Why can't girls just admit that they have everything easier when it comes to dating?


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2002
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Falcon25 said:

What you say is 100 percent true. Don't listen to anyone else about this. They don't have to do anything if they are born cute. Just remember, if you are born a man, you are born alone. And you will die alone. That is why you should always take care of yourself FIRST.
LOL another idiot. The reason why they don't have to do anything if they are born cute is because guys only want cute girls. So it boils down to you again eventually.

You don't have to die alone. You just have to settle for a girl who isn't hot. Why is that unfair? You aren't in the top 20% most attractive guys, why will the top 20% most attractive girls want you?

If you are a 4 overall, be happy with a 4. If you are a 5 be happy with a 5. If you aren't satisfied with a 5 then you just gotta work harder to score higher. Be grateful that you can even work on it while the girls can't.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2010
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CoolBlue said:
You can't be scoring too high in terms of wealth and status if you're working side jobs and your personality doesn't seem too good right here.
Yes, an internet forum is the perfect place to tell whether or not someone has a good personality. For what its worth, you don't seem to be very pleasant to be around either. Your one of those know-it-all types.

And I bet anything your a 1-upper. Whenever someone around you says something like, "hey I just got this dvd" you say "Dude that's nothing I got the special edition months ago"


CoolBlue said:
That's only until you realize all the guys won't even look at you. Even the ugly guys would rather work hard to improve themselves to land themselves a hot chick, and the good looking guys are whining that they should be paired with good looking girls too and are ignoring you.
But in the end, you still will have options. Like I've said a thousand times, I have seen ugly and fat girls with 6s, 7s and even 8s guys.

CoolBlue said:
Sure sometimes these guys come to you for an easy lay when they fail to score a hot chick. But once they are done f*cking they go back hunting for the hot chicks again.
That's still attention, validation, sexual pleasure, some form of companionship. All with you not having to do a thing because you have a vagina.

And let me point out before I continue: your using an extreme example of a 4 and its kind of cheap. But I still think even 4s have more options than the average guy. A 4 will pull more attention and get more options than a 4,5,6, or even 7 guy. Its still a huge advantage just for having a vag

CoolBlue said:
I'm sure you will be so much happier being a girl than a guy. A change in gender makes all the difference right? I tell you I rather be the guy who can work harder to get out of the rut.
Again, ad hominem attacks. What is it with you? Just because I see an objective advantage that doesn't go my gender's way, I therefore want to switch genders? What kind of logic is that.

I complain about not being able to park close to restaurants in the handicap spaces, but that does not mean I wish to be crippled.

CoolBlue said:
Wake up and realize that it's all up to you. If you are the best you get to enjoy the best. Hot chicks have easy great lives and do well with guys. Guys who score high also live great lives and get chicks easily.
I already know this. I already know that it is far too easy for a male in this society to end up alone with no one. I know that I have to work 3X as hard as any chick in order to even have some semblance of options/dates.

As I show in my approach journal, I AM taking steps to better myself in this area but I also realize that I am at a disadvantage. I see what goes on. I'm in the thick of it, ground zero of the dating game. I am talking from experience.

CoolBlue said:
Right now you're just low value and therefore find it frustrating to play the game. What would you say your rating is? If you are an 8 I'm sure you can get an 8 girl. That means you have to be better looking, make more money, be more respected and have a better personality than 80% of the guys in the country. Do you think you are all that?
I'm not a 4. I don't know what my rating is exactly, but I do know that even if I was considered good looking, that alone would not be enough; and that is precisely where women have the advantage

If you want I'll even post my pic. I'm at least average or a 6. I have a approach journal on this site and I've wrote about how I get numbers sometimes and I'm texting a girl back and forth consistently. My point is, I'm not as low value as you think. Also, the fact that I'm arguing that game and personality is required on top of looks does not meant that I PERSONALLY have 0 game and ugly/fat 4 loser.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
TIC said:
This is the point I keep trying to make but some of these guys have thick skulls and want to say its equal. A guy must have game/personality on top of looks. Its more requirements, its harder, it takes more work, its a disadvantage, period
Agreed, it may sound like I am ranting, whining, complaining, but it's just reality, for the most part, us men are simple when it comes to what we want in a woman, woman however are complicated. If a woman is hot, pretty, cute, or just average, decent, the vast majority us men don't really expect anything more from them.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2009
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TIC said:
Also, I'm not so sure about the population of guys to girls being equal. The statistics certainly say its 51/49 women to men, yes. But upon actually examination of bars, clubs and parties, one can easily see that the number of available women is much smaller than available guys

Bars=sausage fests
Clubs=sausage fests
parties- to a lesser extent still sausage fests
online dating= definitely sausage fests
I've had this conversation with a friend of mine. Add in co-ed fitness clubs=more sausages than vaginas too. Where do all the decent looking women hide? Why so many males compared to females? Is it all the old senior women who skew the gender counts?


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
TIC said:
What you fail to realize is that even fat/ugly girls get demi-god status. I see fat and ugly girls all the time and they almost always have opitions/bf's. And they get them by default, without doing anything that requires effort beside putting on makeup

Guys do not get afforded this luxury 80% of the time (the top 20% of guys may)

Like I said before, guys have to do much more and be better at it than women.

For example, a hot chick does not need a personality or barely any social skills. She just has to sit and look pretty

Does this work the other way around? Nope. An attractive guy must have game on top of his looks. If he is awkward and has no game, his looks won't save him. A girl's look can get her the whole 9 yards. A guy's looks may get him half a yard if he's lucky

Here let me spell it out for you:

What is needed to have options/be successful in the dating game

Looks (mandatory)
Game (mandatory)
Personality (mandatory if you expect to get past the first date/ fuk)
Money (optional/maybe)

Have makeup on

So your points fail because ugly girls still have more options than even a 8 or 9 male, most of the time. A guy needs more. He has to work on more things. He has to do more stuff. He has to have success in areas beyond looks whereas women only need to have makeup on and their hair done. (I've even seen women who are hideous with no makeup and their hair messed up get treated like princesses)

And by the way, ad hominem attacks don't help your already weak argument. They just make you look foolish. Stick to your ineffective points and leave me out of it personally
TIC, I'm filing this and your other posts under "Harsh facts about dating", after I add that a man might need access to drugs to attract women. But the rest of your posts are true. Falcon25, you know the reality of the game too and aren't afraid to say it!


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2002
Reaction score
You guys are just incredible idiots who just want justification why you aren't doing well instead of realizing your faults and working at it. If you want to believe you have it harder, so be it.

TIC said:
Yes, an internet forum is the perfect place to tell whether or not someone has a good personality. For what its worth, you don't seem to be very pleasant to be around either. Your one of those know-it-all types.
Are you trying to convince me you have an above average personality? If you are so pleasant to be around with why aren't more girls flocking to you?

TIC said:
But in the end, you still will have options. Like I've said a thousand times, I have seen ugly and fat girls with 6s, 7s and even 8s guys.
And guys who are losers still will have options too. A burger flipping guy still has many options of dating fat porkers that America is full of. Oh again, you are stuck on with looks. Ugly and fat girls are with 6s, 7s and even 8s guys in LOOKS. Those guys have no balls, no personality and are losers in life. They aren't over 5 overall and so they get girls who aren't over 5.

TIC said:
That's still attention, validation, sexual pleasure, some form of companionship. All with you not having to do a thing because you have a vagina.
Again, you are still not understanding that not having to do a thing makes things more difficult. What if you don't have the looks? What can you do to become more attractive?

TIC said:
And let me point out before I continue: your using an extreme example of a 4 and its kind of cheap. But I still think even 4s have more options than the average guy. A 4 will pull more attention and get more options than a 4,5,6, or even 7 guy. Its still a huge advantage just for having a vag
It's incredible that you think that 4s are an extreme example. Most girls are not 7s and 8s, the majority are 5 and below. Do you understand statistics my friend? The reason why you think it's extreme is because you do not pay any attention to the 5s and below and only the 6s and above. That's how hard the girls have it. If you are a 5 and below in looks which is average, even loser guys like you think you are EXTREMEly unattractive.

TIC said:
Again, ad hominem attacks. What is it with you? Just because I see an objective advantage that doesn't go my gender's way, I therefore want to switch genders? What kind of logic is that.

I complain about not being able to park close to restaurants in the handicap spaces, but that does not mean I wish to be crippled.
This shows your ignorance right here. You are just like those feminists who complain that men have advantages in the workplace but do not understand the hardships men have to go through. If girls are so advantaged why don't you want to be a girl? You complain that handicapped people have it good with their huge wideass parking spaces close to the restaurant but you fail to even realize that handicapped life downright sucks and they have it way harder than you.

TIC said:
I already know this. I already know that it is far too easy for a male in this society to end up alone with no one. I know that I have to work 3X as hard as any chick in order to even have some semblance of options/dates.
Now that you know that you are not above a 5 overall, you can start paying attention to girls under 5 as your potential options. You will realize you will have more options than you think.

TIC said:
I'm not a 4. I don't know what my rating is exactly, but I do know that even if I was considered good looking, that alone would not be enough; and that is precisely where women have the advantage

If you want I'll even post my pic. I'm at least average or a 6. I have a approach journal on this site and I've wrote about how I get numbers sometimes and I'm texting a girl back and forth consistently. My point is, I'm not as low value as you think. Also, the fact that I'm arguing that game and personality is required on top of looks does not meant that I PERSONALLY have 0 game and ugly/fat 4 loser.
Well give us an honest rating of yourself then. My point is if you are a 7, you should be able to get 7s easily. If you think it's hard obviously you are aiming above your league.

You're probably still young and hence have no money and status and not much interesting life experiences to allow you to compete with a more well rounded guy. Go find a man who is a true 7...an above average looking guy, have a professional job as an accountant making decent cash and is a little bit boring due to the nature of his job. Do you believe that this guy will have a hard time attracting 7s?

I think by now it's clear that you are too dense to grasp the economics of the situation. You still think it's harder for you that you have to do so much but girls only have to care about their looks. Let me just ask you this one question:

Do you think it's more unfair that guys have to do a lot more than just taking care of their looks, or do you think it's more unfair that ugly girls can never be attractive no matter what they do?

Or you can answer this analogized form:
Would you rather be in school A where Calc makes up 90% of your GPA, or school B where every class has equal weightage?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
It's incredible that you think that 4s are an extreme example. Most girls are not 7s and 8s, the majority are 5 and below.
Wow, does anyone else think this is true? I agree most girls are not 7s or 8s perhaps, but to say the majority are 5 and below? I'm not so sure about that. Once they get to a certain age, yes. But younger girls? I'm trying to think of all the girls I know and they're all over the map looks-wise. I'd say at least half are 6 or above.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
Reaction score
England, baby!
CooBlue is talking about VALUE ... he just hasnt said it with that word, it seasier to understand with that term
- for a female her value is more heavily weighted (especially initially) by physical looks
- for a man is attitude/dominance/ subcommunications are more important to his value (thus an ugly guy can have a high vlaue if everything else is good)

this is clearly what a lot of guys dont understand in this thread

zekko said:
Wow, does anyone else think this is true? I agree most girls are not 7s or 8s perhaps, but to say the majority are 5 and below? I'm not so sure about that. Once they get to a certain age, yes. But younger girls? I'm trying to think of all the girls I know and they're all over the map looks-wise. I'd say at least half are 6 or above.
CB is a bit off there, not totally though... if you were to make a graph of every ones "VALUES" (combination of looks, parsonality, game...everything)
it would look like a BELL CURVE... with some thing like say half the population between 4-6 vlaue score , 75 % between 3-7 and the rest either really low value, or really high value
most people are average


Cool blue is correct in saying that an average value guy can have lots of options if he only goes for average/low value women...


Senior Don Juan
Feb 21, 2010
Reaction score
I can't be bothered going through this thread in much detail, I just wanted to point out that CoolBlue is 100% spot on with everything he says.


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2002
Reaction score
zekko said:
Wow, does anyone else think this is true? I agree most girls are not 7s or 8s perhaps, but to say the majority are 5 and below? I'm not so sure about that. Once they get to a certain age, yes. But younger girls? I'm trying to think of all the girls I know and they're all over the map looks-wise. I'd say at least half are 6 or above.
Here's where statistics come into play!

Your value is always compared to the value of others. If you are in the top 10% you are a 10. Top 20% and you are a 9. Most girls are average (If you don't know what average means, well **** I can't explain such a simple concept to you) so they are around 5.

You don't just randomly call a girl a 6. She's a 6 because she's cute but not as hot as many of the other girls you know. Yet she is eye catching enough over the average girl on the street. The average girl is a 5 and that's what you base your rating on.

Saying that half the girls you know are 6s and above is like saying more than half the guys you know are above 5'10 in height which is the male average. It's possible if all the girls you know are hotties, but you have to look at it in terms of the whole population.

Actually it's kinda true that most girls in college are a 6 and above. These girls are the peak of their attractiveness in life and are in demand by guys of all age groups. And the average guy in college is below a 5 as they have no career or money or experience in game. Hence it seems difficult for you now.

But be patient! Girls get older. Their looks fade. Your value will increase as you get more life experience, more cash and higher status in life. If you want to get a girl so badly now you'll have to go after one who is at your value which is a 5 and below. This means ugly porkers or older women in their 30s-40s. Not saying that you can't get a hot chick now, but you have to get your value up there before you can even hope for one.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2010
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kingsam said:
CooBlue is talking about VALUE ... he just hasnt said it with that word, it seasier to understand with that term

- for a man is attitude/dominance/ subcommunications are more important to his value (thus an ugly guy can have a high vlaue if everything else is good)
Sorry, but this just isn't true. That all sounds nice in theory. However, I never ever ever ever ever see an ugly guy with an attractive female. There is no amount of game that will get a guy that looks like Ron Jeremey a hot chick. Just doesn't happen in reality. If we're talking money, maybe, but that's a small small percentage of men.

kingsam said:
Cool blue is correct in saying that an average value guy can have lots of options if he only goes for average/low value women...
Women are hypergamous and feel they deserve the best guys. The 80-20 rule still stands...this was a study done from the book "Unhooked".

Most women chase 20% of guys....this includes fat chicks. In other words, being a 7 guy does not guarantee you options of 4s, 5s, and 6s. Even fat/ugly women A) already have options and B) chase/give free sex to the alpha males.


Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
The OP probably isn't getting any, so that's why he's complaining.
The only people that complain about life not being fair are the losers.

Women don't exactly have it "easier" then men. They just have different problems. Women have to deal with things like getting raped and $hit. Everyone has problems. You either suck it up and try to solve it or you waste your time crying about it.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2010
Reaction score
Speculator E said:
The OP probably isn't getting any, so that's why he's complaining.
The only people that complain about life not being fair are the losers.
Lol, so in your world, children born with cancer, parents who have kids born with deformities and diseases, etc etc are all just losers who should suck it up because life isn't fair. Right?

The fact is that there IS A PROBLEM WITH THIS SOCIETY. It isn't all even, it isn't all correct. Its not always a guy's fault. You do exactly what pua instructors do: teach people to blame themselves. While there is fault in the individual, any fair assessment of the dating game will result in a conclusion that the game is rigged and one side has major advantages.

Speculator E said:
Women don't exactly have it "easier" then men. They just have different problems. Women have to deal with things like getting raped and $hit. Everyone has problems. You either suck it up and try to solve it or you waste your time crying about it.
Women do have it easier than men. I don't know how else I can spell it out for you. This is a feminized country. We can be objective and at least agree that the laws are in favor of women, right? Divorce laws, rape laws, domestic violence laws, workplace laws, etc.

Maybe you never went to college. But in Sociology 101, we learn the principle of least interest. In any relationship, the party with the least amount of interest has the advantage. This is women, because men must do the approaching/impressing/gaming/date set-ups. Get it? What is so hard about this concept to you? That's advantage in the beginning, and the end game (marriage) and a host of things in between.

Having the luxury of not having to cold approach and put your self-esteem on the line every single goddam day is an advantage and IT IS EASIER




Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
TIC said:
What you fail to realize is that even fat/ugly girls get demi-god status. I see fat and ugly girls all the time and they almost always have opitions/bf's. And they get them by default, without doing anything that requires effort beside putting on makeup

Guys do not get afforded this luxury 80% of the time (the top 20% of guys may)

Like I said before, guys have to do much more and be better at it than women.

For example, a hot chick does not need a personality or barely any social skills. She just has to sit and look pretty

Does this work the other way around? Nope. An attractive guy must have game on top of his looks. If he is awkward and has no game, his looks won't save him. A girl's look can get her the whole 9 yards. A guy's looks may get him half a yard if he's lucky

Here let me spell it out for you:

What is needed to have options/be successful in the dating game

Looks (mandatory)
Game (mandatory)
Personality (mandatory if you expect to get past the first date/ fuk)
Money (optional/maybe)

Have makeup on

So your points fail because ugly girls still have more options than even a 8 or 9 male, most of the time. A guy needs more. He has to work on more things. He has to do more stuff. He has to have success in areas beyond looks whereas women only need to have makeup on and their hair done. (I've even seen women who are hideous with no makeup and their hair messed up get treated like princesses)

And by the way, ad hominem attacks don't help your already weak argument. They just make you look foolish. Stick to your ineffective points and leave me out of it personally
this is what i call a perfect post.. cold hard facts...^^^


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
CoolBlue said:
.... I want to see all these ugly girls with options and guys available. They can't magically have more options than guys if the population of guys and girls are equal.
the population of guys and girls is not equal at all for every 1 woman looking for sex there are 30 men looking for sex.. that gives all women the clear advantage


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
- for a female her value is more heavily weighted (especially initially) by physical looks
- for a man is attitude/dominance/ subcommunications are more important to his value (thus an ugly guy can have a high vlaue if everything else is good)

this is clearly what a lot of guys dont understand in this thread
This seems obvious, but you're right. A lot of guys haven't been able to wrap their heads around this yet. They think that because attraction works a certain way for them, it must work that way for women too, but it doesn't.

it would look like a BELL CURVE... with some thing like say half the population between 4-6 vlaue score , 75 % between 3-7 and the rest either really low value, or really high value most people are average
I would agree with that.

If you are in the top 10% you are a 10. Top 20% and you are a 9.
I don't really see the scale like that.
The way I define it, there are no 10s. 10s don't really exist, they are just some sort of ideal to provide a perfect score.
6s are cute but not gorgeous.
7s are your average pretty girls
8s and 9s are your hotties, with the 9s being the hottest.
You could have a 9.2, a 9.7, whatever.

Anything below a 6 isn't really worth talking about. It's possible I might consider doing a 5 but when it comes right down to it, I won't really do it. I might think about doing it, then go "naaaaah". That's a 5 to me.

Most women chase 20% of guys....this includes fat chicks. In other words, being a 7 guy does not guarantee you options of 4s, 5s, and 6s. Even fat/ugly women A) already have options and B) chase/give free sex to the alpha males.
Why the heck would a top 20% guy have sex with a fat 4 or 5?
I mean I know there are some guys who will pretty much fvck anything.
But any guy with standards? He's not going to touch that 4.
So what happens is the 4s can't get the hottest guys (at least not for a relationship, which is supposedly what most women want), so they settle for something closer to their own value which they CAN get.


New Member
Sep 21, 2010
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los angeles, california
Wow... Speaking as a women yes in some ways things are easier but those things that tend to be easier aren't essentially what a women wants anyway. So in the end getting what we all really want for a man or women isn't really that easy at all I think.

It's really easy to get laid if ur a women but most don't want just that... Over time that's empty and one feels more lonely and worthless than just spending time alone.

It is difficult for most ppl to find someone they really connect w/ and build a lasting relationship no matter what you look like. The more attractive the more stereotyping one has to deal with.

I'm expected to be dumb, want things from men, not pay my own way, be seen and not heard...

If I enjoy sex then I'm automatically a *****, if I don't I'm a prude... It seems as though you can't win. I'm glad to be done w/ dating for the moment and to have found someone who is truly my best friend... who I can have fun w/ just sitting outside staring at ppl walking buy or at mc donalds.

The problem w/ most folks is they've got all these rules and standards that they choose to adhere to (be it from friends, the media etc.) that they feel they need to be... once you throw all that out of the window and just be yourself you're more likely to find someone who appreciates you for being you and not a mask you wear to attract someone...

(I really hope this made some sense)

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
TIC said:
Lol, so in your world, children born with cancer, parents who have kids born with deformities and diseases, etc etc are all just losers who should suck it up because life isn't fair. Right?
No, losers are guys who have the means to be better but just spend their time complaining like you are doing.

The fact is that there IS A PROBLEM WITH THIS SOCIETY. It isn't all even, it isn't all correct. Its not always a guy's fault. You do exactly what pua instructors do: teach people to blame themselves. While there is fault in the individual, any fair assessment of the dating game will result in a conclusion that the game is rigged and one side has major advantages.

Women do have it easier than men. I don't know how else I can spell it out for you. This is a feminized country. We can be objective and at least agree that the laws are in favor of women, right? Divorce laws, rape laws, domestic violence laws, workplace laws, etc.

Maybe you never went to college. But in Sociology 101, we learn the principle of least interest. In any relationship, the party with the least amount of interest has the advantage. This is women, because men must do the approaching/impressing/gaming/date set-ups. Get it? What is so hard about this concept to you? That's advantage in the beginning, and the end game (marriage) and a host of things in between.

Having the luxury of not having to cold approach and put your self-esteem on the line every single goddam day is an advantage and IT IS EASIER


When I read your reply, all I can hear is more whining and excuses coming from you. You're starting to sound like a woman nagging people to death. So what if we live in a feminized society? So what if women has the advantage? What matters is how you deal with it.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
DonGorgon said:
this is what i call a perfect post.. cold hard facts...^^^
No, that post is garbage and that guy has no clue what he's talking about. Looks are mandatory for being able to get chicks? He's smoking the same s.hit that you bought off that dude at the bus stop.

Legendary_Unicorn said:
It's really easy to get laid if ur a women but most don't want just that... Over time that's empty and one feels more lonely and worthless than just spending time alone.
I'd say it's pretty easy to sucker a guy into a relationship as well, though. On an unrelated note, you live in LA? What are you doing this weekend? ;) Just a joke. But if you ever take cabs, send me a PM. I usually work in Hollywood but drive all over.