Unpopular opinion: cold approach is a WASTE of time.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2022
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I think this is a gross over-simplification of reality. First, you do not need to set aside 2-4 hours every weekend to cold approach. You can do this when you are out and about with friends and see a woman you are interested in or when you are out on your own browsing furniture. It also does not mean you need to "spam" approach like some guys on here act like it means. You can be selective and frankly being selective in who you approach is more effective in a controlled setting anyway.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2022
Reaction score
What does this tell you?

That apparently that "8 dude" is also desperate and thirsty as FECK. 8 dude also gets ignored by hb6,5 and up.

And ofcourse he is. He is there ,swiping and matching with 6,s who ignore him. In a "best case scenario " she picks him , and he'll HAVE to invest in her...an hb6..what will be an hb5,8 next year...

I've come to the conclusion that I am an 8 + IF i go where I want and need to be. I can also get sixes on OLD ( and did it plenty of times) but it always felt like..."mweh..i MUST be able to get better" . No you wont Gamisch. Not untill you build yourself up to such a degree that you have LEVERAGE over these women.
It tells me that cold approach is the best way to meet women. It has always work for me, I get what I want. I have dryspells sometimes of course but I ALWAYS end up getting laid girls that I find very attractive. It keeps my social skills sharp, decreases overall social/approach anxiety and it's fun.
When I want a meet a girl, I go outside and pick one, simple as that. I dont overthink, analyze, create theories or complain, I just act on my masculine desire to get laid with hot young girls and it works.
So all of you who cant approach (men in general), perfect it makes me stand out even more. Women love to be approached, but by the right man and the right way.


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2023
Reaction score
It tells me that cold approach is the best way to meet women. It has always work for me, I get what I want. I have dryspells sometimes of course but I ALWAYS end up getting laid girls that I find very attractive. It keeps my social skills sharp, decreases overall social/approach anxiety and it's fun.
When I want a meet a girl, I go outside and pick one, simple as that. I dont overthink, analyze, create theories or complain, I just act on my masculine desire to get laid with hot young girls and it works.
So all of you who cant approach (men in general), perfect it makes me stand out even more. Women love to be approached, but by the right man and the right way.
I wonder what your success rate is.
You obviously don’t live in western countries.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2022
Reaction score
I wonder what your success rate is.
You obviously don’t live in western countries.
I'm from Montreal, but moved to Moscow and then Prague a while ago. It's more difficult in Russia and in the Czech Republic, more conservative in EE. In Montreal it was easier, but way less volume in terms of hot girls. I get very few lays, it's number game but when I get laid it's worth all the rejections because the girl is usually super hot (for my tastes).
I rarely get rejected during the approach but of course the boyfriend excuse is common, is it true or not? I don't care I just move on.
The approach and getting her contact info is the easy part, the dating and escalation process is where it gets difficult (in the EE culture where I live now). I'd say I go on a date with 50% of the girks I approach and I get laid with 5-10%. Which are "normal" stats for ".cold approach". Cold approach is not about getting laid with a bunch of below average or average girls, it's about being patient and getting laid with super hot girls now and then. It's a mentality, a lifestyle. I've been with 33 girls, it's not a high lay count, but ALL of them were hot, some 9s.
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Don Juan
Jul 9, 2023
Reaction score
I'm from Montreal, but moved to Moscow and then Prague a while ago. It's more difficult in Russia and in the Czech Republic, more conservative in EE. In Montreal it was easier, but way less volume in terms of hot girls. I get very few lays, it's number game but when I get laid it's worth all the rejections because the girl is usually super hot (for my tastes).
I rarely get rejected during the approach but of course the boyfriend excuse is common, is it true or not? I don't care I just move on.
The approach and getting her contact info is the easy part, the dating and escalation process is where it gets difficult (in the EE culture where I live now). I'd say I go on a date with 50% of the girks I approach and I get laid with 5-10%. Which are "normal" stats for ".cold approach". Cold approach is not about getting laid with a bunch of below average or average girls, it's about being patient and getting laid with super hot girls now and then. It's a mentality, a lifestyle. I've been with 33 girls, it's not a high lay count, but ALL of them were hot, some 9s.
Ok but that's what I thought, you cannot have a 50% rate in cities like Paris where I live.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2022
Reaction score
Ok but that's what I thought, you cannot have a 50% rate in cities like Paris where I live.
yes you can Paris is a good city for daygame, lots of models and hot girls, but it really depends on your looks
I'm 6.2, nice style, girls say I'm handsome. Your "swag" is important. It helps of course, but I did the work, being good looking is not enough, you need the skills, the experience. I started approaching women when I was 16yo, I'm 37 now. I can say that I'm a "cold approach specialist", I'm really good at it. T'es français?
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Captain Redbeard

Don Juan
Sep 13, 2023
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Yes cold approach is a MASSIVE waste of time. The skills you develop have absolutely no potential to benefit other areas of your life. And you will NEVER bang a quality woman from cold approach so it is best to never try.

LOL the nonsense that sometimes gets posted on this forum.... this thread has ironically provided great motivation for me to go waste my time


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Can you expand on this ?
My experience is that we always want more and we are never truly satisfied.
Not true.

At some point you better grow out of this urge to never be happy, and ESPECIALLY when this happiness comes from women.

Another thing is that at some point a man is stuck within the bracket of women he's getting. E.g at some point you are stuck at pulling 6,s or even 5,s and less. Big reason for this is or are rhe fact that technology and society is ever changing, and you as a man either declines in SMV or you in increase your smv.

Aint no such thing as stagnation in game,although most men would wish it was


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
I see OP's points and can agree with some of them however everyone has to start somewhere, you can build all you want become jack, earn 6 figures etc. However, if you don't have access to the women that you want nor the social skills then what's the point? I know some guys making 7 figures and have no access to women at all who had to resort to tricking (thanks but no thanks). Cold approaching is a tool that you can use in your arsenal or a skillset. As a guy who has used cold approach, OLD, Social circle. Cold approach is the fastest if you know what you're doing and are in the right situation. However the easiest is social circle, if you have the type of lifestyle that can funnel you hot women or the women that you want. As you get better at cold approaching you start to understand nuances i.e. venues where you have the most success, the types of women you can do the best with, logistics etc

Not everyone can do Cold approach it's not for the faint of heart, it's only a waste of time if you actually don't learn anything or improve


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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However, if you don't have access to the women that you want nor the social skills then what's the point? I know some guys making 7 figures and have no access to women at all who had to resort to tricking (thanks but no thanks).
They sound to me like they're smart men ... they know time is money, they have enough self-respect not to loiter on sidewalks, in grocery stores or at the mall and enough sense to know that if by pure chance they would pick a woman through CA and have quick sex with her she'd be the same calibre of woman they pay anyway. So why go the long, roundabout, uncertain, potentially embarrassing way when you can go direct and on your own terms.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
They sound to me like they're smart men ... they know time is money, they have enough self-respect not to loiter on sidewalks, in grocery stores or at the mall and enough sense to know that if by pure chance they would pick a woman through CA and have quick sex with her she'd be the same calibre of woman they pay anyway. So why go the long, roundabout, uncertain, potentially embarrassing way when you can go direct and on your own terms.
If you are making 7 figures, you should have access to the women that you want because of your lifestyle and social circle.
With that type of income, you have the ability to meet women the average guy doesn't and you need to leverage it
I have seen it first hand and guys making 7 figures who have their stuff together do not struggle with the plight of the average sosuaver(even guys that you would deem ugly i.e. my pilot friend who is 5'2 but gets hot tail from LA to Paris)
Anything in life takes time whether you're cold approaching, building your ideal lifestyle or social circle you gonna put in work
Paying for women might save you time in the short run, but eventually, you may want a relationship and if you do you're going to have to have access to women.


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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Field Report:

Yesterday, I park at the grocery store at the same time a cute chick in a Prius parks. We pass by each other in the grocery store a couple of times and we’re next to each other at the self checkout. I time it so I would get to my car a bit ahead and drop off the groceries. I see her coming to her car and just said

Efficient aren’t we? ;)

We got into conversation about recipes for 5 minutes. I ask if she had an instagram she posts her cooking. She doesn’t so I said let’s connect on new recipes. Got the number.

Small wins!
I wonder how she saved you as in her phone ... perhaps 'grocery store stalker'? :rolleyes: :D


Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
Field Report:

Yesterday, I park at the grocery store at the same time a cute chick in a Prius parks. We pass by each other in the grocery store a couple of times and we’re next to each other at the self checkout. I time it so I would get to my car a bit ahead and drop off the groceries. I see her coming to her car and just said

Efficient aren’t we? ;)

We got into conversation about recipes for 5 minutes. I ask if she had an instagram she posts her cooking. She doesn’t so I said let’s connect on new recipes. Got the number.

Small wins!
Bro! Invite her over to your place to "try out a new recipe and c0ck cook dinner"


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
I think @Jesse Pinkman could have sex more often if he LTRd one of his lays. But he doesnt care about that. He is a Thrill of the Hunt guy so he prefers variety over quantity.
I liked @Jesse Pinkman as a poster, but I do question the life of cold approachers in general. There's no way in hell you meet and have sex with all of these hot women and not one of them is worth getting to know.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
Cold approach works in Sales, which is where most of the techniques came from. Not everyone is good at Sales, so why should they be any good at cold approach in seduction?
As a person in sales, I disagree fully.

-Cold approach costs 0$
-Cold approach takes usually less than 5mins (each approach)
-Cold approach is not demanding (energy) when you know what to do. Actually it gives you a boost.
-Logistical costs, bar covers, drinks, and etc.
-Ideally yes, but not everything is just laid out in front of you. What if your target is engaged in some long conversation with her friends or something?
-Yes, it is and @Jesse Pinkman always needed to take frequent breaks from his cold approaching career


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2022
Reaction score
As a person in sales, I disagree fully.

-Logistical costs, bar covers, drinks, and etc.
-Ideally yes, but not everything is just laid out in front of you. What if your target is engaged in some long conversation with her friends or something?
-Yes, it is and @Jesse Pinkman always needed to take frequent breaks from his cold approaching career
-I dont go to bars/nightgame, waste of time and money. I approach during the day, while I do my stuff. 0$
-I rarely approach duos or groups. 1 on 1, 5mins max.
-Jesse Pinkman was a rookie, a spam approacher, with his wingman. Not a good example, you dont want to be like him, he was pathetic. He spent a lot of energy going out and trying to open sets with outdated pua bs. Plus all the time wasted writting his reports. Not a model i recommend.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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It undeniable the quality of women available from cold approach has and always will be substantially higher than anything you will find online

But it also requires a lot of paitence, good timing and social calibration a lot of guys charge up to random women hyped on adrenaline and start demanding personal details from them

This just doesn't work

I preach situational openers because they will usually allow natural conversation and this is the key too a calm and comfortable approach for both parties only from there can you build out an try to her details

Pinkman was running around the Miami nightlife trying it on with any woman he could find his openers were often corny and generic which lead him down the route of the dancing monkey

Women aren't dull since social media they are hyper aware of guys like this who will approach 50-100 girls a night , but if other women aren't giving him pu$$y why am I giving him pu$$y

With a scene as competitive as Miami he was just running around like a headless chicken


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2022
Reaction score
It undeniable the quality of women available from cold approach has and always will be substantially higher than anything you will find online

But it also requires a lot of paitence, good timing and social calibration a lot of guys charge up to random women hyped on adrenaline and start demanding personal details from them

This just doesn't work

I preach situational openers because they will usually allow natural conversation and this is the key too a calm and comfortable approach for both parties only from there can you build out an try to her details

Pinkman was running around the Miami nightlife trying it on with any woman he could find his openers were often corny and generic which lead him down the route of the dancing monkey

Women aren't dull since social media they are hyper aware of guys like this who will approach 50-100 girls a night , but if other women aren't giving him pu$$y why am I giving him pu$$y

With a scene as competitive as Miami he was just running around like a headless chicken
100% agree


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
Named it unpopular opinion for a reason

let's get one thing out of the way: i mean spam approach.

Ofcourse you try to cease your opportunity when it's possible to do this. But that's when Iike to use the fitness analogy: you lift weights ,and IF you meet a new woman you take your shirt off and boom, ripped physique, hot dude( in her eyes). Hence the black belt analogy. Same goes for ANY other aspect of your life that might seem effortless while it took years of hard work to get it!

I just don't think that a man after lets say 35 should spend TOO much time on (SPAM cold approach) women anymore. Or at least slow it down and be WAY more effective with it .

If you are making 7 figures, you should have access to the women that you want because of your lifestyle and social circle.
With that type of income, you have the ability to meet women the average guy doesn't and you need to leverage it
I have seen it first hand and guys making 7 figures who have their stuff together do not struggle with the plight of the average sosuaver(even guys that you would deem ugly i.e. my pilot friend who is 5'2 but gets hot tail from LA to Paris)
Anything in life takes time whether you're cold approaching, building your ideal lifestyle or social circle you gonna put in work
Paying for women might save you time in the short run, but eventually, you may want a relationship and if you do you're going to have to have access to women.
So we're talking about a SENTIMENTAL millionaire? A man who wants a woman to fill the void? If such a man hasn't learned the hard way he will. Every day we read about horror divorces( from a man's POV).

If you are feeling ,looking and i don't know smell, great ofcourse women will notice you. But a millionaire who does cold approaching gotta pretend like he's a broke dude..otherwise he's fishing for gold diggers , and he would be better off straight up paying women for sex.

Even a millionaire will end up in a dead bedroom without proper game. And thats the outlier. Most men are NOT millionaires
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