CoolBlue said:
You can't be scoring too high in terms of wealth and status if you're working side jobs and your personality doesn't seem too good right here.
Yes, an internet forum is the perfect place to tell whether or not someone has a good personality. For what its worth, you don't seem to be very pleasant to be around either. Your one of those know-it-all types.
And I bet anything your a 1-upper. Whenever someone around you says something like, "hey I just got this dvd" you say "Dude that's nothing I got the special edition months ago"
CoolBlue said:
That's only until you realize all the guys won't even look at you. Even the ugly guys would rather work hard to improve themselves to land themselves a hot chick, and the good looking guys are whining that they should be paired with good looking girls too and are ignoring you.
But in the end, you still will have options. Like I've said a thousand times, I have seen ugly and fat girls with 6s, 7s and even 8s guys.
CoolBlue said:
Sure sometimes these guys come to you for an easy lay when they fail to score a hot chick. But once they are done f*cking they go back hunting for the hot chicks again.
That's still attention, validation, sexual pleasure, some form of companionship. All with you not having to do a thing because you have a vagina.
And let me point out before I continue: your using an extreme example of a 4 and its kind of cheap. But I still think even 4s have more options than the average guy. A 4 will pull more attention and get more options than a 4,5,6, or even 7 guy. Its still a huge advantage just for having a vag
CoolBlue said:
I'm sure you will be so much happier being a girl than a guy. A change in gender makes all the difference right? I tell you I rather be the guy who can work harder to get out of the rut.
Again, ad hominem attacks. What is it with you? Just because I see an objective advantage that doesn't go my gender's way, I therefore want to switch genders? What kind of logic is that.
I complain about not being able to park close to restaurants in the handicap spaces, but that does not mean I wish to be crippled.
CoolBlue said:
Wake up and realize that it's all up to you. If you are the best you get to enjoy the best. Hot chicks have easy great lives and do well with guys. Guys who score high also live great lives and get chicks easily.
I already know this. I already know that it is far too easy for a male in this society to end up alone with no one. I know that I have to work 3X as hard as any chick in order to even have some semblance of options/dates.
As I show in my approach journal, I AM taking steps to better myself in this area but I also realize that I am at a disadvantage. I see what goes on. I'm in the thick of it, ground zero of the dating game. I am talking from experience.
CoolBlue said:
Right now you're just low value and therefore find it frustrating to play the game. What would you say your rating is? If you are an 8 I'm sure you can get an 8 girl. That means you have to be better looking, make more money, be more respected and have a better personality than 80% of the guys in the country. Do you think you are all that?
I'm not a 4. I don't know what my rating is exactly, but I do know that even if I was considered good looking, that alone would not be enough; and that is precisely where women have the advantage
If you want I'll even post my pic. I'm at least average or a 6. I have a approach journal on this site and I've wrote about how I get numbers sometimes and I'm texting a girl back and forth consistently. My point is, I'm not as low value as you think. Also, the fact that I'm arguing that game and personality is required on top of looks does not meant that I PERSONALLY have 0 game and ugly/fat 4 loser.