Western/Westernized chicks are all filthy,worthless, bed hopping wh0res!

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Danger said:
I have to agree with tits on this one.

POF is ok to add a plate or two, but if it's your only pond? Then you clearly have confidence issues.

And it obviously shows here as Naughty is just trying to feel better about his lack of confidence by calling others "losers".

Who the hell ever said to use POF as your only pond? Who ever said I'd even bothered to meet the chicks on there? I said IF you want to meet them and bang them you can. It's not hard to tell what types of chicks are on there once you get the hang of it.

Lack of confidence by calling others "losers"? Wha? Where the hell did that come from? a dude isn't a losers because a dude wants to date whatever ethnicity.

But if some dude claims all Western women are worthless bedhopping wh0res and runs off to a foreign country to get a wife. Knowing damn well he's going to "sample" as many as he can or just snatch up the first one he meets then yes IMO he's a fvcking loser who couldn't hack not having everything his way in Western society.

If a dude just happens to go to another country for business or family I have no problems if he met someone. It's the dudes who whine and complain about the west and run to their foreign "shangri la" for a wife.

No chick is eventually going to stay with some butthurt moron unless she's desperate for an American man etc no matter how much he "hates" America or the west.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
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Bokanovsky said:
So what does that make you? A guy who whines about "whiney bvtthurt morons" and spends his time making fake POF accounts and spamming women with bizarre openers (but who, by his own admission, has never actually met any of those women in real life).

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to judge you...but you shouldn't be judging other people either. Because let's face, you are one weird f-ing dude yourself.

Making fake POF accounts to spam women with bizarre openers? Hell I was...Over a year ago now using my OWN pictures to spam women with "bizarre" openers....Because THAT's what they started responding to!

I've met a while BEFORE I started testing POF out chicks from online..a long while before and all of them had issues.

Any other dude who's used online dating sees for themselves how almost all they date on there have issues and it's only good for getting laid. IF YOU WANT TO.

Everyone on here can and will judge me, you and others regardless.

Fine. I'll be that "weird" fvcking dude! lol

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Danger said:
I've helped tons of people fvk women too, but I don't go around calling people "whiny b1tches" because they have enough standards to not commit to h0rs.

I don't have a problem with NN, but I take issue with someone knocking other men for being pissed off with the situation the current society has placed them in.
"Society" placed them in? Are dudes here men or not? Do I see feminisim as a problem? Yes. Am I going to go insane over trying to "fight the power"? No. I can't control what others are going to do.

I'm not calling dudes who don't want to commit to a wh0re a whiney b1tch. Who in their right mind would? It's the dudes who CONSTANTLY rant on "Western wh0res". So if they think so then why the hell would you continue to care if everything was so great elsewhere?

Here's what I'd do. Leave. Meet NORMAL better chicks and forget all the BS. Period. But to sit there saying 99% etc are all wh0res here but they for a "fact" know "princess" is in another country. LOL.

Down Low

Master Don Juan
Feb 21, 2012
Reaction score
I made some comments in another thread that also respond to what's said here. Short version: the liberal sexual marketplace, where all women are wh0res for the buying, where all men are allowed to make passes at all women at all times, is utterly incompatible with the traditional family.

Malice said:
Who wants to go overseas? There are alot of young foreign women here already.
Again, the liberal society is the problem. Marry a cute Kurdish refugee here, and she'll quickly become a typical American cheating wife-wh0re. The laws on contraception/abortion, divorce, and domestic violence are totally against your marriage and she'll learn it from the media and from other women. Anyway, women are mirrors. They echo whatever values you say are good. But there's no substance -- it's all an illusion. Without effective, omnipresent social punishment for straying, nothing stops your formerly wonderful wife from becoming an alley cat. What do you think prevented her from growing up an alley cat in the first place?


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Down Low said:
Again, the liberal society is the problem. Marry a cute Kurdish refugee here, and she'll quickly become a typical American cheating wife-wh0re. The laws on contraception/abortion, divorce, and domestic violence are totally against your marriage and she'll learn it from the media and from other women. Anyway, women are mirrors. They echo whatever values you say are good. But there's no substance -- it's all an illusion. Without effective, omnipresent social punishment for straying, nothing stops your formerly wonderful wife from becoming an alley cat. What do you think prevented her from growing up an alley cat in the first place?
Exactly right. Biologically, women are the same everywhere. It's the social environment that dictates how a woman will behave. You can bring a foreign woman here if you want, but unless you plan to keep her locked up in your basement, she is going to adopt the North American mentality in no time (but she will keep those "traditional" aspects of her culture that she finds beneficial, such as expecting the man to pay). In many ways, immigrant women who have lived in the West for some time are the worst of both worlds. They somehow manage to be both, feminists and gold-diggers. It's actually quite amusing.

The Gambler

Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2012
Reaction score
I guess I must be a lucky exception here in the good ol' U.S.A. I have a beautiful, loving, caring wife who puts me first. We share the same personality, we like many of the same things, and each enjoy our alone time too. We're not rich, but have a nice home to live in and do our share of things we enjoy (road trips to Vegas, for example!)

I'm not exactly Brad Pitt. I'd probably give myself a 6/12 or 7 if I were being honest. I don't want to rain on anyone else's opinion because I do see plenty of entitled, stuck-up b!tches out here on the West Coast. But I simply have not seen the situation where decent women are so rare that they're considered the holy grail. You gotta dig a little and be patient -- while improving yourself in the process.

The Gambler


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
Because 340 million people in China speak English (its going to be the official second language of China soon with more Chinese learning it in school. Both Mandarin and Cantonese must have English to pass their finals.), English is the most popular language on the planet, wherever English goes, money follows. KFC is the biggest fast food chain in China... they actually beat out McDonalds here, Chinese people love KFC (also my wife's favourite food). It is considered 'cool' , 'educated' and 'upper class' to speak English and have an English friend.

Pretty well every successful Kpop and Kpop-like group has some English integrated into their music. BTW Kpop is the new standard for good music in the world. Not your feminist american bs.



Ummm I don't think you people realize what China has become. Prepare to be assimilated, there is a new super power in town.


The Gambler

Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2012
Reaction score
LiveFreeX said:
Because 340 million people in China speak English (its going to be the official second language of China soon with more Chinese learning it in school. Both Mandarin and Cantonese must have English to pass their finals.), English is the most popular language on the planet, wherever English goes, money follows. KFC is the biggest fast food chain in China... they actually beat out McDonalds here, Chinese people love KFC (also my wife's favourite food). It is considered 'cool' , 'educated' and 'upper class' to speak English and have an English friend.

Pretty well every successful Kpop and Kpop-like group has some English integrated into their music. BTW Kpop is the new standard for good music in the world. Not your feminist american bs.



Ummm I don't think you people realize what China has become. Prepare to be assimilated, there is a new super power in town.

Thank you for your well-written response. It is very informative and I have much respect for the progressive citizens of China. I will say however, that a video like this helps to make my point. Along with western music, western fashion, western food and the western language goes the western attitude. At the rate that Chinese youth are changing, how long will it be before they adopt western views regarding relationships?

I will say we have our share of crazy women (and men) in the United States, with tremendous baggage and no ability to have a healthy relationship. However, there are plenty of good women still out there if a man has value to offer. We must continue working on ourselves.

Thank you again, sir.

The Gambler

Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2012
Reaction score
Danger said:

You may be ignoring the strong effects of cultural shaming. Hell, even here in the US the Chinese families are a tight-knit unit where some behaviors are simply not tolerated. What makes you think China's internal culture on the other side of the world will submit any more easily to western values?
Thanks... I mentioned before how the youth of China are embracing western culture basically in every way. The music, the fashion, the language, the food, the movies and so forth. Hell, in the video I originally responded to, these girls basically did everything but bleach their skin white. I am not expecting the older generation to change their beliefs or values... But I find it hard to believe that the younger generation will adopt everything about western culture EXCEPT for their attitude regarding relationships.

When the youth of a culture begin to publicly act and look like sexual beings -- on television, in magazines, on the street -- attention from the opposite sex will follow. I'm not saying that China will be a country of promiscuous sin in five years, but if you compare the pop culture of China 40 years ago the the pop culture of today, I would think that today is much less conservative. As information has become readily available to the citizens of China (and everywhere else in the world), it is natural that youth will try to emulate many of the attitudess they see.


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2013
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Alberta, Canada
Two words, Obesity and Feminism... creates a sh!t environment that requires alot more attention to learn and navigate in the world of uncapped hypergamy.

You beta, you bust... and in a society where 85% are nurtured betas its a frustrating battle. I can see why people lash out with those beliefs... still doesn't change the issue, its just *****ing.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Danger said:
I find a bit of a dichotomy in your logic between the two posts.

Post #1 hates on men for "leaving the country for better prospects".

Post #2 hates on men for not "just leaving for better prospects".

You're giving yourself an aneurysm.

I meant leave the crazy chicks whomever is dealing with and work on themselves not leave the US.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 12, 2012
Reaction score
not all are just a great majority...to many. just to share a little story, one of my buddies is about to be a dad with his gf of over a year. unfortunately, this week he found out she was fvckin her ex behind his back. her ex is his best friend. now he doesnt know if the baby is his. hes a good guy, treated her good, was ready to marry her. bought a new car and apartment for her, now this. i hope he gets a dna test and hes able to rid himself of her permanently.
women today....shaking my damm head. you have to be cold blooded to do that kinda stuff. i think of a few women that need to be shot and shes one of them.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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spang said:
not all are just a great majority...to many. just to share a little story, one of my buddies is about to be a dad with his gf of over a year. unfortunately, this week he found out she was fvckin her ex behind his back. her ex is his best friend. now he doesnt know if the baby is his. hes a good guy, treated her good, was ready to marry her. bought a new car and apartment for her, now this. i hope he gets a dna test and hes able to rid himself of her permanently.
women today....shaking my damm head. you have to be cold blooded to do that kinda stuff. i think of a few women that need to be shot and shes one of them.
Tell him not to sign the birth certificate until they do a DNA test. If he signs it, he is fvcked. He will be fighting the courts for YEARS to relieve himself of financial responsibility even if he is not the father. DNA would be irrelevant at that point, because DNA is INADMISSIBLE until the COURTS request it.

Remember that people. It is not as simple as saying "hey look! The DNA test says I'm not the father!" Until the court asks for it and they have it administered, you ARE the father.



Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
Why do PUA's have this obsession with 'working on themselves' and 'improving'.

We are not the problem, North American Women are!

We are red blooded males, we enjoy video games, sports, martial arts and competition... we have jobs, make money, have our own places to live, why is that not good enough?

Well guess what, outside america-sphere, the above man is a perfectly acceptable person for mating. Only in North America do you need to go to the gym, learn game and consistently strive for a six figure salary.

In North America, you can have the best pooper scooper on the market but in the end you are still picking up ****.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
I will say this...that Naughty Ninja is only heard with here on this subject, given great weight on it, cause his POF sh!t works. If you use but a 1/10 of the lines he teaches, you'll get results, and you know it's the lines (not just your photos) cause they'll come outta the wood-work and message you outright about sentences you put in your profile, then it's game on, if not with nasty hoe slvts, but still, a fvck's a fvck.

I could understand if women were shopping just but once a month, but they almost ALL, shop, from teens on up, EVERY, fvckin, week, whether they have the money or not to shop with. They are perpetual Impulse buyers. They'll buy something, wear it, then take it back next week for the most minor of reasons after the emotion of the "new"...wears off. They do the same, with, men. Once that emotion of her impulse buy of you, the male, wears off..Watch out! then you'll get the constant fretting and reasons as to why she's gonna take you back to the store, and swing to another new, another schlong, to nudge up next to. In other countries, wear shopping is kinda non-existent to the scale that we over-indebted Amerikans are, a man can have a devout wife either by no other Choice, or by Force (cause their governments enable Enforcement of traditional values/family culture structure hierarchy).