"I don't percieve women as adversary. It's not a fvcking war to me. The chicks on this trip are not interesting to me."
An enlightening revelation most definitely.
I confess its not war to me either.
More like a game of chess.
These days checkers heh heh.
"My experience is that it also works if you relax. Better even. Of course you need experience for this and can act and react on top whenever this is appropriate / necessary."
Different strokes for different folks.
Its an equally valid approach to things I can give you that much.
"Actually my impression is that you have no idea of what I'm talking about."
In what respect Charlie?[/Palin
"Your interpretation. I read it like: "I need a man who is not supplicating to my every whim, so at times there will be disagreement."
You know you're definitely entitled to your opinion and I can respect it but I have to say in my opinion your analysis of her situation in this instance is extremely misguided as again I explained to you before and I will explain to you now that her need for argument has nothing at all to do with problem solving or argument resolution over a legitimate dispute or even having a man that is the opposite of supplicating ie ultra dominant putting her in her place. Rather she seeks the turmoil of the argument likely because for a few brief moments it makes her feel alive similarly to how heroin and other drug addicts receive that high when engaging in their drug of choice.
Now certainly you may point to the weak justification she used for explaining her need for arguments "its only normal for two people to eventually disagree" but I would then point out to you that this does not apply to her situation because she has already told us the reason why she needs the argument and it is literally because she needs argument for the sake of argument.
To be even more brutally clear it is the argument itself that she craves and lusts after.
Not its resolution.
Not its ability to solve a problem.
Not its proof of a man that has a backbone.
"Never said this, just that to me it seems the ones which are already are the ones that go for your mindset."
Again I can respect the difference of opinion here but my take is a lot of men and women that say things like this in the women's case are bitter because they know that it works on them and the men who hold the view that you hold in most cases cannot replicate the same level of success so you turn to shaming and excuse posturing most commonly known as player hating to make it look like only the lowest of the low would fall for these tactics when in reality guys like me are pulling top shelf tail while guys with your view (not saying you personally as maybe you are the exception to the rule) most commonly tend to be alone and have to resort to either beating off in the corner, playing some chick's boyfriend to get any play at all (and she's not even that attractive to boot) or turning to prostitutes.
"I actually believe you are quite lonely. This is not the same as being isolated."
All people who embrace nihilism as truth and let the comforting illusions fall to the wayside likely feel a degree of loneliness.
Gotta love how Kurt Cobain broke the truth down for the masses with these lyrics...
"I wish I was like you, easily amused".
"All alone is all we are".
I realize with this you are likely trying some more subtle shaming tactics to prop your world view up as so right while my world view is so wrong and thats ok.
I understand that you just
don't get it.
Read the first Cobain lyric that I posted over and over again and really think about it and maybe you'll understand some day why I can never embrace your world view.
I've sought the highest degree of truth ever since I've been a child and I'm sorry I just see no ultimate truth in your world view any longer. Just an endless cavern of comforting lies.
You prop them up with passion because they are so comforting to you but the fact remains...
They are still lies and lies I cannot accept.
"That's fine. But how about the emotionally / spiritually enriching part of it?"
The first isn't necessary as my main goal is physical pleasure and as for the second one not to offend you but I think the human race needs to grow up already and leave religion/spiritualism behind. What is spiritualism to you I refer to as an adrenaline rush + dopamine dump into the bloodstream.
"Here we disagree. It's about a Don Juan lifestyle, big difference."
I don't see how we disagree as Don Juan was the ultimate player and thats what I've aimed to be also.
Of course since you are likely taking the view of the term Don Juan from a Pook and Senor Fingerz perspective of how they took the term and gave it their own meaning I can understand the disagreement.
Since I don't subscribe to their views any longer I no longer subscribe to their revisionism of what it means to be a DJ ie a Don Juan. Rather I look to what the character itself was for part of my guidance on the player life rather than accepting their use of the term and their idealogy behind it.
"Agreed 100%. I simply believe the main line of indoctrination is the jerk one, which is very helpful for opening the eyes of the AFC. My aim lies beyond that. And I don't give a sh!t to any societal pressure. I'm well beyond that conflict and this beginner-stuff bores me to death. I simply do not need to fight on that line anymore. I have no intention of fighting the "infamous female conspiracy" to subjugate all mankind. I just improve my life, and if I can sometimes of those around me."
No one asked you to fight any infamous female conspiracy wtf? lol.
"And no, I'm not Fingers. But thanks, I take this as a compliment."
Heh, not to be a d!ck or anything but I wouldn't consider being compared to that guy a compliment. If I ever compare you to KarmaSutra, Interceptor, Victory Unlimited, reset, or Warrior74 then you can take that as a compliment.
Infact you do kind of remind me of Warrior a bit so take THAT as a compliment.
"You don't seem to understand that I completely agree with you on this. But if this basic stuff is the only advice this site is actively giving it would be very poor. I would be sad about this, since this site, which I somehow stumbled upon years ago helped me to become a new man. And yes, some of the often healthily desillusional jerk part was very helpful (and funny). It's just no reason to get bitter."
Well you see what keeps a site thriving and growing and full of great posts that people want to see is a person taking Ghandi's advice to heart and "Being that change they want to see in the world" so if you want a certain
message promoted on this site that you don't think is getting enough board time then you need to make topics and posts to uplift the community.
Unfortunately though many posters such as yourself think that the best way to create the change you want to see is to engage in e-battle with posters such as myself, Str8up, ketostix, reset, DJDamage and others and thats just not the way to bring about a change on any online medium.
It more or less is like a pesky fly that buzzes around or to use a better bug analogy a bee that flies around and stings everything without ever making any honey.
So if you want to make a change and see this forum's message diversify stick around and focus less on challenging people you disagree with to prove the validity of their own message to you and more time once again making topics and posts and helping posters out via PM to get across your message, the one you want to see delivered to the masses.
Many don't stay around and put in some work to help out the community that so helped them and then they come and complain about how things have changed.
Its just the nature of life.
You get left behind if you've got no ideas or desire to share them.
"Agreed, that's fine. But where's your curiosity to experiment further, to refine your personal skills and traits on a new level?"
A good saying is "if it ain't broke don't fix it" though I will add since every woman's personality is slightly different it isn't like even guys like me with a winning formula don't have to continue to refine our craft.
"Just because this is the first thing that worked great for you, you think there is nothing more to the subject?
But it seems to me won't settle this in this thread."
Well its not the first thing that worked for me its just what I found to work the best out of a variety of techniques and trial and error you see.
In anycase I await a new topic no longer challenging me or anyone else from you but rather you promoting your own ideas with fire and vinegar and loads of excitement!
Perhaps I and the forum still have something useful left to learn that you can teach us.