This is embarrassing but F^ck it. Thats what we are here for.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2014
Reaction score
Excuse my contribution of tough love here, but I'm honestly not even sure anymore whether I want to root for you to get this girl or to hope that this falls apart in dramatic fashion. Of course, I don't have a vested interest in seeing you get hurt, nor do I want that - you're a great guy, and an excellent contributor on this forum - but I do think you're still at least partially trapped in some blue pill la-la land, something a sudden, unexpected splash of ice water may help rectify. On the other hand, reaching this 'mountain top' to see for yourself that the view is not as glorious as you expected can benefit you just as strongly, plus it may also put you in the favorable position to see just how many other unexplored mountain tops there are worth checking out reaching out toward the horizon.

I think both outcomes ultimately stand a great chance of helping you internalize the red pill truth that no girl is worth this much trouble, but I'm not sure which one is more likely to help sink the red pill's teeth into your system more tenaciously. The movie that is your relationship with this girl has been left on pause a minute or two away from the highly anticipated steamy sex scene - double down and push for the close, or risk ending it on a frustratingly PG-13-esque note. Either way, however this ends, I've got my fingers crossed that this girl is "the one" for you ...yes, the one .....that helps finally bring down the red pill into the pit of your stomach.


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2014
Reaction score
I love the original play by her.

She calls you a "player", not only making you bend over backwards to disprove it (giving her flowers, dinner, massages etc) but you refuse to see your own mistakes because in your head you're now a "player" and she's just a defenseless girl!

The way she texts, goes ghost etc. = natural DJ


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
Reaction score
Holy Sh!T!!!

OnTheRun said:
I love the original play by her.

She calls you a "player", not only making you bend over backwards to disprove it (giving her flowers, dinner, massages etc) but you refuse to see your own mistakes because in your head you're now a "player" and she's just a defenseless girl!

The way she texts, goes ghost etc. = natural DJ
Seriously, you may have her pegged! What if...?? Playa got played! I love it to.

Just to play devils advocate though, and Ill do the best to leave my emotions out of it.

1. She has her ace in the hole to keep her distance that empowers her to DJ me if you will. She is leaving. So maybe it gives her the look of DJ when its really just guardedness everytime she gets close and lets me in a little more.

2. If she is indeed a DJ its definitley not her doing. Someone is coaching her. I can tell. You have to try to trust me here. She is not congruant. And, amazingly enough, as if this situation didnt have enough twists and turns, I think I met that particular OZ behind the curtain about and hour ago!

I was at the gym for the second time today to go for a swim and as I am BSing with the girls at the front desk, in walks TrainGirl and her friend. (The same friend I spoke with on speakerphone one night who was telling me all the nice things TG says about me)

This friend of hers is by all measure a 10. I have seen very few actuall 10s in my life and I give out this HB rating very very rarely. This girl is breathtaking! So, if there is anyone whom I suspect is the real DJ it the friend we could call her Gene.

And so it goes, another wild card. I guess we were both going to ghost till the weekend but I presume we are both wondering now who should text who?

The chance meeting was pretty awkward but not horriably so.Made introductions and talked about the workouts. I think we were both pretty frazzeled but I dont think visably.

Then, Train Girl mentions her shoulders are sore. At first I didnt even know what she was talking about. Then she mentions it again? Ooooo. It sinks in after she hints at me. Sore from the massage. She is mentioning the massage in front of her friend at the gym and claiming it made her sore. I am stupified. So, I go with it. I tell her well thats not the design of it, its supposed to feel good. She said it did, but still made her sore. I tell her that my whole room still smells like the cream and make a joke that there is a palm print on my wall from me leaning against the wall when I reached for something.
Her friend then chimes in. "So what did you to do?" "Did you beat her up?"

Then Train Girl says" Looks like I have to fill her in on the deatails" smirking.

Then her friend says "I didnt even here about dinner yet"

We all start to part ways. Sshe tells me to have a nice swim and I tell Gene it was really nice to have met her.

O. And then for good measure I dropped my phone in the pool.

For f^cks sake. This situation is like an enigma. Slippery sh!t. I do kinda feel frameless I must admit.

I have a feeling this was not a good thing.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
Disappointed? Of course not. But you cared waaaaaaaay too much about winning. I'm not even sure if you liked her or the act of actually getting her. But it seems to me that you cared about just winning in general which is why I personally think that you didn't slap some cheeks around. Let me give an example...

When somebody wins at an activity, are they cheering for the fact that they won or for the fact that they enjoy that activity to the point of being one of the best? I'll personally relate to this, when I win at something I rarely throw up the most obnoxious reaction. Why? Because I know my skills and I know that I'm doing whatever it is because I enjoy it, not to be the best. But there is the opposite of that... If I do not know what my skills are capable of or whether or not I care about winning, I usually end up igniting a bigger reaction. Why? Because I am not confident in my skills. It's like when someone wins the lottery, who would have thought I would have won?

I guess what I'm saying is that you do not feel like you are confident when it comes to getting the women that YOU want which is why it was such a "win" and a "surprise" when she was down to have sex. This also tells me that you were faking it until you were making it, which you made it but now it's just a matter of accepting your skills and basically being more relaxed when it comes to the women you want and don't want- also known as actually becoming it instead of faking it. So you felt what it was like to get the girl that you want but whether or not you are ready to embrace it and build up on it is the real question.

Oh yeah, stop drinking so much.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
You learned a lot. It gave you an experience that cannot be repeated and this in turn gave you WISDOM (not knowledge) which could never be acquired by any amount of advice typed up here in any form ever. And to be quite honest, I think you might be surprised with what may happen from here on out, regarding the situation between you and her. You never know what can happen.

I would ask you to try out the first option I came up with way back when. And to help you clear your mind, I would ask of you to go NC during that 'rehabilitation' period.
At that point, trust your gut and do what you SENSE is right (not what you feel is right, what you sense is right). Stay strong, and always make a conscious decision to be tough, and to be less afraid of what may happen.

I, too, still hopes that she gives you another chance. If not, then it was not meant to be.

Best of luck to you, and I hope you get what you want.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
Reaction score
Frayzer said:
Disappointed? Of course not. But you cared waaaaaaaay too much about winning. I'm not even sure if you liked her or the act of actually getting her. But it seems to me that you cared about just winning in general which is why I personally think that you didn't slap some cheeks around. Let me give an example...

When somebody wins at an activity, are they cheering for the fact that they won or for the fact that they enjoy that activity to the point of being one of the best? I'll personally relate to this, when I win at something I rarely throw up the most obnoxious reaction. Why? Because I know my skills and I know that I'm doing whatever it is because I enjoy it, not to be the best. But there is the opposite of that... If I do not know what my skills are capable of or whether or not I care about winning, I usually end up igniting a bigger reaction. Why? Because I am not confident in my skills. It's like when someone wins the lottery, who would have thought I would have won?

I guess what I'm saying is that you do not feel like you are confident when it comes to getting the women that YOU want which is why it was such a "win" and a "surprise" when she was down to have sex. This also tells me that you were faking it until you were making it, which you made it but now it's just a matter of accepting your skills and basically being more relaxed when it comes to the women you want and don't want- also known as actually becoming it instead of faking it. So you felt what it was like to get the girl that you want but whether or not you are ready to embrace it and build up on it is the real question.

Oh yeah, stop drinking so much.

Just so all know. I believe this a very accurate assumption of my current state.

With cold approaches and women I don’t really care if I obtain or do not obtain I believe it is theirs to lose a prize. I believe that. When I start to get to know a girl and develop feelings for her. It seems I really suck. Not even at landing them. But keeping the same mentality as I have with chicks I don’t care either way about. I can only presume this will come with time. Like BTL said, I think I need to get crushed again. I thought that my original oneitis heartbreak had changed me. Opened my eyes for good, to the past and to the future.

I understand this red pill stuff so well. I know why it works and I have seen it work. But I think my true self is still blue pill. And when I meet a girl I fall for the truth is exposed. What makes matters worse, is my version of beta, AFC, blue pill, ignorance works really well too. Yet, even though I know logically that it is path to destruction, its to comfortable to let go of when a girl I really like gets me of balance.

I just don’t have any good idea on how to blend all these correct ingredients and leave the comfortable behind. Plus, I so far, am not faced with the decision or practice of it often. First girl in 6 months I really like that helped me realize I need so much more work.

I have been sargeing pretty nicely and successfully for the last 6 months. The faking it till you make it worked. I thought I was really on my way to owning it. I guess not.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
Reaction score
And... She texted me. At noon no less. I thinks thats interest boys. I am also thinking I got the friends approval.

Her: Whats your schedule today.

Me: Just got out of the gym. Then shower and a few more work things. You? Do I get to finish my map of you today? (This is a referance we have to me mapping the contours of her body with my hands.)

At the advice of twos SS posters above, I tried to keep it sexual without being over the top. I agree with this advice although it is out of character for me normally, I have done this with her twice before. Lets see.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
Reaction score
You sounded way too eager in your text.
You should have just said "Going to a friends party tonight" or "Going clubbing tonight". That's it, nothing else. If you did that she would have contacted you again tomorrow or the day after because it would have raised her interest level since you would have been a challenge.

But by sending that long ass text, you sounded way too interested and desperate.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
Reaction score
I thought because some were saying she might feel rejected by the other night and me not closein the deal that I should reassure her as well as be sexual. Heard this from some people in my real life camp as well. I just figured I would answer the question she asked. I did actually think better of it but sent it anyway thinking she was showing herself pretty interrested after texting the very next morning after seeing me in the gym. Not defending this either because I see it as kinda eager also. Actually hindsight being 20/20, I have two girls who respond veru eager to me and I can't say it makes me like or respect them very much. I was just feeling pretty confident seeing what I thought was her eagerness. I was trying to set up getting her over for dinner. Fvck

So what do I do now?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
Reaction score
Go ghost until she contacts you again. If you meet her in the gym just act indifferent and start conversations with other girls in the gym.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
Reaction score
I have been to the gym almost 10 times since Sat of last week. It saved me last time so I went seeking clarity and answers. I think though that because I am in so much better shape than I was the last time around it took more punishment to find the answers I seek. Today, I pushed as hard as I could, even though a nagging tweak in my shoulder I vowed to find the answers in sweat. I think I gained some insight.

I am actually kinda pissed off. Which I think is a good thing. I have been pretty crazy over this thing the last couple of weeks and I am just weary at this point. I am even weary of the ups and highs.

Want to know what I am sick of the most though…

Asking other people what I should do, or think, about this and other situations in my life. I am sick of myself and my self-seeking validations and co-dependent behavior.
In my “real” life, I am a very wise and perceptive individual. People are constantly seeking my advice and usually find it so profound and accurate that they eat it up. Why do I lack the frame to advise myself? Because of a pretty girl? Because I yearn to still really replace my original oneitis? Is that what this is all about? I think it all is.

And now I am banking on some flaky chick to solve these issues for me? Just because I think she is the best out of the lot of the 25 or so woman I have dated in the past six months? She is the best I can do? She is going to solve years of insecurities and co-dependent behavior? Are you guys? I ask all these questions without answer because as you read them you know the answer. I have my own work to do.

I like this girl no doubt. I like her because when we are together it works well. But I am starting to see the forest for the trees here. It works well because I am a great guy to be around. Fun and interactive, sweet but tough. Inventive and funny also. She has some great points too but….

Stand her up, off the pedestal ,and away from the mediocrity of the girls I have been out with….What is she really? Shes just some chick. That’s it.

Look, you must believe me when I tell you. I enjoyed sending the flowers and the dinners and dates for myself. It was exciting and fun. I don’t do anything like that for any other girls and it was nice to have one I wanted to do it for. I had an amazing time with her each time. Truly unique from first meeting till our last interaction. But, how much of it was actually her? Maybe I was bringing out the best in her and we were just plain lucky cosmically on our dates. I am starting to see… I am chasing the the luck and the dates and the romance, maybe more than the girl herself. Somewhere, deep in me, I know, this is going to be a letdown eventually.

Wanna know something I didn’t admit before to you guys or myself? I think one of the reasons, (although not the main one by a long shot) I didn’t F^ck this girl when I had the chance is, I am just not that attracted to her body. Shes very, very pretty. (pics upon request)
But shes not my “type” persay. She taller and “bigger” than I like em. I like small petite and fit women. I just do. She is sexy and firm in her own way, and I was actually impressed how drawn to her I was given that this whole time she was not a girl I would normally find my type. This added to her allure. Yet, things are what they are. My penis and my hands do not pedestal as easily as my heart it seems.

Its not pessimism, its guts. Guts and gut feeling start to emerge again when you work out the emotions and brain chemical doping, of a new “great” girl in your life at the gym. Sweat carries these impurities away from your soul and onto the floor where they belong.

I maintain that BTL was right saying that I needed another oneitis let down.

Look, I did it before I can do it again. I need some cold water splashed on my face. That “cold water” was sweat. Pain is weakness leaving the body. When exercise becomes complacent, because it’s the only real relationship there is, its time to put in more effort.

Heres the “real” boys.

Even before I read all of the articles Espi suggested ( some I have actually read before). I knew in some suppressed place that I am still not a “man’ about things. I was doing the work so to speak, but I was still doing it for validation from women, and my parents. I really am not programmed yet, to do things for myself or my own enjoyment or validation. A tough pill to swallow and very tough thing to admit publically. Yet, as is becoming my mantra around here, comradery through authenticity. I cannot posture myself to help others without admitting and submitting my own flaws. I cannot expect real love and advice without being real.

While I was hitting the heavy bag today I thought of SS. I have said this before, but Ill say it again. What woman comes and offers support, and tough love, and uplifting guidance with nothing to gain like you guys do? I have found that stuff here. I am flattered, humbled, encouraged and loved by your interest and support. I am motivated by it too.

Like any student does, when I read the text I think I am an expert and argue, but the lessons are learned in the real world aren’t they? Expertise comes from risk and failure. It gives me solace to fail in front of you all and humble myself for the future of SS. Many complain it is not what it once was, but I only see what it is, and, what it will be, for the next Saline who wanders into its loving grip.

I am not fixed. I am not even close. Its up to me to carpe diem and I cant even tell you that I will. But Ill tell you what, at least I can never say I wasn’t given the tools to build the frame I need.

One thing I don’t think we talk about here enough is patience. We mask patience inside of some game playing. The brain high of a girl we think we like, makes us want to smash the button for more and more of the drug.

I am going to start working on more self-discipline and self-control. For those of you who need to also I challenge your to come with me. It is the “Lent” season after all. Give something up, and add something positive, that you will do every day till Easter. See what happens?

Here is my plan for Train Girl:

She must reach out to me twice in order for me to respond. She over played her hand. She took the advice of her friend but with the wrong dude. She is a victim of her own skewed perception of me and I am no longer willing to try and change that. Let it be her loss. She wagered now she will see on the river card whether or not she has to pay to play. I have done my dudiligance and then some. Todays flake was my final straw. Let her prove herself to me for taking the risks I have and taking the risk of losing her anyway when and if she moves. I am willing to walk.

P.S For anyone, that ever reads this, now and into the future. You MUST exercise! Find the time. Make it a priority over all else! The best life has to offer is within you already and can be unlocked through exercise. Peel back the layers of comfort and fat ( if you have it) and sweat! Your body and mind will balance itself and you will discover yourself and your own truths.


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2014
Reaction score
OP, you had the right idea of being sexual but you followed it like a rookie.

When I said respond sexual, I meant ignore whatever she sent you and respond with something sexual.

what's your schedule today?

Just walked out the shower and right now all I really wanna do is taste you. The thought of your juice running down my mouth is making me incredibly horny.

_Just like that_ you don't care about her schedule, you just wanna fcuk her. You are not asking her permission for a second chance, you're only giving her an idea of what it would be like if she returned.

if she reaches out to you, please do not respond. Post it on here and we'll form a proper response for you.

If you run into her, talk to her normal like she's someone you've fcuked already. Not too chatty and exit before she does.

From now till she reaches out to you, practice self confidence and self control speeches and repeat them to yourself. Relax, breathe in slowly, breathe out, slowly. Get good sleep. Take yourself out on a date. Choose a duration of time during the day to turn off your phone.

Really pretty Chics have a different effect on men, I was trying to understand this logic in one of my previous posts and this effect is even worse when you like the girl "so much". All that is, is an indication that you have her on a pedestal.

All the better if you can fcuk a different plate for the time being.

Never forget, you are the man. You are the show. She goes to the show, not the other way around.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
Reaction score
stevo said:
what's your schedule today?

Just walked out the shower and right now all I really wanna do is taste you. The thought of your juice running down my mouth is making me incredibly horny.
That made me cringe. That's one long ass message to text, which would instantly mark him as a "creep". She is not even attracted to him that much for those sexual texts to work. It sounds even more desperate than what OP sent. Plus it also adds that "creep" hint.

OP, if she does contact you, you have to be a challenge and don't respond right away, keep it short and don't immediately agree/submit/be available to her texts.
Your only card left to play is indifference, you act like you don't give 2 sh1ts.


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2014
Reaction score
salinechow said:
And... She texted me. At noon no less. I thinks thats interest boys. I am also thinking I got the friends approval.

Her: Whats your schedule today.

Me: Just got out of the gym. Then shower and a few more work things. You? Do I get to finish my map of you today? (This is a referance we have to me mapping the contours of her body with my hands.)
Questions when sexting are dicey, they almost always can be subbed for "Can I please have sex with you?"

A question suggests doubt and a DJ doesn't doubt he'll be having sex with his woman.

salinechow said:
I have been to the gym almost 10 times since Sat of last week. It saved me last time so I went seeking clarity and answers. I think though that because I am in so much better shape than I was the last time around it took more punishment to find the answers I seek. Today, I pushed as hard as I could, even though a nagging tweak in my shoulder I vowed to find the answers in sweat. I think I gained some insight.

I am actually kinda pissed off. Which I think is a good thing. I have been pretty crazy over this thing the last couple of weeks and I am just weary at this point. I am even weary of the ups and highs.

Want to know what I am sick of the most though…

Asking other people what I should do, or think, about this and other situations in my life. I am sick of myself and my self-seeking validations and co-dependent behavior.
In my “real” life, I am a very wise and perceptive individual. People are constantly seeking my advice and usually find it so profound and accurate that they eat it up. Why do I lack the frame to advise myself? Because of a pretty girl? Because I yearn to still really replace my original oneitis? Is that what this is all about? I think it all is.

And now I am banking on some flaky chick to solve these issues for me? Just because I think she is the best out of the lot of the 25 or so woman I have dated in the past six months? She is the best I can do? She is going to solve years of insecurities and co-dependent behavior? Are you guys? I ask all these questions without answer because as you read them you know the answer. I have my own work to do.

I like this girl no doubt. I like her because when we are together it works well. But I am starting to see the forest for the trees here. It works well because I am a great guy to be around. Fun and interactive, sweet but tough. Inventive and funny also. She has some great points too but….

Stand her up, off the pedestal ,and away from the mediocrity of the girls I have been out with….What is she really? Shes just some chick. That’s it.

Look, you must believe me when I tell you. I enjoyed sending the flowers and the dinners and dates for myself. It was exciting and fun. I don’t do anything like that for any other girls and it was nice to have one I wanted to do it for. I had an amazing time with her each time. Truly unique from first meeting till our last interaction. But, how much of it was actually her? Maybe I was bringing out the best in her and we were just plain lucky cosmically on our dates. I am starting to see… I am chasing the the luck and the dates and the romance, maybe more than the girl herself. Somewhere, deep in me, I know, this is going to be a letdown eventually.

Wanna know something I didn’t admit before to you guys or myself? I think one of the reasons, (although not the main one by a long shot) I didn’t F^ck this girl when I had the chance is, I am just not that attracted to her body. Shes very, very pretty. (pics upon request)
But shes not my “type” persay. She taller and “bigger” than I like em. I like small petite and fit women. I just do. She is sexy and firm in her own way, and I was actually impressed how drawn to her I was given that this whole time she was not a girl I would normally find my type. This added to her allure. Yet, things are what they are. My penis and my hands do not pedestal as easily as my heart it seems.

Its not pessimism, its guts. Guts and gut feeling start to emerge again when you work out the emotions and brain chemical doping, of a new “great” girl in your life at the gym. Sweat carries these impurities away from your soul and onto the floor where they belong.

I maintain that BTL was right saying that I needed another oneitis let down.

Look, I did it before I can do it again. I need some cold water splashed on my face. That “cold water” was sweat. Pain is weakness leaving the body. When exercise becomes complacent, because it’s the only real relationship there is, its time to put in more effort.

Heres the “real” boys.

Even before I read all of the articles Espi suggested ( some I have actually read before). I knew in some suppressed place that I am still not a “man’ about things. I was doing the work so to speak, but I was still doing it for validation from women, and my parents. I really am not programmed yet, to do things for myself or my own enjoyment or validation. A tough pill to swallow and very tough thing to admit publically. Yet, as is becoming my mantra around here, comradery through authenticity. I cannot posture myself to help others without admitting and submitting my own flaws. I cannot expect real love and advice without being real.

While I was hitting the heavy bag today I thought of SS. I have said this before, but Ill say it again. What woman comes and offers support, and tough love, and uplifting guidance with nothing to gain like you guys do? I have found that stuff here. I am flattered, humbled, encouraged and loved by your interest and support. I am motivated by it too.

Like any student does, when I read the text I think I am an expert and argue, but the lessons are learned in the real world aren’t they? Expertise comes from risk and failure. It gives me solace to fail in front of you all and humble myself for the future of SS. Many complain it is not what it once was, but I only see what it is, and, what it will be, for the next Saline who wanders into its loving grip.

I am not fixed. I am not even close. Its up to me to carpe diem and I cant even tell you that I will. But Ill tell you what, at least I can never say I wasn’t given the tools to build the frame I need.

One thing I don’t think we talk about here enough is patience. We mask patience inside of some game playing. The brain high of a girl we think we like, makes us want to smash the button for more and more of the drug.

I am going to start working on more self-discipline and self-control. For those of you who need to also I challenge your to come with me. It is the “Lent” season after all. Give something up, and add something positive, that you will do every day till Easter. See what happens?

Here is my plan for Train Girl:

She must reach out to me twice in order for me to respond. She over played her hand. She took the advice of her friend but with the wrong dude. She is a victim of her own skewed perception of me and I am no longer willing to try and change that. Let it be her loss. She wagered now she will see on the river card whether or not she has to pay to play. I have done my dudiligance and then some. Todays flake was my final straw. Let her prove herself to me for taking the risks I have and taking the risk of losing her anyway when and if she moves. I am willing to walk.

You've managed to wrap your "epiphany" in telling us how great you are, that she wasn't that hot anyway, and a texting rule that will supposedly get you back in control of the situation. I think you're in denial. You say you're sick of asking for advice but you haven't applied one jot of the advice in this thread. Consider that you might not know where you're going wrong. Reading what Espi suggested might not give you the answer but instead help you ask the right questions.

I can't help but think banking on magic plans cooked in the endorphin high of the gym will start to really wear you down (if it hasn't already). Sometimes a little practical advice, and acceptance of where you are and the progress you've already made, is better, rather than trying to reinvent the wheel every time. Look you don't have to be a master DJ already. Maybe this girl was the equivalent of too many plates on the barbell. Just because you can't lift it now doesn't mean you won't eventually.

Also stop making plans for women. "If she does this then I'll do this", "50% probability of this in which case..." etc. Women are not logical and are unlikely to conform to your rules.

The best-laid schemes o' mice an 'men Gang aft agley

Always ask yourself two questions:
Do I want to do it?
Does she deserve it?

Did you want to send her flowers? Yes. Did she deserve them? No.

Don't worry about what you'll do in every different scenario with this girl. Does she deserve your attention right now? No. It's up to her to show you why she deserves your attention, not you to figure out a checklist so that you can somehow rig the system so she makes the cut. This isn't a scholarship. Reward for good behaviour, withdraw for bad behaviour.

You are indifferent and directing your energies elsewhere until she makes it clear she deserves your attention. Train girl who? You'll know if and when when you see it, no need to preempt or set rules because that means you're still directing attention to her in the meantime. She needs to grab your attention, she no longer has it because she no longer deserves it- see?

Thanks for taking the time over this thread, and good luck! I hope I haven't been too harsh, and as always I never presume my opinion to be fact! Unless I'm talking to a woman...

Peace, and careful in the gym- an injury that stops you working out is the worst!


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2014
Reaction score
way2smart said:
That made me cringe. That's one long ass message to text, which would instantly mark him as a "creep". She is not even attracted to him that much for those sexual texts to work. It sounds even more desperate than what OP sent. Plus it also adds that "creep" hint.

OP, if she does contact you, you have to be a challenge and don't respond right away, keep it short and don't immediately agree/submit/be available to her texts.
Your only card left to play is indifference, you act like you don't give 2 sh1ts.
She was attracted to OP and I don't see anything creepy about wanting to fcuk a girl who was previously nude in your bed nights before.

OP can't send that text now but it's to give him an idea of being sexual after a mishap.

After my mishap what I sent the girl was:
I don't know what happened tonight but I want to fcuk you.

Plain and simple. She understood where I stood regardless of the mishap and she came back later.

There's a time to play little to no interest after a mishap is not one of them, that's when you clarify what you want from her.

Anyways to each his own.

Now OP should pretty much forget the girl, she would contact him though because he's fun to be around and wants to see him after a long time of NC.
I just wish he posts it here so we can guide him, you can read a textbook (DJ Bible) all you want but sometimes you understand better when someone breaks it down for you (posts in his thread).


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2014
Reaction score
What are the odds that she's on some other message board, asking how to secure commitment from you?

She knows she's got you - girls aren't dumb - and since she knows she's got you, she feels no tension. If a girl is attracted to a guy, she will find ways to create and amplify tension, usually by dropping louder and louder hints and suggestive language until full disclosure is inevitable ("I can't take it anymore - what are you doing tonight???"). Your text about the body map was a clear invitation to create tension, yet she managed to 'missed it entirely'... an "enigma"? At this point, after all you've been through with her, you're not sincerely surprised, are you?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
Reaction score
She just texted me. Here is the recap all in one post:


Her: What’s your schedule like today. (11:50 am)

Me: Just got out of the gym. Shower, then a few more work stops. I should actually get done pretty early considering I got a 4am start. You? Do I get to finish my map of you today? (12:25 pm)


Her: I was thinking about it....

As much as I hate to admit it, her text is sheer genius. I could learn a lot from this girl.

I don’t know how much I expanded on this before but if its redundant I apologize. I don’t think its her that is this good. I think I am getting gamed by her friend. Its just to incongruent to when she is around me. Her friend is a Victoria’s secret angel. Probably a man eater. Also, she is engaged right now. Might enjoy living vicariously through her recovered fat friends life.

Where I am at. Today I am too busy, too pissed, and pretty off any "game" I have, to care about any women right now. I was going to take the weekend off and try to decompress and just do some sh!t I like to do. My friend is coming over tomorrow and we were just going to drink and smoke cigars. Maybe hit a local watering hole or two but only for one drink.

If I had any inkling of a response or if I responded at all it would be these:

Me: Keep thinking...


Me: While you were thinkin about it, I stopped.


Me: The great Ashdini reappears....


Me: O good. I was just putting on my scuba gear to search the local lakes for you. Glad you are ok.


Me: Ill let the commander of the search party know your alright. You’ll have some explaining to do though.

You know I was even thinking of calling her out on the game she is running. Tell her:

Me: "From one reformed player to another. That was materfully played sweetheart. You got game. Thing is. I stopped playing you a while back because I thought you were special and genuine and I didnt think you deserved that from me. Now, its just uneven, childish and silly.You overplayed a hand with no one sitting at the table."

Some of you said ask before I text. So for me and all that come after me. Let the education begin.

P.S much as I truly appreciate and value your input and interest in helping and... even thought it was a good idea and dont regret my "mapping" line to her... I am not texting this girl anything along the lines of eating her box. It just wouldnt fit my previous interactions with her. She'll think im drunk or someone grabbed my phone.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2014
Reaction score
salinechow said:
She just texted me. Here is the recap all in one post:


Her: What’s your schedule like today. (11:50 am)

Me: Just got out of the gym. Shower, then a few more work stops. I should actually get done pretty early considering I got a 4am start. You? Do I get to finish my map of you today? (12:25 pm)


Her: I was thinking about it....

As much as I hate to admit it, her text is sheer genius. I could learn a lot from this girl.

I don’t know how much I expanded on this before but if its redundant I apologize. I don’t think its her that is this good. I think I am getting gamed by her friend. Its just to incongruent to when she is around me. Her friend is a Victoria’s secret angel. Probably a man eater. Also, she is engaged right now. Might enjoy living vicariously through her recovered fat friends life.

Where I am at. Today I am too busy, too pissed, and pretty off any "game" I have, to care about any women right now. I was going to take the weekend off and try to decompress and just do some sh!t I like to do. My friend is coming over tomorrow and we were just going to drink and smoke cigars. Maybe hit a local watering hole or two but only for one drink.

If I had any inkling of a response or if I responded at all it would be these:

Me: Keep thinking...


Me: While you were thinkin about it, I stopped.


Me: The great Ashdini reappears....


Me: O good. I was just putting on my scuba gear to search the local lakes for you. Glad you are ok.


Me: Ill let the commander of the search party know your alright. You’ll have some explaining to do though.

Some of you said ask before I text. So for me and all that come after me. Let the education begin.

P.S much as I truly appreciate and value your input and interest in helping and... even thought it was a good idea and dont regret my "mapping" line to her... I am not texting this girl anything along the lines of eating her box. It just wouldnt fit my previous interactions with her. She'll think im drunk or someone grabbed my phone.
Your first response is your strongest response (of those that you listed), but stronger still would be no response. She waited a FULL DAY to respond to a thinly veiled query for sex. Your best bet at this point to communicate that you don't give a fvck/are willing to walk away, is to not respond at all. Every one of the responses you came up with is actually you plotting the best way to clear her latest hoop for you to jump through.