Throttle said:
...fresh water has always been local and its provision has (usually) been by public utility (experiments to the contrary in Latin America are going over like a lead balloon).
If you want to conserve either one, price it properly.
Last Man Standing said:
Professor, do you want to expound on this "experiment" further (as you delicately put it) and give us the true events??? Or should I do it?
Throttle said:
go for it, and have fun. and seriously, w/o the phd i'm just "lecturer throttle"
.A PhD is only good for credentials to bring "legitimacy" as an "expert" in a particular field of study - a few people determine your credentials to be respected by the whole populous as "worthy" - but knowing and embracing TRUTH is the greatest degree of achievement!!!!
What is happening in Latin America is what is happening all over the world!!! The natural resources of that country/region is being “privatized” (those with the most money own that resource!!!) so that the resource will be extricated from those who live in that area and who are dependent of that resource and placed in the hands of a few select individuals who do not even live there!!!! This is done through trickery/deceit and through force!!!
Research the IMF/World Bank and “Structural adjustments” – these fraudulent institutions burden the whole populous due to the decision of one leader and his governmental cohorts, with infrastructural debt that they can never repay (they force these loans through threats of assassination and military threats upon the decision makers of the country) and then relieve them of this fraudulent debt ONLY IF they give their (the country’s) natural resources to them as repayment!!! Thus WATER, OIL, ELETRICITY, ROADS.. NATURAL GAS, ETC... are available to “private” parties (those aligned with the dominant military might) to control --- they always raise prices to extravagant levels to burden those who naturally own the resource, the citizenry of the country - it doesn’t make sense – but this is the reality!!
Why can't those who live in the COUNTRY control their own natural resources WHO CAN PROVIDE IT AT HALF THE COST?????
I gave links here on this thread – referring to this topic….refer to my links…
on page 7 post #137!!