Western/Westernized chicks are all filthy,worthless, bed hopping wh0res!

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
If you believe a chicks are filthy, worthless, bed hopping wh0res then special breaking news bulliten: YOU are a whiney little bvtthurt moron and in dire need of a mental health counselor.

True a lot of chicks may be messed in the head. But to say that ALL Western/Westernized are the cause of your problems and running over seas is the 'solution' then you may seriously consider getting your head examined by a professional. Yeah I said it. AND WHAT?


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2012
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I consider going overseas to fvck prostitutes because they are cheaper, and I get to travel at the same time.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
Naughty Ninja said:
If you believe a chicks are filthy, worthless, bed hopping wh0res then special breaking news bulliten: YOU are a whiney little bvtthurt moron and in dire need of a mental health counselor.

True a lot of chicks may be messed in the head. But to say that ALL Western/Westernized are the cause of your problems and running over seas is the 'solution' then you may seriously consider getting your head examined by a professional. Yeah I said it. AND WHAT?
I agree with you Ninja, not every single women is like that however a lot of men may have bitter past experiences that makes them view women in this way. It can be a good thing and a bad thing. I mean it causes those who have been severely hurt to keep their hearts ice cold but then cancels out the possibility of having a great relationship from fear of "opening up". Im still young in life and have yet to experience many things but i can't deny that from my own personal experiences and others that it can be difficult to trust any female once they have gotten done in. I know what it feels like to feel severe pain, to the point of having chest pains from such anxiety because i got done in, i cant imagine the feeling of a man losing not only the woman he loves but losing his children, home etc and having to think of another man coming along and plowing his wife or GF. As many come on here with "my gf is cheating on me" or something similar... yes the logical thing is to "kick her ass out" and tell her to "go F*ck herself" but it can be a very difficult thing to detach yourself from someone you love and just "move on".

The men i think that get it the worst is when their GF or Wife has been wonderful, no way she would F*ck you over only to find out later on that she made out with some guy, or gave him a BJ or flat out F*cked him... coming home to you with a smile as if nothing ever happened and point blank lying right to your face when your putting your trust in her, i mean... she hasn't given or shown any reason to feel like something is wrong... but finding out she has a secret email or secret locked texts (Phone apps now a days make it so convenient to hide things) ... it hurts and depending how emotionally involved the man is with that woman... the sword right into the heart can bring or make you feel like total destruction inside. Anyway.. maybe im just rambling.. but just my thoughts.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Certainly not all Western women are like that. Probably the vast majority of them though. Then take out all the ones that aren't doable, and you don't have many left. If I find a decent woman I try to hang on to her.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Well done Ninja for this cosmopolitan approved message :up:

Im not gonna start a debate about which women are better and which are worst, already plenty of threads about it and to which anyone kept his opinion.

FACTS that you have to keep in mind is obesity level, male to female ratio and allignment of the media an legal system, once you know those 3 you dont need to know the women since they are a direct conseguence of those factors.

If a man wants go to abroad looking for a wife I have no problem with that the same way I have no problem with a man looking abroad for a job.

The only people which I think needs a head check for a professional are haters.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
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Yeah I will have to agree with Zekko on this one.

They might not *all* be *****s, but I get the feeling that many of them are.

And for some reason I think they like to be thought of as wh0res. I can see it in their eyes. They light up when I think of them as wh0res. It turns them on.

Whenever I call them "ladies" they get some stupid sense of empowerment. They think it makes me oblivious to all the nasty **** they do. They're like 2-face from batman. It's like: "Oh! He called me a lady! He must still live in the same old paradigm that his mom set up for him when he was a little boy!"

Women usually have lots of skeletons in the closet, and if you don't know about em, they will get conceited about it.

Sometimes the girls who are most inconspicuous - the ones who one would expect not to hurt a fly - those are the real wh0res. They'll usually lay low on the first encounter and see if you can see them in a non-sexual context and if you see them as a person they love it, however you're not getting inside the p4nts.

Anyway I don't really think there's anything wrong with being a wh0re, the only thing I have a problem with is b*tches that lie to the outside world and act like a goody-2-shoes while behind closed doors they get fvcked in the ass while overdosing on GHB. A chick doesn't have to admit she's a wh0re. But she can at least not lie to herself. It's schizophrenic.

IMO real prostitutes do a real service towards men and they're some of the most noble people I can think of. In a way they've sold out to the female imperative because they could get much more cash out of chumps if they just wrung them out slowly. That's why I like wh0res. They don't bullsh*t you and they are willing to let the female imperative slide in order to do what's mutually beneficial.

That's why so many women get upset at the idea of people fvcking wh0res. When a guy can just fvck a wh0re he's not dependent on the good will of whatever b*tch decided to make him date her 3 times to rub his d*ck on her through his sweatpants.

I might have to hand over half a day's pay just to get the suck+fvck but in the end it's worth it because you can just spend time working on yourself instead of thinking about strategizing on how to get some stupid b*tch to drop the panties.

Plus, the whole idea is that once we stop trying to get females to drop the panties, they will automatically flock and drop their panties for us. It's like one of those chinese dragon finger-locking mechanisms.

Modern woman is so cought up in the fvcking matrix, she is part of the matrix and she will svck you dry. All they care about is "likes" on facebook and how many people saw what they had for dinner.

The sad thing is, the whole idea of "manning up" is based on the fact that men get no support. Whenever sh*t hits the fan and women start crying, they say "man the fvck up. You're a man, right?". Every man knows that when he stumps his toe he has to just svck it up, take the pain and walk it off.

Women don't even realise they're discriminated for in this world. They prefer to live oblivious to the fact big t*ts help them to get SOOOOOO many advantages, it's unspeakable. Ranging from getting to redo exams at school to not having to pay parking tickets, their life in the matrix is just one big blast from cradle to grave. Us men we have to work for it, like we're digging a trench. If we get a cramp, we got to man up.

Women are nothing but little girly-girls, and as long as they think they can fool you, they will.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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Chamber36 said:
Modern woman is so cought up in the fvcking matrix, she is part of the matrix and she will svck you dry. All they care about is "likes" on facebook and how many people saw what they had for dinner.

The sad thing is, the whole idea of "manning up" is based on the fact that men get no support. Whenever sh*t hits the fan and women start crying, they say "man the fvck up. You're a man, right?". Every man knows that when he stumps his toe he has to just svck it up, take the pain and walk it off.

Women don't even realise they're discriminated for in this world. They prefer to live oblivious to the fact big t*ts help them to get SOOOOOO many advantages, it's unspeakable. Ranging from getting to redo exams at school to not having to pay parking tickets, their life in the matrix is just one big blast from cradle to grave. Us men we have to work for it, like we're digging a trench. If we get a cramp, we got to man up.

Women are nothing but little girly-girls, and as long as they think they can fool you, they will.
How many times do I have to say it. Women live in a FANTASY world. It's not really even the "matrix." The matrix is for men. Women literally live in a world where it doesn't matter what they do, who they do it with, or how they do it. They can always escape blame and find at least five attractive white knights who will come to their rescue no matter what. From birth to death they live in a world where they are literally at its center.

If facebook, twitter, and smartphones didn't exist, you would see a major difference in the way women act. Prior to these inventions things had to be dealt with IN PERSON (Oh no!). Women couldn't get by by looking cute or having 1,500 facebook friends. You needed actual substance in your life in order to be high value. Now, anyone can feign HV. I choose not to deal with these things as it only adds to drama to an already drama filled world.

A fantasy world indeed it is for women. I'd much rather live in the real world than a virtual one though. It doesn't matter how much pain I go through. At least I know it's real. You also learn a lot about yourself going through tough times. Women never deal with anything. One day these women get a wake up call (around age 30 or so). By then, it's going to be wayyyy too late, for me at least. I'll stick with the 21-25 year olds because I can game them and there won't be any strings necessary.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Danger said:
Zekko nailed it, and 666 has some great points as well.

Not all westernized women are h0rs, there are actually some very good one's........but you can bet that a large percentage of them are into double digits sex partners by the time they turn 21. And they hide the vast majority of those partners, even from some of their closest friends.

Why? Because they know the impact it will have on their desireability to men. they have their cake and eat it too, and all because they can fool the average plugged in man that they are pure princesses. How do they fool the average man like this? Because the average man isn't getting laid.....and so he assumes nobody else is. He has no experience with h0rs, therefore he has no ability to detect them.
I'm not gonna disagree with you. But I am gonna throw another angle into this situation.

As much as we wanna bash the majority of women for being....whatever we're calling them...well, let's just go ahead and say that the majority of men are doormats, puzzies, and punks.

For instance, you're talking about these 21 year old chicks who have double digits in sex partners. Well, the majority of those sex partners probably saw her at a part and thought "She's cute. I'm gonna talk to her." then kicked some game, got her in bed, and got bored with her.

The only dudes who get hurt and frustrated by these chicks are the dudes who took them seriously.

My point is - there are guys out there who are consistently getting laid. They know how to pursue women, they know how to get them in bed, and they know when to call it quits with them. Actually the reason that I'm not angry or disgruntled about women is because I learned from those types of guys. Sosuave helps keep me on the right path, but I learned the right mindset about women by observing friends.

The reality is, most women are not going to fit into your life. Hell, most PEOPLE won't fit into your life. Men have to learn who to filter out, and who to keep in. Instead, we have guys on here getting all torn up because some girlfriend dumped him...when in reality, she should have never been elevated beyond F**k Buddy status in the first place.

Anyway, I'm going on a rant, so I'm going to shut up. I'll just finish by agreeing with your point that the average man isn't getting laid, so he assumes no one else is. So true. But the fact is, there are plenty of guys getting laid...and they're doing it by knowing how to put different women into different categories. And by not getting all emotionally attached to every girl who spreads her legs.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
Chamber36 said:
And for some reason I think they like to be thought of as wh0res. I can see it in their eyes. They light up when I think of them as wh0res. It turns them on.

Whenever I call them "ladies" they get some stupid sense of empowerment. They think it makes me oblivious to all the nasty **** they do. They're like 2-face from batman. It's like: "Oh! He called me a lady! He must still live in the same old paradigm that his mom set up for him when he was a little boy!"

Women usually have lots of skeletons in the closet, and if you don't know about em, they will get conceited about it.

IMO real prostitutes do a real service towards men and they're some of the most noble people I can think of. In a way they've sold out to the female imperative because they could get much more cash out of chumps if they just wrung them out slowly. That's why I like wh0res. They don't bullsh*t you and they are willing to let the female imperative slide in order to do what's mutually beneficial.

That's why so many women get upset at the idea of people fvcking wh0res. When a guy can just fvck a wh0re he's not dependent on the good will of whatever b*tch decided to make him date her 3 times to rub his d*ck on her through his sweatpants.

I might have to hand over half a day's pay just to get the suck+fvck but in the end it's worth it because you can just spend time working on yourself instead of thinking about strategizing on how to get some stupid b*tch to drop the panties.

Plus, the whole idea is that once we stop trying to get females to drop the panties, they will automatically flock and drop their panties for us. It's like one of those chinese dragon finger-locking mechanisms.
Very shrewd and thoughtful observation.

If widespread, supervised, tested (amsterdam style though that is coming to an end apparently) prostitution were easily available everywhere....women's behavior would change dramatically out of need.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
The point of this whole thread is MAYBE. Just MAYBE. Some people will change their 'glasses' and take a good look around them to see many AVERAGE Joe's who've never heard of this site all over the place with girlfriends, talking to chicks normally, socializing, etc. can do it you might want to get off planet "DJ" for a little while.

Take the tips that work for you off here and apply them but don't become some delusional dude who thinks he can then bag any chick and if it doesn't happen or something goes wrong = all chicks are wh0res and the advice here doesn't work. What works with one person may not with another. That's life. If there are people ALL around you meeting each other, getting dates, becoming exclusive etc. yet you sit here complaining and whining like a b1tch and your 'answer' is all chicks are wh0res and the 'solution' is to run overseas, you might want to do some serious self reflection and see if YOU are part of the problems you deal with.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Danger said:

Absolutely true.

Too many guys get mad at girls when it is the guy that is the problem. If you can't get a girl, don't blame them. Improve yourself.

It's no different than being disgusted by a fatty. They in turn are disgusted by Beta's.

However I don't find anything wrong with going overseas for a young foreign chic if that is your thing.

God knows, I would take a cleaner, feminine 18 year old chinese girl over a high-mileage 32 year old entitled carousel ejectee who has hit panic mode and suddenly wants a baby-daddy.

I'd take neither. It's one thing to have your dream 'perfect' feminine Chinese girl with low mileage and a totally different story in reality due to culture clash, and dealing with her parents, relatives, friends etc in real life and how they do things.

When I was in Italy the chicks out at night were breath takingly GORGEOUS, easy to talk to and several would just stare. It was mind blowing. Like meeting Ms. Universe contestants who are all for the most part staring and smiling and effortless to talk to all over the place. Yet I never once thought of being some delusional drooling nitwit over these 'perfect' chicks knowing full well from being surrounded by off the boat Italians for most of my life that they are for the most part extremely family oriented...and it's not always sunshine and rainbows. They like to do things THEIR way or else you'll be ostrasized by the family and friends. If any of you think you're going to 'train' some foreign slave to be your perfect obedient (do things my way) wife. Good luck with that dream.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Naughty Ninja said:
Yet I never once thought of being some delusional drooling nitwit over these 'perfect' chicks knowing full well from being surrounded by off the boat Italians for most of my life that they are for the most part extremely family oriented...and it's not always sunshine and rainbows. They like to do things THEIR way or else you'll be ostrasized by the family and friends. If any of you think you're going to 'train' some foreign slave to be your perfect obedient (do things my way) wife. Good luck with that dream.
For real. That's a typical "grass is greener" situation.

As if there aren't a boatload of Italian dudes, fed up with their women. What's that old saying? Behind every pretty girl is a man who's sick of her sh*t.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
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Burroughs said:
Very shrewd and thoughtful observation.

If widespread, supervised, tested (amsterdam style though that is coming to an end apparently) prostitution were easily available everywhere....women's behavior would change dramatically out of need.
It does change. It's pretty easy to get a one night stand here in Amsterdam. In the cities where there's no prostitution it's much harder. I think it puts women under pressure knowing that a guy can just go to the RLD.

BTW where did you hear it's coming to a end? Can you provide a link? I thought they were staying.

Naughty Ninja said:
If any of you think you're going to 'train' some foreign slave to be your perfect obedient (do things my way) wife. Good luck with that dream.
I will have to agree with you on that nobody should try and get a "slave" wife. For whatever reason most of us guys here seem to think that men are the boss, the center of the household. But I don't completely agree with that. There's a ying and yang. Women should be allowed to have their say if only for the fact they have a different viewpoint than men.

For example if a dad and son get into a fight, they will both have to answer to the wife. The wife has rights.

But to go out to a foreign country and find a girl who isn't caught up the matrix.... To each his own. I'm no where near that point because there is plenty to choose from here in the Netherlands. There's plenty of variety over here.

But we do have the phenomenon called "boer zoekt vrouw" (farmer is searching for wife), because of the urbanization causing all women to leave the country and move to the cities to look for a well-off husband. What are men like that to do? He's going to have to leave the country in search of a wife. Whether he decides to go to Thailand for it is his own choice. The tickets are cheap.

Trying to train a woman into a slave wife is a whole different story.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
Chamber36 said:
BTW where did you hear it's coming to a end? Can you provide a link? I thought they were staying.
CNN had a story on this about 7 weeks ago, a feminist group (surprise surprise) was trying to suggest that the red light district was an affront and they were bringing about legislation to shut it down....big shock ugly feminazi chicks don't like men having easy access to cuties...have a look :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fybNYnaBTP0

hopefully the feminazis plans don't pass...i'm thinking amsterdam can fight them after all they've had this area since the 12th century. :rockon:

I feel that widespread legalized european style prostitution is one thing men can UNIFY AND ACHIEVE in a relatively short period of time...there are plenty of financially strapped hotties who would jump on this chance to make extra $$ instead of working at walmart and of course dudes would line up around the block if the girls are right (as seen in the video)


...no more stuck up 18-25 year olds...they don't act nice...hahaha fvck you biatch i'm about to get my d!ck wet from a professional...i bounce from the bar.....40 minutes later i'm fvcking!! so no chance of a relationship/marriage for any stuck up biatches anywhere!

Cold azz rude biatches would literally be shut out, left out in the rain...and it would happen quickly...it would be fvcking sweet.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Naughty Ninja said:
If you believe a chicks are filthy, worthless, bed hopping wh0res then special breaking news bulliten: YOU are a whiney little bvtthurt moron and in dire need of a mental health counselor.

True a lot of chicks may be messed in the head. But to say that ALL Western/Westernized are the cause of your problems and running over seas is the 'solution' then you may seriously consider getting your head examined by a professional. Yeah I said it. AND WHAT?
this is a dumb ass post...

fact is 99% of human females are hos or wan to be hos


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2011
Reaction score
The key is pretty much to put all your happiness in a woman. Give them the benefit of the doubt if they earn it, but never think you're 100% safe. I'm 99% confident that my girl wouldnt cheat, that she'd break up fist, but nothing surprises me anymore which is why I constantly work on self improvement. It would suck for a while but it wont bring my world crashing down. This is because i don't count on another person as a pillar in my life or take anything for granted. There are people with strong convictions in both genders but on the whole, people are weak and fickle. I've seen many times guys i thought were honorable screwing over their buddies, "good girls" making "mistakes", etc. To be blunt the only woman who will always love you is your mum. Go in with the knowledge that any other relationship could end.

Sorry if some of this is not clear. english isnt my first language.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
DonGorgon said:
this is a dumb ass post...

fact is 99% of human females are hos or wan to be hos

You personally know 99% of human females to make it a fact? Sorry but I'm not buying it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
It always comes back to the person making these claims. Not all women are blah blah - only the ones they are seeking after time and again. That's all they're interested in, so its all they see, and all they focus on. Typically its the hot slutty girls that fit this bill. If you're gonna chase after a ***** - don't complain that she's a *****. Its your fault for sympathizing with her, not paying attention to who she is, making up excuses for her, getting invested in her, and so forth. This is all you.

Its all the complainers fault for chasing after, and trying to wife up these hoes. Further, if you try to become billy boy badass don Juan pimp player to attract such hoes - that's your fault, too. You attract these hoes, seek after these hoes, try to love these hoes - then ***** and whine and claim all women are hoes. WTF, no.

Where's that male logic, again? :trouble: