Why can't girls just admit that they have everything easier when it comes to dating?


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
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belleville, il
women don't have it easier.

I can go and find me a quality gal I click with...if the first ten don't want me, number 11 will.

many women can not go just get themselves a quality man.

believe it or not.

a real man is hard to find.

bewteen afcs and jerks...not many are MEN


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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I'm glad I don't have it easy.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
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frivolousz21 said:
women don't have it easier.

I can go and find me a quality gal I click with...if the first ten don't want me, number 11 will.

many women can not go just get themselves a quality man.

believe it or not.

a real man is hard to find.

bewteen afcs and jerks...not many are MEN
yeah but still, if a woman is bored and has nothing to do, all she has to do is welcome or reject advances


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2002
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As a firm believer of economics and statistics, I believe it is equally difficult for a girl and a guy in the dating game. Well guys have it slightly harder as there are more guys in this world, but not to a great extent.

Think about it. For every girl there is a man. The chances should be equal. Unless some men can bag several girls in his harem, making things difficult for the average guy. But this also means that it's easier for a guy to bag chicks so that he can get actually build a harem right?

The problem is that most people are out of touch with reality and want something better than they can have. This is especially true for young girls who are at heir peaks. All stuck up *****es not knowing what they want. But eventually water will seek its level and they will end up with a guy that suits them. The same goes for many guys here too. Everyone is only interested in attractive girls 6/10 and above. That limits their pool of targets by more than half and the girls there are in great demand. There are plenty of girls who are 5/10 and below that are easily obtainable but most guys don't even think about them and choose to get abused by hotties instead.

You can start by making an honest evaluation of yourself. Based on your looks, wealth, status and personality, what rating are you? If you're a 7/10, it's only a matter of time you'll hook up with a 7/10. Going lower for a 5-6 should be much easier. Of course 7 guys will be thinking of 8-9s and wondering why they keep getting played.

Most guys are around average which is 5/10. Yet they don't go for a 5/10 girl. And also at a young age, girls are stuck up hoping to do better. Go for an older chick who is in a cashing out mood. Things will get easier for you if you get older too.

And as already mentioned, the game is different for guys and girls. Guy find it difficult to approach the girl they desire. Girls find it difficult to snag a guy they find attractive. The pain goes both ways.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2010
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CoolBlue said:
As a firm believer of economics and statistics, I believe it is equally difficult for a girl and a guy in the dating game. Well guys have it slightly harder as there are more guys in this world, but not to a great extent.

Think about it. For every girl there is a man. The chances should be equal. Unless some men can bag several girls in his harem, making things difficult for the average guy. But this also means that it's easier for a guy to bag chicks so that he can get actually build a harem right?

The problem is that most people are out of touch with reality and want something better than they can have. This is especially true for young girls who are at heir peaks. All stuck up *****es not knowing what they want. But eventually water will seek its level and they will end up with a guy that suits them. The same goes for many guys here too. Everyone is only interested in attractive girls 6/10 and above. That limits their pool of targets by more than half and the girls there are in great demand. There are plenty of girls who are 5/10 and below that are easily obtainable but most guys don't even think about them and choose to get abused by hotties instead.

You can start by making an honest evaluation of yourself. Based on your looks, wealth, status and personality, what rating are you? If you're a 7/10, it's only a matter of time you'll hook up with a 7/10. Going lower for a 5-6 should be much easier. Of course 7 guys will be thinking of 8-9s and wondering why they keep getting played.

Most guys are around average which is 5/10. Yet they don't go for a 5/10 girl. And also at a young age, girls are stuck up hoping to do better. Go for an older chick who is in a cashing out mood. Things will get easier for you if you get older too.

And as already mentioned, the game is different for guys and girls. Guy find it difficult to approach the girl they desire. Girls find it difficult to snag a guy they find attractive. The pain goes both ways.
I call bullsh*t on this. a 7 male is not equal to a 7 female. Try preforming an online dating experiment and you'll see what I mean.

It isn't up for debate whether or not the dating scene is even/fair; it isn't.

Women have the clear advantage and to deny this makes you delusional. How can you say its even? One sex has all the options by default and the other has to create everything their-self and still won't have as many, even if they are better looking.

A guy whose a 9 will never have as many options as even a female 6. Women get approached thousands of times while guys never do.

Women also have the clear advantage in the end game (marriage). We all know the divorce laws favor them. Half of marriages don't work so this is significant to the argument. Also, domestic violence laws also are in favor of women.

So I just showed you that women rule the initial part of the dating scene as well as end game. I don't see where men have any advantages or how they are in the least bit equal

The ratios are also skewed. Right now women are the majority gender (53% of the pop). However, there are more younger guys than there are girls. Many younger girls get snatched up by upwardly mobile professionals in their 30s-40s. Money and capitalism plays a role in this as well. That's why bars and clubs are always sausage fests. There is NEVER enough p*ssy to go around, either because girls refuse to settle for anything but the best, or because they are already taken. Also, same with online dating. Women are the prize no matter where they go.

How do both men and women have it equally as hard if women always have the convenience of selection and judgment while the guys just jockey for position and fight over the same girls? No one can convince me that girls have it as hard as guys, no way no how. That's just nonsense.

I'm not saying I give up and I refuse to try with women, but I'm not gonna sit here and delude myself into thinking I'm playing a fair game

Its not a fair game, its rigged. Period


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2002
Reaction score
TIC said:
I call bullsh*t on this. a 7 male is not equal to a 7 female. Try preforming an online dating experiment and you'll see what I mean.

It isn't up for debate whether or not the dating scene is even/fair; it isn't.

Women have the clear advantage and to deny this makes you delusional. How can you say its even? One sex has all the options by default and the other has to create everything their-self and still won't have as many, even if they are better looking.

A guy whose a 9 will never have as many options as even a female 6. Women get approached thousands of times while guys never do.

Women also have the clear advantage in the end game (marriage). We all know the divorce laws favor them. Half of marriages don't work so this is significant to the argument. Also, domestic violence laws also are in favor of women.

So I just showed you that women rule the initial part of the dating scene as well as end game. I don't see where men have any advantages or how they are in the least bit equal

The ratios are also skewed. Right now women are the majority gender (53% of the pop). However, there are more younger guys than there are girls. Many younger girls get snatched up by upwardly mobile professionals in their 30s-40s. Money and capitalism plays a role in this as well. That's why bars and clubs are always sausage fests. There is NEVER enough p*ssy to go around, either because girls refuse to settle for anything but the best, or because they are already taken. Also, same with online dating. Women are the prize no matter where they go.

How do both men and women have it equally as hard if women always have the convenience of selection and judgment while the guys just jockey for position and fight over the same girls? No one can convince me that girls have it as hard as guys, no way no how. That's just nonsense.

I'm not saying I give up and I refuse to try with women, but I'm not gonna sit here and delude myself into thinking I'm playing a fair game

Its not a fair game, its rigged. Period
The problem here is you think the 7/10 guy is in terms of LOOKS. Not overall score. You think it's rigged because you don't understand the game. It's a combination of looks, money, status and personality.

A guy who is a 10 is someone like Brad Pitt and DiCaprio. They have looks, cashola, fame and personality! Look at the chicks they have dated. You think they have lesser options than a girl who is 7/10? You have got to be kidding me.

Rich millionaires also can easily achieve a 8-9 score as long as they are decent looking. The power they can provide with their money is not matched by a good looking guy in any way. 6/10 looks multimillionaire>8/10 looks wannabe band player and the multimillionaire is bound to have wayy larger options available than the good looking guy.

You have to be honest with yourself with the ratings. It's not just looks. It's the whole package.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2010
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CoolBlue said:
The problem here is you think the 7/10 guy is in terms of LOOKS. Not overall score. You think it's rigged because you don't understand the game. It's a combination of looks, money, status and personality.
And here is where you lose the argument, because you have just proven me right without knowing it.

You just admitted that for guys, much more is required to be considered attractive. Therefore, it is absolutely tougher for guys.

A girl's looks is all that matters, while a guy needs looks, money, personality and game. Maybe not ALL of those every time, but at least 2-3.

So you pretty much proved my point


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2002
Reaction score
TIC said:
And here is where you lose the argument, because you have just proven me right without knowing it.

You just admitted that for guys, much more is required to be considered attractive. Therefore, it is absolutely tougher for guys.

A girl's looks is all that matters, while a guy needs looks, money, personality and game. Maybe not ALL of those every time, but at least 2-3.

So you pretty much proved my point
*Sigh* You just don't get it do you?

Much more requirements does not = harder. In fact, much more requirements gives you a lot of flexibility.

Since guys judge girls primarily by looks, girls who are ugly are pretty much doomed. They don't have much to work with to increase their attractiveness.

Guys on the other hand have a lot more flexibility. Not that good looking? You can increase your attractiveness by being more successful with money.

Or you can be a famous icon with a great personality. That'll help you get laid even if you don't make all that much.

You make it seem like you have to hit some sort of a high fixed barrier to be attractive to girls. That is certainly not the case...it is a supply and demand issue where your attractiveness is measured against other guys. As long as your overall score is higher than other guys you will do fine. Obviously it is to your advantage that there is so much more you can do as a guy to make yourself more attractive allowing you to beat lazy guys who just rely on their natural looks. The guy with the highest overall will win...and that overall can be computed from many variations. Each person has 24 hrs a day, it's up to you to use your 24hrs in the way you want it to become as attractive as possible.

What you want is pretty much to be lazy like hot chicks and get guys to flock after you just because you are hot. The game is not played this way for guys. You can always go for less attractive girls who aren't hit on so much and your success rate will skyrocket. The girls biggest asset are also their biggest flaw....once their looks fade, or if they lack looks in the first place, it's hard for them to even do anything.

I'm sure you can understand the concept of relativity. If you are in a school full of weak students, you can score As easily even if you are taking 10 classes together with all these students. In a school full of geniuses, scoring will be difficult even if all students just take one class only. So it is not more difficult that there is so much you can do to make yourself attractive, it is how well you handle them as compared to the rest. In fact you may appreciate that you can take many classes to boost your grades compensate for your weaker subject rather than just take Calculus 201 which you totally suck at.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2010
Reaction score
CoolBlue said:
*Sigh* You just don't get it do you?

Much more requirements does not = harder. In fact, much more requirements gives you a lot of flexibility.
What you fail to realize is that even fat/ugly girls get demi-god status. I see fat and ugly girls all the time and they almost always have opitions/bf's. And they get them by default, without doing anything that requires effort beside putting on makeup

Guys do not get afforded this luxury 80% of the time (the top 20% of guys may)

Like I said before, guys have to do much more and be better at it than women.

For example, a hot chick does not need a personality or barely any social skills. She just has to sit and look pretty

Does this work the other way around? Nope. An attractive guy must have game on top of his looks. If he is awkward and has no game, his looks won't save him. A girl's look can get her the whole 9 yards. A guy's looks may get him half a yard if he's lucky

Here let me spell it out for you:

What is needed to have options/be successful in the dating game

Looks (mandatory)
Game (mandatory)
Personality (mandatory if you expect to get past the first date/ fuk)
Money (optional/maybe)

Have makeup on

So your points fail because ugly girls still have more options than even a 8 or 9 male, most of the time. A guy needs more. He has to work on more things. He has to do more stuff. He has to have success in areas beyond looks whereas women only need to have makeup on and their hair done. (I've even seen women who are hideous with no makeup and their hair messed up get treated like princesses)

And by the way, ad hominem attacks don't help your already weak argument. They just make you look foolish. Stick to your ineffective points and leave me out of it personally


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2002
Reaction score
I want to see all these ugly girls with options and guys available. They can't magically have more options than guys if the population of guys and girls are equal. For a cheap f*ck sure, but they will never have the guy for themselves. This also proves that guys have it easy with girls as they can bang 80% of the girls if they raise their score high enough. And if girls can get f*cked easy it just means that guys will f*ck anything that moves while girls are more choosy, so if you stop being so horny you will contribute to things being more fair.

You still don't understand the economics of things. Let me explain it to you with an analogy you can understand.

All the girls are in a school where Calculus makes up 90% of their GPA. This means girls who aren't all that good at Calculus are doomed. Sure they can work on their English and Science and History, but that only makes up 10% so it doesn't help them much. Is it easier for the girls to score well in this school? Yea for the Calculus geniuses maybe. What's great is that you can land yourself a chick who isn't good at Calculus easily and she can be great at everything else.

Guys are in a school where Calculus, English, Science and History are graded equally in their GPA. It helps if you are a Calculus genius, but if you suck at English and History your GPA gets pulled down. Guys who aren't all that great at Calc can work harder at their other subjects and beat the Calc geniuses with their overall GPA. Of course the guys who are good at everything will pwn everyone else. Does this make it harder for guys to score since they have more to work on? High Calc scorers will wish they are in the girl's school so they don't have to work so hard, but I believe this system makes things fairer for all guys.

In the end, the guy with the Highest GPA will end up with the girl with the highest GPA. You can be poor at Calc but great at everything else and you should have a good enough GPA to land a high Calc scoring girl. If you manage an overall of 7 you can easily land yourself a 7 girl.

So the question is what is your GPA? Is it high enough to land the 8 that you desire? Probably not otherwise you won't have so much trouble. Just go for a girl that is in your GPA range and you will enjoy good success. You might be afraid to admit your true GPA though which is reflected by the girls you attract.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
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England, baby!
its amazing some of teh crapo you guys beleive, and your limiting beleifs

many of these posts essentially convey that women are higher value than men. BULLSH!T.


this was on another forum but fits here well
original thread in original forum link:

Most guys have no clue how vulnerable girls are. How weak their reality is and how much they depend on our recognition and validation.
It's almost scary how much power a man has when interacting with chicks.
They derive big parts of their sense of reality from us.

From the outside it seems like girls have it so easy when it comes to interacting with men.
Yet they have their own array of problems and a lot of them stem from the "fear of being a slut".
It starts with insecure guys who can't deal with an open, straightforward girl and judge her for it.
Other girls... they can be very atrocious to each other. They get jealous of each other and are very quick to label a promiscuous girl as a slut, mock and segregate her.
Her friends. Her family. People from work. Neighbors. And so on....

Girls are constantly afraid of the opinions, judgments and labels other people put on them.
Funny enough, that is the very same problem which most guys have. Yet girls actually have a real reason for it.
Guys don't.
So if we wanna talk real here, who has it more easy?

It's a classic "the grass is always greener on the other side" problem. Most guys only see the advantages girls have yet are unable to recognize the problems and hassle they have to go through.
THAT is the very reason why girls LOVE a man who steps up, makes it happen, takes responsibility, doesn't judge them, accepts them as they are, makes them feel good, secure and feminine.
It gives them the feeling and possibility to open up, be themselves, follow their natural desires and just let themselves go and enjoy life.

That's where the beauty is at. Masculinity and femininity complement one another.

There's a lot of girls that have problems attracting the right dudes, ending up with the wrong guy all the time. Sometimes it's LSE, sometimes it's just plain social conditioning, etc. Sometimes they look ugly, but just need some tips on how to style better, how to move better. They have a similar journey in trying to unwrap their true potential and learn to screen the right people.
and all these ugly women with boyfriends... its often the only guy they've had for a long time, he is also very low value and is happier being with a ugly bird than meeting new women...its comfortable and easier for them


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2010
Reaction score
CoolBlue said:
I want to see all these ugly girls with options and guys available. They can't magically have more options than guys if the population of guys and girls are equal. For a cheap f*ck sure, but they will never have the guy for themselves. This also proves that guys have it easy with girls as they can bang 80% of the girls if they raise their score high enough. And if girls can get f*cked easy it just means that guys will f*ck anything that moves while girls are more choosy, so if you stop being so horny you will contribute to things being more fair.
I get your analogy and it does not work.

Where are all these ugly/fat girls with options you ask? Everywhere. I see them every single day. I'm in the thick of it. I'm in college. I work side jobs as well.

In my life, the majority of fat women I have come across/known/befriended have had boyfriends. They also get male attention and they DO get hit on

In my summer job this past summer, I worked at a country club. I helped in the full service kitchen as well as the snack shack. These women that worked there were either 1) 50-100 pounds overweight or 2) hideously, hideously unattractive. Their ages ranged from 23-50.

The disgusting beer gut cauliflower women had rings on their finger. They were either engaged or married. They also got hit on/flirted with/ got ego boosts from male co-workers and customers all the time.

In my college, there are many girls. Most of whom are attractive, I won't lie. But let us focus on the ones that are fat/unattractive. I just had lunch recently with a girl from some education course I took last year. She has a belly on her, probably at least 30 lbs overweight. She's about a 6. This girl is engaged and gets plenty of male attention.

I see it over and over again, all throughout hs, all throughout college, all throughout my jobs. Don't tell me I'm just crazy.

I've seen good looking guys who are in shape and work out who have no women at ALL. Why? Because, they need game on top of their looks plus personality if they want a relationship to last. Not the case with women period

Look, you can make up all the analogies you want. You can make all the points you'd like. But, it fails because of the sexual marketplace. The SM has p*ssy at a value that is 10X higher than what most guys can offer. This is why even fat/ugly girls have more options than guys

You can say, "But TIC, what about guys that make 6 figures?"

Im sure they get by just fine, but that's retarded because that is only about 6% of men. What about the other 94%?

I challenge you right now to grab a photo of a fat hb6 and make a profile on POF. Then, take a 9 guy and put him on POF. Then maybe you'll see my point. I've done this before and I already know the results.

Also, I'm not so sure about the population of guys to girls being equal. The statistics certainly say its 51/49 women to men, yes. But upon actually examination of bars, clubs and parties, one can easily see that the number of available women is much smaller than available guys

Bars=sausage fests
Clubs=sausage fests
parties- to a lesser extent still sausage fests
online dating= definitely sausage fests

(What's left? Bookstores, grocery stores, etc. Quality women there perhaps, but that's called day-game, and it is as hard as it gets. Most guys simply cannot do it.)

I go to clubs and bars every weekend. I examined fairly. Its not even close to being equal.

So stats support you, but the stats don't measure whose available and who is not. We all know what the dating scene is like and from that we can logically conclude that there are more single/available guys than there are single/available women. So the ratios ARE in women's favor, amongst other things that are in their favor to begin with


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2010
Reaction score
kingsam said:
its amazing some of teh crapo you guys beleive, and your limiting beleifs

many of these posts essentially convey that women are higher value than men. BULLSH!T.

This is just nonsense. Blasphemy. Feminist propaganda.

Women certainly do want us to think its fair. The game is rigged my friends, you need to stop living in denial. Nothing wrong with getting your game up and becoming a player, but do not act like its fair.

If it were fair then THERE WOULD BE NO SUCH THING AS PUA. There would BE NO DJ FORUM.

What don't you get about this concept? The very fact that these things exist is proof of a severe problem/lopsidedness in today's dating scene

Go to Brazil. Go to the Philippines. Places not effected by feminism do not have this issue. Ask around about it.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
a girl can be a "nice-girl" and still get a boyfriend, us guys we can't be a "nice-guy" and get a girlfriend, it doesn't work that way, and it's very hard to fake being an *******, jerk, douchebag, that all the girls love, and these links say why nice guys finish last with girls:


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
thats why I agree with the poster of this thread, girls, women, they can be all of that of what it says in those likes what nice guys do, but we can't, pretty much, girls just have to look good and be hot, cute, pretty, and be friendly, nice, thats all, nothing else.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2010
Reaction score
initiatorhater06 said:
thats why I agree with the poster of this thread, girls, women, they can be all of that of what it says in those likes what nice guys do, but we can't, pretty much, girls just have to look good and be hot, cute, pretty, and be friendly, nice, thats all, nothing else.
This is the point I keep trying to make but some of these guys have thick skulls and want to say its equal. A guy must have game/personality on top of looks. Its more requirements, its harder, it takes more work, its a disadvantage, period


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2002
Reaction score
TIC said:
This is just nonsense. Blasphemy. Feminist propaganda.

Women certainly do want us to think its fair. The game is rigged my friends, you need to stop living in denial. Nothing wrong with getting your game up and becoming a player, but do not act like its fair.

If it were fair then THERE WOULD BE NO SUCH THING AS PUA. There would BE NO DJ FORUM.

What don't you get about this concept? The very fact that these things exist is proof of a severe problem/lopsidedness in today's dating scene

Go to Brazil. Go to the Philippines. Places not effected by feminism do not have this issue. Ask around about it.
There is just no convincing you if you choose to blame your failures on the game.

So from what you say I take it that you love it to be a girl won't you? Everything will be so much easier for you right?

So let's take it that your overall score considering looks money status and personality is a 4. You can't be scoring too high in terms of wealth and status if you're working side jobs and your personality doesn't seem too good right here.

So now I transform you into a girl who is a 4. *Poof!* You dating life should improve tremendously now isn't it?

That's only until you realize all the guys won't even look at you. Even the ugly guys would rather work hard to improve themselves to land themselves a hot chick, and the good looking guys are whining that they should be paired with good looking girls too and are ignoring you.

Sure sometimes these guys come to you for an easy lay when they fail to score a hot chick. But once they are done f*cking they go back hunting for the hot chicks again.

Maybe you get lucky and land yourself a boyfriend. But your boyfriend must be one unattractive dude to settle for you and is lazy and unambitious to work hard and try to do better. You don't even respect the guy you are with! Even so, you fear that he will one day buck up and work hard to become more attractive and move on to other chicks, while there is nothing much you can really do to move up for yourself.

I'm sure you will be so much happier being a girl than a guy. A change in gender makes all the difference right? I tell you I rather be the guy who can work harder to get out of the rut.

Wake up and realize that it's all up to you. If you are the best you get to enjoy the best. Hot chicks have easy great lives and do well with guys. Guys who score high also live great lives and get chicks easily.

Right now you're just low value and therefore find it frustrating to play the game. What would you say your rating is? If you are an 8 I'm sure you can get an 8 girl. That means you have to be better looking, make more money, be more respected and have a better personality than 80% of the guys in the country. Do you think you are all that?


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2002
Reaction score
initiatorhater06 said:
thats why I agree with the poster of this thread, girls, women, they can be all of that of what it says in those likes what nice guys do, but we can't, pretty much, girls just have to look good and be hot, cute, pretty, and be friendly, nice, thats all, nothing else.
Because it's so easy to look good and be hot, cute, pretty, and be friendly, nice right? So why aren't all the girls doing that?


Dec 17, 2009
Reaction score

What you say is 100 percent true. Don't listen to anyone else about this. They don't have to do anything if they are born cute. Just remember, if you are born a man, you are born alone. And you will die alone. That is why you should always take care of yourself FIRST.