I've missed SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many chances with hot girls it's not even funny... lol
Well anyway, random story, I was out and about over the park with my buddies one before, and there was some real hot girl and her not-so-hot fatty fat friend there. Well anyway whenever we like used the zipline or whatever they would come and try to take it over, and my mates would leave but 'cause I am a defiant sh1t I was the only one who refused to let them.
Well eventually she asked me to push her on the swing, so for a while I fleeted back and forth from pushing her on the swings to going to hang out with my buds. I kept accidentally-on-purposefully touching her ass, and every time she was like "omg no you didn't

" and basically her friend was making suggestive remarks about us and she was flirting with me and stuff. She TOLD me to add her on MSN and to take her number. I did of course...
Well anyway, she asks me for a kiss but 'cause I'm a nervous fvck I am just like "nahhh" so she just gives me a long cuddle instead and I go. Basically later on, I was speaking to her and she was like telling me she wants to be my girlfriend and all that jazz, I am just like "okay sounds good", (she also put my name in hearts in her MSN screen name) because I could be comfortable over MSN no problems. So she ends up telling me she wants to kiss me hard and slow, and obviously being MSN I was just totally comfortable and went along like "yer sounds good

" and she was telling me to touch her all over blah-di-blah.
GUESS WHAT?!?! When I met up with her the next day, she is like totally all over me even more than before (obvo seeing as I've agreed to be her boyfriend), and I am mr. nervy again! You know what I did?! Well when she asked for "that kiss you wanted" I was like "what kiss?" And OMFG it gets worse! I TOLD HER THAT IT WAS MY LITTLE BRO (total lie I don't have a little bro) WAS MESSING ABOUT ON MY ACCOUNT! Un-fvcking-believable!
What's more, she persisted for the rest of her time there spouting things like "kiss me or I'll kick you in the bollocks!" Lol I guess it was KINDA justified seeing as I had got her hopes like TOTALLY up, AS WELL as my own.
I think the worst point was when I was pushing her on the swing again, totally alone with her, and she was like "oh you can touch my ass I don't mind" but of course I didn't!
Needless to say she never bothered with me again after this poor performance!
Other such chances I've missed due to shyness/nervousness:
*A model (literally, she worked as a model) asking me to lick her out.
*A hot, solid 7.5er pulling me REALLY close to her and staring from my eyes to my lips.
*A girl that started touching me up and laying on me and stuff.
*Having 5 hot (lowest was 6.5) girls who obviously fancy me alone asking what I want as a 'special birthday present' ('twas my birthday)
*A 6.5er I knew offering to come to my house for sex.
*Another girl saying she wants me to lick her tits.
*I got this girl I like's mate to ask out the girl I like for me, the girl I like asked me if it was true I had asked, I said no. She got upset and went crazy at her friend and has never forgiven her! (Lol I feel like a bastard for that)
Lol if I listed them all I'd use up the whole forum's bandwidth!!