waiter flirts hard with my date


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Robert28 said:
... my date seemed to enjoy it even! when he was flirting with a table of cougars, i would catch her glancing over his way with this look of jealousy. it was weird. he even went as far as to write her name in her sauce for her..
This is the most disturbing (and illuminating) part of your story.
It is disturbing because her jealous glances at his antics with other women shows disrespect for you . Strike 1
IF she showed even the tiniest hint of flirting back at him, then - Strike 2.

I have had waiters pull this same stunt with me. One time, the women I was with blushed and actually looked embarrassed at his theatrics and then apologized to me after he walked away - that is my kind of woman.

However, this story is also illuminating because the whole sorry event demonstrates how easily women's attention is wrestled away from her date and re-directed by aggressive alpha type behavior.

I agree with you (and others) that if she criticized you later for not leaving a tips, then she should be dumped on the spot or dropped off at a bus station.

Perhaps we should take these challenges as tests of the women by evaluating her reactions to unwanted male attentions.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
god seriously guys? seriously? a ****ing waiter?

first off, he's a ****ing waiter. no disrespect to the service industry whatsoever, good waiters are worth their weight in gold, in little rock for instance, i will only go to one mexican resturant (cantina laredo on university and markhem across from starbucks and pei wei bible belt if you are reading this) because of their waiters they have. I don't even go often, hell i don't live there anymore, there is one that remembers me, i always try to sit in his area, he knows exactly what i wants, i don't even have to ask, and is just as nice as can be. I like that, really helps the experience. Anyway my point is, no offense, but he's a waiter.

Saying you ran into an Alpha male waiter is like saying i met an alpha male garbage truck driver who was hitting on my wife while she was picking up the newspaper in the morning outside.

You are intimated by someone, you are paying, to take your order. wow.

Secondly, if you have a good looking woman, men are going to hit on them. it will happen. I don't even consider it to be disrespectful, it takes two tot tango. Now, if she clearly makes it known that she is not interested, and he persists, then you step in and do what you ahve to do.

but the rules of engagement is and always are, at first the girl has to shoot him down, rather you are there or not. it doesn't matter if you are in a bar, at a restaurant getting your order taken, whatever. you are with a girl, and a man approaches your woman, your woman should have enough class to handle the situation. "i'm with someone but thanks". here is an idea, why don't you let your GF see if she is uncomfortable with the situation.

if she actually LIKES it, then you have way bigger issues my friend. if youa re afraid she slid her number while you weren't looking, this guy is not your problem. don't get mad at the guy, because you are not man enough to keep your girl at bay. like usher would say dont' bring your girl round me. Dont' get mad at him becuase he gets your girl wetter than you do. Become a better catch so that you aren't competing with ****ing waiters.

As many of you know i'm black. I've been in bars in the past, i remember one insntant in particular i saw this woman that looked alone. I went and chatted with her just starting a conversation, nothing heavy, just feeling her out. here comes this jerk ******* insecure afc guy and just blurts out "my girl doesn't date black guys, move on".

(if you are wondering what I did, i told him i apologize, i did not know she was taken and have a nice evening, no need to stoop to this chumps level, i don't take **** like that personally, he has to do better than a coon joke to get under my skin)

right now, you guys are acting like that jerk afc insecure guy. it's not up for you to decide what your girl will or will not do it's up to her.

I would take my old oneitis out, we went out often (on my dime of course but we played well off each other). she was ass licking hot, you could not walk anywhere and she not be swormed, rather a man was iwth her or not. She taught me alot in that respect. She would be nice, even talk to them but she would let it be known she was with me (Even though we weren't together) when it was all said and done.

you should not feel the need to go white knight every time some guy hits on your Girl. she has a mouth and she can use it for more than giving you head.

becuase a true DJ looks at things from both perspectives.


this very same forum here, in the reverse situation. What I mean is, the guy is just trying to get laid the best he can. No need to be an *******, hell that's probably him posting lol. if some new guy her made a post about how to get laid as a waiter, there would be a 3 page report here now on different methods and tattics so don't get me that **** about how you would put him in his place. would you put you in your place if you were a resturant and you saw a cuite? hell you could have been her brother. MORE THAN ONCE i have been out with my mom, and a waitresses have mistook us for brother and sister. One waitress even told us we made a couple couple lmao.. like babe, that's my mom.

So put yourself in his shoes. say you see a girl that you think is attractive, but you dont' know if the guy there is his BF or a brother or LJBF (i've been there too) or whatever. the guy is just trying.

Some people will be more forceful, some will be more laid back but every guy tries to get his knob taken care of in different ways. You take it as it comes.

You dont' go around trying to insult the guy. You always show more class. Regardless of the situtation, you are better than that. Now if your Girl is being overly flirty and carrying on too long, then we need to talk about something else.

but fit his is just "hey, this guy was hitting on my girl how do i put him in his place" you are going to end up looking worse then he does.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Stiffing him on the tip is passive-aggressive lameness. He brought you your food; he deserves to get paid. Hopefully, he is smart enough to recognize what happened and see his mistake.

Personally, if I really thought my date liked the waiter more than me, I would try to get him to give her his number, so that the two of them could get together. Why would I care about some b!tch who likes the waiter more than me?

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
I'd just act like, "you win, you can have her" because whatever woman I'm with knows that I have other women on speed dial.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Bible_Belt said:
Stiffing him on the tip is passive-aggressive lameness. He brought you your food; he deserves to get paid. Hopefully, he is smart enough to recognize what happened and see his mistake.

Personally, if I really thought my date liked the waiter more than me, I would try to get him to give her his number, so that the two of them could get together. Why would I care about some b!tch who likes the waiter more than me?
that is correct. very very passive aggressive behavior.


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2009
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
Stiffing him on the tip is passive-aggressive lameness. He brought you your food; he deserves to get paid. Hopefully, he is smart enough to recognize what happened and see his mistake.

Personally, if I really thought my date liked the waiter more than me, I would try to get him to give her his number, so that the two of them could get together. Why would I care about some b!tch who likes the waiter more than me?
Tips are not mandatory obligations. If someone disrespects me, I would not leave a tip, not even a penny. Then again, I'm hard to please and as the customer, am always right.

Robert said that the waiter said some snide comments at him to display alpha male status and value to the girl...and you're supposed to reward this guy with a tip? Sorry no thanks...btw he probably also spit in Robert's soup.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Semtex said:
Tips are not mandatory obligations. If someone disrespects me, I would not leave a tip, not even a penny. Then again, I'm hard to please and as the customer, am always right.

Robert said that the waiter said some snide comments at him to display alpha male status and value to the girl...and you're supposed to reward this guy with a tip? Sorry no thanks...btw he probably also spit in Robert's soup.
you are missing the point completely.

yes tips are not mandatory but the reason you are not tipping him, is not beucase you are broke, it's becuase you feel instulted.

now, instead of dealing with the problem head on. if you are that insulting, pull the guy aside and say hey look, just want to let you know, you did this and that, and while i'm not mad i really don't appreciate t. that's how a man deals with the issue if it's really irking you.

but stiffing the tip? man that's sam Bradford first pick nfl passive aggressiveness at it's finest.

if the guy is 30 minutes late with the food yes you dont' leave a tip. but not leaving a tip because he hurt your feelings because you are mad he looks better than you and you think he's hitting on your girl? that is passive aggressiveness.



Don Juan
Sep 12, 2009
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
you are missing the point completely.

yes tips are not mandatory but the reason you are not tipping him, is not beucase you are broke, it's becuase you feel instulted.

now, instead of dealing with the problem head on. if you are that insulting, pull the guy aside and say hey look, just want to let you know, you did this and that, and while i'm not mad i really don't appreciate t. that's how a man deals with the issue if it's really irking you.

but stiffing the tip? man that's sam Bradford first pick nfl passive aggressiveness at it's finest.

if the guy is 30 minutes late with the food yes you dont' leave a tip. but not leaving a tip because he hurt your feelings because you are mad he looks better than you and you think he's hitting on your girl? that is passive aggressiveness.

No, you're 100% right... I guess it would be passive aggressive if the onl course of action you decided to take was to NOT tip.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
backbreaker said:
that is correct. very very passive aggressive behavior.

I didn't see yours or Jophil's reply when I was writing that. They all hit at the same time. To Jophil's credit about disagreeing over the tip, culture and country dictate a lot about tipping ethic. I have never been to his country, so I cannot preach about what is appropriate tipping ethic. In the U.S., servers get paid about 1/4th of the minimum wage and are expected to work for tips.

This thread is about the larger issue of other guys hitting on your women, regardless of their job or stature in life. I don't want to be with a woman who I thought would leave me for anyone, waiter or millionaire CEO. And that is why I love my current girlfriend. She won't. But if we go out next weekend, and I honestly think that the waiter makes her happier than me, then I will try to set the two of them up...and move on from this relationship. But once again, she seems to understand all of this. Women sense when you view them as replaceable, which keeps them from leaving you for the waiter...or anyone else.


Master Don Juan
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
ok that definately looks like a bad situation to be in...but at least u kept ur cool man. I get AMOG'd all the time, and I'm fairly small so it's easy for people to pick on the small guy, right? That's where ur intelligence comes in. U should have mocked his style and started bashing whatever he did with ****iness.

You did the right thing though, the best battles are fought without any fighting. It just sucks to see ur girl getting jealous over some high energy douchebag. these guys are just in it for the thrill of the attention but in the end they will not end up with your girl, the reality is that you are with the girl.


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2007
Reaction score
I think just about the whole first page of "advice" is garbage. First off, treat the people who prepare your food with respect.

Second, the thread creator never said the waiter said he was better looking. The OP was able to admit the waiter was a good looking man himself. If you plan on giving advice, read the damn post.

I am getting the vibe that this waiter was very subtle with his AMOGing. No TRUE DJ is going to overreact to a challenge. Unfortunately, assuming the end goal is still to bang the broad, there is not alot you are able to do when the waiter is subtle like that. Its all in the tone of voice, be respectful but firm. Dismiss him with your body language. Talk over him a bit.

If the girl is actually looking at him when he ISN'T around, then you are not very interesting in the first place. I can understand being a little flustered when he is there, but no excuse when it is one on one.

All you can do is not let it get to you. Baiting him with words like buddy, and boss, and even a little light kino (tap his arm or hand, maybe nudge with your elbow) with strong eye contact. Speak loud enough that you aren't whispering, but he has to lean in to hear you. Oh, and you can always go old school and order for your girl. Then he has no cause to talk to her anyway.

Baiting your waiter though and calling him honey or calling him out? Best you can hope for are some bits of his ball fro in your dinner and a girl who thinks your a loser. Girls love confidence, they will settle for *******s when they can't find it, and hate meat heads that like to flex muscles and try to get into fights.

As a side note, some of the best DJs I ever met are waiters. Lots of social skills, often a part-time job, around cute waitresses all the time. Don't dismiss someone because they aren't in a suit.

As to the end result, Kudos for walking away, and nexting her. I would probably got her to buy me a few drinks first, but to each his own. At least you didn't try to throw down in the restaurant like 80% of these posers.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
j0n24 said:
Guy comes over and flirts with the girl im with..
guy:your cute blah blah blah
girl: giggle
ME: excuse me dude
guy: yeah?
ME: Can you refill my glass of water thanks champ

....well that's what I would do anyways haha.
i'd be afraid of him spitting in my food or him telling someone to do something to my food out back before they bring it to my table lol.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
Nah, I would have stiffed him as well. It's not just food delivery, it's customer service. If you make customers feel bad you get stiffed, straight up. I take customer service very, very seriously and if they make me and my companion feel good, I tip well; if they make us feel bad, I tip small. Food service isn't just about food.

And I don't think it has much to do with a man's size. I'm 5'8 138 lbs, scrawny and pale with freckles and balding, and I don't get clowned. I think it's your tone of voice and mannerisms; people can pick up on it within one second or less.

Plus I've seen bigger guys get treated like crap by both men and women. In college I used to hang out with a guy who was 6'2, average build, and every time we went into a bar some guy picked a fight with him, which he'd back down from. Every time. One time some chick walked past me to talk to him and ended up getting her boyfriend to pick a fight with him. Afterward he said, "I can't tell you how many times I've left bars with my tail between my legs."

Funny thing is, I ended up banging this guy's girlfriend. This was in 1997. Two years later I had graduated and two years after that they were married. The poor guy and the girlfriend I banged now have a kid.

Pretty weird.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
Reaction score
England, baby!
Zarky said:
And I don't think it has much to do with a man's size. I'm 5'8 138 lbs, scrawny and pale with freckles and balding, and I don't get clowned. I think it's your tone of voice and mannerisms; people can pick up on it within one second or less.
tone of vioce has a massive affect, one that you never appreciate untill you are proactivly improving it.
i always used to have a really poor tone of voice which sub-communicated lower value/weaker...(i was also very chill which made it worse and so id be overtaken by stronger personalities)... now im trying to proactivly improve my tone i get better reactions, seem more sure of myself, more assertive...etc... really really amazing

guys if you hevent adressed your tonality you need to do it now!

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
Never happened to me before but I gotta say, I thought it was hilarious how you left a penny as his tip LOL!

Razor Sharp

Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2010
Reaction score
Desert of the Real
The waiter is not the problem - it's your insecurity. You keep reiterating how much more "value" he had and you don't even know this guy. Your date's attention shifted to him when she saw you caving like a pvssy. We tend to wear our emotions on our bodies without knowing it. She could see how dejected and played you felt and I'm sure it killed some of the attraction.

Forget smarmy remarks, bad tips or trying to one-up the dude. It sounds counter-intuitive but you should have been extra friendly with him and offered him your date.

WAITER: (giving your girl sauce with her name on it)
YOU: Wow you really like my date huh? I think she digs you too man. FWIW this is only our first time out so you still got a shot. Don't be shy man, ask for her number - I think you two would make a nice couple!

The above said in a genuine way with relaxed and confident body language would have diffused his whole game. Even if he did get her digits, you would be sub-communicating the fact that you are not blindsided by his attempts, and would have no problem replacing this girl. Your date would be wondering why you aren't being possessive or jealous, there must be something more to you she hasn't seen yet.

Instead you sulked and threw a penny at him. Live and learn

As I said the root of the problem is in how you perceive yourself. Looks are definitely important part of attraction, but they are not everything. Your core masculinity, charm and confidence is was what ultimately pulls a woman. Overall you need rock-solid inner game in order not to feel threatened by a better looking dude, who may even have more game than you. This means really loving who you are, imperfections and all, just relishing life inside your own skin. No one can take that away from you, and the ones who try will amuse you more than anything.

Instead of trying to figure out how to disarm AMOGs, work on your self-perception and social skills. There are obviously some issues there that need to be sorted. Next time this happens, don't beat yourself up or try to beat the other guy down. If your game really can't compete, be content to learn from example and take notes.

ps - To the fellas moaning about the date responding to the flirts, it's just a DATE (as in a trial of courtship). She has no obligation to commit to anything until the attraction is there. It's not her fault if the waiter had more swagger and confidence than the dude sitting in front of her.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2010
Reaction score
I think some of you are forgetting that the first time women meet people the first thing they are asking themselves is not "do I want to marry this guy?". So what if he was a waiter, it's irrelevant, it's no different to aother guy at a bar who gets chatting to the girl. At the end of the day it seems the waiter was more confident, flirty and stole the limelight and that's why she was attracted to him.
The advantage you have of him being the waiter is that you can quietly excuse yourslf and complain the manager requesting a different waiter, but being outright rude and disrespectful to the guy won't show you in a nice light. Yeah, he was being out of line flirting with your date but by being rude to him you'll come across as the wanker and not him, like the OP said, he was in a difficult position where he would have come across as insecure which I don't doubt.
However jon's (i think) post about subtley shooting him down with "can you refill my water champ" is good, it's not outright rude and won't come across like that to the girl but the waiter should be able to take the hint and it puts him in his place using his job rather than attacking his job with "you're here to serve" etc. Or the other idea. making a joke or a fool out of the waiter in a funny lighthearted way.
Either way you want to come across as comfortable and confident, and 'alpha' against him, but personally I don't think being rude is a good way of going about it. If the waiter was flirting with me I'd be a lttle embarrassed but I'd be more embarrassed if the guy I was with outright treated him like dirt.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
I'll give my confession as a former bartender/waiter.

Maybe it's because I was leagues ahead of my co-workers but I would NEVER... EVER flirt with someone who was out on a date with someone.

I'd do the complete OPPOSITE.
I'd say almost every single time I could spot who was on their first date with someone and I'd try my BEST to make the guy look GOOD. Why? Not only is it GREAT service but I knew I was going to secure a GOOD tip as well.

And come on, we're man, we should be helping each other out NOT stepping on each other.

I would have NEVER crossed that line with someone looking to have a nice time with a new person or even someone they've been with for a while. I was at my best when I was making someone else feel like they were a higher value than they truly were. There was no greater pleasure than to be the John Stockton of the dating world.

And like Robert said, he's NEVER going back there. That's the LAST thing I want. I wanted to be the bartender that all guys took their dates to. "I know this place where the service is GREAT. Kailex works there."

Sets up some social proof and some DHV.

Now, with that said, if I WERE to have done anything that was in the OP, I REALLY would hope that the guy would knock me off. I've seen it happen a LOT. You have no idea how many times I saw a fellow bartender or waiter get pissed off because they were trying to flirt with a girl on a date and the guy put him in his place. They would come over to me moaning and complaining about some guy who was talking smack, I'd look over and that guy was obviously on a date... I'd ask them what the hell they were thinking.

And I'll agree with another point... he's just a WAITER. Yes, he has her captivated for just a second, but remember you are supposed to be the focus of the date.

Robert, to be honest, I would go back to that restaurant next time and see if he pulls the same stunt.

What I DON'T advocate is talking to the manager and getting your waiter fixed or scolded. It'll only bring problems and essentially DLV yourself. What if the manager switches your waiter. Your date will start asking why he got switched and what are you going to say?

That's why reminding him that he's nothing more than the guy that is serving YOU is GREAT.

But, after re-reading the OP, I AM wondering... why was DINNER involved in a date??? This is one of the risks you run when you're having food as a date. I usually go against having dinner for a first date or any date, to be honest.
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
I honestly think that this thread is full of bad advice.

#1 - Original poster is a hypocrite, because I am 100% sure that if it was a gorgeous female waitress that was flirting with HIM, he would be eating it up, loving it, and flirting back, even if he was on a date - it's JUST a 1st date after all, of course you will flirt with someone who you are more attracted to than your date, don juans are always on the lookout to upgrade. The chick on this 1st date did NOTHING wrong by flirting with the waiter........she pretty much knew the waiter as well as she knew the original poster!

#2 - WHY ARE YOU AT A RESTAURANT ON A DATE???? You want to get laid right? If so, then why are you wasting time eating, and then paying for HER?? Where is the sexual confidence? You realize, that you can get any girl you want to have sex with you without dinner.......dinner is NEVER necessary. Good job wasting $$ there, don't make the same mistake again! Next time, go over to her place with a bottle wine and drink there, in privacy, where getting laid is 10 times easier than it is in public - common sense!

#3 - Ok, so let's say you did make the mistake of taking a girl that you don't know out to dinner, and that a good looking waiter is flirting with her and you feel disrespected, and you are jealous by nature, so clearly that kind of thing ruins the date for you. You are under NO obligation to stay there......just leave, you owe HER nothing, you owe the WAITER nothing.........the only thing you need to be doing is thinking about YOURSELF - just get the hell out of there, and your problem will be solved the easy way.

However, I'd rather have you listen to #1 and #2, and not ever put yourself in the position of #3 again.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 2, 2006
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
but stiffing the tip? man that's sam Bradford first pick nfl passive aggressiveness at it's finest.
What do you possibly have against Sam Bradford???