Welcome to My World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
greenlake said:
zerocelcius- Yea man, thanks for taking your time to post it. I really want this to become a mature talk and not turn into a kiddy argument. I can kinda tell it when someone is trying to help or trying mess me up. And I know you're trying to help and i'm always welcome for different opinion.

btw, I kinda disagree about the part that you say aobut girls knowing that you like them from the point you approach them and try to talk to them. not to be mean, but most girls are dumb. they can't figure out until you tell them or else they'll just think you're just being nice. I just saw a girl who I approached indirectly last semester at barnes and noble today. I was shocked when she told me she is married. and got 1 child. by telling her my interest from the start, i can give her options. if i dont, she got no choice but to talk to me.

and i also have to disagree about girls being approached alot. Maybe in the club...but not in day situation if a lot fo guys can do that then there wouldn't be such thing as "approach anxiety." If you don't believe me then read my last approached. the girl outright told me no one have ever approach them like this. but there can always be exception to this.

analytic- well said. I can't say any better.

iwillreturnsoon- thanks for comment on every single appraoch of mine. i hate to admit it, but i really want a lot of feed back at this time. Reading your comments really motivate me to work harder. because i know someone like you who appreciate my work. btw, i'm looking for a pink polo.:crackup:

I am trying to help, but I see you are set on your method. I know for a fact that hot girls get hit on almost everyday. My GF gets hit on at least once a day. That isn't in the club (she doesn’t like clubs...why am I with her...Ohh yea she's hot)... I used to get kind of mad but not anymore. Friday we went out and she got hit on every time I wasn't standing right next to her. So if you still want to believe that hot girls don't get hit on, all the time, than by all means do so.

Girls are naturally social superior to us (reading body language and spotting attraction/threats) they have to be. Their primal drive is to naturally select the best mate. Guys just want to select every mate (primal). Why do you think we need a site like this? Girls have been playing “House” since they could walk. Guys played Army or Cops & Robbers. You don't even need to talk to a girl for her to know if you are attracted to her or not.

As far as the other guys saying "your hot let me get your #” what is the difference? “Your hot can I get your #” and “Your cute can I hang out with you” sound a lot alike to me.

I never said Greenlake was dumb. I never will either. I think he is smart and from his FRs I think he has King Kong Balls! I also never said he is doing anything wrong (fundamentally.) I only said by approaching this way he is only going to get the same response. He has proved it with his FRs. Same Approach same results. I am not going to go out and DA like this. I have tried it and I got the same results he is getting. I changed my game and now I have a Sizzling GF that gets hit on all the time. They say the same thing that I used to, and Greenlake is saying. "Hey your hot, you want to hang out"?

I am trying to help. If you don't want me to help just say so, and I will never post on your thread again. Simple as that. I do hope that you get what you want out of this. You have mad skill and you have nerves of steel.

Sarge On!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2006
Reaction score
Ha does you balls grow bigger every time you approach? lol,

Zero, it is not the method that isn't working its the people using them. Just because it didn't work for you and so far hasn't work for Greenlake (yet) does not mean he should change method.

Coincidencely someone created this thread



Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Circuit City girl want some of this.:rockon:
I took my sister to Circuit City today cause she wants to buy a camera. I saw that girl I approached yesterday. I'm sure she wanted to approached me but....you know some girls are shy. I would approach her but my sister was there which I need to not give a fvck next time plus i was afraid that she might think "what is this guy doing here again today?". Which imo is just all in my head and might not be true.

Bestbuy's first number closer
They do'nt have that camera so we went to Best Buy to look for it. It was crowd today, but no hot girls unfortunately. However, I did find one sexy asian girl who was looking at the laptop with her friend. It took a minute to walk around trying to get rid of excuses to not approach them. Thankfully I did and here is how it went.
*I walk up to her, touch her arm and turn her slowly around. She looks me."
greenlake: Hey, I saw you and Ijust wanna meet you.
girl: ok...
greenlake: What's your name?
girl: Vorayya.
greenlake: My name is Ha. Nice to meet you. How about your firend here?
girl2:hi, i'm ( I forgot.)
greenlake: WEll, i'm here with my sister and we are kinda in a rush. But I really wanna hang out with you sometimes.
girl: ok.
greenlake: give me your number.
girl: Ok.
* I took out my phone and open it.*
girl: So what are you?
greenlake: I'm viet.
* I hand her the phone and I got in closer to her and watch her type. SHe finished typing down and gave it back to me.*
greenlake: So what day are you available?
girl: You can call me anytime.
greenlake: Ok, it was nice meeting you.
girl: Yea, you too.

Geehz, that was easy. Hahah.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
zerocelcius- first of all, thanks man. Okay.Well, if you want to know the truth. THen yea, I don't want you to help. But i'm always welcome to hear people opinions. Who knows, maybe one of your word will click on me. But right now, I have full faith in Direct. It's take longer to be good at it. but the result is more rewarding to me.

btw, ur gf could be hot and might got guys hitting on her everyday. She could be one of the exception i was tlaking about.


analytic- My thread is becoming more gay everyday. so stop talking about balls. hahah. btw, thanks.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Updates with the Best Buy girl.
I called around 7.....no one pick up the phone. I also called the one I supposed to go on a date with on Thursaday. She doesn't pick pu the phone either. Around 11 pm, a cell rang and i look at the name, guess who it is? the best buy girl. This was it went....
greenlake: Hey Vorraya
girl: hey, who is this?
greenlake: I'm Ha, the asian guy you saw at best buy this morning.
girl: Ohhh. Hi, what's your name again?
greenlake: Ha. H A.
girl: Oh okay.
greenlake: How are you?
girl: I'm doing good. You?
greenlake: Same here. you're sleep late huh.
girl: yea, i'm about to go to sleep tho.
greenlake: oh, So wat did you do today? (Labor day)
girl: I'm just taking care of the kids.
greenlake: Your kids!?!?!
girl: Hahah no.
greenlake: Oh you scared me there.
girl: Hahah, no i'm just taking care for someone.
greenlake: btw, what's your nationality?
girl: I'm thai.
greenlake: you're one of the prettiest thai girl I've seen.
girl: hehehe thank you. You're viet, right?
greenlake: Yea. How long have you beenl ving here?
girl: 6 months.
greenlake: Really? and you already speaking english this good?
girl: hahah, really?
greenlake: Yea, it took me 5 years to speak english fluently.
girl: how long have you been living here?
greenlake: I came here when I was 5.
girl: Wow, that long?
greenlake: yea. btw, do you have a car?
girl: No.
greenlake: Oh, i really wanna hang out with you.
girl: heheh.
greenlake: do you live arond the best buy area?
girl: Yea, it's not far from there. I live near the ......convention center? sometihngl ike that.
greenlake: Oh okay, i might know. If not, i'll ask my friends.
greenlake: So tell me about you. I wanna know. anything.
girl: hmmm...
greenlake: i'll go first, i like to draw....
girl: you like art?
greenlake: Yea, and i llke singing. WHat aobut oyu?
girl: i like to play the piano.
greenlake: reallY? I got a pano at my house but I dunno how to play it. maybe you should come over and teach me one day.
girl: heheh.
( she told me she just got here and don't have much friends. i told her i can be the first friend. then she told me that she knows some girl from her agency but they live far so they rarely hang out. Only when theyre off.)
greenlake: What day are you off?
girl: Thursday. On other days I take english class at HCC.
greenlake: HCC? I go there too.
girl: really?!?!
greenlake: Yea, I can get to see you now.
girl: yea.
greenlake: what day do you go there?
girl: I go there on tuesday and thursday from around 10 through 4.
greenlake: Kool, i'll go around that time too. I'll see you there then.
girl: Yea.
greenlake; okay, i need to go do something. i'll talk to you later.
girl: okay, it was nice talking to you.
greenlake: goodnight.
girl: goodnight.
YAY! :rockon:


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
greenlake said:
girl: Ohhh. Hi, what's your name again?
greenlake: Ha. H A.
I alwayse imagine jackie chan sayijng that :p or when I'm reading your stuff :D .

greenlake said:
girl: You can call me anytime.
She's digging you :up:

Keep up the good work btw


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Yesterday (forgot the date.):crazy:

The Bartender girl strikes back!!!
I got to school at around 10:30 pm……had a hard time trying to find a parking lot. But to me, the farther the more calories I get to burn. It took me awhile to the buildings and look who I saw when I got there…..Jenny the bartender. She saw me and walk toward me. We hugged and I told her I called her a few days ago. She told me she works on the weekend and tell me to call on the weekday. Her girl friend came and we stopped talking. She went with her friend and before she left she told me to call her.

"I'm not interested......I got a bf." So which one is it!?!?!
It wasn’t long until I saw a girl I wanted to approach. She walked passed me and then my conscious told me “She’s hot! What are you doing?” So I turned around and tried to catch up to her….
greenlake: Hey excuse me!
*She look back and slows down.*
Greenlake: I saw you and want to get to know you.
Girl: thanks.
Greenlake: What’s your name?
Girl: *name*
Greenlake: I’m Ha.
*We shake hands.*
Greenlake: Where are you heading to?
Girl: my car.
Greenlake: oh, hey I want to hang out with you sometimes.
Girl: Sorry I’m not interested…..I got a bf.
Greenlake: Okay, nice to meet you then.

"No ****blocking!!!!"
I turned around and walked back. It was long until I see a pretty white girl who was hanging out with 4 guys and 1 girl. I walked passed them due to the fear that there are too many people….i guess or maybe it was just I was late for class. But I stopped and turned around. I walked back to them. One of the guy from the group was about to leave when I stopped him and told him to hold my folder for him. He hold it and I walked up to the girl and touched her on the arm. She looks at me…
Greenlake: Hey, you’re really pretty.
Girl: thanks.
Greenlake: What’s your name?
Girl: Carlene, you?
Greenlake: I’m Ha. Nice to meet you.
*we shake hands. The whole group was eyeing on me now. Some smiles or giggle. The fat girl of the group just seem like a ****blocker. So I look at them.*
Greenlake: Hey guy! No ****blocking!
*the whole group laugh including the target and the guy I handed my notebook to say “yea, no ****blocking okay!?*
* I went back to talking to her*
Greenlake: Hey, I’m late for class right now, but I really wanna hang out with you.
Girl: Okay.
Greenlake:….. give me your number.
Girl: sure.
*I took out my phone and gave it to her. She took it and input in the digits. I leaned closer and watched her put it in.*
Greenlake: okay, I’ll call you soon.
Girl: okay, bye.
I went in the building and wait for the elevator to come. Look who I saw waiting ofr the elevator. Yup, the white girl and her girl friend. She saw me and walked away while her friend trying to hold her back. I got in the elevator and I asked her friend. “Is your friend shy? She says “Yea, I knew her for 4 years. She’s really shy.”

Girl in my Math class.
I got out of class but I need to finish up my take home quiz for my next algebra class and I only had 15 minutes……….and there was a lot of hot girls. It’s 12:15….the primetime. Good thing a girl that is in my class let me copy her. It wasn’t until after the algebra class that I get to approach a girl. She was a girl from my class. Class ended, I got up and she was behind me. I opened the door and let her go through. She says thanks and it wasn’t until we got of the building that’s when I approached her. I was behind her and touched her left back of the upper arm. She was on the phone btw….
Greenlake: hey, u’re pretty.
Girl: Thanks!
Greenlake: What’s your name?
Girl: *name*
Greenlake: I’m Ha, nice to meet you.
* We shake hands.*
Greenlake: what do you think of class today?
Girl: it was boring.
Greenlake: hey, I really like you, I wanna hang out with you sometimes.
Girl: Sorry, but I got a bf tho.
Greenlake: oh okay, nice to meet you then.
Girl: Bye, you too!

Would you fvck me if you don't have a bf?
I went downstair and saw a pretty girl with nice blonde highlight. I walked up to her…..i think she was on the phone.
Greenlake; Hey, I like your hair.
Girl: Thanks.
Greenlake:What’s your name?
Girl: *name*
Greenlake: I’m Ha, nice to meet you.
*We shake hands.*
Greenlake: Where are you heading to?
Girl: To my car, I just got out of my last class. So tired…you?
Greenlake: I’m about to go to my lab. Start in 10 minutes...hey, I wanna hang out with you sometimes.
Girl: Okay, but I dunno if my boyfriend would like that.
Greenlake: Hahah okay, it was nice meeting you then.
Girl: You too.

"Ewww, she smokes. But she's hot tho." :p
I got out of the lab which was nearly 3 hours which was exhausting and I had to deal with an instructor who got no sense of humor. He straight forwardly told the whole class “that’s not funny.” Just because I whisper to the other table “what’s the answer?” when he asked our table a question. If he can’t take a joke, then **** him. Btw, back to topic. Me and my friend walked out of the library and saw a pretty white girl who smokes. She saw me walking up to her and went back she was doing. I walked up to her and told her she’s pretty. She lit up and say thanks. I also told her she got a pretty eyes and I wanna hang out with her sometimes. She told me she got a boyfriend. I frowned and told her nice to meet you.

I think that was the last approach of the day.

*Updates on the date plan*
So I tried to call this girl again today, she didn't pick up the phone. Maybe it was the signal inside the dorm. So I texted her telling her where I wanted us to meet. She replied back with "Yea, sounds good. I'm playing football. I'll seeyou thursday." Uhhhh.....What kind of girl play football??!?!?! Hope she's good in bed.

Agent Zero

Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
You are doing great, man, and I can see you are starting to get number closes. Also I see how on your first number close you didn't say "you're pretty" so that makes me think "i just want to get to know you" is a better opener. I like your style a lot man. I think I'm gonna copy it, lol.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
I Got 99 Problems And A B*tch Ain't One!

I got to school an hour early today cause my friend wanted me to help him out after seeing me fearlessly approached girls yesterday and it inspired him. I hope I inspire you guys too. That’s one of the reasons I posted my FR on here. Or you can call it “bragging.” HAHAHAh. I walked to the courtyard and I saw him sitting there looking around for girls. I walked up to him and showed him it’s nothing to be afraid of by approaching a few girls.

"I'm better than your bf."
I saw an Asian girl girl holding her phone(she rejected me back in my 9th grade.) I told my friend that and told him I’m gonna go approach her.
greenlakE: Hey, you’re pretty.
Girl: thanks.
Greenlake; What’s your name?
Girl: Joanna.
greenlakE: is this your first year here?
Girl: Yea.
Greenlake; Hey, I wanna hang out withyou sometimes.
Girl; Sorry…I got a bf.
greenlakE: But I’m better.
Girl: *chuckles*
Greenlake: okay, it was nice meeting you.

"Let me walk you there"
A few sec later…
I saw a pretty girl wearing a big shade….
Greenlake: hey, I saw you and I want to meet you.
Girl:*smile* okay.
Greenlake: What’s your name?
Girl: Angie. You?
greenlakE; I’m Ha. Nice to meet you.
*We shake hands.*
Girl: Well…I’m kinda late for class.
Greenlake; Where is it at?
Girl: humanities building…I think.
Greenlake: Okay, ‘ill walk u there.
Girl: Hahah okay.
greenlakE: So tell me about you.
Girl: hmmm…I don’t like to talk about myself.
Greenlake: Okay, I’ll tell you aobut me then.
Girl: okay.
greenlakE; I like to draw and sing.
*She saw a guy she knew.*
Girl: hey Dillon. *to me” what’s your name again?
Greenlake: Ha.
Girl: I was gonna introduce you to him.
“I ended up standing there while she was talking to him. But good thing the guy was standing there and looking at me while talking too. So I used that to get in the convo…..the guy gotta leave so the girl started walking without me.*
Greenlake: hey! Where you think you going?
Girl: Hahah, I forgot about you.
Greenlake: damn, trying to leave me behind?
Girl: hahah
Greenlake: Well, I wanna hang out with you sometimes.
Girl: okay
Greenlake: give me your number.
Girl: I don’t give out number.
Greenlake: alright, I’ll give you my number then.
Girl: Okay.
*she took out her sidekick. I told her my number and name. Then I told her nice meeting you.*
I went back to my friend. He told me he was gonna come and help cause he saw her talking to a guy and tried to brushed me off.

"I GOT A BF!!!!"
A few minutes later….i saw a white girl walking to a bench and sat down.
Greenlake: Hey, you’re pretty.
Girl: thanks, but Sorry, I got a bf.
Greenlake: Dang, that was pretty quick.
Girl: what?
Greenlake; That was quick.
Girl: I GOT A BF!!
Hahah, I love these girls. Save me times.

You smoke?I hate girls woh smoke. But you're hot. So who cares.
Later….which is 1 or 2 minutes. I saw a girl with a nice body and a pretty face but she smokes tho. Well, she’s hot. I walked up to her while she was sitting….
Greenlake: Hey, you’re pretty.
Girl: *She smiles* Thanks.
greenlakE; What’s your name?
girl: Danielle.
Greenlake; Nice to meet you Danielle.
*I saw her getting up and about to leave.*
Greenlake: You gotta leave?
Girl: yea, I got a class.
Greenlake: Well, I wanna hang out with you.
Girl: Okay
Greenlake: Give me you number.
Girl: Sure.
I took out my phone and gave it to her. She input it andtold me I can call her anytime.

I did a few more approaches during this primetime which was approximately 30 minutes. But some of all of them told me they have a bf and wasn’t worth to write down plus I’m too lazy.

"Hmmm...I don't really know you yet."
Class is about to starts and I walked around with my firendfor the last time. I was a blonde girl in green clothes. She was talking on the phone. I kinda hesitate with her a bit. But I did it anyway. I walked pu to her while she was talking on the phone.
greenlakE; Hey, you’re beautiful.
*She was shocked and stopped talking on the phone.*
Girl; Thanks.
Greenlake; What’s your name?
Girl: *name* can you wait a bit?
greenlakE: sure.
*She continued talking on a phone for a few secs and finally hung up. She opened the door and about to entered the class.*
Girl: Sorry, but I got to go to class.
Greenlake: that’s okay, we can hang out sometimes.
Girl: Okay.
Greenlake: give me your number.
girl; hmmm….I dunno. I need to know you first.
Greenlake: Yea, that why I want ur number. So I can get to know you. (DUH!)
Girl: ummmm….
Greenlake: How about this? I’ll give you my number instead.
Girl: Okay.
*I wrote it on a paper is ripped it and gavei t to her.”
greenlakE; call me.
girl: Okay.
Geehz I hate when girls can’t make up their mind. If they’re not interested then outright tell me. I would appreciate that. Well, I’ll just give her my number, my role has been played. Do whatever she want with that number. She can wipe her butt with it for all I care.

Well guys, I think that was it or the most significant one. I’ll keep you update with things tomorrow. Wish me luck.

Btw, thanks for the comments. I’ll reply it tomorrow cause i‘m using a computer at school right now. One more time. Thanks.

*Updates: I called Carlene, she picked up the phone and i told her my name. She remembered my name(i'm touched since the convo wasn't that long yesterday.) and asked me if this is my number(why? so you can block it??? hahah). I say yes and she told me she gotta get ready for work so she gonna call me bakc later.*


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
I finally got on the ground of campus after fighting over parking spaces with other students for 15 minutes. I saw one of my friend while on the way to the class. So we stopped and chat for a bit. While chatting, I spotted a sexy girl with big boobs walking toward our direction.

I excused myself and walk toward her….
Greenlake: Hey, you’re pretty.
Girl: thanks.
Greenlake: what’s your name?
Girl: I’m married.
Greenlake: Mary?
Girl: No! I’m married.
greenlakE: Oh okay, nice meeting you.
I went back to talking with my friend. He asked me what I say, I told him. Then we went back to talking about the bad effects of creatine…..*yawn*.

*GASP* You play soccer with those big hooters!?!?!?!
I resume the journey to my class and waited for the elevator. I spotted a blonde girl with big hooters….by big, I mean big! From my math class. She was waiting by herself in the back of the group with all the other guys staring at her. I walked to her….
Greenlake: Hey, aren’t you that girl from my math class?
Greenlake: no wonder why I was telling myself “damn, that pretty girl look familiar.”
Girl:hahah thanks.
Greenlake: What’s your name btw?
Girl: I’m Lauren, how about you?
Greenlake: I’m Ha. Nice to meet you.
Girl: you too.
*We shake hands.*
Greenlake: so tell me aobut you.
Girl: I’m pre-med. You?
Greenlake: same.
Girl: Is this your first year here?
Greelnake: No, it’s my second year. How about you?
Girl: it’s my first year here.
Greenlake: so you just got out from high school?
Girl: yea.
*The elevator opened and almost everybody went in, the elevator was full. So I stayed outside and stayed there.*
greenlakE; What high school.
Girl: *some high school.*
Greenlake: I’ve never heard of it before. Who are you living here with?
Girl: I’m living with my roommate. But I’lm going to be moving to a new one soon.
Greenlake: Have you seen it yet?
Girl: Yea, it’s nice.
Greenlake; okay, I’m going to move in with you guys soon.
Girl: hahah.
Greenlake: So, What do you like to do?
Girl: I like soccer.
Greenlake: Wow, really? ( With those big hooters?!?!?!?)
Girl: Yea.
Greenlake: you gotta teach me how to play then.
Greenlake: Are you in any team?
Girl: No, I’m planning to join USF’s soccer team tho.
*The elevator door open. I let the old and the ladies go in first. But somehow I ended up standing next to her when I got in. people are nice hahah.*
Greenlake: Yea, it’s really big in my country.
Girl: oh really? Where are you from?
Greenlake: Vietnam.
Girl: Yea, it definitely is big over there. (Like your breasts….)
GreenlakE: So when is the world cup?
Girl: I think it’s in Februrary.
Greenlake: That quick? What team are you going for?
Girl: hmm…germany.
Greenlake: I’m going for Korea.
Girl; Yea, korea is very good.
*The elevator door opens*
Greenlake; Wait, are we going down?
People: no, we’re on third floor.
Greenlake: thank god!
*everybody left and I left her go first.*
Greenlake: You’re Lauren, right?
Girl: Yea, I’ll see you in class. (NO! I was gonna get your number!)
Greenlake: Okay, I’ll see you later.
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
"I'm a busy guy. So...no?"
There were two girls in my class which I wanted to talk to for awhile. But one disappeared when class was over and the other one……is not hotter than that one, so I didn’t pay much attention to her. When I got out to look for her I noticed to a pretty blonde and a hot brunette talking outside on the third floor. My mind wanna walked up to them but my feet kept going…until first floor when I decided to go back. But they departed, fortunately the hot brunette was walking downstair. So I tried to catch up to her. I touched her arm and she looks back….
Greenlake: Hey, you’re really pretty.
Girl: *gave me a shock look and smile* Thank you.
Greenlake: my name is Ha and u?
Girl: I’m Stacy.
Greenlake: So stacy, tell me about you.
Girl: I’m going for pharmacy.
Greenlake: that’s gonna take a while.
Girl: Yea.
Greenlake: Where are you heading to?
Girl: To my car.
GreenlakE; oh okay, but hey I wanna hang out with you sometimes.
Girl: Hmmm….i dunno. Hey!
*She saw a guy she knows. I introduced myself to him and they talked for a bit. I don’t like waiting….*
Greenlake: So…. no?
Girl: Yea, no….i’m sorry.
Greenlake; it’s okay. Nice meeting you.

"Think it's my spider sense"
I walked to my math class and saw a pretty cute girl with nice tits sitting under the stair studying. So I walked up to her….
greenlake; hey, you’re pretty.
Girl: thanks.
Greenlake; what’s your name?
Girl; Jana.
Greenlake: I’m Ha. I see you studying so I’ll let you study. Bye.
I sense no interest from her the moment I walked up to her.

A short workout with Best Buy's girl.
Vorraya(the girl I met at best buy) called me again while I was in class(She called earlier when I was in my previous class and I called her back but she didn’t picked up the phone.) I told her yesterday I want to meet up with her today, so she told she’s at the library. I went ot he library and didn’t saw her. Then she told me she’s at student service building. I came there…and once again, I didn’t see her. It went back and forth like that for 3 or 4 times. Until I got conscious and asked her “Wait, are you in the Dale Mabry campus?” she told me “No, I’m in the Ybor one.” OMG!!!! What was I thinking? Should have asked her that before. We had a nice laugh tho. Hahah

*Gasp* "I'm an excuser!"
I was trying to get Lauren’s(big hooters) number afterward but she was talking to a guy sitting next to her and there was a bunch of people around her about to leave. Grrrr…blockers blockers. Plus one of the lady in my class called me over and wanted to join my study group. So I had to stayed there and exchanged numbers with her. By the time I got out, she already left.

"ASked your mom I want to hang out with you."
On to the next one…..this one was sitting outside on the courtyard talking on the phone. She’s pretty hot but smokes tho. But who cares, I walked up to her anyway….
Greenlake: Hey…
*She looks up and stopped talking on the phone.*
Greenlake: You’re beautiful!
Girl: hahah thanks.
Greenlake: What’s your name?
Girl: I’m sorry, but I’m talking on the phone with my mom right now.
Greenlake: Really? Tell her that I wanna hang out with you.
Girl: hahah.
Greenlake: it’s okay, nice meeting you tho.
Girl: You too.

"Is this a joke."
I was at the smoking patio area when my friend called me and asked me where I’m at and told me to wait for him. I waited for him to come. He finally came and I noticed this one girl sitting at a table with a guy. But they’re not holding hands. So I walked up to the girl….
Greenlake: Hey. You’re beautiful!
Girl: *She was shock* Thank you.
Greenlake: What’s your name?
Girl; Wait…..are you guys playing a joke?
Greenlake: No, I’m not playing any joke.
Girl: ohhh….
Greenlake: Is he your bf?
Girl: No.
Greenlake: good. I wanna hang out with you.
Girl: hmmm….i got a bf, but’it’s not him.
Greenlake; ohhh…does your boyfriend mind?
Girl: I dunno.
greenlakE; okay, call him and ask him “there is this asian guy who wanna hang out with me.”
*everybody laugh*
Greenlake; I’m just kidding.
Girl: Well, I’m not trying to be rude. But I got a bf. But I really you. It took a courage for someone to do that.
Greenlake: Thanks, it was nice meeting you then.

"Why are you giggling girl?"
A few steps later, We met up with another friend of mine. We were walking when me and my friends spotted a cute brunette in hat(my target) and with a pretty brunette of her. My friend knew I’m gonna go up to them when they say “let’s go straight” and I told them “no b*tch, let’s go right.” Cause they were on our right side. So they continued walking straight while I went right….
* She saw me walking toward her and looked at me.*
Greenlake; Hey, you’re really pretty.
Girl: *started smiling big, and her friend started giggling.* Thanks.
Greenlake; what’s your name?
Girl: I’m niki, how about you?
Greenlake: I’m Ha. Nice to meet you.
*We shake hands.*
Greenlake: well, I notice you two are talking and I don’t want to disturb you. But I really wanna hang out with oyu sometimes.
Girl; Sure!
Greenlake: Okay, give me your number.
*I handed her my phone, while she was typing it down, I asked her friend for her name. They can’t stop giggling so I ask the girl “what’s the problem and she says “cause she’s laughing.” She then handed it back to me.*
Greenlake: So what day are you available?
Girl: hmmm…I dunno, I usually work and og to school.
Greenlake: Okay then, I’ll call you at night and we’ll work it out.
Girl: okay.
Greenlake; Nice meeting you guys.
Girls: Bye!
*I turned around and asked her*
Greenlake: Niki! Right?
Girl: Yea.

Lindsay Lohan's twins....except not anorexic.
Later on, I spotted another friend of mine talking to a cute freckle girl with nice tits. So I just let him talked to her, a few minutes later, he came back and told me they knew eachother since 5th grade plus he got a bf and won’t mind me going for her. So I did. I walked back to the lounge and she was still there playing with her sidekick. I walked up to her and it wasn’t until I got a few feets away from her that she looks up.
Greenlake; Hey, you’re pretty!
*She was so shock that she had to covered her mouth and started giggling.*
Girl: Thanks.
Greenlake: What’s your name?
Girl; liz, what aobut you?
*I saw down next to her on the couch.*
Greenlake: I’m Ha.
Girl: Ha?
Greenlake: Yea, do you know how to spell it?
Girl:hmmm…. No….
Greenlake: H A.
Girl: Ohh hahah okay.
greenlakE; Nice to meet you.
Girl: Yea, you too
*we shake hands*
Girl: is this your first year?
Greenlake: No, I’m sophomore here. yoU?
Girl: Yea, this is my first semester?
Greenlake: Why’s that?
Girl: I was partying…
greenlakE; really? I wish I knew you last year.
Girl: Hahah. Yea, I really screwd up last year.
Greenlake: really…how?
Girl: I was drunk…a lot.
greenlakE; That’s kool. Ilike variety of girls.
Girl: Hahah really?
Greenlake: yea, bookworms can be boring sometimes.
Girl: I’m totally not a bookworm. I got a test today and I did’nt study for it. I never study for test.
greenlakE: Wow…you’re really wild.
Girl; yea. So how many siblings do you have?
Greenlake: hmmm….shhh…I forgot. 2 brothers and one lil sister.
Girl: hahah.
Greenlake: You?
Girl: I got two little sisters.
Greenlake; Really? How does it feels to be the eldest?
Girl: Not good, I be seeing my lil sisters having cell phone and when I was their age I didn’t even get to have anything.
Greenlake: yea, I can feel you. My lil sister is only 13 and she already got a credit card.
Girl: Yea! Right?
Girl: Do you have a facebook or a myspace?
greenlakE; Yea, but it’s pretty old. I don’t update it. How about you give me your number instead?
Girl: Okay!
*She told me her number and chatted for a bit more.*
greenlakE; So what days are you available?
Girl: I have two jobs but I think I’m free on the weekend.
Greenlake: Kool, I’ll call you then.
Girl; Okay.
*Her friend came and they had to leave.*
I’m too lazy to type the whole thing down. The convo was about 5 minutes long and she was asking me questions most of the times. Sometimes I just wanna tell her “Geehz girl! Slow down! And let me askyou some questions!.” But she’s a party girl, like to get drunk, and her parents are pastor this girl is WILD! I’m going to fvck heR!

A unwanted number close.
The next girl…..just say that she was a unwanted number close. I was just curious to see this asian girl cause she look pretty cute from far away. We talked about our viet culture and she told me she really like me to come back to Vietnma with her next time. I really wanted to go back to Vietname with someone so I offered to give her my number. But for some reasons she offered me her first. Ohhh well....always nice to have a friend.

Well, I think that is it for today(with the exception of a few more rejections with "bf" which doesn't last more than 10 sec and not worth mentioning.) I’m really exhausted plus I need to get ready for the date at 8 pm tonight. That’s why the FR seem pretty lacky. Things seem to be pretty dissapointing at first but got really good at the end. I'm really proud of myself. BTW, wish me luck guys!!

Updates: Me and Carlene text to eachother a bit last night. Eileen the asian girl I'm suppose to hango ut tonight hasn't reply to me yet. I smell flaking. Let's hope not.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
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Credos- You racist b*tch!!! hahah. Yea you sohuld see me in real life, I sounds like Jackie Chan sometimes, especially when nervous. And yeah, she's digging me. too bad she don't got a car and I'm not good with direction. Btw, thanks for the feedback.

Deus Ex- Yes, it's a number game man. All you need is some gutz and you're set. Thanks for reading.... my most faithful reader. :up:

Agent Zero- I don't think the opener that really matters. It's just depends on the girls and your balls to show her your intention. Btw, thanks for the kind words man. I don't know what style you're copying me. But i got none, i'm just being real and genuine. :D
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
Ha, I've skimmed the 8 pages in this thread, and from what I've read you've done a fantastic job improving. Your interactions are confident and natural, which puts you ahead of 98% of all other guys. Nothing canned, nothing fake.

It seemed as if you went for the number close before you build a strong enough comfort level in many of your earlier approaches. But your last approach was absolutely perfect. Notice how you spent more time in conversation BEFORE getting the number. She felt completely comfortable with you.

The best part of approaching is getting to know new people. Whether you wind up with a number, a friend, or a date, you are meeting new people. How many guys can truly say that they meet new people on a regular basis? The more people you meet, the more your inner game grows. The more your inner game grows, the more successful you will be with women, and life in general.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Well guys I'm back. Let me give you some updates on my first date last night. IMO, I think I did okay for a first date. But to be honest, I think I screwed it up. I texted her before the date to make sure that she wouldn't flake on me by asking her to make sure if she knows where Coldstone is at. Even tho she lives really close from coldstone, I still got there 5 minutes earlier than her. So I just sat in front of the store and looking around....seriously, I forgot how she looks. I'm just waiting for a Asian girl to walk up to me and give me a hug. Well....finally an asian girl walked up an I smiled, I think that's her. She really pretty now since the last time I remembered. But something seem really different the last time I saw her. She told me later that she went to the beach on labor day. OH! So that's why, she gotten darker. Well, we got into the store and....damn I already don't know what to say. I changed my mind and told her we should go get some sushi. She says yeah and on the way out I put out my hand for her to hold and she shakes her head meaning she doesn't want to. Ehhhhhh.....too early, right? We got into the sushi bar....btw, this was where i used to worked. My boss and ex-coworkers greet me...which was a lot of people. So some of the times, they would came and tlak to me, which left her by herself. They would interrupted my convo sometimes which made me forget whati was saying and make me don't konw what ot say afterward. My biggest problem tonight imo other than the holding hands thing is my conversation skills. I STALL A LOT!!! plus the fact that i was kinda nervous made it worse. So we walked around the plaza and chat for a bit more after we left the restaurant. Then we went in sweetbay just for fun....she bough some neosporins tho. We got out and we saw some asian people, so they chatted with her...yea, only her. I was left out for some reasons. So we walked a few more steps and she says "hmmm..shall we call it a night?" I dunno if that a bad sign or cause she gotta go to the club with her friend after. So I wlaked her to her car. We hugged and then departed. You know what? I felt like one of those guys on Blind Date when i turned around and walked to my car. I can't stopped thinking of this girl afterward. She really pretty and I want to keep her. But something is telling me Iturned her off and that was the last time I will see her. I hate myself, I always got feeling for a girl quick. And now I dunno how to get rd of this feeling and move on. Anyone know the best way to get rid of it except for approaching more girls?

Okay, 2 of the 3 numbers I got today. I called Liz, she picked up the phone and was happy to hear me, but she told me she's helping her mom something and will call me back....it's 2 pm the next day and she still hasn't call. For other igrl Nikki. I called her and tried to set a date iwth her but she told me she works a lot and dunno when she can go so I told her i'll see her at school then.

I think I will have to go back to the drawing board and study the "the power of now" and juggler method's conversation skills.


New Member
Sep 3, 2006
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God greenlake, You are a true inspiration to me. I remember trying sarging, and got discouraged fast. I've started it up again, and am seeing much better results. It seems that eye contact is making huge difference for me.

But anyways, keep it up. I'm rooting for you buddy!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
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Deus Ex- Thanks man. I tried as to make it more detail as much as possible. I think that's the main ingredient for a good journal.

False time-constraint is effective. I really like it back when I was reading 'the game." But i don't think it will help at all with direct since i will know if a girl is interested due to her reaction. There is no point of holding a girl back if she's not interested, right? Also, if you noticed. I kinda used sometihng similar to false time constraint when i told them i gotta go to class or something similar to that to get their number. But I guess i would call that true time-constraint. :D

Phillipe- 98%? Wow....Thanks man. And aobut the rapport. I think rapport is important. Rapport was probably the reason why I screw up on my date. She felt like I was a stranger cause I didn't call her much before the date. The reasons why I tried to get their number quick was because I only have 15 minutes gap between my classes and got no time to talk to them plus there are a lot of girls ariound that time......and i hate wasting time on girl who got a bf. I dunno aobut you, but for some reasons, a girl telling me she got a bf after talking to them for 2-3 minutes pissed me off more than her rejecting me or telling me she got a bf right there and then in the first 10 sec. I even thank them for letting me know now. Rejections doesn't bother me as much anymore. What I need to do now is to get omre rapport with igrls on the phone because what i used to do was tried to set up a date iwth them and usually most of the igrls i called are busy with work/school so i'd tell them i'll meet them at school and chat with them and hunged up on them.....sometimes i felt like they wanted to talk to me more but i didn't give them a chance.

btw, I like how oyu called me Ha form the beggining. Made me feel like we were old friends.

aznlakerman- Thanks man. That was one of the reasons i posted my journal and tried to put as much details as i can. (Seriously, I rarely read my journal. I justp ostedi t and that is that. Everything elsei s history.) I hope it would inspire some of u guys to approach girls and realize that rejection is not that bad. It's actually good for you, thus it make you become a stronger person.

i hate how most people label asian guys as quiet virgins who can't get girls. Even tho that's true about me right now. (This one girl at my jobplace told me that last night...for real! AnD i've only started to talk to her for 15 minutes.) But the thing is..... they don't know me!


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
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greenlake said:
I got to school an hour early today cause my friend wanted me to help him out after seeing me fearlessly approached girls yesterday and it inspired him. I hope I inspire you guys too. That’s one of the reasons I posted my FR on here. Or you can call it “bragging.” HAHAHAh. I walked to the courtyard and I saw him sitting there looking around for girls. I walked up to him and showed him it’s nothing to be afraid of by approaching a few girls.

"I'm better than your bf."
I saw an Asian girl girl holding her phone(she rejected me back in my 9th grade.) I told my friend that and told him I’m gonna go approach her.
greenlakE: Hey, you’re pretty.
Girl: thanks.
Greenlake; What’s your name?
Girl: Joanna.
greenlakE: is this your first year here?
Girl: Yea.
Greenlake; Hey, I wanna hang out withyou sometimes.
Girl; Sorry…I got a bf.
greenlakE: But I’m better.
Girl: *chuckles*
Greenlake: okay, it was nice meeting you.
Here...i think you didn't give enough effort in the interaction. After you asked if it was her first year...then you could've talked a little bit more about it. But you did reveal ur intentions and that "But i'm better" comment was funny.

"Let me walk you there"
A few sec later…
I saw a pretty girl wearing a big shade….
Greenlake: hey, I saw you and I want to meet you.
Girl:*smile* okay.
Greenlake: What’s your name?
Girl: Angie. You?
greenlakE; I’m Ha. Nice to meet you.
*We shake hands.*
Girl: Well…I’m kinda late for class.
Greenlake; Where is it at?
Girl: humanities building…I think.
Greenlake: Okay, ‘ill walk u there.
Girl: Hahah okay.
greenlakE: So tell me about you.
Girl: hmmm…I don’t like to talk about myself.
Greenlake: Okay, I’ll tell you aobut me then.
Girl: okay.
greenlakE; I like to draw and sing.
*She saw a guy she knew.*
Girl: hey Dillon. *to me” what’s your name again?
Greenlake: Ha.
Girl: I was gonna introduce you to him.
“I ended up standing there while she was talking to him. But good thing the guy was standing there and looking at me while talking too. So I used that to get in the convo…..the guy gotta leave so the girl started walking without me.*
Greenlake: hey! Where you think you going?
Girl: Hahah, I forgot about you.
Greenlake: damn, trying to leave me behind?
Girl: hahah
Greenlake: Well, I wanna hang out with you sometimes.
Girl: okay
Greenlake: give me your number.
Girl: I don’t give out number.
Greenlake: alright, I’ll give you my number then.
Girl: Okay.
*she took out her sidekick. I told her my number and name. Then I told her nice meeting you.*
I went back to my friend. He told me he was gonna come and help cause he saw her talking to a guy and tried to brushed me off.
Very good interaction my friend. The interaction definitely was better. After she didn't give much of a response about her, u began by talking about you...which probably would have her be more inclined to talk about herself...since she feels less pressure. But good job letting her know that u wanted romantic intentions with her :)

"I GOT A BF!!!!"
A few minutes later….i saw a white girl walking to a bench and sat down.
Greenlake: Hey, you’re pretty.
Girl: thanks, but Sorry, I got a bf.
Greenlake: Dang, that was pretty quick.
Girl: what?
Greenlake; That was quick.
Girl: I GOT A BF!!
Hahah, I love these girls. Save me times.

You smoke?I hate girls woh smoke. But you're hot. So who cares.
Later….which is 1 or 2 minutes. I saw a girl with a nice body and a pretty face but she smokes tho. Well, she’s hot. I walked up to her while she was sitting….
Greenlake: Hey, you’re pretty.
Girl: *She smiles* Thanks.
greenlakE; What’s your name?
girl: Danielle.
Greenlake; Nice to meet you Danielle.
*I saw her getting up and about to leave.*
Greenlake: You gotta leave?
Girl: yea, I got a class.
Greenlake: Well, I wanna hang out with you.
Girl: Okay
Greenlake: Give me you number.
Girl: Sure.
I took out my phone and gave it to her. She input it andtold me I can call her anytime.
Job well done...she was interested...you let her know that u urself was interested...so u both benefit. This shows that SO MUCH rapport is overrated and that if a girl truly is in a hurry, that u can still meet up with her.

I did a few more approaches during this primetime which was approximately 30 minutes. But some of all of them told me they have a bf and wasn’t worth to write down plus I’m too lazy.

"Hmmm...I don't really know you yet."
Class is about to starts and I walked around with my firendfor the last time. I was a blonde girl in green clothes. She was talking on the phone. I kinda hesitate with her a bit. But I did it anyway. I walked pu to her while she was talking on the phone.
greenlakE; Hey, you’re beautiful.
*She was shocked and stopped talking on the phone.*
Girl; Thanks.
Greenlake; What’s your name?
Girl: *name* can you wait a bit?
greenlakE: sure.
*She continued talking on a phone for a few secs and finally hung up. She opened the door and about to entered the class.*
Girl: Sorry, but I got to go to class.
Greenlake: that’s okay, we can hang out sometimes.
Girl: Okay.
Greenlake: give me your number.
girl; hmmm….I dunno. I need to know you first.
Greenlake: Yea, that why I want ur number. So I can get to know you. (DUH!)
Girl: ummmm….
Greenlake: How about this? I’ll give you my number instead.
Girl: Okay.
*I wrote it on a paper is ripped it and gavei t to her.”
greenlakE; call me.
girl: Okay.
Geehz I hate when girls can’t make up their mind. If they’re not interested then outright tell me. I would appreciate that. Well, I’ll just give her my number, my role has been played. Do whatever she want with that number. She can wipe her butt with it for all I care.
Very very good approach, especially on her reaction when u went right up to her. Also, it was good if she took TOO long...that u were probably gonna leave. But yea, if she wasn't interested...she should've outright tell u. I def feel ur pain son.

Well guys, I think that was it or the most significant one. I’ll keep you update with things tomorrow. Wish me luck.

Btw, thanks for the comments. I’ll reply it tomorrow cause i‘m using a computer at school right now. One more time. Thanks.

*Updates: I called Carlene, she picked up the phone and i told her my name. She remembered my name(i'm touched since the convo wasn't that long yesterday.) and asked me if this is my number(why? so you can block it??? hahah). I say yes and she told me she gotta get ready for work so she gonna call me bakc later.*
[/QUOTE]Good Stuff...but we all know the best comes later.

Last edited:


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
greenlake said:
I finally got on the ground of campus after fighting over parking spaces with other students for 15 minutes. I saw one of my friend while on the way to the class. So we stopped and chat for a bit. While chatting, I spotted a sexy girl with big boobs walking toward our direction.

I excused myself and walk toward her….
Greenlake: Hey, you’re pretty.
Girl: thanks.
Greenlake: what’s your name?
Girl: I’m married.
Greenlake: Mary?
Girl: No! I’m married.
greenlakE: Oh okay, nice meeting you.
I went back to talking with my friend. He asked me what I say, I told him. Then we went back to talking about the bad effects of creatine…..*yawn*.
Haha...same thing happen to me. They say married, but you think they'd say "mary".

*GASP* You play soccer with those big hooters!?!?!?!
I resume the journey to my class and waited for the elevator. I spotted a blonde girl with big hooters….by big, I mean big! From my math class. She was waiting by herself in the back of the group with all the other guys staring at her. I walked to her….
Greenlake: Hey, aren’t you that girl from my math class?
Greenlake: no wonder why I was telling myself “damn, that pretty girl look familiar.”
Girl:hahah thanks.
Greenlake: What’s your name btw?
Girl: I’m Lauren, how about you?
Greenlake: I’m Ha. Nice to meet you.
Girl: you too.
*We shake hands.*
Greenlake: so tell me aobut you.
Girl: I’m pre-med. You?
Greenlake: same.
Girl: Is this your first year here?
Greelnake: No, it’s my second year. How about you?
Girl: it’s my first year here.
Greenlake: so you just got out from high school?
Girl: yea.
*The elevator opened and almost everybody went in, the elevator was full. So I stayed outside and stayed there.*
greenlakE; What high school.
Girl: *some high school.*
Greenlake: I’ve never heard of it before. Who are you living here with?
Girl: I’m living with my roommate. But I’lm going to be moving to a new one soon.
Greenlake: Have you seen it yet?
Girl: Yea, it’s nice.
Greenlake; okay, I’m going to move in with you guys soon.
Girl: hahah.
Greenlake: So, What do you like to do?
Girl: I like soccer.
Greenlake: Wow, really? ( With those big hooters?!?!?!?)
Girl: Yea.
Greenlake: you gotta teach me how to play then.
Greenlake: Are you in any team?
Girl: No, I’m planning to join USF’s soccer team tho.
*The elevator door open. I let the old and the ladies go in first. But somehow I ended up standing next to her when I got in. people are nice hahah.*
Greenlake: Yea, it’s really big in my country.
Girl: oh really? Where are you from?
Greenlake: Vietnam.
Girl: Yea, it definitely is big over there. (Like your breasts….)
GreenlakE: So when is the world cup?
Girl: I think it’s in Februrary.
Greenlake: That quick? What team are you going for?
Girl: hmm…germany.
Greenlake: I’m going for Korea.
Girl; Yea, korea is very good.
*The elevator door opens*
Greenlake; Wait, are we going down?
People: no, we’re on third floor.
Greenlake: thank god!
*everybody left and I left her go first.*
Greenlake: You’re Lauren, right?
Girl: Yea, I’ll see you in class. (NO! I was gonna get your number!)
Greenlake: Okay, I’ll see you later.
Funny ass comments by the way in ur commentary, lol. Seems that the rapport was good that u had similar interests. I think one thing you also could've done so she got the message was...while u had eye contact...u purposefully look down in her breasts and then look back up at her with a naughty smile...then she def would've gotten the message ;-)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks for the comment IWILLRETURNSOON. Encouraging to read as always.

btw guys, I might not be able to post for a while cause I got into an argument with my brother and he won't let me use his laptop. I have to wait til i can hook up my computer again. But for right now, read AgentZero's journal and El Stud's funny threads.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Hey greenlake, you're doing really well buddy. Makes me wanna fire up my old journal again. Remember that one? (When things are going well for you, everyone wants to be your friend. lol.:D)