Ok I was 19 I think. This girl was hitting hard on me the first day. She was always near me, asking me stuff, telling me how nice it is talking to me whatever. First I didn't notice that at all. First I didn't think any girl would ever be attracted to me (how should they when I sat before my PC most of the time?) and second she wasn't even interesting a bit, she was like best a 6 then.
But I guess, even if I was not confident and like the biggest fvcking nice guy ever (except maybe the guy with *****slap, that is the funniest thing ever), I didn't want her and didn't react. So maybe I was at least interesting. So monthes pass by, she sits next to me in classes and eventually learns that I'm really not interested. Some time later, I became friends with her and her best friend, they were part of the group we went to clubs etc.. So we we're seeing each other regularly. She had even lost some pounds and was good looking, maybe a 7, although she had incredible charisma. So guess what, she is interested again. All the time, I just had to wait and there she was, sitting next to me, talking to me. Can you please bring me home after a party? Y, if i have too. And guess what happens, I still don't really get ANY clue that she might actually be interested, beause of the reason above. But as she spend so much time with me and talking to me, I remember this day, bringing her home, that I actually felt something for her. And no, I didn't make this right. Ask her out for a date. Where she would a million per cent would have said yes. No I just stay near her. Okay she still begs me to dance with her, asks me about ten times till I say yes. And while dancing, I totally fall in love with her, she is my Oneitis now. And she can see it that very moment. Afterwards I was a total mess, nothing else mattered but her. And I showed her that every fvcking single second of the day. I do everything for her and all the time I hope she would say to me, Hey I noticed you like me, pls kiss me. OMFG
Everyone knows. And I still wonder if she knows? LOL And I act and act and think, she must have understood by now. Y right. She did. But with another result that I wanted *g*. So she went on summer holyday and the two weeks she was away, where the 2 worst weeks of my life. So she comes back and she totally ignores me. She doesn't look at me, she makes very sure she doesn't sit next to me and she treads me like ****. Guess what, I didn't get it. I thought this whole thing was a coincidence and still tried to win her. HAHA
So about 1 week later, I finally had enough. When all of us, slept at a friends house, I took her by the arm into another room and said something like. Well, ..... erm.... you... probably know.... but I kind of..... am...................................... in love with you....................and I had to........tell you, I don't know what else to do.........I had to........ tell you
She is looking at me as if I was the most stupid person in the universe and says: It is good you told me, I don't want you raise hopes. I look at her, say ok and get back.
Afterwards, she treated me like dirt and I still treated her the same way.
One month later, I was still in "love", so I asked her, if she wanted to dance in a club we were. She said that no in such disgust that I finally understood. Okay maybe the week after that was the worst of my life.
And the worst thing is, I knew something went wrong, but I just couldn't figure out what.^^
Ok that is probably the sadest story on earth. There is this other girl I am in "love" with. She is, as you can imagine, the best friend of the other girl I just mentioned. Ok one day we are in a club, and I drink much and don't want to go home. So she is the driver and constantly tells me, lets go. I just ignore her and have fun. So after some time she tells me, if I don't come she would go without me and that she is pissed. So I come. I tease her in the car a bit make fun of her being angry. Ok. Not that bad until then. The next day I wake up, I realize what I did. And I go totally crazy, I write her a sms how sorry I am, but that is not enough, I have my Icq away
message on how sorry I am, so everyone can see what a ****ing chump I am, and as she comes online I apologize again. OK. Here comes the hard part. The next day, I don't have much school classes, so I drive to the nearby supermarket after school and buy her a ****ing huge package these little alcohol things you bang against the table and then drink them, putting the cap on your nose, you know what I mean. It costs like 20$. She is crazy for them I know that. So I drive with that thing to school, went in there with my plastic bag and give it to her. Saying I am sorry the third time. And I still hoped we would get together. How stupid can someone be?