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US soldier throws puppy from cliff


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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penkitten said:
..... even if they might be short on funds.
Morally, not fiscally. If you want results contact the USMC and your representatives, as well as possibly the Washington State Attorney General. PETA will already be on this no matter what you do.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
I'll tell you one thing, if that video is real I'm going to be even more worried about the mental state of the soldiers when they come home. If this is the way that they choose to handle pressure we're going to be in a world of trouble once the masses begin to integrate back into society.

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.
I'm not defending his actions, but isn't this just an excuse for you to exercise your own otherwise dorment violent and cruel nature? In your own viewpoint, doesn't this make you the same as him if you take pleasure from causing him pain?
Not at all. Personally I HATE fighting and avoid it at all costs. But there is a difference between inflicting pain for sadistic pleasure and doing it to defend the innocent or teach someone a lesson.

Here's a story for ya.

I have a childhood friend, we'll call him Frank. He was the kind of kid who grew up in the street and his parents let him do whatever he damn well pleased. As you can imagine, by the time we were in high school, Frank was getting himself into all sorts of trouble and going nowhere fast.

One day a military recruiter showed up at our school looking for new prospects. He was a charismatic guy and managed to convince Frank that a career in the Marines would be perfect for him. And so, to my great amazement, frank joined the military, and I didnt see him for another 10 years.

When we finally did meet up again I didnt even recognize him. The guy was HUGE and scary looking! Everywhere we went you would see that nervous look on people's faces. The bastard knew it too and took every opportunity to punk everyone in his path, knowing they would just cower in fear.

Apparently he learned discipline in the Marines but he was more disrespectful than ever, especially to "civvies". I tried talking sense into him, but how do you undo a lifetime of conditioning with conversation? The guy was a badass and there was little anyone could do about it.

The same day we met he invited me out for some grub. We went to eat at a local diner and Frank was being his usual assh0le self, except this time he chose the wrong target. It was this seemingly harmless Mexican guy who was serving our table.

The dude was remarkably patient with us despite the slew of insults Frank kept tossing at him. But Frank finally crossed the line and made the mistake of picking on another kid, apparently the waiter's younger cousin. He made several threatening remarks and finally sealed his fate when he called mexican women wh0res.

"You hear that Taco Bell? You momma's only good for sucky sucky in Tijuana"

Now I don't know about where you come from, but in my hood we don't tolerate that kind of talk unless we are friends and just kidding around. It was officially the last straw in this scenario. The waiter put down his tray and pointed at Frank

"Sir, I demand that you take that back and apologize to my cousin."

Frank was glowing with happiness... finally an excuse to kick someone's ass! He got out of his seat and right in the kids face with his fat finger and said "or what little man?"

"Please.. don't make me hurt you" replied the waiter.

Frank laughed hysterically, dumbfounded by the set of balls on this scrawny guy. He grabbed him by the shirt and was about to make another smart-ass comment when out of nowhere, dude grabbed his wrist and twisted it backwards with a sickening *crunch*, then elbowed Frank in the nose, breaking it instantly.

I then watched in amazement as the guy let out a fury of combos to the head and body. I've never seen anyone move that fast - it was like 50 punches per second! He finished Frank off with a grueling uppercut, knocking him clear into the air and onto the ground, out cold!

The people in the restaurant cheered and applauded the waiter, but homeboy was out the door. The last thing you want is assault charges when you are an illegal immigrant.

Frank came to a few minutes later in a lot of pain. I tried to help him move but the guy was too massive. The paramedics had to come and whisk him off to the hospital where he was diagnosed with a broken nose, wrist, jaw, two fractured ribs and some internal bleeding. It was the first time he got his ass kicked and it was a doozy!

Now we can argue about whether or not that waiter had enough motive to be so violent. He wasnt in any physical danger and if you think about it, he snapped over something that most people would find trivial.

But regardless of the moral argument, let me tell you that Frank was never the same after this incident. Someone had finally showed him where the line was and he learned respect. Ever since then he is one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet. And here is the kicker to the story.. him and that mexican dude are close friends now.. go figure!

So while violence rarely solves anything, I will argue from personal experience that in some cases, it actually does a world of good.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
j-flex said:
am i the only one who tought it was way too funny??
Have you ever considered throwing strays off of your roof for sh1tz n' giggles? Videotape it and upload it to YouTube or put it on your MySpace page so that you can have memories of such humorous times.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Aboleo said:
Actually, yes... you can. If you beat a puppy, you'll teach it to hate. Like the saying goes, "if you get em' young enough, you can teach em' anything." They do the same thing with child soldiers.
Only those who are truly deranged and worthy of a bayonette to the gut would teach a puppy to be a killer.

Oh well, I still like some of your posts.:D
I still don't give a sh!t who likes or dislikes anything pertaining to some of my posts.

It's threads such as these when you truly get a peek into peoples' true natures. You can hide behind your machismo or bullsh!t tough guy facades for only so long until a thread comes along which divulges your inner cowardness.

Teaching a dog to be a killer is like beating a pregnant woman.


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
j-flex said:
am i the only one who tought it was way too funny??
How about if a U.S. soldier grabbed your mother (only half a word due to how she obviously brought your simplified ass up) and tossed her over a cliff?


I'd probably get a hearty chuckle out of that.


Dec 14, 2007
Reaction score
Wow one dog.

Thousands die everyday from completely preventable diseases, or die from malnutrition when supermarkets and farmers in the EU (probably america aswel) throw away or destroy tons of food.
Animals are butchered in all sorts of inhumane and disgusting ways all over the world and including the western industrialised nations.

I guess you bleeding heart liberals just don't like people with power. It is hilarious.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
bigjohnson said:
Morally, not fiscally. If you want results contact the USMC and your representatives, as well as possibly the Washington State Attorney General. PETA will already be on this no matter what you do.
i did contacted the usmc's last night.
the guy is stationed in hawaii, so why would we contact washington state?


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
Trinitron said:
I guess you bleeding heart liberals just don't like people
thats completely true, i like my dogs better than most people.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
penkitten said:
i did contacted the usmc's last night.
the guy is stationed in hawaii, so why would we contact washington state?
I think it's his home state, they might be able to do something. I still have trouble getting worked up over this when looking at the big picture but it is pretty grim and if someone wants to make a stink more power to them.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
penkitten said:
thats completely true, i like my dogs better than most people.
Especially people who feel powerful or believe it's powerful to fling animals off of a cliff for pleasure. And we're supposed to be enlightening other countries using our military presence... Madness...

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
penkitten said:
i say the a$$wipe should just stay over in iraq.
And let him keep the uniform but not the weapons. Let the "powerful" military guy show his own personal strength on his own. I support the soldiers but only the ones who are men.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
penkitten said:
heres the big picture:

Meanwhile children starve, addicts kill themselves and somewhere old people are freezing to death. That's the bigger picture sugarpants.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
Francisco d'Anconia said:
And let him keep the uniform but not the weapons. Let the "powerful" military guy show his own personal strength on his own. I support the soldiers but only the ones who are men.
well said!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
KarmaSutra said:
Only those who are truly deranged and worthy of a bayonette to the gut would teach a puppy to be a killer. I still don't give a sh!t who likes or dislikes anything pertaining to some of my posts. It's threads such as these when you truly get a peek into peoples' true natures. You can hide behind your machismo or bullsh!t tough guy facades for only so long until a thread comes along which divulges your inner cowardness. Teaching a dog to be a killer is like beating a pregnant woman.

Right, cowardliness... I'm guessing that you didn't even bother to actually read or understand anything that I have written... also, I never said that I would train a puppy to be a killer, I only said that it could be done were you stated that it could not. Dogs are not innocent little babies like some of you people are making out, either. They possess a killer instinct like anything else on this planet-- including you. If you honestly hate all human life, why don't you go purchase a firearm and end yours right now? That, or you can take a long, serious look at yourself in the mirror... bare with me, I honestly don't want you to harm yourself, I am merely making a point.

Some people like to go on about how bad we human beings are, how life is all misery and woe and to a certain extent, they have a point; Anne Frank is now a pile of ash and Gandhi was killed in a hail of bullets. But life -- like society -- has many things to offer. It has given us things like war and evil men like Hitler, but at the same time it has also given us Einstein, Aristotle, and the Beatles. Life is many things. It is a war, it is the birth of your child, and the death of your child. It is the touch of a woman, and the pain of that woman leaving you. It is the laughter of a long lost friend and also the cries of your dying mother. It is your breath from your first to your last. It is balance, and there is a need for every one of these things, be they "good" or "bad" you really can't call what you have a "Life" without experiencing all of them in one form or another. A time of war is needed, and so is a time of peace. I might not always like the facts of life, but the universal truth is always there in the mirror staring me right back between the eyes whether I like it or not every single time I look. The funny thing is, an animal understands all of this without ever having to think about it. There is always good and bad in everything. Even you.

Who is the coward now?


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
bigjohnson said:
Meanwhile children starve, addicts kill themselves and somewhere old people are freezing to death. That's the bigger picture sugarpants.
which brings us to the question of "why are we fighting a war at all when it seems that the soliders have nothing better to do than to torture puppies for youtube and teach iraqie children to say "bomb iraq"?
why waste our money on it, when we could be feeding the starving people, helping addicts get off the drugs and keeping old people warm at night?
i would rather my tax dollars go to help them.

since i can not change the entire thing my dang self, all i can do, is donate food to starving families, and my children's old clothes and toys and winter coats. i can donate toiletries to homeless shelters and volunteer to hand out food during the winter time. i can donate blankets to old people and help them call for winter electric assistance in our community area. however, no matter where i call, if you don't have insurance of some sort, no one wants to help the addicts stop using drugs. why can't we have free rehabs? wouldn't more people be able to go and follow through with it , if they could afford it?

i love the points you brought up, but i think the thread is supposed to be about the puppy, which is why i tried so hard to stay on task of the topic.

i believe that we have some animals for food mmm meat) and to help us with labor (plowing) and i think when you need wool you should shave a sheep and when an animal dies you can use its fur or skin for clothing or material (but i do not believe in killing a animal just for clothing or material )and i even think it is ok to test little white lab mice for cancer cures. please don't get me wrong about how i stand. i understand how some things are useful and perhaps needed.

however, to be as ruthless as to kill an innocent puppy for entertainment , or even joke about it, in a sick way like this... is absurd! that isn't useful or needed in any way at all.