Went on a date


Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2022
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Darwin, Australia
Yesterday, I went on a date... or more like a meet and greet. I met the woman on Hinge, text chats were good, then I organized a meet.

Went to a wine bar, and talked for about an hour and a half. Conversation was great, no awkward silences. I thought it went well.

I got a message from her today, saying she was glad to meet me, but there is no spark.

I have dated/kissed 7 women this year, only slept with one (which ironically was my Ex after we started talking for a few months)... only one of the dates led to a second one, the rest were all one date, and that's it.

I remember reading in this forum when I first joined, that a lot of men experience 1 date, no 2nd, no s*x. Disappointing for me, that's a trend I've come across this year. I've started to get a bit disillusioned with the dating game. I need to get out of this rut. Not sure if I should take a break, and focus on myself, or keep persisting and getting disillusioned yet more.

Any advice?


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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You have an asexual vibe and you're stuck in your head OP. Psychedelic mushrooms and escorts should help. None of this "persistence" or "work on myself" bs. You need to take extreme measures. Shrooms and wh0res asap*. For reals.

(*not at the same time, obviously)


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2019
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Either you are too safe and platonic, either there is just no chemistry and compatibility, either your dates are too long and boring, and the women figure you out, as you leave no room for their imagination, and don’t build sexual tension.

My recommendations: Learn how to flirt.
Cold approach > Dating apps.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I see some potential issues here.

What is your goal in interactions with women? Short term casual sex or some extended, committed relationship?

In general, you are "shopping" in the wrong place for women. The Big 3 swipe apps (Tinder, Hinge, and Bumble) give all the advantages to women. There are far more men than women on swipe apps. Women live in a state of extreme abundance on swipe apps. This state of extreme abundance gives them a reason to raise their expectations. You're now expected to give them "all the feelz" in the first 10 minutes of the first date. A date that might have gotten you a 2nd date in 2004 is going to get you ghosted or get you a " I had a good time but do no see this going anywhere" bullshiit text message. You got the bullshiit text message this week.

The "one date, no sex, no second date" interaction has gotten more common in the era of online dating. It emerged during the website era of online dating, but got even more prominent in the move from websites to swipe apps.

Your best solution is to move to meeting women in-person where they don't have the sort of abundance they have with tech-based interactions.

It's possible that your vibe on dates is not sexual enough. You might not be escalating well enough. Some of this might be a function of choosing women from swipe apps with sky high expectations and some of this might be your vibe. The likely truth is that it is a combination of both elements.

In Australia, there's a reason Jana Hocking is so popular. For those that don't know, Jana Hocking is a famous 'Chad' seeking, penis carousel riding female with an popular relationship advice column/blog. A lot of Australian women have similar attitudes to Hocking.

Is your fitness on point? Women influenced by Hocking are seeking 'Chad' types and you want to be reasonably fit to be competitive. Your fitness is something you can control.

Have you gotten that Rolex Explorer you inherited from your dad fixed? While I don't think the Explorer is as good for seduction as a Datejust (often steel but can be two tone) or Day Date (gold). Some like the Explorer more than I like it. Gold Rolexes will get you laid more easily than the steel ones.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 5, 2023
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As @BeExcellent posted on another thread, are you being fun and mischievous? Personally, and as others have said, you are probably a bore and a nice guy.

Read or watch videos on the book below. It will help you unleash your real personality and prevent you from being self-conscious of your actions.

You need to embody something distinctive from the competition, whether it’s chivalry, adventure, romance, or even negative traits like villainy or roguery. Avoid being mediocre, familiar, or ordinary.

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Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
It's a numbers game. If you are unwilling to accept this, then you won't be very successful.

Did you escalate at all on the date? Typically when you hear the no spark comment by women it means that either you didn't do anything that excited them sexually and they don't see you in that way or they simply aren't attracted to you in person.

It happens. You can work on the escalation/sexuality piece but at the end of the day, not every woman is going to be interested once they get to know more about you.

It's OK, just keep working on building a pipeline.

When I heard that after a date, I was unphased by it and just kept working on a setting up more dates.

As you start calibrating yourself to what works and what doesn't in date, you should start hearing this less and less.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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You don't give them the feels that they can lose control with you. No arousing sexy / kinky / mischievous vibe -> no nookie.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
You don't give them the feels that they can lose control with you. No arousing sexy / kinky / mischievous vibe -> no nookie.
There are times to be mysterious with women and times not to be. Time to leave a woman unsure of things and times not to.

A woman should never wonder "why" she is on a date with a man. She should know it's because he is interested in fvcking her, not being her friend, text buddy or shopping buddy.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
It's a numbers game. If you are unwilling to accept this, then you won't be very successful.
This everyone assumes OP is at fault and he may be to some extent but it's a numbers game. since 06/01 I've gone on 15 dates out of those 15 I only saw 3 on a 2nd date those 3 ended up being plates. Currently out of those 3(2 dropped within a month, 1 due to me not being that into her and the other due to distance) I'm only seeing 1 actively but also talking to 2 new chicks (I got a date with tonight, the other is 75/25) it's a numbers game.

IMO OP don't worry about smashing, from your stats your goal should be focusing on

Intent-What is the purpose of the date, are you trying to smash or just go out etc. If it's to smash then you need to keep reading
Illicit Emotions-Can you make a girl laugh, can you make her smile, can you make them horny etc a lot of guys here will spew random nonsense that won't help you. If you're able to tap into a woman's emotional psyche you're already ahead of 80% of men. It's not for everyone
Frame-Do you come off as a sexually fun guy or a Safe boring guy on dates? If it's the latter then yeah you're gonna have a hard time. I use to try to present myself as a relationship material guy . The hard of being sexual but not over the top took me well into my 30s it can be+ done without even having to speak about sex i.e. sexual innuendo, flirting, wit, heck even your body language etc

Happy Hunting



Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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It’s sort of random. I’ve been on first dates that went no where. And first dates that included sfx, sleepover & eventually a relationship. And everything in between. Sometimes people click. Sometimes they don’t.