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What about the "Booty Call" Damages

The Sperminator

Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2007
Reaction score
I'm sorry Blue but you are not a victim. You could of gotten out of it anytime you wanted but you didn't. You come on here telling us that we are ****ed up and are only learning to get booty calls which is not true at all ok true for some lol but not everyone here. It's girls like you that we have to learn how to do this stuff. If you read more threads on here a lot of these guys. A lot of these guys on here including myself have been ****ed over by woman countless amounts of times. Before coming to this site I never even kissed a girl. I was that afc guy who did everything for girls but in return never got me anywhere. This site is how to attract woman. If a guy decides to use this knowledge for bootycalls then thats him but not every guy on here is like that. There are a lot of guys on here who started out with nothing. Guys who couldn't get a date if his life depended on it. So what do we do we learn things to attract woman.

If you want to blame anyone blame you and all other woman. Because we wouldn't do it if it didn't work. The reason why we learn these things because they work on woman. You will complain about it but yet you can't deny you are attracted to these types of guys. I've had friends tell me things like you are manipulating them or using tricks. Not at all. Lets use a football analogy. If you always run the ball and it never works and you find out passing the ball works are you going to still run the ball. No. I used to hear all the time just be yourself but being myself never got me any girls. So I came here to learn because I was tired of sitting alone on Friday nights. If you want to think we are all on here to learn how to get bootycalls then thats your opinion but let me tell you thats not everyone on here. Some guys want to find that special someone but we can't because we don't know how to attract woman so what do we do we learn it.


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Sperminator - I didn't stumble upon this site to declare myself a Victim - I was appalled when I read the article about Booty Calls and it struck a nerve so yes I vented.

I find this site very interesting as well as the comments - but yet still feel misunderstood because everyone seems to believe I went into this "Knowing" when I keep saying I Didn't - It changed after 1 1/2 yrs! That's what I was trying to understand....and the fact that everyone skates around the word "love" - I don't know how to just walk away from what my heart feels - the pain I sometimes feel doesn't outway my love. How do you just walk-away from that? I've never been dumped (yep in some ways I'm one of those hated woman who broke hearts - and I did love them but the pain, frustration, etc outweighed the love so it didn't hurt so much and THEY DIDN'T LISTEN to my warnings) so I guess I'm gonna be the "dumb***" and stay in the relationship regardless of some of the views here because the good outweighs the bad for me - oh so I must have the "Master" Duan Juan..ha ha..

I see that there are quite a few men on this site who have had their hearts broken - the bitterness clearly shows by some of the narrow-minded remarks and it just shows "Why they were cheated on or dumped". Woman cheat because they need "ATTENTION" and when we talk - we want to be heard and valued and appreciated - It's no different for a guy I believe. You can make all the money in the world but if all you do is work, come home, expect dinner then bury your face in a newspaper or sit your a** infront of a TV and fall asleep on the couch she's gonna cheat.

I would think this site would want more woman on this site to get a different perspective - my goal coming to this site was to get a man's perspective because woman see things differently and I know what they think.

I've been reading alot of different posts here and found some info that made sense in helping the "newbies" with dating but then there's all the "Players" and acting crap. Why can't you guys just be yourself from the get go? Why do people put up fronts in a relationship and project a false image of themselves that they won't live up too. We might as well all be actors instead of ourselves. i think that you just set yourself for failure when you do that because if you project an image of being a "dockers" pants kind of guy when you really just want your Levi's jeans then that's lying to person and to yourself and you just now set yourself up to be that "dockers" pants kindof guy throughout the relationship. Be Honest and Open and YOU - either they accept YOU or they don't - and if they don't then don't take it personally - I am an unusual, slighty weird person - have been since I was a kid but that is me and if people don't like me for my outspokeness and weird sense of humor that's fine but don't expect me to change myself just to please them.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Isn't this guy just being himself? You stuck with him for three years.

Blue you would prove many guys wrong if you said "I've decided I don't like the way that he won't commit to me. So I'm leaving him." (and actually leave him for good, no go-backs).

All you're doing is showing what we expect to see: you'll complain about the guy who you think doesn't treat you well, yet you'll stay with him till the end.

Lol. I'm sure when you came here you were hoping to "figure the guy out", never thinking most here would say you shared a large part of the responsibility for the situation you are in.

blue08 said:
I don't know how to just walk away from what my heart feels - the pain I sometimes feel doesn't outway my love. How do you just walk-away from that?
Blue you need to stop now. You're not helping your cause here. What men learn here is to either walk away from pain or to approach a situation in such a way that they know they will not get so emotionally involved as to feel that pain.

There's a phrase used here a lot. "Walk away."

So it can be done.

You say that you've never been dumped (wow!) then wonder why men can be so "extreme" (at least from your perspective) in not just wearing our hearts on our sleeve.

It's because most of us HAVE BEEN DUMPED--a few times. And it HURTS! When people have had enough pain, it makes sense that they'd do what they can to avoid that pain.

And while we don't want pain, we still enjoy women, so we learn a work-around: no emotional investment. That way we never have to become one of those men that you "warned".


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
LovelyLady - He is a Virgo - and yes we both have children. I have 14yr son and he a 7yr daughter and they are no part of our relationship. We both have our children part time - we are not together when we have our kids - he's met my son 1x and I never met his daughter (Court stuff/pyscho ex stuff) I was married 7yrs - left him. He was never married but wanted to marry his ex and she left him!!! <<that's why he's like he is (guessing)


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Reset -
Isn't "walking/running away" the easy way out in life?- I'm not one to give up easily and just walk away from anything. I came here to help myself change my perspective and it has - it's NOT him I was trying to change, but my thoughts and how I perceive my relationship that I needed to change so I can appreciate more what I do have and stop pushing for more than he can give right now -


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
It's the easiest way to make sure you have more of what you want, and less of what you don't. Just like when you dumped those guys. Even though you "loved them", they just didn't get with the program, and even after you warned them---they still didn't figure it out so you dumped them.

So in the end you walked away from THEM. Why?

Because you stopped being attracted to them. And I guarantee you there were some broken hearts from that.

Anyway. The point is that guys that turn you on (and women in general) will keep your interest, and if they don't treat you well, you will rationalize it away to make it sound like you're "working on the relationship" so you don't look bad to others, but in reality you are yelling with joy at the emotional roller-coaster like it was Disneyland.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
"I don't percieve women as adversary. It's not a fvcking war to me. The chicks on this trip are not interesting to me."

An enlightening revelation most definitely.

I confess its not war to me either.

More like a game of chess.


These days checkers heh heh.

"My experience is that it also works if you relax. Better even. Of course you need experience for this and can act and react on top whenever this is appropriate / necessary."

Different strokes for different folks.

Its an equally valid approach to things I can give you that much.

"Actually my impression is that you have no idea of what I'm talking about."

In what respect Charlie?[/Palin

"Your interpretation. I read it like: "I need a man who is not supplicating to my every whim, so at times there will be disagreement."

You know you're definitely entitled to your opinion and I can respect it but I have to say in my opinion your analysis of her situation in this instance is extremely misguided as again I explained to you before and I will explain to you now that her need for argument has nothing at all to do with problem solving or argument resolution over a legitimate dispute or even having a man that is the opposite of supplicating ie ultra dominant putting her in her place. Rather she seeks the turmoil of the argument likely because for a few brief moments it makes her feel alive similarly to how heroin and other drug addicts receive that high when engaging in their drug of choice.

Now certainly you may point to the weak justification she used for explaining her need for arguments "its only normal for two people to eventually disagree" but I would then point out to you that this does not apply to her situation because she has already told us the reason why she needs the argument and it is literally because she needs argument for the sake of argument.

To be even more brutally clear it is the argument itself that she craves and lusts after.

Not its resolution.
Not its ability to solve a problem.
Not its proof of a man that has a backbone.

"Never said this, just that to me it seems the ones which are already are the ones that go for your mindset."

Again I can respect the difference of opinion here but my take is a lot of men and women that say things like this in the women's case are bitter because they know that it works on them and the men who hold the view that you hold in most cases cannot replicate the same level of success so you turn to shaming and excuse posturing most commonly known as player hating to make it look like only the lowest of the low would fall for these tactics when in reality guys like me are pulling top shelf tail while guys with your view (not saying you personally as maybe you are the exception to the rule) most commonly tend to be alone and have to resort to either beating off in the corner, playing some chick's boyfriend to get any play at all (and she's not even that attractive to boot) or turning to prostitutes.

"I actually believe you are quite lonely. This is not the same as being isolated."

All people who embrace nihilism as truth and let the comforting illusions fall to the wayside likely feel a degree of loneliness.

Gotta love how Kurt Cobain broke the truth down for the masses with these lyrics...

"I wish I was like you, easily amused".

"All alone is all we are".

I realize with this you are likely trying some more subtle shaming tactics to prop your world view up as so right while my world view is so wrong and thats ok.

I understand that you just don't get it.

Read the first Cobain lyric that I posted over and over again and really think about it and maybe you'll understand some day why I can never embrace your world view.

I've sought the highest degree of truth ever since I've been a child and I'm sorry I just see no ultimate truth in your world view any longer. Just an endless cavern of comforting lies.

You prop them up with passion because they are so comforting to you but the fact remains...

They are still lies and lies I cannot accept.

"That's fine. But how about the emotionally / spiritually enriching part of it?"

The first isn't necessary as my main goal is physical pleasure and as for the second one not to offend you but I think the human race needs to grow up already and leave religion/spiritualism behind. What is spiritualism to you I refer to as an adrenaline rush + dopamine dump into the bloodstream.

"Here we disagree. It's about a Don Juan lifestyle, big difference."

I don't see how we disagree as Don Juan was the ultimate player and thats what I've aimed to be also.

Of course since you are likely taking the view of the term Don Juan from a Pook and Senor Fingerz perspective of how they took the term and gave it their own meaning I can understand the disagreement.

Since I don't subscribe to their views any longer I no longer subscribe to their revisionism of what it means to be a DJ ie a Don Juan. Rather I look to what the character itself was for part of my guidance on the player life rather than accepting their use of the term and their idealogy behind it.

"Agreed 100%. I simply believe the main line of indoctrination is the jerk one, which is very helpful for opening the eyes of the AFC. My aim lies beyond that. And I don't give a sh!t to any societal pressure. I'm well beyond that conflict and this beginner-stuff bores me to death. I simply do not need to fight on that line anymore. I have no intention of fighting the "infamous female conspiracy" to subjugate all mankind. I just improve my life, and if I can sometimes of those around me."

No one asked you to fight any infamous female conspiracy wtf? lol.

"And no, I'm not Fingers. But thanks, I take this as a compliment."

Heh, not to be a d!ck or anything but I wouldn't consider being compared to that guy a compliment. If I ever compare you to KarmaSutra, Interceptor, Victory Unlimited, reset, or Warrior74 then you can take that as a compliment.

Infact you do kind of remind me of Warrior a bit so take THAT as a compliment.

"You don't seem to understand that I completely agree with you on this. But if this basic stuff is the only advice this site is actively giving it would be very poor. I would be sad about this, since this site, which I somehow stumbled upon years ago helped me to become a new man. And yes, some of the often healthily desillusional jerk part was very helpful (and funny). It's just no reason to get bitter."

Well you see what keeps a site thriving and growing and full of great posts that people want to see is a person taking Ghandi's advice to heart and "Being that change they want to see in the world" so if you want a certain message promoted on this site that you don't think is getting enough board time then you need to make topics and posts to uplift the community.

Unfortunately though many posters such as yourself think that the best way to create the change you want to see is to engage in e-battle with posters such as myself, Str8up, ketostix, reset, DJDamage and others and thats just not the way to bring about a change on any online medium.

It more or less is like a pesky fly that buzzes around or to use a better bug analogy a bee that flies around and stings everything without ever making any honey.

So if you want to make a change and see this forum's message diversify stick around and focus less on challenging people you disagree with to prove the validity of their own message to you and more time once again making topics and posts and helping posters out via PM to get across your message, the one you want to see delivered to the masses.

Many don't stay around and put in some work to help out the community that so helped them and then they come and complain about how things have changed.

Its just the nature of life.

You get left behind if you've got no ideas or desire to share them.

"Agreed, that's fine. But where's your curiosity to experiment further, to refine your personal skills and traits on a new level?"

A good saying is "if it ain't broke don't fix it" though I will add since every woman's personality is slightly different it isn't like even guys like me with a winning formula don't have to continue to refine our craft.

"Just because this is the first thing that worked great for you, you think there is nothing more to the subject?

But it seems to me won't settle this in this thread."

Well its not the first thing that worked for me its just what I found to work the best out of a variety of techniques and trial and error you see.
In anycase I await a new topic no longer challenging me or anyone else from you but rather you promoting your own ideas with fire and vinegar and loads of excitement!

Perhaps I and the forum still have something useful left to learn that you can teach us.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
blue08 said:
I see that there are quite a few men on this site who have had their hearts broken - the bitterness clearly shows by some of the narrow-minded remarks and it just shows "Why they were cheated on or dumped". Woman cheat because they need "ATTENTION" and when we talk - we want to be heard and valued and appreciated - It's no different for a guy I believe.
Bitterness??! this is like "Pot calling the kettle black". You are the one that came here venting about players and the fact that your man is playing you so don't point your finger at us now.

"Narrow-minded that shows why we were cheated on or dumped"??!! ha!! Ask most men on this site and they will tell you that before they came here they tolerated every thing that their women dished at them including sympathizing with their "supposed" problems. What happened with those men is that they lost themsleves in relationships and lived their lives for their women not themsleves. The reason for this is that they were completley clueless about women, everything they learned about women was either from their mother's or the media which totally warped their views on women. It is not bitterness that you are sensing here lady its "optimism with experience". Now that men have become more aware of all the games that women play and the things that it takes to attract women and keeping them around, they are optimists about their chances. With their new found mindset they aren't afraid to dish out some reality and call a spade a spade.

You are clueless as to why women cheat if you state that not getting enough "attention" as the big reason. As a matter of fact most men who's girls dump or cheated on them, did so because they GAVE THEM TOO MUCH ATTENTION!. Your man is not giving you the amount of attention you want, just enough to get you hooked and coming back for more. He is doing everything right. You also don't understand guys very well because to us the more you talk the more we want to get away from you.

blue08 said:
I would think this site would want more woman on this site to get a different perspective - my goal coming to this site was to get a man's perspective because woman see things differently and I know what they think.
There are only a few women on this site that actually dish out good advice's because they accepted reality for what it is and they don't try to convince men to believe all their bullsh1t they heard from women their entire life.

blue08 said:
Why can't you guys just be yourself from the get go? Why do people put up fronts in a relationship and project a false image of themselves that they won't live up too.
We are ourselves, Our best selves.

Every day when you wake up in the morning, you put on makeup, perfumes do your hair extra nice, lift up your t1ts with a push up bra and wear high heels so please don't lecture us about projecting a false image of ourselves.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
Blue08 stated: How do you just walk-away from that?
You decide what you want from your life and deal with it knowing about the long-term consequences. Painful, yes. but imagine yourself 10 years from now. What would you think / feel looking back in either option?

I advice listening to your heart, but do not be it's slave.

Woman cheat because they need "ATTENTION"

Agreed. But they do want to earn it, not to be showered by supplicating chumps.

Why can't you guys just be yourself from the get go?

Because from the start most are not. It's a process to be oneself, anyway. Many, many young guys have no clue, no experience in life, no male role model, and (maybe most important) are not skillful in operating their personal boundaries.

That is why it is useful for many to over-train their personal boundaries first, then (hopefully) learn to be more open again. The acting, tactics etc are training, an experience, a voyage, not the goal. Many don't get this, though.

Isn't "walking/running away" the easy way out in life?- I'm not one to give up easily and just walk away from anything. I came here to help myself change my perspective and it has - it's NOT him I was trying to change, but my thoughts and how I perceive my relationship that I needed to change so I can appreciate more what I do have and stop pushing for more than he can give right now -

liked that.

player hating - not my problem. As I stated, I was doing just that. I worked on getting the skills and still use them, just having more fun about it and not taking stuff so serious anymore (has to be like that etc.). I'm way more playful now. Good for me & the girls like it, too.

ultimate truth: Never claimed I have it (since I was 23 or something), that might be the big difference.

challenging me interesting take here, you felt challenged? That's the reason for all this?

I and the forum Here you're overidentifying.

About Blue08: i gave her the courtesy of DOUBT, didn't frame her immediately. how else can you learn from somebody?


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
KontrollerX and DJDamage - you said >> you're happy with just a physical relationship without emotions and that works for you and all you need. B**sh*t - you must have a black hole in your heart that you bs'd yourself into thinking that pain is pleasurable - and by preaching that crap to young guys is only feeding fuel to the confused and inexperienced destined to carry that same black hole!! if anything you should be directing them to that post from Lovelylady about emotions and feelings -

LovelyLady - I did read those links - WOW! I couldn't have put myself in your position from the get go but I would have confronted her & killed him..lol (kidding)

And for anyone curious about the "traits" of your birth sign... this link is a great starting point - read about yourself - you'll be surprised how much it sounds like yourself! http://zodiac-signs-astrology.com/ I'm alittle nuts but No i don't believe in Santa or the Easter Bunny - it really can help you understand people - their likes and dislikes and also tells you how to approach them to create a relationship and keep them happy.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Still waiting for blue to point out how she could have any responsibility whatsoever for the "pain" (joy) she's going through.

Just kidding I'm not waiting.


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
KontrollerX you said > You know you're definitely entitled to your opinion and I can respect it but I have to say in my opinion your analysis of her situation in this instance is extremely misguided as again I explained to you before and I will explain to you now that her need for argument has nothing at all to do with problem solving or argument resolution over a legitimate dispute or even having a man that is the opposite of supplicating ie ultra dominant putting her in her place. Rather she seeks the turmoil of the argument likely because for a few brief moments it makes her feel alive similarly to how heroin and other drug addicts receive that high when engaging in their drug of choice.

Now certainly you may point to the weak justification she used for explaining her need for arguments "its only normal for two people to eventually disagree" but I would then point out to you that this does not apply to her situation because she has already told us the reason why she needs the argument and it is literally because she needs argument for the sake of argument.

To be even more brutally clear it is the argument itself that she craves and lusts after.

Where did you get that idea? I don't like arguments or "need" them- I hate disagreements and will often do everything in my power to avoid an argument but when I feel I am not heard or something really bothers me - then yes I will "talk" about my issue even if it creates an argument -communicating is important - #1 importance. If I didn't have those arguments and held all my gripes and *****es inside it would just come out eventually in an explosive way over something trivial. My arguments are usually constructive / not destrictive and things get resolved - I'd rather fight, resolve and then put it bed then carry it around. Just because people argue doesn't mean the relationship is over and you run away - it's a problem - you face it head on and deal with it. I don't seek out arguments for excitement - if I need excitement I'll have sex - not fight for ha ha's.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
Blue08,you're so blind,it's ridiculous. You can't even see that everything that Djdamage and Kontroller X have said is exactly on target. That comment Kontroller X said about how you "can't fight biology" is one of the best comments I've seen on this forum since I've been here. You can talk,and say anything you want,but the funny thing is that Kontroller X's words and your actions line up perfectly. It's like going outside when it's 110 degrees and saying you're not going to sweat. You can say that all you want,but your body has already been programmed to have specific responses to specific conditions. And these programs operate totally independent of your will.
In other words,you have NO control over it. You have NO say so in the matter. If you cut your finger,in a few days,it heals. Automatically,on its own.You don't have to remind yourself to heal,your body has already been programmed to do so.

When you reach 12,13,or 14 years of age,you start puberty. You body does it automatically,by itself. Your parents don't come to you on your 12th birthday and say to you,"Ok,you're 12 now. Time to start puberty".

You don't even realize that sexual attraction is just another function of the body that gets activated when certain conditions are met,and this guy that you keep complaining about is meeting those conditions through his behavior.
You can gripe and complain all you want,but as long as he keeps doing what he's doing,your "sexual attraction program" will still be activated,and whether you like it or not,you'll still be attracted to him. If you think your mind and will can override it,then you're completely clueless.

Do you deny that what Kontroller X and DjDamage have said,and what you have done for the past 3 years are exactly the same thing?

You're new here,so let me fill you in on one of our most repeated mottos:

"Go by what a woman does,not by what she says"

That's All we're doing. We're just going by your actons for the past 3 years.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
Igetit! said:
Do you deny that what Kontroller X and DjDamage have said,and what you have done for the past 3 years are exactly the same thing?
I wouldn't subscribe to exactly, but I agree that it is a very important angle to look at it. Stated similar stuff before, just a bit more polite, IMHO.

In other words,you have NO control over it. You have NO say so in the matter.
If you think your mind and will can override it,then you're completely clueless.

In this I strongly disagree. It is actually your job as maturing person to cherish your primal reactions when appropriate and to control them when advisable. Isn't self-control also something you learn on your way to DJ or PUA? It is thus possible. But it takes awareness and balls / equivalent.

"Go by what a woman does,not by what she says"
That's All we're doing. We're just going by your actions for the past 3 years.[/QUOTE]

This may well explain the past, and it is vital for getting an idea of the girl you're with. The frame here is, however, not be to game Blue08, but to advise her.
Fundamental for this is showing her our understanding of the situation, but also to open her view for choices for action in the future.


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
IGetit - I agree with the animal instincts in all of us and our physical desires - we all have them and the physical attractiveness thing is what drew me and my guy together. Just another reason why I don't agree with the entire "chase" concept and that I'd be gone if I got what I wanted. I am very choosy and am not attracted to a lot of people - few and far between -and my "desires" are stuck in overdrive most of the time - What you said I agree with completely - the physical parts - I was looking for the emotional side of it. What I interpretted from DjDamage was he doesn't need an emotional connection or even want it.

Reset - Answer to question -What I did to add to my pain... not that you really wanted to know but I'm still answering. My responsibility for the way things are was playing into his game of using sex - I in turn used the sex just so I could spend more time with him... I may only really wanted to hang out and watch a movie but if I just called and said that I would get nowhere usually- but if I say I wanna fool around I was more successful in my attempts to get more time with him. And the situation isn't all just a "booty call" as defined here on this site - It's the emotional side of it.. lacking and "We're just f**king" that I wanted to understand - after 3 yrs. i just need to stop listening to his words and go by his actions instead - because they speak two completely different things.


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
"Go by what a woman does,not by what she says"
Perfect - That's what I'm gonna do for now on - his words just confuse me - I'm just not gonna listen and just base everything on what he does instead- I'll be much happier. MG - men are confusing! Thanks IGetit! Your quote makes alot of sense!!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
blue08 said:
i just need to stop listening to his words and go by his actions instead - because they speak two completely different things.

we got a winner! :up:

Congrats, happy to see that, Blue08 :flowers:

By the way, there is another proverb here you just exemplarily confirmed (not: proved)
"Women use sex to get a relationship, men use a relationship to get sex"

and no, I do not buy flowers in real life....

Edit: and a line from a great, very smart local celeb: "What's the fuzz about a woman fakin' an orgasm..? I know men who faked entire relationships"
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
Little girl I know your not gonna like what I have to say but I do hope you listen.

For those of you nice guys who use morals as your programming for failure...I hope you succeed one day in the game and find a woman who will settle for guys like you after being used by real players like this girls man.



Don Juan
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
OH "REAL"SUPREME ONE - First I am NOT "alittle girl" you arrogant B**stard. I listened to half of your audio - you sound like a real ass who'd I'd probably slap in the face if approached by you in a bar - If you actually READ all the postings in it's entirity you would understand it's a whole "booty call" thing as defined on your website - it was more a question or EMOTIONS. And you think my guy uses "his situation with his daughter to suck me in??? -he's spent over $70k on lawyers already because of this pyscho b**tch - I've seen the bills! I can understand his reason for caution. Good thing you don't have kids - you'd really make them proud oh RealSupreme One...haha -hope your fixed just like the DOG you sound like you are. You slept with over 125 woman - SO WHAT! How many STDs have you passed on in the process and hearts have you played with - that's nothing to brag about. I could sleep with a 1000 men but I have MORALS something you obviously lack -