Update time
This past week I've been busy with school and side-job interviews. As of yesterday, I am now an official Biggby Coffee barista. Orientation tomorrow at 10 am
I will be working with all females and 2 gay guys. But what else can you expect from this kind of place? At least I have a chance for more social calibration, as this kind of job requires you talk talk talk.
Last night I went out with a buddy to a party. This had to be the shadiest, most dangerous environment I've ever seen. What else can you expect from Detroit? We walk in and the people standing outside were eyeballing us hard. When we walked in, I honestly was expecting a set-up or to be shot or something. We immediately left when we saw very few people there. My friend is a bit of a buffoon and didn't research where this party was...
So we decided to drive to a club in a nicer area. I have no money so I could not get buzzed. This ruined the night. I froze up and didn't dance with any girls at all. This was a very bad night. The girls were in short supply. Most were whales. The attractive ones came with guys already. The circumstances simply were awful. No clear openings or anything. Luckily we got in free because I overheard a girl behind me telling everyone to mention a name at the front counter and you get in free. It worked. So at least we didn't waste money
We drove to the downtown area of a upscale suburb and hit a bar. I decided not to go home without shaking this fear. So I approached 2 girls
#1. hb7.5 nice body, cute face, looked about 25ish
TIC: (put my arm around her) Hey what's your name
cu nt: Uhhhh
TIC: You look bored lets dance
cu nt: I'm not dancing today
This **** stood on the dancefloor the whole night by herself and stared at everyone else dancing. I don't get it
#2 hot blonde hb8.5
TIC: (put my arm around her) hey girl whats ur name?
hb8.5: blah
TIC: you look bored lets dance
hb8.5: umm im actually looking for my friend
TIC: k have fun
Didnt do anymore approaches after that. We went to a restaurant and I got a club sandwich then we went home. Just a bad night. If I was at least buzzed, I would of been good. Not worried about it.
Today, I've been working on a technical research project. Procrastinating mostly, but nonetheless, working. Also, I've been researching other countries alot. I like what I see and want to move out of the US someday. It probably isn't feasible but if I get the chance, I want to end up living in West Germany, central canada, or the netherlands. Maybe even the philipines. But thats unrelated to approaching girls haha.
A different friend of mine called me today and asked if I want to head up to a super nice club up north, but I won't have money until I start work. Perhaps next week. Its good to see that I have options now on weekends. This is solid progress; in the beginning of this past summer, I had 0 friends to hang out with. Fast-foward a few months later to the present, and I have stuff to do and people to hang with. I still don't have a social circle per-se, but I'm working on it I guess
Oh, the 2 plates. My main plate kayla and I have been
texting back and forth still. Seems fun and lighthearted. I won't be able to see her until I get some cash for extra gas and such. Perhaps in a couple weeks. The situation with Rachael is pretty much the same. I really need to hurry up and take Rachael out, as she has already hinted at guaranteed sex in her dorm
Will update later