too good looking?

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Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
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what im saying..sometimes you THINK you are really good looking, where you are not that special and just caught that girl's attention... damn, this sounds horrible, sorry lemme rephrase..

actually, fukk it, we are all good looking somewhere...


New Member
May 17, 2003
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I can relate to what you guys are saying. I have a very strong presence, and people get very agitated when I'm around them (girls and guys). I always hear that I look like Al Pacino or like I came right out of a mafia movie. I'm 20 years old btw.

I've observed some things and was wondering if some of you guys can relate to this. For instance, when I'm in the computer lab or in class, where I'm in close proximity to other people (guys and girls), their body language screams agitation. Very uneasy. Sometimes it reaches a point where I get nervous because I'm making them nervous through their uncomfortable body language. If I'm looking at the instructor or reading something on the computer, people think I'm looking at them. They sometimes under their breath go, "uhhhhhh" like I'm doing some shyt to them or something. Sometimes they cover up a portion of their peripheral vision such that I won't be seen in their frame of reference. Also, girls do the "hair trick" where they use their hair as a means to look sideways to see if your looking at them since they are "so sure." Interesting to say the least.

What I find interesting as well but makes sense is when I see most guys that are good-looking AS WELL as confident, they just smile at me and give me the, "i know how it is bro, i know how it is." If the guy is with his g/f, who is most likely hot or cute, they both look at me and smile, like "yeah, we know how it's going down." Kind of like an acknowledgment. However, when there is a average-looking guy with his g/f, he immediately starts touching her or kissing her in front of me to show off or some shyt. I just laugh about it though. However, there have been instances where good-looking guys start touching up on their girl when I enter into the proximity. That's why I stressed the confidence portion earlier. Such actions give off the insecurity vibe IMO.

If I can think of some other examples, I'll post them up. Do you all have any examples to share?


Nov 14, 2004
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south florida
yeap, its happend.Has this ever happened to anyone?In highschool in most of my classes theres atleast one really goodlooking guy and sometimes people try to make me feel like im supposed to be competing with him to see who is better looking or sometimes theres a attractive guy who either makes me feel like his rival or acts like im supposed to hang out with him cause of the fact that im just as goodlooking and ladies will feel more intimidated if they see us both hang out.That was only in school though.oh and that **** about people thinking your looking at them is so ****** true man that is happening to me in my ged class,people think im looking at them when im not and they act all bothered and the next day they act all flirtacious and think their the **** just because they think im interested in them
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Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by xprezo
I can relate to what you guys are saying. I have a very strong presence, and people get very agitated when I'm around them (girls and guys). I always hear that I look like Al Pacino or like I came right out of a mafia movie. I'm 20 years old btw.

I've observed some things and was wondering if some of you guys can relate to this. For instance, when I'm in the computer lab or in class, where I'm in close proximity to other people (guys and girls), their body language screams agitation. Very uneasy. Sometimes it reaches a point where I get nervous because I'm making them nervous through their uncomfortable body language. If I'm looking at the instructor or reading something on the computer, people think I'm looking at them. They sometimes under their breath go, "uhhhhhh" like I'm doing some shyt to them or something. Sometimes they cover up a portion of their peripheral vision such that I won't be seen in their frame of reference. Also, girls do the "hair trick" where they use their hair as a means to look sideways to see if your looking at them since they are "so sure." Interesting to say the least.

What I find interesting as well but makes sense is when I see most guys that are good-looking AS WELL as confident, they just smile at me and give me the, "i know how it is bro, i know how it is." If the guy is with his g/f, who is most likely hot or cute, they both look at me and smile, like "yeah, we know how it's going down." Kind of like an acknowledgment. However, when there is a average-looking guy with his g/f, he immediately starts touching her or kissing her in front of me to show off or some shyt. I just laugh about it though. However, there have been instances where good-looking guys start touching up on their girl when I enter into the proximity. That's why I stressed the confidence portion earlier. Such actions give off the insecurity vibe IMO.

If I can think of some other examples, I'll post them up. Do you all have any examples to share?
yeah man. some of the same **** you just typed happens to me every goddamn day it makes your interaction with people mostly girls difficult and i see average looking dudes are happier and free .sometimes in night clubs my every move is watched by guys and girls i dont know why its really uncomfortable i cant even fuking dance without some ******* or some ***** looking at me i still cant figure out whats going on. i know the girls want me to approach cos they all dance by me even everytime even when i sit they sit next to me but i wana be left the **** alone and be free . and oh sometimes girls laugh when i pass by i dunno wtf is going on thats something ill try and figure out.


Nov 14, 2004
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south florida
well there are few things you have to deal with that comes to apoint that it irritates but im glad im goodlooking i wouldnt switch my body for an average looking guys body with an incredible game i think my life is easier and it is.cause in the end I know shes touching her p***y while thinking about me in the shower


New Member
May 17, 2003
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Originally posted by skeeloo
yeah man. some of the same **** you just typed happens to me every goddamn day it makes your interaction with people mostly girls difficult and i see average looking dudes are happier and free .sometimes in night clubs my every move is watched by guys and girls i dont know why its really uncomfortable i cant even fuking dance without some ******* or some ***** looking at me i still cant figure out whats going on. i know the girls want me to approach cos they all dance by me even everytime even when i sit they sit next to me but i wana be left the **** alone and be free . and oh sometimes girls laugh when i pass by i dunno wtf is going on thats something ill try and figure out.
HAHA. That is crazy bro. What I believe is my (as well as yours it seems) external vibe is a source of sexual lust for women. We're feeding or oozing out chunks of masculinity to people, and for girls this would equate to sexual lust. If your good-looking and have CONFIDENCE cause you know your the shyt internally and re-confirmed by public reaction to your presence and the DON'T GIVE A FUK attitude, you have the power to setup a huge network of girls with whom you could have ALOT of fun with. Add a entourage of such guys, and the reaction from girls would probably be best illustrated by: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm writing some stuff I think holds water in our superficial society, and might post it up in a while once I have more time.


Don Juan
Jan 21, 2005
Reaction score
This thread really hit home with me. I have alot of the same problems that you guys mentioned, but what hasn't been brought up is girls groaping you as they walk past. Me and one of the guy friends that I hang with both get felt up by someone at least every 15mins at the clubs. It gets annoying after a while, and I was wondering if anyone else gets this. It may be a geographic thing because I don't get this so much in other cities.


New Member
Jan 28, 2005
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most of this stuff....i experience too.

for example...guys at school talk to girls and they may ask things like ''do you talk to pancho87?''....the girl replies with something like ''yea he's goodlooking'' or somethings to that effect, and then the guy would say ''but pancho87 is gay''. they probs mean it as a joke, and it dont really bother me, but it goes to show, there are loads of haters that are just jealous.

Also, i admit, i do get insecure at times, solely because, i have been told that im good looking (ive even had a website made about me LOL), and then at times, i get looks as if i look like dogs sh*t.


New Member
Jan 29, 2005
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I experienced similar syptoms like you lot (at the risk of sounding like an arrogant **** i wont go into detail), although i haven't been so complemented recently (i hope i haven't lost it). The best way is to just be calm and nice to the girl until she's relaxed around you. Once you got her comfortable you're pretty much in there anyway, assuming you get on ok you've just gotta say where and when.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
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being good looking is not all its hyped out be they are many reasons i cant even elaborate on them all ...

1stly girls hate you for no reason its like youall get all the attenshion today then tommorrow everyone goes on like your an ugly ****. some girls can just frown at you just for making eye contact, sometimes that makes you question how good looking you really are or arnt. they wont even tell you that your good looking to your face youll only here from someone else.

2ndly guys hate on you and kiss thier girlfriends when your in thier presence why they do that ill never understand.

3rdly girls try to show that you aint **** and that they arnt moved by your attractiveness, even when they clearly are. some girls can make eye contact but will never give you that chance to approach

4. poeple thinking your a flaming homosexual, girls think your gay when you ignore thier ugly asses.

sometimes being good looking can lead to a kinda confused and insecure life. lol


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
I love this thread. I have had all of these things happen to me. A couple of days ago I went into a McDonalds and as I walked in this girl who was with her boyfriend stared at me from the time I got through the door until I got in line. Then her boyfriend started staring at me as well.

Then he pulls her close to him and starts hugging her like I'm going to steal her or something. As he's holding her tightly she keeps looking back at me. I just pretended I didn't notice them the whole time. It wasn't hard. I have to ignore people's strange reactions to me often so I'm pretty good at it.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Slatki your hotornot link keeps going to diff. pics.

B9 no offense but your just ok.

Oxide your a good looking guy.

Anyways my experiance with this is that its your attitude. I had a hardass attitude 1st year off college. Led to a lot of stares by girls but only a few really secure hot girls initiated conversation and only a few guys tried to chat up with me. So same as you guys. Once at a party a girl I knew actually told me what were discussing here: "Mabye some girls are just too intimidated to approach you."

This year tried to be more friendly, smiled more often but still kept the "Im the man" attitude. A lot more hot girls started conversations and a lot of good looknig guys started conversations. A lot more smiles from girls when Im just chilling too. So you just need to have the attitude that your approachable.

Me personally I can see the finest girl in the world but if she has a friendly look on her face I have no problem approaching her. I'd be more intimidated to approach a girl less attractive then the fine girl who has a intimidating look on her face. Works exactly the same way for the ladies.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2002
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Originally posted by griffon65
B9 no offense but your just ok.
none taken. get those reactions too.


New Member
Feb 23, 2005
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Theres a girl im interested in, and i know she finds me attractive.

When shes around her friends she seems more open and flirty, but when I talk to her alone, she acts disinterested, even giving me strange looks, even to the point of being a *****.

her actions make me second guess everything i previously thought. Could she just be playing hard to get?

And which rules can be bent, or completely disregarded for really good looking guys? Is it still bad if we compliment them, etc.?
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New Member
Apr 9, 2005
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hello guys, i have read lots of stuff on this board and on and read lots of pychology. Only so far I haven't seen any answers on my questions until I recently read this thread.

And so many things you posted seem so familiar. When I went to highschool I got teased a lot by guys from my class (about my looks) it really hit my confidence to zero. Now I realize they could just be jeaulous on my looks.
All of my girlfriends during highschool years came to me. I never understood why they wanted me.

I sometimes received compliments on something about my looks, my hair, my eyes, my face and I never believed them because of my low confidence.
Now that I realize people think I have good (modeling) looks I look at things a bit different and understand why women for example laugh about me when I walk by. Or why some men always try to put me down in a group or in person. I try not to take everything personally now and just play the game along make a joke about it or so. For me that helps a lot.

Also now I really notice that a lot of people (women) are watching me it can sometimes feel uncomfortable. I try to stay in my reality being myself and remain confidence. You see them in the corner of your eyes watching you but you act as if you don't see it.

Although sometimes you are just curious what the girl looks like and look at her, bang immediately eye contact.
An example: I went with some friends to a pub while walking to the back, I noticed two girls talking to each other like women do, then one of them, a blonde looks at me, bang she stops talking and just follows me with her eyes.
We stand there for not even one minute and she's there next to me with her girlfriend. I just have fun with my friend talk to girlfriends etc and I look at her we lock eyecontact for a few seconds she really looked horny at me goes with her hands through her heads, proludes her lips/breasts etc.
And even if I am not looking they really dance horny (to watch). It really looked like in a porn movie hehe. I just talk there and listen to some guys/ girls, and they do anything to draw atention, touch me, walk infront of me really close looking at me horny.
And they stayed there for more than an hour.

Anyways I tried lots of fastseduction stuff but I feel it works against me, women think of you as a player. I never forget how some women really try to play with your mind trying to put you down. Seriously it got me to think that most women are just manipulating *****s.

BTW, mostly older or less pretty women will compliment you, few times a guy. Never a good looking women unless you ****ed them.

I think of myself of a normal guy who got in a lot of weird uncomfortable situations mostly because of his (apparently) good looks.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
alrite then in other words if you are really good looking maybe its best to stop acting like the prize because acting like the prize might not get you very far since most people are insecure. acting like the prize hasnt gotten my goodlooking friends anywhere and your right technotronic women do play ****ed up mind games with you and try to knock you down not because you did anything to them but because they feel they cant control a you. by the way some guys too do laugh when you pass them like they are trying to clown you or something, same as girls but i still dont know why girls laugh when it comes to women in this situation only go for the ones that show you geniune intrest from the get go and go for her ingore those that do them mind games bull**** they are a waste of time and will make sure they break you down before you dump them it helps thier ego.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
im too sexyO for my shirt
too sexyO for my shirt
so sexyO it hurts
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