CoolBlue said:
I want to see all these ugly girls with options and guys available. They can't magically have more options than guys if the population of guys and girls are equal. For a cheap f*ck sure, but they will never have the guy for themselves. This also proves that guys have it easy with girls as they can bang 80% of the girls if they raise their score high enough. And if girls can get f*cked easy it just means that guys will f*ck anything that moves while girls are more choosy, so if you stop being so horny you will contribute to things being more fair.
I get your analogy and it does not work.
Where are all these ugly/fat girls with options you ask? Everywhere. I see them every single day. I'm in the thick of it. I'm in college. I work side jobs as well.
In my life, the majority of fat women I have come across/known/befriended have had boyfriends. They also get male attention and they DO get hit on
In my summer job this past summer, I worked at a country club. I helped in the full service kitchen as well as the snack shack. These women that worked there were either 1) 50-100 pounds overweight or 2) hideously, hideously unattractive. Their ages ranged from 23-50.
The disgusting beer gut cauliflower women had rings on their finger. They were either engaged or married. They also got hit on/flirted with/ got ego boosts from male co-workers and customers all the time.
In my college, there are many girls. Most of whom are attractive, I won't lie. But let us focus on the ones that are fat/unattractive. I just had lunch recently with a girl from some education course I took last year. She has a belly on her, probably at least 30 lbs overweight. She's about a 6. This girl is engaged and gets plenty of male attention.
I see it over and over again, all throughout hs, all throughout college, all throughout my jobs. Don't tell me I'm just crazy.
I've seen good looking guys who are in shape and work out who have no women at ALL. Why? Because, they need game on top of their looks plus personality if they want a relationship to last. Not the case with women period
Look, you can make up all the analogies you want. You can make all the points you'd like. But, it fails because of the sexual marketplace. The SM has p*ssy at a value that is 10X higher than what most guys can offer. This is why even fat/ugly girls have more options than guys
You can say, "But TIC, what about guys that make 6 figures?"
Im sure they get by just fine, but that's retarded because that is only about 6% of men. What about the other 94%?
I challenge you right now to grab a photo of a fat hb6 and make a profile on POF. Then, take a 9 guy and put him on POF. Then maybe you'll see my point. I've done this before and I already know the results.
Also, I'm not so sure about the population of guys to girls being equal. The statistics certainly say its 51/49 women to men, yes. But upon actually examination of bars, clubs and parties, one can easily see that the number of available women is much smaller than available guys
Bars=sausage fests
Clubs=sausage fests
parties- to a lesser extent still sausage fests
online dating= definitely sausage fests
(What's left? Bookstores, grocery stores, etc. Quality women there perhaps, but that's called day-game, and it is as hard as it gets. Most guys simply cannot do it.)
I go to clubs and bars every weekend. I examined fairly. Its not even close to being equal.
So stats support you, but the stats don't measure whose available and who is not. We all know what the dating scene is like and from that we can logically conclude that there are more single/available guys than there are single/available women. So the ratios ARE in women's favor, amongst other things that are in their favor to begin with