Western/Westernized chicks are all filthy,worthless, bed hopping wh0res!


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
floydb25 said:
Its all the complainers fault for chasing after, and trying to wife up these hoes. Further, if you try to become billy boy badass don Juan pimp player to attract such hoes - that's your fault, too. You attract these hoes, seek after these hoes, try to love these hoes - then ***** and whine and claim all women are hoes. WTF, no.
Quoted for truth.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
Naughty Ninja said:
If you believe a chicks are filthy, worthless, bed hopping wh0res then special breaking news bulliten: YOU are a whiney little bvtthurt moron and in dire need of a mental health counselor.

Unfortunately you're preaching to a board full of whiny little butthurt morons.


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2012
Reaction score
The lesbian/bi girls are just as worse actually. Its impossible to find a decent bi/lezzo who doesnt have a double digit history =/ and the worst thing is they are all totally into themselves and think their gods gift....

However i agree with a couple of posters on this board, not all women are like this for eg me. i have only slept with 4 people and im 24.....i have morals and self respect, alot of which girls are lacking these days. Stop chasing after wh0res!!!


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
I personally know men who often complain about all women being h0rs and crazy. I also know that they keep finding these girls in the same places (i.e. online & clubs).

All I can say is that if they keep doing the same thing and expect a different result, THEY are crazy.

Yet, I agree with the sentiment that female quality has drastically declined in the past few decades. I don't agree with the sensationalist drama queens who suggest you have to leave the western hemisphere to find a decent, attractive girl though.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
djgirl said:
The lesbian/bi girls are just as worse actually. Its impossible to find a decent bi/lezzo who doesnt have a double digit history =/ and the worst thing is they are all totally into themselves and think their gods gift....

However i agree with a couple of posters on this board, not all women are like this for eg me. i have only slept with 4 people and im 24.....i have morals and self respect, alot of which girls are lacking these days. Stop chasing after wh0res!!!
The issue is that wh0res like to call themselves "bi" instead of admitting to others and themselves that they are wh0res.

You know how many bi girls I have PERSONALLY known in my entire life? TWO. I tried online dating years ago and was shocked to see that suddenly 1 in 4 girls were "bi". REALLY? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

It is well-known that homosexuals are more promiscuous than heterosexuals. Especially gay men.


Don Juan
May 24, 2012
Reaction score
I think, that you have every right to be a DJ and uncover all this that is wrong with America and such, but not everyone can handle it. Not everyone is fit to be a DJ and deal with the world lying to them.

Coming to the site and saying that women are terrible, is entirely anti-productive. Come here to get better with women, learn what they are like, hate them, whine that they aren't like society told us.
Some of you took the wrong pill.


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
I am in complete disagreement with you Ninja... cause I wake up next to a beautiful young girl every morning here in China.

NOT AN AMERICAN pos that you have to learn rules and games to bed... Maybe you are the one who is butt hurt cause you have to stay in america and bend over backwards for these women.. lets be honest here 90% of american women buy into american ideals hence your rampant success and your handle 'naughty ninja'. The fact of the matter is that when I met my wife, her behaviour was so counter-intuitive that I thought something was wrong. She was NO challenge, didn't respond to my frames or games and took all my negs as insults. I had to step back and question what the hell I was doing wrong after 10 years in the game and 100s of dollars spent on pickup material. It didn't hit me until I started speaking to more local males here and realized that women here don't forcefeed their men sh1t. Chivalry was quite commonplace but entitlement was not, wtf? Guys would pay for dates and girls would tell them not to spend money? Had I been wrong all these years of gaming? YES... that was it, the more I spoke to expats the more I was convinced, I had been brainwashed to accept gift wrapped trash almost my entire life. I was a good guy that became bad in order to attract women who were so fundamentally flawed that every relationship prior blew up in my face. Why did this one seem so natural? Because I was being myself, a good person, and this other good person was being herself in front of me... I had almost completely lost touch with who I was, forgotten all the stuff that I loved about myself. Why wasn't I attracted to her? I had programmed myself to seek abusive women by always seeking a challenge. So I tell guys now, the secret to being happy is to go abroad, leave the sh1t-eatting-sphere of america and rewrite your code.

I'll be happy now to get my head examined bro, but I guarntee it'll come back clean because I get to 'just be myself' and still have a wife who isn't a h0, likes me for who I am, wants to have children and a nice normal family and doesn't ask for anything in return. I trust myself in this relationship because I trust her and the society that brought her up. You should ask yourself who the crazy one is. Hating women? I don't hate women, I hate self entitled arseholes who shame anything masculine and the men who defend them. You might as well all be white knight betas, you still exude the characterisitcs. Wake up, you are sleeping with the enemy!
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Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Danger said:

Absolutely true.

Too many guys get mad at girls when it is the guy that is the problem. If you can't get a girl, don't blame them. Improve yourself.
Of course, you have to "man-up". Always the man's fault.

I hear Russia has 1 million excess women who can't find a man and the women there are very hot.

Now this is on RT News so it is no BS:


It is so desperate men marry more than one woman, and women are okay because they know they have to share their men since there are not enough men going around.

Maybe the problem in North America is the gender ratio.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
LiveFreeX said:
I am in complete disagreement with you Ninja... cause I wake up next to a beautiful young girl every morning here in China.
Congratulations. I'm proud of you.

NOT AN AMERICAN pos that you have to learn rules and games to bed... Maybe you are the one who is butt hurt cause you have to stay in america and bend over backwards for these women..
My back and azz have been killing me lately. I have to ask if your diagnose could be a possiblity on my next annual physical.

lets be honest here 90% of american women buy into american ideals hence your rampant success and your handle 'naughty ninja'.
Honestly I pulled my SS username out of my butt hurt azz when I joined. Didn't put much thought into it. It had nothing to do with American womens ideals.True story.

The fact of the matter is that when I met my wife, her behaviour was so counter-intuitive that I thought something was wrong. She was NO challenge, didn't respond to my frames or games and took all my negs as insults.
I like challenges at times. Keeps me on my toes.

I had to step back and question what the hell I was doing wrong after 10 years in the game and 100s of dollars spent on pickup material.
I never spent a dime on PUA nonsense. Watched videos of it for lulz though.

It didn't hit me until I started speaking to more local males here and realized that women here don't forcefeed their men sh1t. Chivalry was quite commonplace but entitlement was not, wtf? Guys would pay for dates and girls would tell them not to spend money? Had I been wrong all these years of gaming? YES... that was it, the more I spoke to expats the more I was convinced, I had been brainwashed to accept gift wrapped trash almost my entire life. I was a good guy that became bad in order to attract women who were so fundamentally flawed that every relationship prior blew up in my face.
Most dudes want it the easy way and their way. I'm not tripping over myself to find someone to "complete" me. Just be a part of my world and me of theirs till we both possibly grow and become one. Equals. If not? I've got no problems bouncing. Period.

As for going out. If I want to go out. I'm not just going to sit around because my girlfriend at the time tells me not to spend money. If she has it or not and I want to go somewhere I'm going and she's coming. If I told her to go and she doesn't have the money? I'm paying. Once in a while it's cool to sit around and save but I like to go out too. If she decides to stay home? I'd then decide if I'm going or not with friends. I'd put it to her in this way: Can I live too? Won't you let me live? Please?!

Why did this one seem so natural? Because I was being myself, a good person, and this other good person was being herself in front of me... I had almost completely lost touch with who I was, forgotten all the stuff that I loved about myself.
This "one". So you either found one chick and just married her (IDK how "hot" a chick is I'm not running to marry her right away) or you had to have "dated" several others in China before you found her so how much better are they? If they were all sooo much better than dudes would be straight up marrying the first one the met. You have pvzzy on a pedestal. Still do and want to just "be yourself". That's fine if you feel you have no room for improvement nor desire to. If finding the "perfect" girl to "complete" you is the end all be all of improvement for you. Fine.

Why wasn't I attracted to her? I had programmed myself to seek abusive women by always seeking a challenge. So I tell guys now, the secret to being happy is to go abroad, leave the sh1t-eatting-sphere of america and rewrite your code.
So you admit the problem was YOU and not all these abusive American women you "stumbled" across?

I'll be happy now to get my head examined bro, but I guarntee it'll come back clean because I get to 'just be myself' and still have a wife who isn't a h0, likes me for who I am, wants to have children and a nice normal family and doesn't ask for anything in return. I trust myself in this relationship because I trust her and the society that brought her up. You should ask yourself who the crazy one is. Hating women? I don't hate women, I hate self entitled arseholes who shame anything masculine and the men who defend them.
Chicks overseas also have their own customs and ways of doing things as well as their family and extended families ideas of doing things. So in the end you still have to do it their way. Relax. Take a deep breath. Everythings going to be ok.

You might as well all be white knight betas, you still exude the characterisitcs. Wake up, you are sleeping with the enemy!
Sleeping with the enemy? I haven't gotten laid in months bro! I'm So Suaves MasturdeBETA. Gotta find my WK cape and pour on that PUA Alpha badazzness with hundreds of American women so hopefully I can score just one. (I'll try to have a field report for everyone's reading pleasure. I know how dudes on here love to hear success stories. As if one dudes success guarantees they'll go out and have success themselves. I never understood that but it's all good!)

I'm surprised this thread got revived by Don Gorgon after six months. I guess he was out surveying all chicks in the West for proof positive they are 99% all wh0res. LMAO

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
Naughty Ninja said:
If you believe a chicks are filthy, worthless, bed hopping wh0res then special breaking news bulliten: YOU are a whiney little bvtthurt moron and in dire need of a mental health counselor.
Knock it off you silly WK. Bringing to light the real life implications of Western woman's unrestrained hypergamy is not a bad thing, it's not a good thing either. It just is.

I think these 2 quotes by guys who I suspect are far more successful and pull hotter dimes than you ever will is suitable for this nonsense thread.



I could really give a fukk about most of the women I meet, even most of the ones I end up fukking. They are lame, boring, kind of stupid, and usually lacking in any kind of original thought. They are utterly self-important, self centered and basically wait around for the man in their life to give them some kind of purpose outside of school/job/or whatever sport they engage in. - DIESEL
I mostly stick to Heartiste because this was one of the first Manosphere blogs I read and I like the “not afraid to go into the dark side” attitude here. The ***** “half-gamers” at places like sosuave or Roosh’s forum (not to be confused with Roosh’s blog itself, which I read) are painful to read because they try to pick and choose “dark” traits while trying desperately to keep their “I’m a don juan” politically correct reputations in-tact. “You can’t be half a gangster.” - YaReally

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
( . )( . ) said:
Knock it off you silly WK. Bringing to light the real life implications of Western woman's unrestrained hypergamy is not a bad thing, it's not a good thing either. It just is.

I think these 2 quotes by guys who I suspect are far more successful and pull hotter dimes than you ever will is suitable for this nonsense thread.

My cape is in the cleaners. I take feminisim foolishness as a compliment in a way. The more they whine and complain the more I know I'm the man. Fvck em.

And why should I care if two suspects could possibly pull hotter chicks than me? Should I challenge them to a dance off? Hahahaha

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
Naughty Ninja said:
And why should I care if two suspects could possibly pull hotter chicks than me? Should I challenge them to a dance off? Hahahaha
No offence but I don't think you would even make the semi-finals, still obsessed with the glowing allure of pulling POF whales/single mothers counts as an automatic disqualification.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
( . )( . ) said:
No offence but I don't think you would even make the semi-finals, still obsessed with the glowing allure of pulling POF whales/single mothers counts as an automatic disqualification.
Shame you failed to note that the sosuave POF mascot Mr. NaughtyNinja has put in a disclaimer on almost every one of his POF threads saying he does not bother to meet, nor mate with the cesspool warpigs online.

I hardly think advice on "Quick number grabs" is an obsession. More of a hobby.:D
Go on Ninja - do the thriller video dance


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
Iceberg said:
The reality is, most women are not going to fit into your life. Hell, most PEOPLE won't fit into your life. Men have to learn who to filter out, and who to keep in. Instead, we have guys on here getting all torn up because some girlfriend dumped him...when in reality, she should have never been elevated beyond F**k Buddy status in the first place.

Anyway, I'm going on a rant, so I'm going to shut up. I'll just finish by agreeing with your point that the average man isn't getting laid, so he assumes no one else is. So true. But the fact is, there are plenty of guys getting laid...and they're doing it by knowing how to put different women into different categories. And by not getting all emotionally attached to every girl who spreads her legs.
The assumption is there are a bunch of good looking single girls out there waiting to be picked up sexed up and be in a relationship. There is a scarcity of girls like this, and the dating pool shrinks like crazy all while the standard of the girl goes up a they age....why guys get emotionally attached.

If a man is single in his 30s, something is wrong with him, he doesn't know how get laid and has no game, easy pickings for girls or guys to make fun on him. If a girl is single in her 30s, can't touch her because she is a serious career woman who loves her job and power and money and has no desire to start a family, but can laid at will.

Then you ask how can they not be angry...it's not it like a transaction, $1 for a coke, you are dealing with fleeting feelings, time, money, energy spent to develop something. Yes you shouldn't get attached to every girl who spreads her legs, but it can be so cruel out there that they feel they have no choice.

This site does a good job of dealing with girls, but their scarcity is the root of all issues.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Purefilth said:
Shame you failed to note that the sosuave POF mascot Mr. NaughtyNinja has put in a disclaimer on almost every one of his POF threads saying he does not bother to meet, nor mate with the cesspool warpigs online.

I hardly think advice on "Quick number grabs" is an obsession. More of a hobby.:D
Go on Ninja - do the thriller video dance

Who the hell goes after the warpigs? LOL. I trollololol'd the hot ones and got nudez from well over a hundred chicks online. vids too. (And no I'm not posting anyones pics or vids anywhere.) There ARE hot ones on there...all screwed in the head though. ( Depending on the city size, or cities places by the beach the more the chicks have to look good for more bikini weather. Dudes just see "warpigs" because they don't get responses from the hot looking ones and assume the hot ones are "fake" profiles. Hardly EVER the case.) You can tell it's a real chick when the pics in the profile are the same chick in the nudez and their rooms are all messed up, lighting isn't professional nor is their makeup "perfect" or see their nailpolish chipped.

I'm going to start practicing doing the worm to get ready for my "comp".

I'll put out a youtube video on my progress. "Dancing with the manosphere All-Stars". Or "So you think a White Knight can dance?" If we hold it in England we can call it "LiveFreeX-Factor."


Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
You know we had a change from communism to democracy in Russia, and the two extreme opposites are obvious.

Back then prior to 1991 chicks were nice as a majority.

Now, post 1991 and present majority are wh0res, self fish, have no family values, and can't cook.

I would say that westernized chicks are filthy and worthless bed hopping wh0res as a majority, not all of course, but as a majority.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
Danger said:

However I don't find anything wrong with going overseas for a young foreign chic if that is your thing.

Who wants to go overseas? There are alot of young foreign women here already.


Master Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
LiveFreeX said:
I am in complete disagreement with you Ninja... cause I wake up next to a beautiful young girl every morning here in China.

NOT AN AMERICAN pos that you have to learn rules and games to bed... Maybe you are the one who is butt hurt cause you have to stay in america and bend over backwards for these women.. lets be honest here 90% of american women buy into american ideals hence your rampant success and your handle 'naughty ninja'. The fact of the matter is that when I met my wife, her behaviour was so counter-intuitive that I thought something was wrong. She was NO challenge, didn't respond to my frames or games and took all my negs as insults. I had to step back and question what the hell I was doing wrong after 10 years in the game and 100s of dollars spent on pickup material. It didn't hit me until I started speaking to more local males here and realized that women here don't forcefeed their men sh1t. Chivalry was quite commonplace but entitlement was not, wtf? Guys would pay for dates and girls would tell them not to spend money? Had I been wrong all these years of gaming? YES... that was it, the more I spoke to expats the more I was convinced, I had been brainwashed to accept gift wrapped trash almost my entire life. I was a good guy that became bad in order to attract women who were so fundamentally flawed that every relationship prior blew up in my face. Why did this one seem so natural? Because I was being myself, a good person, and this other good person was being herself in front of me... I had almost completely lost touch with who I was, forgotten all the stuff that I loved about myself. Why wasn't I attracted to her? I had programmed myself to seek abusive women by always seeking a challenge. So I tell guys now, the secret to being happy is to go abroad, leave the sh1t-eatting-sphere of america and rewrite your code.

I'll be happy now to get my head examined bro, but I guarntee it'll come back clean because I get to 'just be myself' and still have a wife who isn't a h0, likes me for who I am, wants to have children and a nice normal family and doesn't ask for anything in return. I trust myself in this relationship because I trust her and the society that brought her up. You should ask yourself who the crazy one is. Hating women? I don't hate women, I hate self entitled arseholes who shame anything masculine and the men who defend them. You might as well all be white knight betas, you still exude the characterisitcs. Wake up, you are sleeping with the enemy!

IF I bent over backwards to get laid (I don't), I'd still rather be THAT guy then have to bang hideous Chinese women

I can't believe you typed that many words to tell us women from an opressed society are less challenging than American women. Funny how backseatjuan agrees with livefreeX, in that Russian women pre 1991 also shared the qualities of the magnificent women of a totalitarian socialist/capitalist china govt thats culture is surely still infused with the more hardcore socialist warlord run Views of the country from previous decades.

Danger said:
And it obviously shows here as Naughty is just trying to feel better about his lack of confidence by calling others "losers".

I think he's been on the receiving end of the attacks here. It's kinda refreshing that he doesn't start threads just to boost his ego by telling a bunch of strangers that he banged 1 chick and that he now holds the key advice to get all chicks, like some do. Maybe he does help with pof partly because of an ego boost knowing hes getting a bunch of guys laid, I don't know and don't care though. I came her 8 years ago and up until getting NN's advice nothing else here was as practical or at least for me I wasn't implementing anything I read here in real life. Now I get laid as much and with as many chicks as I want, in real life and online. There's plenty of other guys here who read every article here as well a the dj bible and they still come back asking the same questions over and over and wondering why they can't succeed. Knock naughty ninja all you want (and I don't see why you would) but he's been more helpful to me than anything else here so questioning his methods or personal success is laughable to me
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Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Naughty Ninja said:
If you believe a chicks are filthy, worthless, bed hopping wh0res then special breaking news bulliten: YOU are a whiney little bvtthurt moron and in dire need of a mental health counselor.

True a lot of chicks may be messed in the head. But to say that ALL Western/Westernized are the cause of your problems and running over seas is the 'solution' then you may seriously consider getting your head examined by a professional. Yeah I said it. AND WHAT?
So what does that make you? A guy who whines about "whiney bvtthurt morons" and spends his time making fake POF accounts and spamming women with bizarre openers (but who, by his own admission, has never actually met any of those women in real life).

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to judge you...but you shouldn't be judging other people either. Because let's face, you are one weird f-ing dude yourself.