disgustipated said:
How bout putting fault at the feet of the leaders in the church who are supposed to lead by example and shepard young men and women into how to be the right kind of Christian? Don't place a bunch of blame on honest men looking to be inspired when the leaders are not only hypocrites but have no idea how to get his followers to where they need to go. At 21, I gave.it a real try ...but time after time the church failed me ...pastors and preachers could not lead by example.
To use your analogy, the young man's trainer giving him a jacked up workout schedule and he doesn't get jacked and cut. Who's at fault there, the pt for not being qualified or the young man for being too trusting?
Because the leaders of the church really aren't the problem
The problem isn't that the leaders of the church aren't leading by example.. alot do, but some don't. not all church leaders are bad. Our church had what, like 6 pastors on staff and only one of them was really bad.
The problem is that men in general are this guillible in the first place.
I don't want to go on a Burroghs like rant here (no offense) but the world is a BETA factory. guys start off as kids watching chumpy TV shows and listening to their moms tell a young man how to treat a woman, beucdase the man or husband or father is no were to be found or if he is around is a cuckhold with a paycheck. Guy then goes off to college and is told learn! this is the key to *****! all those jocks aren't going to do ****, now it's time for you to turn the tables! get in debt! more debt! stay in school! get the 3rd degree!
all the while the guy is watching hot 18-22 year olds **** the frat guys, the athletes, the guys who were fourntate enough to learn a little about game, chuckling to himself they dont' get it, i will be swimming in ***** and they won't! beucse i am learning!
then the guy gets out of school and has 70k in debt, goes to law school only to find out he didn't read the scrolling text in the school advertisement.. lol yeah for you to be swimming in ***** you not only have to learn you have to graduate at the top of your class, so while you didn't do bad, you didnt' do great, here is your generic ass law degree and here is your job making 65k a year at your generic ass law firm lol, and here is your 600 dollar a month student loan payment you have to pay back, effectively cutting your salary to about 55k a year which is about the same amount of money that a post office employee that has been at work for 5 years or more makes wihtout the debt or time wasted. '
so the beta male now has his law degree and tries to build a social life with not having any game so he starts listening to everyone around him. go out, meet girls. he goes out and meets girls only to find that the smoking hot ones with options think he's kay but they think they can do better. they are interested in the richer or better looking guys or guys with actual game or ****, even just a guy with a backbone and a big ****. and the girls that he thinks he can honestly have a chance with, are cute but have borderline character issues, so he's forced to tread threw daunte's inferno of ***** to try to get laid but to no avail.
so a few years of this, he's dated a few BPD's, he's getting fustreted.. all the man has ever done is listen to what people tell him works and all he has is a lot of lotion and a lot of porn, debt, and no Gf lol. so now as the women start to get off the **** marry go round they start to file into to church to look for a man who can save them. the lawyer / beta male sees this as his salvation and jumps in with full vigor. he's evebn more pleasaed when he sees that he has some options. so he falls harder. he might even date or marry one. the woman has convinced herself that this is what she needs, and she's tired of playing games. she wants a "real man". he says he's a real man. he proposes, they get married.
only for 2 years later some dude off this site who is just alpha as **** comes along and throws her head for a spin, she doesn't know what came over her, she wants to **** his brians out, she does, and then the fustrated lawyer / AFC guy doesn't know what to do. he has litearlly tried everything and nothing has worked.
the problem in that, is not the church man. the church man is just one of manypit stops the beta male makes. the problem is the beta male.