I remember hearing some of my friends in college say..."pick up chicks when I'm not smashed? That would be impossible I wouldn't even know what to do!"
I was in somewhat the same boat, all my hookups over a 2 or 3 year period where when I was intoxicated and partying at least a little. My junior year and senior year I dated a couple girls that either didn't party, or only partied once in a while. It was an adjustment, but it felt more real, the anxiety, the joy, the ups and downs. I don't drink hardly at all anymore but will have a few drinks if I go out every now and then. I am very comfortable talking to women without being under the influence though, but it took me a while to get to that point. It's not cut and dried but don't rely on getting drunk every time you want to "PU" because you will most likely only do it on weekends then, or become an alc who drinks every day. Neither is feasible.