I had an infatuation on this girl who at that time was an HB9, really was an HB 9 but after a decade she lost one leg in a motorcycle accident after partying with her gangster boyfriend, became fat and has now a severely deformed face from dealing too much battering with big globs of hands(physical abuse). Now, she is not anymore an HB9. She is not even an HB anymore since HB means Hot Babe. She is more like a Babe(Pig) now. More like a UB2( Ugly Babe2)
Take Note: Even at age 14, she already had a size 36 breast! With the face of an 4 year old baby girl. She was that angelic. Of, course her bestfriend was somewhat more cute, beautiful and sexy
Okay here’s my story.
I met her when she was still 14 yrs. Old and we were both 14 at that time. I looked at her and said “Man I gotta get this girl at all expense”. So, I did. I said “Hi,” to her and invited her to lunch. She said “yes”, we ate and talk. And yes I paid for the meal. We became friends afterwards. We constantly hang around together. We constantly talk about everything; we skipped classes just so we can talk together. Hell, yeah, we didn’t even eat lunch because we didn’t notice the time. I give her free cellphone load and she just uses it to constantly call and
text other guys but me. I followed her around like an idiot lost puppy. I carry her bags and stuff around. I pick up things that she purposely drops on the floor. I pay her taxi and bus fare. I make all of her school projects and assignments. I compliment her every second about how beautiful she is. We always sat or stand 2 – 3 feet away from each other. I gave her flowers, chocolates, cards, balloons even if it wasn’t Valentines Day. And this went on for several years! Until one day, she stop going to school and move back to her hometown. I constantly profess my undying love to her and how I can’t ***** live without her and that I wouldn’t be happy without her. Yikes! I sent her all sorts of psycho – analyzations through
www.myspace.com and e – mail. I even created an online journal blog to let her know all my feelings and thoughts about her with poems in it. Double Yikes! While this was going on, girls left and right were falling in love with me for sort of no reason. And I rejected them all because I was obsessed and didn’t care about any other girls because I wanted her to feel special as my Mommy always use to tell me that you gotta treat a girl Nice, Be a gentleman, make her feel special. Crap! I constantly brag to her about how she is the “ONLY” girl I would like to have and I was so proud of it. Damn, writing this stuff, is just bringing so much tears, painful memories. I do not know if I can even continue writing. It is too goddamn painful. At this time, I have sent her thousands of e-mail messages. I drop out of school and got a job to pursue and chase her to her hometown which was a thousand miles away and I was still in high school. I got a job, became a workaholic construction worker. I worked 16 hours everyday just so that I would be so ****** tired and numb with so much physical pain. Physical pain was a good diversion but wasn’t enough. Everyday, I wake up screaming, sweating, having flashbacks of my mistakes and our goodbyes. Only to realize that she is really gone and this is a nightmare I can’t wake up from. Then I start to feel these massive heartaches. I thought I was having a heart attack but then I realize, ohh.. this must be what it feels to have your heartbroken. I drank beer everyday to work just to numb the feelings of loneliness and depression. I was still obsessed and focus on getting her. Finally, I got my bonus pay check. I spent 4000 dollars just to travel to her place at the age of 19(Year 2004). But before that…. I traveled to her place., I chatted with a guy named Pook. I think it was on
www.everything2.com was where I met him.
I needed some leverage, somekind of plan., I needed an advantage because I was is an fool but at least I know I am fool so I search online about articles and stuff relating to Nice Guys. Then I read pooks threads on
www.everything2.com. I contacted him and ask him how do I escape the friendzone? And do you know what his advice was?
He said to me, “Rape her” but pook why? Isn’t that against the law? Pook said,
“The very reason why you got trapped in the friendzone was because of your failure in being A Man”. “Oh, you poor boy. The friendzone is an impossible trap to escape”. When a girl looks at you for the first time, you have only a few seconds to establish that you are a sexual being, A Man. A girl can not combine sexuality with friendship. A girl will either place you as a lover(sexual being) or a friend(sexless, devoid of sex). Be A Man. Stop whinning. Focus on your dreams, ambitions. Now, that you are in the friendzone; you have to take charge, be responsible enough to take action. It is your fault and no one else why you got in the friendzone so it is time to go and grab her by the hair and tear her apart. Rape her. But pook….Shhhh.. Hush hush..
You are telling me that you can not rape her because you are afraid to hurt her feelings? Say what? Why should you care about what girls feel? Do you think she cares about how you feel when you don’t get to have sex with her? Of course not! So why should you care about her feelings?
Here is my advice to you… just relax, have fun, date around with at least 1 woman per day for 1 year until it becomes a habit. By then you woudn’t be thinking about her anymore.
BOOM…. My internet connection got disconnected. I never heard from Pook again.
Here is my turning point, It was already 2004. I traveled to her place and confident to rape her as what Pook had advice me. I arrived at her place. We chatted. Again, I brought her roses, wine, chocolate and my Debit Card. Oh, by the way she fed the 400 f***** dollar Brazilian Chocolate to her dog. Grrrr.. I tolerated it. Yes, you heard me right. I f***** tolerated her b******. She always told me how she was a strict, conservative, religious, innocent, virgin girl and how she hated being touch, kiss, hug and how she hated sex and all that. Now, she is pregnant with an ******* who had rape her! This ******* by the way is now her Boyfriend whom she loves so much. Arrrgghhhh, I gave her so much attention, affection, time, energy and money and I didn’t even receive a single kiss. There wasn’t even any kino. Absolutely zero% kino! And all I got was nothing. So, you think I had enough? No, I continued to hang around being as friends with her. I rented an apartment so I can be close to her hometown. I persisted foolishly. I went around her school and whine to her friends and family about how I should be the one! I continued hanging around with her in the hopes that she might break up with her boyfriend and I might have a chance. I pay the meals for her and her BF while I get mercilessly tortured at the sight of her BF groping, fondling her body while she joyously sucks every saliva from her BF’s mouth.
And to add insult to injury.
She used my Debit Card to check in a Hotel with her BF plus the drank the wine all the wine I had given her as a present.
And if you still think I had enough? You’d think I had learn my lesson? You think you have heard the most AFC move? Not yet,
There is still more.
I bought her a 450 dollar diamond ring and proposed to her and then propose again to her twice with an even more expensive ring(1200 dollar ring). Kneeled down and literally begged her to marry me. Yes, you heard it right. BEG! I threw the diamond ring into I don’t know. I was so angry at that time so I didn’t care where I threw it. I never heard or seen of it again. Then one day, she called me because she needed money for her baby who was suffering from fever. So I immediately ran to her thinking it might be a chance and I might be her savior prince and she would fall in love with me. Oh boy how I was wrong. Her boyfriend appeared and asked her for money(The money I gave to her which was supposed to be for the baby). Her Boyfriend spent the money on beer and a vibrating dildo which I think later on was use for sex. I didn’t even complain or did anything about it while I got stuck baby sitting.
To add even more insult to injury. Yes, more insult, more pain, more wounds.
They’ve returned the vibrator dildo to me and said, “ Sorry boy, we kinda broke it.”
This is my turning point. I had enough! It was too much. A broken vibrator! All the nasty sex images flashing though my head, and all the things she said running through my head. I only had a few pennies so I had to walk a hundred miles back to my home crying. Ohh do not worry. I had the endurance of a stallion because I was a construction worker. My debit card was still with her though so basically I was broke emotionally, financially and damn my legs hurts so much from the 100 mile countryside walk. I was covered with a forest and the streets had no light. I was so quite during the night.
I arrived back home after a day and a half walk and received a cellphone call from her about her wanting to get back with me as friends. YECH! I said yes, I will always be there for you and love you. I will come back to you and see you again. NO, I won’t! I threw my cellphone away. I closed all my online accounts, I threw everything away. Okay throwing away everything was a stupid mistake.
Now, it just went downhill from there.
I got into drugs and some really, really, really nasty stuff so horrible I can not even mention it on this forum.
I woke up in a hospital afterwards.
The End
Oops I forgot to mention. Her HB10 bestfriend slept with me naked 1 time while I was fully clothe and I did nothing! Damn!
My biggest regret was not having any regrets!