Welcome to My World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Yay Baby!

My day keeps getting better and better. I can feel myself growing nonstop for the last 3 days. It's amazing how much I've changed. I remembered I was still struggling with approach anxiety on Monday. It's like a dream come true.

"You're too Extreme for me."
I decided to come to school an hour early today since there won't be school for me until Tuesday. It was around 10 am. People are still in their class so the campus was pretty empty. I walked around for a bit and spotted a cute brunette in a hat sitting at the table outside. Without hesitation, I immediately walked up to her...
greenlake: Hi.
*she smiles and took off her headphones.*
greenlake: I really like you and want to know you.
*She smiles.*
greenlake: What's your name?
girl: Ashley, you?
greenlake: Can I sit down?
girl: Sure.
* I sat next to her.*
greenlake: Oh yea. my name is Ha. I like that ipod.
girl: Thanks.
greenlake: How much was it?
girl: I dunno. I got it for christmas.
greenlake: Can you give it to me for Christmas?
*She laughs*
greenlake: you have really pretty eyes.
*She blushes*
girl: THank you.
greenlake: by the way, tell me about you. I want to get to know you better.
girl: Okay. Hmmm.....My name is Ashley and this is my first year at HCC. How about you?
greenlake: it's my second year. What high school did you came from?
girl: Blake, how aobut you?
greenlake: I cam from Leto. Have you heard of it?
girl: Yea.
greenlake: We really sucks at fotball.
girl: *laugh* Yea our school sucks at football too.
greenlake: What are you going for by the way?
girl: Sonography. you?
greenlake: Nursing.
girl: Do you like it?
greenlake: I dunno, but i'm going to wear scrubs like those people over there soon. How about you?
girl: Yea, I planned finish it and move back to my hometown.
greenlake: Where is it?
girl: Oh. Tennesses.
greenlake: The first thing that pop up my head is the Titans.
girl: Hahah yea.
greenlake: Do you like football?
girl: Yea.
greenlake: Why you like it there?
girl: Well, cause the wheather there is never too hot or too cold.
greenlake: Wow. sounds like a paradise.
girl: Yea it is.
greenlake: Hmmm....I run out of things to say. I guess you have to help me here.
girl: hahah. What time is your next class?
greenlake: Public speaking.
girl: Really? I heard that class is hard.
greenlake: Well, it depends. If you're shy or easily nervous then yea it's hard.
girl: oh okay.
greenlake: How about you? What is your next class?
girl: First Aid.
greenlake: First Aid? Like CPR?
girl: Yea. But we haven't got there yet.
greenlake: Ohhh. You can experiment CPR on me.
girl: HAHAH!
greenlake: What time is your next class?
girl: 11. How aobut you?
greenlake: same. I guess you're stuck with me for 25 more minutes.
girl: hahah.
greenlake: But 25 minutes is really long tho.
girl: Yea, i'm actually waiting for my friend.
greenlake: Is it a guy?
girl: No, she's a girl.
greenlake: Thank god it's not your boyfriend.
girl: hahah.
greenlake; Okay, let go back to topic. What do you like to do?
girl: Hmmm...I went snowboarding last Winter and skydiving last summer.
greenlake: Wow....you're extreme. Maybe too extreme for me.
girl: Hahah.
greenlake: We still got quite a while. Let me give you a tour around school
girl: No I can't, I'm waiting for my friend.
greenlake: Hahah, oh yea i forgot.
*She picked up the phone*
girl: Hey, i'm right outside with my new friend.
* After a while her friend came out and was talking on the phone. Things between me and her got quiet for awhile.*
girl: Ouch! ants bite me.
greenlake: Hahah I guess you picked the wrong table.
girl: hahah yea.
* Her friend hung up.*
greenlake: Hi, what's your name?
meg: Meg.
greenlake: Nice meeting you.
*We shakes hands.*
greenlake: so how do you guys knew eachother?
girl: We knew eachother from high school.
greenlake: so you went to Blake too?
meg: yea
girl: we're best friends.
greenlake: Well, I'm gonna leave you two chit chating. But before I leave, I want to hang out with you sometimes.
girl: hmmm....I don't know. I work a lot and I don't even have times to talk to Meg on the phone.
greenlake: Oh. Where do you work at?
girl: Sport Fanatic.
greenake: The one in Citrus?
girl: No, the Brandon mall one.
greenlake. Oh. Well, it's was nice meeting you then. I'll see you around campus then.
girl: Yea, of course.
greenlake: Bye Meg.
Meg: bye.

Bartender # close!
I walked around campus and tried to called my friend to tell him the great news. I spotted him talking to two girls. I walked up to them. I introduced myself to them. One was kinda shy and other was talkative. I found out later that the talkative one was a bartender who has a rich mom....but she was an airhead. Funny, I thought that was my friend's target. But the shy was the one he's after. So he tried to get me in the conversation. No complain, she was hot. After conversing for a few minutes. She offered to show us her car which was a convertible Audi. Uh oh! We left the shy one behind. So we finally got there. she showed up her car. I told her that the car matched her style. While we were talking, i notice she was leanng against the car nex to u It got bird poop to it. So I take her wrist and slowly put near it. She didn't jump or anything. We laugh about it. We talked for a bit while. She told she won't got class until 1 and she's going to the mall. It almost 11. I'm about to have a class. So I told her I want to hang out with her and tell her to give me her number. She says "Sure!" and took my cell phone away from me while i was typing it and typed it herself. "I go by Jenny btw." hahah. I'm going to fvck you Jenny.

WAKE UP GIRL! I'm not a dream.
Me and my friend walked back to campus. I saw a blonde girl on the phone. I told my friend I'm going to approach her. He says "No, she's on the phone." I told him " Watch me." I walked up to her from behind and touch her arm. She looks back and saw me.
Greenlake: You're really pretty.
*She was literally shock."
I kinda studder after this and asked if she's talking to her boyfriend. She eventually got her head straight and told me she got a boyfriend. Hahah.

Okay, I went with my friend to the library. I saw Aly(yea, I thought it was Alan. Until she corrected me.) from yesterday. She was in the copy room with 4 people. i hesitated a bit. i finally got through it and touch her arm. I ask her if that guy is her boyfriend. She says no. YAY! Well, I then asked the black lady in front of us if she's a teacher blah blah indirect stuffs. Then the guy asked if I'm taking any math classe. i Told him college algebra. He told me he taking calculus. I told him we should hang out sometime and tried to get his number and I told him i was serious. Uh oh! Now not only he think i'm gay but she probably think i'm gay too.Well, she look kinda pissed afterward and the guy look uncomfortable but he offered me his facebook and Aly told me to look for her on his page. Uhhh...this one kinda bothers me the whole day. Seriously.

YOU GOT A BF?!!?!?
i took my Public Speaking class and got out. I saw a slim blonde with nice tits plus she looks tall too. i walked up to her...
greenlake: hey, I really like you and wanted to get to know you.
*She smiles and i sat down.*
greenlake: What's your name?
girl: Cassie.
greenlake: Nice to meet you. What class are you waiting for?
girl: Public Speaking.
greenlake: Really? i just got out of that class.
girl: Oh, who do you have?
greenlake: Lemke. L e m k e. Do you have him?
girl: No. It's a woman. Let me check...
*She looks into her notebook.*
girl: Hahah I can't find her name.
greenlake: Uh oh. I hope you don't forget my name too.
girl: hahah. You haven't told me your name.
greenlake: ReallY? I thought I did.
girl: Nope, you didn't.
greeblake: Okay, my name is HA. H A.
greenlake: So tell me about you.
girl: hmmm....my name is Cassie andthis is my first year here.
greenlake: Really? How you like it?
girl: I like it better than high school.
greenlake: What high school you go to?
girl: I went to Land O Lakes.
greenlake: Ohh, isn't that like 15 minutes away?
girl: not quite.
greenlake: How come you don't go to the Brandon campus?
girl: It farther compare to this campus and my boyfriend lives here.
greenlake: * I laugh* Wait, boyfriend? How come you didn't told me this before.
girl: Hahah.
greenlake; Does your boyfriend goes here?
girl: No, he works.
greenlake: Really. how long have you guys been together?
girl: * showed me her 3 fingers.* three years.
greenlake; Geehz, I'd hate to breka you guys apart.
girl: hahah.
greenlake: Well. I gotta get to class. But I wanna hang out with you sometimes.
girl: hmmm.......I dunno. I got a bf.
greenlake: You can take him along.
girl: HAHAH.
greenlake: WEll. It's nice meeting you tho.
girl: Ha, right?
greenlake; Yea, what's your name gain?
girl: Cassie.
Greenlake: Nice talking to you.
*we shake hands.*
greenlake; i'll see you around.
girl: of course.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
Change your opener! You are showing way too much interest off the bat!
Don't ask them if they have a BF.

Inspire more emotions with your questions. You are asking informative questions. That is ok to start with (1 or 2).

If she says she has a boyfriend than don't let it faze you. Show less interest (body language, etc.) and move on with the rapport. Try to find a similar interest and show excitement about one that you share.

Don't ask to hang out with them... tell them to hang out with you. Give an exact place and activity. Don't make it sound like it is for your benefit. Make it enticing to them, something that they will gain from. Make sure it is something fun and exciting.


Don Juan
Aug 26, 2007
Reaction score
good man .. i too have joined the "train of i dont give a fvck" .. haha it feelz good


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Okay, this was a continuation from yesterday but my internet connection was acting up on me plus the FR was too long to put in one post.

I walked to my college algebra class and noticed two girl sitting on the bench. I kindal ike the one on the right. But they smoke, well.....i went anyway since I already halfway to them.
greenlake: Hey, you're pretty.
girl: Thanks.
greenlake; What's your name?
girl: ( I forgot)
greenlake; Oh, how aobut you?
girl2: katie.
greenlake: How do you guys konw eachother?
girl: we're lesbian and she's my gf.
greenlake: REALLY?!?!
girl: Hahah no, i'm j/k. I knew her from her brother.
greenlake: So isher brother your boyfriend?
girl: NO. My boyfriend is someone else.
greenlake: Well.....it was nice meeting you
girl: you too.

I walked into my class and put my stuff. I got go pee so I left the classroom. When I got down to the first floor. I saw a cute asian girl with nice tits from far away. Hahah screw that. peeing can hold for a bit. I walked up to her, we were 5 feet away and she alreadyl ooks at me and smile.
greenlake: Hi, do you know where the library?
girl: yea, you just go straight and-
greenlake: JUST KIDDING! you're really pretty.
*She giggles and blushes.*
girl: Aww...thank you.
girl: are you viet?
greenlake: yea.
girl: me too.
greenlake: great, let's speak in viet.
girl: Okay!
greenlake: Ban khoe khong....uhh it sounds wierd after talking to you in English.
girl: yeah. I don't konw much viet either. i've just started learning it three years ago when I went back to Vietnam.
greenlake: Really? you like it there?
girl: Yeah, I grew up here but I like it.
greenlake: Tell me more about you. I really wanna know.
girl: Are you sure you want to konw more aobut me?
greenlake: Hmmm....yes.
girl: What if I tell you I'm married?
greenlake: SERIOUSLY?!? You must kidding.
girl: No, i'm married.
greenlake: OMG i'm so heartbroken.
girl: So now do you still want to know about me?
greenlake: If your husband doesn't mind. hahah. But anyway, it was nice meeting you tho.
girl: Yea you too. i'll see you around.

Damn, that was long. Hmm...I hope got everything down. Hahah I love that Asian girl. Well, wish me more luck. See you guys next time.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
zerocelcius- Thanks for trying to help me out. But I'm happy with what I'm doing now.

GuyNJ13- Yea, it does feel good. Just wait til you have that mindset and walk up to a girl and tell her what you're really thinking. I see you have just joined. Good luck on your journey.


New Member
Sep 1, 2007
Reaction score
i think your pathetic greenlake u do the same old chat again and again
doesn`t feels akwards that u don`t have on what to talk about u start chat and then what`s ure name
get some social life
and the thing whit pretty girls that know they are pretty don`t want to hear this from a guy
get a better line
get a personality


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
i think your pathetic greenlake u do the same old chat again and again
Sorry but a very pointless comment. Calling a guy taking action pathetic? C'mon...atleast he's going out there busting his ass.

doesn`t feels akwards that u don`t have on what to talk about u start chat and then what`s ure name
If its not awkward to him, then i don't see a problem with it. Developing conversation comes with practice. It doesn't come over night. I think he's doing a good job...he's made great progress thus far.

get some social life and the thing whit pretty girls that know they are pretty don`t want to hear this from a guy
get a better line
get a personality
Girls want to know they're good looking...they want to be reaffirmed of it...its why they look good...they want it to be heard...imagine if girls don't get commented on it anymore....they'd freak the hell out and get worried. Sure, there will be some women who won't appreciate it...but who cares...why go for those women? Go for the ones that appreciate it and are the ones that you want! Greenlake, me talking to him for a while, he's got the social life he wants fine. He's got a bunch of close friends and he's fine with that. Anything more, he's working. You don't have to have a big social life to consider urself successful in the game. its what u ultimately want.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
greenlake said:
Today was probably the best day of my life. Not because I got a number close....oops, did I let out the secret? Hahah. Btw, this is the first time I feel like a man, first times I feel like I HAVE BALLS. The power of Direct is strong. One month of being paralyzed to approach girls or even people in general made me felt so useless.....like how the 18 years of my life was. Maybe I should really thanks that girl for cussing at my face. She really did me a favor. I'm like a Sayain getting 100 times stronger after being severely wounded. FINALLY, I know the path to happiness and success.......that is brighten up the girl's day and to never give up on your goal. Well....let me get to the story.
Glad u stuck through this my friend. Very glad...it was tought mentally but u got through it. Thats the true sign of a champion, getting through the hard times and being stronger than ever.

"I Got a BF?'
I kinda got a little approach anxiety when I got to school. By little, I really meant it. But I did it anyway. All it takes was one approach and I will be on a approaching spree. We had a "welcome back" event at our community college today. So that means more hot girls at one spot. I walked around the school hesitating a bit. I missed one or two girls until....I saw a white girl sitting on the bench by herself. I walked passed her at first. Then I came back and walked up to her.
greenlake: Hi, I saw you and I just wanna meet you.
girl: Hi....hmm...well...I got a boyfriend.
*I sat down*
greenlake: Well, that's okay. Even tho i'm a lil heart broken.
*She giggles*
greenlake: What's your name?
girl: Courtney, you?
greenlake: I'm Ha. Nice to meet you.....I odn't think you can shake your hand with a hotdog and a book in your hand.
girl: hahah yeah.
greenlake: So tell me a lil bit about you.
girl: Hmm...I dunno.
greenlake: Let me tell you about me then.
girl: Okay.
greenlake: hmmm......****, I dunno what ot tell you either.
*She laugh*
greenlake: What's over there?
girl: Oh, they have an event. They give out free foods and games. Pretty kool.
* I saw that she packing up her stuffs.*
greenlake: You have to go to class?
girl: yea, it startes at 12:30. Do you have a class?
greenlake: yea, I got anatomy 2.
girl: is it hard?
greenlake: Well...I like theteacher, so it depends. The first one was hard. I got a C in it.
girl: I planned to take it.
greenlake: Well...it was nice talking to you.
girl: Yea you too.
greenlake: Bye.
girl: bye.
I think what u were doing was reminiscient of Badboy....if she's guarded to talk about herself...then when u start to talk about urself...she'll open up a little more. Eventho she had a bf, least u kept the conversation going.

I walked around for a bit and decided to sit down instead. I missed a few good one. I saw a sexy brunette with short shorts and tight shirt. I got up and tried to catch up with her.
greenlake: Excuse me!
*She turns around.
greenlake: You're pretty.
girl: Thanks.
*She started walking again.*
greenlake: You're leaving?
girl: yea.
greenlake: Stay here. I wanna get to know you.
girl: Sorry, I got a bf.
greenlake: okay.
Found out what you were looking for. Plain and Simple.

I turned around and saw my friend 30 feet away. So I went up to him and we chat for a min. He decided to walk around with me. While walking, I saw a white girl on the phone. I stopped her and she looks at me. I told her "you're pretty." She blush and giggle. But I just stopped from there....I dunno why, don't ASK ME WHY!

"HOllister BABY!"
We got into a building and I saw a pretty brunette with curly hair. She dressed in Hollister. I planned to approached her a few days ago but my AA was there. But this time...NO WAY! She was walking in front of me and I had to catch up to her. Geehz...why girls walk so fast. I touched her. She didn't turn around....uh oh! Well, I was touching her backpack strap. DOH! But finally I got her attention. She looks at me....
greenlake: Excuse me. But I got something top secret I need to tell you.
*She smiles*
girl: Yea?
*I lean into her ear and whisper "You're really pretty.*
girl: Aww THank you.
greenlake: What is your name?
girl: Allan, how about you?
greenlake: i'm Ha.
greenlake: So tell me about you.
girl: This is going to be my last semester here. i'm going ot USF next semester.
greenlake: Really? how old are you?
girl: i'm 21.
greenlake: Wow, I'm 19 and I look older than you tho.
girl: Yea, I get that a lot.
greenlake: I really like your clothing style.
girl: Thanks.
greenlake: Do you have to leave somewhere?
girl: yea.
greenlake: Okay, it was nice meeting you.
* She smile and wave*
girl: Yea, you too. bye!
Oh man....u could've set something up with her! ;)

I got class to go after this.......I kinda have AA again after class. But it wasn't long either. I saw this girl who gave me a lot of e/c last semester. She was walking behind. I opened the door and hold it for her. She thanks me. ......."Hey" I said. She stopped and turned around. UH oh! I then say "You're pretty." She smiles and say thanks.
I think for this one, you could've persisted with her after she said thanks.

I kinda missed a few chances after that. I went to the library. I saw a pretty sexy girl. But I haven't see her face yet. So I just sat next to her with 20 people sitting around me playing the computer. It took me a while to talk to her. I say "Hey" she looks at me and smile. I don't like what I see. So I just say "What's your name?" She told me Janine. "I'm Ha, nice to meet you." and I left.
Optical Illusions can fool ;-)

I went home and chilled a bit before going to work. I promised the Asian girl I would go to the dancing club with her at USF but I had to work. Good thing she didn't call or maybe she did but the store I work at have bad signal. Well, let get back to the story, will we? I got to the mall and saw a pretty girl walked into Fossil. I followed her and touched her on the arm with me behind her cause she was looking at some watches. She looks around and saw me.
greenlake: Hi
girl: Hi.
greenlake: You're pretty. What's your name?
girl: Awww....sorry, I got a boyfriend.
greenlake: Oh okay. Nice meeting you.
girl: You too.

This was an hour or 2 into work. I was putting clothes on the table and saw a pretty asian girl....really pretty. I walked up to her and lightly touch her right arm. She looks at me, she thought I just want to get through but I stayed there...
greenlake: Hi, you're really pretty.
*She smiles and blushes*
girl: Thank you.
greenlake: What's your name?
girl: (**** I forgot her name.) You?
greenlake: Ha
girl: Han?
* she lean in closer*
greenlake: No, Ha.
girl: Oh okay.
* I noticed her friend was behind her giggling. hahahah. ****blocking just doesn't happen often with direct.*
girl: Do you go to school here?
greenlake: Yea.
girl: Really? which one?
greenlake: Hcc. you?
girl: USF.
greenlake: Oh, I got a few friends there.
greenlake: So tell me a bit aobut you.
girl: I just omved down here.
greenlake. Really. from where?
girl: Jacksonvile.
greenlake: oh.....well, i'm working right now. But I would like to like to hang out with you sometimes.
* I stepped back and she stepped forward. I noticed she was playing with her hair. Hahah this is the first time I cansee IOI this clearly.*
girl: hmmm...I can give you my phone number.
greenlake: I can't take out my phone now. How aobut I give you my number instead.
girl: Sure!
*I told her my number*
greenlake: Call me when you miss me.
We say bye to eachother. I walked away with a smile on my face. This is the second time I felt this happy. The first time was with the gym girl.

Well guys....that's it for today. Tomorrow will be a new day. Wish me luck.
There you go, thats all there was to it. Didnt' have to be complicated or anything. Definitely liked the part of how you said, "Call me when you miss me ;-)". I can see an improvement from the previous times, u seem more relaxed when ur conversing and ur showing ur more natural witty side. Don't let any of the haters or doubters bring u down. U got this my friend, u got this.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score

Finally I got the gutz to walked up to her and I wasn't looking ahead either. I stopped in front of her, she had her headphones on and hurriedly took it off and look at me.
greenlake: What are you making?
asian: oh, I'm making a hat.
greenlake: I wanna learn.
asian: Really?!?!
greenlake: Yea, show me how.
I walked to the chair next to her and sat down. She then shw me how....kinda confusing to learn. She ask me a lot of questions about me and we talk for 2 hours. She told me she is waiting for her boyfriend. I met her boyfriend, kool guy. We chat for a bit. She told me she want me to join the dancing club at USF. I gave her my number and she/bf will pick me up on Wednesday.
Hey man...glad this is what triggered those negative emotions away. In ur head, u just wanted to know the truth...that there should be nothing to be afraid of.

It was dark....around 8pm. So I decided to chill a bit at the computer before i leave. I saw this pretty blonde girl walked passed so I got up and ran up to her. She was pretty far so i just yelled out "Excuse me!!" She looked back and stopped. I walked up to her....
greenlake: You're pretty.
girl: Thanks.......Do you know where the vending machine is?!?! (LMAO WTF??)
greenlake: Yea, follow me.
*while walking....*
greenlake: What's your name?
girl: Danielle *giggle*
greenlake: i'm Ha
*we shake hand.*
greenlake: Are you looking for drinks or food?
girl: food.
greenlake: hmmm....
girl: oh, i see it.
greenlakE: Okay
girl: Thanks.
greenlake: nice meeting you.
From my point of view, she prolly wanted to talk somemore.

Today was the day I can see my improvement clearly.
- The first one was at the copy room, she was with 2 other girl friends of her. I saw her and told my friend I will go in. He told me he will come......just to act like he's stapling. WTF?!?! I told her she's pretty. She says thanks, i asked for her name and then told her my name. We shake hands and I ejected.
The awkward silence...hahaha....oh how it sounds familiar...when ur not sure of what to say. I guess it happens sometimes. But i think a good thing to get out of that silence is to find out about her. Ask her a question.

-The next one was walking in front of me. I like what I see.....a slim body with some cute booty. GRRR She was walking fast. So after we gotin the building. I say "Excuse me!" She look back. I walked up to her and told her she's pretty. She thanks me and was looking for her class which was in front of us. So she walked in.....that it.
Might've been the worst time, she was probably very concerned with finding her class that it took very high priority in her mind.

- I saw my friend after class and he wanted me to walk him to the car. While walking, I saw two girls. A blonde(target) and a brunette. I told my friend to be my wing but he refused. So I went in by myself. I walked up to them...
greenlake: Hey!
*brunette and blonde look at me. The brunette thought I was talking to her and about to say something.*
greenlake: No, not you. I meant her.
*The brunette steps aside. hahah*
greenlake: I saw you there and just want to come up to meet you.
blonde: oh.
greenlake: What's your name?
blonde: Kaly.
greenlake: My name is Ha. Nice to meet you.
*we shake hands.*
greenlake: tell me a lil bit about you.
blonde: Hmmm...I dunno.
*we got to her friend's car*
*I forgot what I say, but I ejected. I walked back tt campus. I heard a honk....and guess who that was? Yup...the blonde and her friend. We waved goodbye.*
Hahaha...."no not you....her". 2 sets are a bit harder than a lone girl, so of course it'll be a little tougher...but great they were pretty receptive to you.

- The next one was a few hours later. I was walking with another friend of mine. I saw two girls walking in front of me. I told him I'm gonna approach them.. He say yea, go ahead.. So I walked up to them. I stopped the blonde one who was walking the brunette.
greenlake: Hey, I saw you and I got to meet you.
blonde: oh, hey.
*the brunette was standing there giggling.*
greenlake: What's your name?
blonde; Kelly.
*I looked at her friend.*
greenlake: What about you?
bru: Kathy
greenlake: Tell me about you Kelly.
blonde: I'm going for nursing.
greenlake: Oh, is this your first year?
blonde: Yea.
greenlake: Btw, how your guys konw eachother?
blonde: We knew eachother from school for two years.
greenlake: Where are you guys going?
blonde: WE gonna go meet up with someone for diner.
greenlake: Am Iinvited?
blonde: *giggle* yea, if you wanna come.
greenlake: Thanks.
WE departed..... should have got her number!!!

Okay guys, i'm tired. More will come tomorrow.
Why do so many girls giggle? I find it strange.haha. But glad this day was whats got u back in the swing of things. Good work.

I almost forgot, when ur introducing each other...you should also go for a hug...so then you have an even warmer vibe..to which she can relax even more. :)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Ope- Wow.......thanks for bumping my thread up. I thought it was going to sink down to page 2 again. Btw, you're right. I'm pathetic, my life is pathetic. That's why i'm on sosuave typing to you on a saturday night. Can you show me how to turn my life around? :cry:

iwillreturnsoon- Hahah thanks for watching my back. i think i'm starting to get more successful.....cause I got 1 hater already. Hahah i beat you. btw, i think you're being a little optimistic/biased with the FR crit. But all in all. It encouraged me more. Hmmm......have you noticed those guys say the same thing over and over? And here they are, telling me i need something new. Didn't we already settled this 2 pages ago in my thread?

btw, i will try the hug next time. i've been feeling pretty touchy.


New Member
Sep 1, 2007
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just get stuff that keeps u busy all the time and then the oportunities will rise up
and to be onest as u say hey u`re pretty to me sounds like sexual harrasment, and i don`t know maybe if u were having some muscle on u this line was very good anyway, u are moving whit ants steps.

here another tip.
go whit girls that look of a 5 note to increase your confidence and some of them will help u continue the game.
do things u are afraid like jumping from high places or go to swim and go in large whit the risk of getting drowned, and get in shape this is a good boost of confidence, and u`ll feel more healthy too


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
hey man, thanks for taking ur time to try and help. but can you spell better? i seriously have a hard time reading it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
IWillReturnsoon said:
I agree that he shouldn't limit himself to just saying ur pretty BUT He is not showing too much interest off the bat. He's showing enough. Tell me how he's showing TOO much interest with the opener?
He is hitting on the girl prematurely. If her friends are present than he is also alienating them. He is showing too much interest by stating the obvious with out building attraction or comfort. There is no reason for these girls to give him the time of day let alone be attracted to him. He just comes up and says "I (notice that he is starting off stating his interest) think you’re cute, and I (again with the I's) would like to get to know you." What does this do for the girl?

She doesn't care if he is interested in her. A lot of guys are interested in her. What makes him so special? He is creating absolutely no attraction. Girls get hit on thousands of times by the time they are 20. He has to do something different. We all have to do something different.

Look at it this way. A guy is pitching a marketing campaign for Nike. He comes in and says "I like your shoes I want to do your marketing." Than starts to ask Nike questions like "How long you been in business"? "Do you just make shoes"?.... etc....

Do you think he will get their multi million dollar Marketing contract?

No he won’t. And by going up to a girl and approaching like this guy does is only going to work if she is very lonely and is looking for a BF. Which means he has to lower his standerds for this approach to work? None of his FRs are successful.

*I agree with you that he deserves more attention and help, but just encouraging him to keep failing with the same approach is not help.*


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
greenlake said:
zerocelcius- Thanks for trying to help me out. But I'm happy with what I'm doing now.

GuyNJ13- Yea, it does feel good. Just wait til you have that mindset and walk up to a girl and tell her what you're really thinking. I see you have just joined. Good luck on your journey.

NP! Just trying to help.

Before you think I am flaming you I just want to say:

You have ballz of steel!!! Your FR shows you have no fear to DA and I just wanted to tell you Great Job!

Also know this as well, I am not attacking YOU! My only advice was to not jump in the convo with confessing your interest in these girls. Every guy that has ever hit on them (thousands?) has most likely said almost the exact same thing you have.

You aren't doing anything wrong, but the message is wrong. You don't have to say she is cute. Just by you talking to her she assumes you are attracted to her. Girls can't sleep with or go out with every guy that thinks they are attractive. They need something more than that.

Open them and just talk about class or some junk. Find a similar interest show excitement and when she shows signs of interest than say she is cute. Don't just give it away.

What kinda stuff do you get in this life that is free?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2006
Reaction score
Am going to disagree with you zero, even thought I don't have many experience I do know where Greenlake is coming from. He isn't dumb, am sure he knows what hes doing. I read the whole DJ bible and know all the methods but am still doing the exact same thing he's doing. Everyone has their own ways of doing things, your way may not be his way and vice versa.

As for saying that girls get hits on thousands of time, I think people are blowing this way out of proportion. Not every girl goes to club, you'll be surprise how many attractive girls do not go to clubs and bars at all (which is where they most get hit on). One time I approached this girl and she told me no one approach her before and she was a 6.5. The 10's don't get approach because guys are intimidated by them. I also think his approach is not like every other guys that hits on them. Other guys that does this kind of approach where they state their intention usually goes something like "hey babe, you're hot.. can I get your number?" or something stupid along that line.


Woah I just remember you made a thread about Direct Method, dude I have to say both method works! you don't have to justified using indirect by keep on questioning Direct Method. Why don't you tried it for a month and see how it works? anyways, this thread isn't to debate direct or indirect is better.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
btw, i think you're being a little too optimistic/biased with the FR crit.
I have to disagree with this my friend on being biased. Now what would be biased if i never admitted there were flaws and that u were doing absolutely nothing wrong...which i haven't said. I'm not being optimistic for the hell of it, im being optimistic because i think there's always good things u can learn from an experience in ur field reports...ok now if i didn't go into enough detail then sure, i'll evaluate it better. But think about it, the girl's didn't reject....you just had to handle the situation a little differently...thats why i dont' feel like pointing out the negatives...as the only negative in some of the situations were that u just had to persist. I tend to go on tangents by the way...so be careful ;-)
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Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
greenlake said:
My day keeps getting better and better. I can feel myself growing nonstop for the last 3 days. It's amazing how much I've changed. I remembered I was still struggling with approach anxiety on Monday. It's like a dream come true.
Just remember to realize that in order for this to be permanent...it has to be when u deal with the same level of criticism u received a month ago. Then thats when u've passed the test.

"You're too Extreme for me."
I decided to come to school an hour early today since there won't be school for me until Tuesday. It was around 10 am. People are still in their class so the campus was pretty empty. I walked around for a bit and spotted a cute brunette in a hat sitting at the table outside. Without hesitation, I immediately walked up to her...
greenlake: Hi.
*she smiles and took off her headphones.*
greenlake: I really like you and want to know you.
*She smiles.*
greenlake: What's your name?
girl: Ashley, you?
greenlake: Can I sit down?
girl: Sure.
* I sat next to her.*
greenlake: Oh yea. my name is Ha. I like that ipod.
girl: Thanks.
greenlake: How much was it?
girl: I dunno. I got it for christmas.
greenlake: Can you give it to me for Christmas?
*She laughs*
greenlake: you have really pretty eyes.
*She blushes*
girl: THank you.
greenlake: by the way, tell me about you. I want to get to know you better.
girl: Okay. Hmmm.....My name is Ashley and this is my first year at HCC. How about you?
greenlake: it's my second year. What high school did you came from?
girl: Blake, how aobut you?
greenlake: I cam from Leto. Have you heard of it?
girl: Yea.
greenlake: We really sucks at fotball.
girl: *laugh* Yea our school sucks at football too.
greenlake: What are you going for by the way?
girl: Sonography. you?
greenlake: Nursing.
girl: Do you like it?
greenlake: I dunno, but i'm going to wear scrubs like those people over there soon. How about you?
girl: Yea, I planned finish it and move back to my hometown.
greenlake: Where is it?
girl: Oh. Tennesses.
greenlake: The first thing that pop up my head is the Titans.
girl: Hahah yea.
greenlake: Do you like football?
girl: Yea.
greenlake: Why you like it there?
girl: Well, cause the wheather there is never too hot or too cold.
greenlake: Wow. sounds like a paradise.
girl: Yea it is.
greenlake: Hmmm....I run out of things to say. I guess you have to help me here.
girl: hahah. What time is your next class?
greenlake: Public speaking.
girl: Really? I heard that class is hard.
greenlake: Well, it depends. If you're shy or easily nervous then yea it's hard.
girl: oh okay.
greenlake: How about you? What is your next class?
girl: First Aid.
greenlake: First Aid? Like CPR?
girl: Yea. But we haven't got there yet.
greenlake: Ohhh. You can experiment CPR on me.
girl: HAHAH!
greenlake: What time is your next class?
girl: 11. How aobut you?
greenlake: same. I guess you're stuck with me for 25 more minutes.
girl: hahah.
greenlake: But 25 minutes is really long tho.
girl: Yea, i'm actually waiting for my friend.
greenlake: Is it a guy?
girl: No, she's a girl.
greenlake: Thank god it's not your boyfriend.
girl: hahah.
greenlake; Okay, let go back to topic. What do you like to do?
girl: Hmmm...I went snowboarding last Winter and skydiving last summer.
greenlake: Wow....you're extreme. Maybe too extreme for me.
girl: Hahah.
greenlake: We still got quite a while. Let me give you a tour around school
girl: No I can't, I'm waiting for my friend.
greenlake: Hahah, oh yea i forgot.
*She picked up the phone*
girl: Hey, i'm right outside with my new friend.
* After a while her friend came out and was talking on the phone. Things between me and her got quiet for awhile.*
girl: Ouch! ants bite me.
greenlake: Hahah I guess you picked the wrong table.
girl: hahah yea.
* Her friend hung up.*
greenlake: Hi, what's your name?
meg: Meg.
greenlake: Nice meeting you.
*We shakes hands.*
greenlake: so how do you guys knew eachother?
girl: We knew eachother from high school.
greenlake: so you went to Blake too?
meg: yea
girl: we're best friends.
greenlake: Well, I'm gonna leave you two chit chating. But before I leave, I want to hang out with you sometimes.
girl: hmmm....I don't know. I work a lot and I don't even have times to talk to Meg on the phone.
greenlake: Oh. Where do you work at?
girl: Sport Fanatic.
greenake: The one in Citrus?
girl: No, the Brandon mall one.
greenlake. Oh. Well, it's was nice meeting you then. I'll see you around campus then.
girl: Yea, of course.
greenlake: Bye Meg.
Meg: bye.
Seems like in this approach u were more relaxed, especially how the witty comments were that came naturally. I personally beleive thats the best thing to do in terms of interacting with girls better...just being more relaxed. But i think personally u might've asked a bit too many questions...as at some point she should be the one who's mostly doing the talking eventually as it seems u carried too much of the conversatoin. Also, i think u should've suggested meeting up with her. But all in all, pretty good...i can see ur improvement.

Bartender # close!
I walked around campus and tried to called my friend to tell him the great news. I spotted him talking to two girls. I walked up to them. I introduced myself to them. One was kinda shy and other was talkative. I found out later that the talkative one was a bartender who has a rich mom....but she was an airhead. Funny, I thought that was my friend's target. But the shy was the one he's after. So he tried to get me in the conversation. No complain, she was hot. After conversing for a few minutes. She offered to show us her car which was a convertible Audi. Uh oh! We left the shy one behind. So we finally got there. she showed up her car. I told her that the car matched her style. While we were talking, i notice she was leanng against the car nex to u It got bird poop to it. So I take her wrist and slowly put near it. She didn't jump or anything. We laugh about it. We talked for a bit while. She told she won't got class until 1 and she's going to the mall. It almost 11. I'm about to have a class. So I told her I want to hang out with her and tell her to give me her number. She says "Sure!" and took my cell phone away from me while i was typing it and typed it herself. "I go by Jenny btw." hahah. I'm going to fvck you Jenny.
I have to admit, i sometimes have been too closed minded in terms of the direct philosophy but its good to realize that in some situations...u don't have to necessarily be direct. But for this one, i think when u got her number...u reveal ur intention of how u want to get together with her...so she knows where ur coming from. But, im glad that you had natural conversation with her and things took it course. Good work on getting her contact info. She had interest if she was that excited to give it...and yes u will **** her ;-) :D

WAKE UP GIRL! I'm not a dream.
Me and my friend walked back to campus. I saw a blonde girl on the phone. I told my friend I'm going to approach her. He says "No, she's on the phone." I told him " Watch me." I walked up to her from behind and touch her arm. She looks back and saw me.
Greenlake: You're really pretty.
*She was literally shock."
I kinda studder after this and asked if she's talking to her boyfriend. She eventually got her head straight and told me she got a boyfriend. Hahah.
I bet his limiting beliefs will be out of the window....but i personally think its best to go up to a girl on the phone only if she doesn't seem too into the phone call..you know...that it takes super high priority in her mind...but u took a risk...hey...u have a 50% chance...i see why not? Also...yea...don't ask if she's taken yet...she'd bring it up to you.

Okay, I went with my friend to the library. I saw Aly(yea, I thought it was Alan. Until she corrected me.) from yesterday. She was in the copy room with 4 people. i hesitated a bit. i finally got through it and touch her arm. I ask her if that guy is her boyfriend. She says no. YAY! Well, I then asked the black lady in front of us if she's a teacher blah blah indirect stuffs. Then the guy asked if I'm taking any math classe. i Told him college algebra. He told me he taking calculus. I told him we should hang out sometime and tried to get his number and I told him i was serious. Uh oh! Now not only he think i'm gay but she probably think i'm gay too.Well, she look kinda pissed afterward and the guy look uncomfortable but he offered me his facebook and Aly told me to look for her on his page. Uhhh...this one kinda bothers me the whole day. Seriously.
Yes...u are gay...now u can pick out which pink polos would look best on me O:). Nah, i doubt ur gay.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
YOU GOT A BF?!!?!?
i took my Public Speaking class and got out. I saw a slim blonde with nice tits plus she looks tall too. i walked up to her...
greenlake: hey, I really like you and wanted to get to know you.
*She smiles and i sat down.*
greenlake: What's your name?
girl: Cassie.
greenlake: Nice to meet you. What class are you waiting for?
girl: Public Speaking.
greenlake: Really? i just got out of that class.
girl: Oh, who do you have?
greenlake: Lemke. L e m k e. Do you have him?
girl: No. It's a woman. Let me check...
*She looks into her notebook.*
girl: Hahah I can't find her name.
greenlake: Uh oh. I hope you don't forget my name too.
girl: hahah. You haven't told me your name.
greenlake: ReallY? I thought I did.
girl: Nope, you didn't.
greeblake: Okay, my name is HA. H A.
greenlake: So tell me about you.
girl: hmmm....my name is Cassie andthis is my first year here.
greenlake: Really? How you like it?
girl: I like it better than high school.
greenlake: What high school you go to?
girl: I went to Land O Lakes.
greenlake: Ohh, isn't that like 15 minutes away?
girl: not quite.
greenlake: How come you don't go to the Brandon campus?
girl: It farther compare to this campus and my boyfriend lives here.
greenlake: * I laugh* Wait, boyfriend? How come you didn't told me this before.
girl: Hahah.
greenlake; Does your boyfriend goes here?
girl: No, he works.
greenlake: Really. how long have you guys been together?
girl: * showed me her 3 fingers.* three years.
greenlake; Geehz, I'd hate to breka you guys apart.
girl: hahah.
greenlake: Well. I gotta get to class. But I wanna hang out with you sometimes.
girl: hmmm.......I dunno. I got a bf.
greenlake: You can take him along.
girl: HAHAH.
greenlake: WEll. It's nice meeting you tho.
girl: Ha, right?
greenlake; Yea, what's your name gain?
girl: Cassie.
Greenlake: Nice talking to you.
*we shake hands.*
greenlake; i'll see you around.
girl: of course.
Very good improvization my friend on the opening and more importantly on how u handled the conversation. Good persistence...just to see if the boyfriend was something serious but she let u know that it was. You found what you were looking for.

Okay, this was a continuation from yesterday but my internet connection was acting up on me plus the FR was too long to put in one post.

I walked to my college algebra class and noticed two girl sitting on the bench. I kindal ike the one on the right. But they smoke, well.....i went anyway since I already halfway to them.
greenlake: Hey, you're pretty.
girl: Thanks.
greenlake; What's your name?
girl: ( I forgot)
greenlake; Oh, how aobut you?
girl2: katie.
greenlake: How do you guys konw eachother?
girl: we're lesbian and she's my gf.
greenlake: REALLY?!?!
girl: Hahah no, i'm j/k. I knew her from her brother.
greenlake: So isher brother your boyfriend?
girl: NO. My boyfriend is someone else.
greenlake: Well.....it was nice meeting you
girl: you too.
Hahahaha...got ya ;-)
But u almost went up to ur first lesbian tho :)...but yea man...no need to ask if she's taken...she'd tell u otherwise. Funny approach tho.

I walked into my class and put my stuff. I got go pee so I left the classroom. When I got down to the first floor. I saw a cute asian girl with nice tits from far away. Hahah screw that. peeing can hold for a bit. I walked up to her, we were 5 feet away and she alreadyl ooks at me and smile.
greenlake: Hi, do you know where the library?
girl: yea, you just go straight and-
greenlake: JUST KIDDING! you're really pretty.
*She giggles and blushes.*
girl: Aww...thank you.
girl: are you viet?
greenlake: yea.
girl: me too.
greenlake: great, let's speak in viet.
girl: Okay!
greenlake: Ban khoe khong....uhh it sounds wierd after talking to you in English.
girl: yeah. I don't konw much viet either. i've just started learning it three years ago when I went back to Vietnam.
greenlake: Really? you like it there?
girl: Yeah, I grew up here but I like it.
greenlake: Tell me more about you. I really wanna know.
girl: Are you sure you want to konw more aobut me?
greenlake: Hmmm....yes.
girl: What if I tell you I'm married?
greenlake: SERIOUSLY?!? You must kidding.
girl: No, i'm married.
greenlake: OMG i'm so heartbroken.
girl: So now do you still want to know about me?
greenlake: If your husband doesn't mind. hahah. But anyway, it was nice meeting you tho.
girl: Yea you too. i'll see you around.

Damn, that was long. Hmm...I hope got everything down. Hahah I love that Asian girl. Well, wish me more luck. See you guys next time.
Hahahaha on the second approach. "JUST KIDDING!" Very nice one! Ur improving very well. Definitely shows improvement. "You're pretty" is fine but being able to change up direct now and then...thats even better. But its definitely a good interaction, it really showed ur playful/flirty side when u said u were heartbroken and "SERIOUSLY..u must be kidding!" and how receptive she was in terms of her reaction. Your Still funny as always greenlake! Definitely showed ur making progress. Just don't let any more criticisms in the future stop you or else i'll kick your ass O:).


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
I've never been so excited for sarging(without the nervous feeling) before. After 2 days of staying home most of the time. I finally can go out today and meet some more girls. My first destination was the mall. It's Sunday and the mall suppose to be fills with hot girls. But for some reasons, I don't know whether I had AA or I'm just too picky. But I don't see much girls that caught my eyes.

I walked upstair and was headed my way to Abercrombie to my get my work schedule and I saw two girls. A brunette and and a redhead(my target). They were walking before me so I had to yelled out "Excuse me for stopping oyul ike tihs." They stopped....for a brief moment. "You' really pretty." She kept walking. "What your name?" I asked. They kept walking and her friend yelled out "She's taken." Hmmm....it was bad, wasn't it? Not at all. I'm glad it happened, because I for the first time don't feel the pain of rejection. Because I know it will come sooner or later.

Shy girl...
After I got out of Abercrombie and roamed around a mall for a bit. I went in American Eagle to look for girls. I saw a set of two girls. I approached the white girl from behind and touched her arm and turn her around. She looked at me...
greenlake: Hey, you're pretty.
*She gave me a shock look."
greenlake: What's your name?
girl: Kelly.
*I shaked her hand and then look at her friend.*
greenlake: How about your friind?
girl: I'm Melissa.
greenlake: My name is HA. How do you guys know eachother?
girl: From school. For quite a few years.
greenlake: *I Looked at her friend.* You don't mind me talking to her, right?
girl: *she answered it for her friend.* No.
greenlake: So...tell me about you.
girl: No.
greenlake: Hmmm...why is that? Are you shy?
girl: No.
greenlake: I wanna hang out with you.
girl: No. :confused:
greenlake: Okay, it was nice meeting you.
Okay, I don't know what is up with this girl.

Is she a mannequin?
I went to Hollister after that. I thought the greeter there was pretty cute. So I told her that after finished looking at the clothes. She just say "thanks" and didn't do anything.

Too busy for me??? NO WAY!!!
I went to Circuit City after that to buy a USB port and to give my friend a visit. I saw a pretty cute girl who worked there. I walked pu to her, she looked me and tohught I need assistance. I told her she looks pretty and she smiled and blushed. But the store was busy so she gotta leave and told me to wait for her. I didn't got a chance to get her number since she was still busy. But I'm happy I made day.

While waiting for my friend to helped out the customers. I recieved a text form a wierd number. "Hey this is Eileen from a&f. Wasup?" Look who it is. Yup! The asian girl who I gave my number to the other day. I thought she wouldn't calls, but i'm glad she did. I really like her. I called her but she didn't picked up the phone, but she called me back later on. We're gonna hang out this Thursday and I'll see how it turns out. YES! :cheer: :cheer:

Bartender too dumb to use a phone.
btw, I called Jenny twice. First time she picked up the phone and say something I don't understand. No one say anything after thato n thoe ther line but she ddn't hung up. I called her the second time later and she turned off her phone and didn't allow voice mail.

Never been approached like this? It's okay, there always a first.
I left Circuit City, went home to eat and then headed to Barnes and Noble. Right after I got in, I saw a sexy brunette in a tube top with her friend. They were looking at something. Too me a few sec to approached them. But I finally did it. I was gonna appraoch them from the back but I prefer the front whenever I can. So I walked in toward thme. Her friend saw me and smiled. I looked at her and smiled back. I then looked at the target...
greenlake: hey, you're pretty and I want to get ot know you.
girl: oh thanks.
greenlake: what's your name?
girl: Kelly.
* I shake her hand*
greenlake: and you?
girl2: (I forgot)
greenlake: What do you guys like to do?
girl2: Hmmm...we're buying the same planner.
greenlake: Let me buy one so then all three of us can be he same.
* They paused and kinda gave me a creepy look.*
greenlake: I'm just kidding.
girl2: Hahahah okay.
greenlake: Hey, I wanna hang out with you.
girl: hmmm....i dunno.
greenlake: Why is that?
girl: i don't know you.
greenlake: that's why i wanna hango ut with you, so i can kknow you.
girl: hmmm....
greenlake: just take your time, i'll be here waiting.
girl: hmmm....i dunno....
greenlake: *i look at her friend.* What do you think?
girl2: hmmm....too risky.
greenlake: I'm not trustworthy?
girl2: No, not that. It's just no one have ever approach us like that. WE dunno how to reaction to that.
greenlake: Your friend can come along to watch me.
girl+girl2: Hahah.
girl: we don't live around this close to here tho.
greenlake: where do you live?
girl2: WEsley Chapel.
greenlake: Do you come ot this area alot.
girl: No.
greenlake: Well, i'm not gonna force you if you don't want to. But It was nice meeting you.
girl: You too.
girl2: You too.

Okay, Labor day tomorrow. I dunno what to do tomorrow. but wish me luck.
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Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
zerocelcius- Yea man, thanks for taking your time to post it. I really want this to become a mature talk and not turn into a kiddy argument. I can kinda tell it when someone is trying to help or trying mess me up. And I know you're trying to help and i'm always welcome for different opinion.

btw, I kinda disagree about the part that you say aobut girls knowing that you like them from the point you approach them and try to talk to them. not to be mean, but most girls are dumb. they can't figure out until you tell them or else they'll just think you're just being nice. I just saw a girl who I approached indirectly last semester at barnes and noble today. I was shocked when she told me she is married. and got 1 child. by telling her my interest from the start, i can give her options. if i dont, she got no choice but to talk to me.

and i also have to disagree about girls being approached alot. Maybe in the club...but not in day situation if a lot fo guys can do that then there wouldn't be such thing as "approach anxiety." If you don't believe me then read my last approached. the girl outright told me no one have ever approach them like this. but there can always be exception to this.

analytic- well said. I can't say any better.

iwillreturnsoon- thanks for comment on every single appraoch of mine. i hate to admit it, but i really want a lot of feed back at this time. Reading your comments really motivate me to work harder. because i know someone like you who appreciate my work. btw, i'm looking for a pink polo.:crackup: