backbreaker said:
See, that's the hang up I have with Saint Paul. With Christianity as a whole to a lesser extent, but in this particular thread and in this particular matter, Saint Paul. I don't want what he has lol. I really don't. I don't care what he tells me in regards to sex or marriage or wealth or heaven or hell or gentiles, because, I don't want what saint paul has.
St. Paul is writing to the Corinthian church. That's in Corinth, Greece by the way. There are ruins there, but it was a real place at one time.
When people want to engage a theological discussion, and misquote from him, then the facts should be made straight about what he said.
If you are not "saved", which clearly by your writings you are not, then you are right, it doesn't matter whether you obey or disobey Paul's writings because you are still in your sins.
That is why Jesus said that you must be born-again or you can't see the kingdom of God.
backbreaker said:
There are people that do. I'm not by any stretch militant. Hell I'm not even an athiest I believe in a god,
Friend, the devil believes in God too.
James 2:19 "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble."
but i"m not religious, I'm more spiritual than religious.. a deist if you will. I'm firmly convinced something is out there, I just don't think the bible is it.
That's fine, but it still doesn't change the fact that you are still in your sins and if you died in your sins you would go to hell. It just makes you more comfortable on this side of the fence because ignorance is bliss. The other side is too late.
backbreaker said:
But you know, I'm not militant about it. If you believe that this floats your boat and you want what the 12 deiciples have, then by all mean, do what they say. But I like woman. i like ot have sex. I like to have kinky sex lol. I like sleeping with harlots when i'm single. I like to accumulate money. I very much enjoy worldly pleasures. I think overall I'm a pretty good guy, I help out, I donate my time and my money when need be to causes that I think are worthwhile to me and as a whole if i had to account for myself to someone I could do so with my head held high. If this makes me a evil person than I'm just an evil person.
According to the Bible, if you have hated someone without a cause then you are a murderer. If you have sex with women who is not your wife then you are an adulterer. If you have lied then you have born false witness. If you've looked at pirated movies then you are thief, etc....
God looks at every sin the same way because sin is sin and all sin deserves death. Even the good works you claim to do has the wrong motivations or is easing your conscience, and it is not anything God would accept.
All your good works are as filthy rags to God. (Is 64:6).
You see things your way. God sees things His way. You can not presume that how your see things in your self-willed life is the same way God will see you.
backbreaker said:
The reason I use the AA analogy is beucase I personally see a times, people using the bible as another relationship buffer and it reminds me of someone cherry picking what steps they want to work beucase they don't like all of them. A lot of Christians are like that, they like the part about going to heaven and being faithful and not killing people but don't like the part where jesus says.. lol, out of his own mouth mind you, but woe onto the rich for you have received your consolation.. and i have no respect for those Christians in that sense beucase they are doing nothing but using the bible to back up whatever is their own personal moralities.
But you just said you like accumulating money on your post. It sounds like you would also have a problem with this.
I don't use the Bible to back up my own personal moralities. I just broke up a perfect relationship with a girl I was going to marry because I listened to what Jesus said. I make tough decisions all the time based on what Jesus says and what Paul says.
backbreaker said:
In other words, not only can the AFC beta male not get women, he doubles down and uses the bible to shun getting women outside of marriage, so he goes from wanting to get women and can't, to convincing himself that he doesn't want women and thumbing his nose down at the people who do, and the love that he has for the woman's flesh turns into hatred.
I don't understand what the problem is. If you CAN get a woman, then what is preventing you from MARRYING a woman? It is simple to just marry a woman rather than fornicate or have illicit relationships with her.
Don't you see you are trying to twist the Bible into saying it says some extreme thing it doesn't really say so you can justify your sins? The Bible never said not to get a woman for marriage. Why do you think Eve was created for Adam?
We are talking about marriage. Not fornication, not adultery, not divorce and remarriage, but marriage. You need a woman to marry.
I'll repeat again...get a woman and marry her. Does not say no women. Just MARRY the woman.
backbreaker said:
I mean, in an age where you were sleeping with the wrong woman could get you stoned, no real form of contraception, and as BB so astutely quiolanly pointed out there was a competing religion that focused on out of marriage sex and it was a good idea to have a strong selling point against this practice, going around telling men not to sleep wtih women that you aren't married to or you are going to hell, or even taking it to that next level and saying, don't sleep with any women, is pretty smart if not pratcial advice. It's what i'd do or say 2000 years ago if I were in the same position. But it really doesn't, at least to me, hold it's weight in today's society.
If you sleep with a married woman or bethroed (Jewish engaged) woman then you could get stoned. If you sleep with any other woman, even a prostitute that was fine (although discouraged, but you wouldn't get stoned for that). The OT law is different from the NT. Heck, if you had no DJ skills and had to rely on brute force to rape a woman you would have a wife for life (Deut 22:28-29). In this society if you grope a woman you could go to jail. Doesn't ancient Israel sound allot nicer for men?
I actually like the OT law in terms of sexual relations because you could have mutltiple wives, concubines, fornicate, see prostitutes, look at porn and masturbate and divorce your wife for any reason, and you can also marry a divorced woman. I think you'd like the OT law too because you'd probably get no conviction about sleeping with women, unless she was engaged to be married or was already married to someone else. You said you only used harlots when you are single. We'd both agree that the OT sounds nice and there is no risk of any stoning death unless you only slept with married and engaged to be married women?
So again, you are wrong about people getting stoned for fornication. It's only fornication if it's with some one who was engaged to be married to someone else or it's not recognized as such.
backbreaker said:
If it does for you that's good for you, but it doesn't for me and i don't care where they say I'm gonna go beucase of it either.
you have to understand that from a.. from a control standpoint.. going to hell is pretty much all you could punish someone back then with.
There are enough NDE's about hell on youtube. Just because you don't believe there is a hell doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.
What do you think about that?