- but I do get at least half the girls to meet up with me.

1) Interactions range from 30 seconds to 10 minutes. The longer I stay in set the more comfort I build with her, which gives her a sense that she has known me longer than she has; which translates to higher interest and less chance of a flake. But at the same time, I also number close girls in a minute or less. I've found that girls can be high interest whether you spend a minute talking to them or half an hour- a lot of it has to do with the initial impression.

In fact, I got a number in a minute today on my sarging session. I ran into a girl from my geography class that is one of the hottest in the class. She sits way on the other side of the room so I've never hit on her (I keep it local while I'm in class) but I've caught her looking at me a few times. I walked up and said, "Hey! You're in my class but there are like 10 people that sit between us so I'm ****blocked." She laughed and pushed me playfully. I teased her a little more and then said, "Ok, we're gonna hang out this summer. Give me your number." She said, "Oh, we are? You seem so sure of yourself. Haha! My number is..." Because this girl is in my class there is already a sense of security established- which is always good because it will reduce the chance of flaking even further.

2 and 3) I always text first because that way they know who it is when I call, thus making her more likely to answer the phone. I feel that when a girl has your number in her phone it makes her feel like she knows you more than she really does- which is vital if you don't want girls to flake on you. Usually I text them a few hours later (typically that night). They respond, and then I send them one or two more funny texts so she falls asleep with me on her mind. If I text them again it will be a couple days later.

I wait three to five days to call. If she doesn't pick up I hang up. They always text or call back. Usually they text back later with something like, "Hey! Sorry I missed your call. What's up?"

4) I go for a meet up maybe four to seven days later. When I first got into this I once had a girl meet up with me two weeks later even though I set the date up like a week ahead. Talk about coming off as desperate, haha. And then a few months ago I had a quick number close with a girl I met at a bookstore. I waited a week to call her but she still met up with me and we made out.

5) I'd rate myself a 7/10. I'm above average, but not super "hot" or anything (although I do have a six pack :) ). I know 7 is like the go to number when guys rate their looks, but I really am a 7. I judge this based off of two things: 1) The girls that have been attracted to me without me doing anything. I take all of them and try to get an average rating for their looks. In my case, the girls that have been naturally attracted to me were usually 6s, 7s, and 8s. (And of course, you're always going to have the uglier ones be attracted to you as well).

And 2) The amount of compliments I get. I've gotten, "My friend thinks you're hot" a few times, but usually girls will say I'm sexy or cute. Recently, a girl that I knew from my class last year saw me and saw that my acne had gone away. She said, "Oh my gosh, you could totally be a model!" About a month ago I was at the grocery store and a girl in her 30s told me that I looked like Ben Affleck. I do not think I look like Ben Affleck, but the point is, she was complimenting my looks.

Also, girls look at me as I walk by. If I smile at them they'll usually smile back. I didn't notice this until recently- I thought it was normal human behavior for people to look at you and smile politely. But my friend noticed this and pointed it out to me.

So if anyone wants to find out what their rating is look at two things: How hot the girls are that are naturally attracted to you, and how many compliments on your looks girls give you.

And remember, what works for me might not work for everyone. Hope that helped though.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
TonyBaloney said:
I am sorry Don Gorgon, but you are the BIGGEST CU NT on her.


Get a life and stop destroying young mens perceptions of life~if your life is sh it then do something about it...i've sometime thought that neggers like you on this site are permanently trying to derange young guys and that your a gaylord sent to turn people gay - If its so hard for you go and get a ho or buy a foreighn bride
lolo i am a realist its not my fault that the current reality sucks... you are just weak and hurt and helpless so you attack me.. but that wont change this reality to you will still live with..:crackup: :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
South Africa
I have 100% flake rate.. Fvcking sucks.