As usual people cherry picking something that's been said while completely missing the general most important consensus of the
Its not LITERALLY about how much a man earns , its about how a man positions hinself in "the game". I'll explain it some more (as I used to be the guy op talks about)
A man can "study game" and get a "respectable notch count" despite aint being doing and having shyte. The ultimate example would be a man whose in jail and yet gets women to visit and sleep with him. Kudos to Tyrone!!
But what if this Tyrone dude would start straightening out his shyte, get a career and see what life is like from the other side? Tyrone focused on soley women, thinking its the most important thing in the world..untill he ...hits the wall for example. Then his stream of hot women wil come to an end while he has nothing to show for.
Somewhere between hitting the wall and being broke is where Tyrone will notice the decline in his SMV.
On the other side of the spectrum we have beta Bob. Beta Bob is a p00sy beggar, although he might even have a respectable career, degrees money on the bank ect..yet he struggles with vetting, getting and especially keeping women.
Both men should at some point step away, analyze themselves and find out what are their major flaws before they reentering the game.
If they do they'll have great stories to tell. Getting women is not all about getting women ya know..its MUCH more about yourself , and how you want others to view you.
Don't fall over the last part of the title. Might as well be:
a man must study the game, go through the trenches and get back to advice fellow men once he KNOWS what this game is REALLY about from a successful pov.
for one men this will be about getting in shape, the other man must focus on money/career, the next must study gender dynamics, the next must become less socially akward, the next must become more one of a kind/unique and outspoken ect ect ect .
I'll be a little nicer to ya today aight?
Something tells me you got most of your women from this pov; pay for play.
Something also tells me you are unfamiliar with GENUINE desire..which is something you can't pay for.. perhaps that's why you feel uncomfortable in your current ltr; YOU are missing that sincere feeling of commitment and connection. Like you are stuck with a woman who tries to lock you down as a beta provider rather than a man of great OVERALL value. You can dump her and as you stated, get another one only to get in the EXACT same situation. Even for you the OP and thread are applicable: get OUT of the game, figure out where you must adjust and get back with way more knowledge, power and thus abundance.
Just be honest, and feel free to correct me ofcourse.