The So suave Challenge


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2002
Reaction score
Northern Az
Go back however far you need to go and bring to mind the first woman/girl that ever just straight captivated you, the one that enslaved your brain, the one that you were intimidated by.

The reason for this is twofold.

A little understanding of dynamics and polarity helps.

Take the Yin Yang symbol...the active masculine and the passive feminine. This, at its core, depicts the crux of Life itself.

ALL life, and everything in life operates according to this principle of male-female, active-passive. At its base, absolute base, the what and the how of Life itself is revealed: In order to create life, you must have an active masculine and a passive feminine polarity. Once that polarity is engaged, this becomes the fuel that sustains any dynamic.

ALL humans embody both the male/female force, because without it, there is no life. No consciousness.

As an analogy - think of a pole in the living room going up thru the ceiling into the attic. You're down in the living room, so you only see the active aspect of the pole. The passive aspect is the part that's in the attic.
One is "manifest" the other is "abstract".

ALL men embody this feminine, passive force within themselves, and all women embody this masculine force within themselves.

The AI, however, IS that hidden force inside each of us (the part that's in the attic). We are compelled by - what's easier described as "criteria" but that's more a case of the perfect aspect of who we are "in the attic".

When we see someone out here in the real world that draws us beyond all comprehension, what's happening is a subtle triggering of our own AI - because, as all dynamics go, the point is to create life. And perpetuate it.

What this means is that the fuel which drives any experince is the dynamic...and the entire purpose of any dynamic is to evolve and manifest into reality - to create a physical reality manifestation...or, to raise the roof and reveal the part that's in the attic as one integrated whole. Removing the ceiling, basically, from the equasion.

When this AI is triggered by an encounter with someone who embodies - reflects - those qualities of the perfection of our own AI, the compulsion is to manifest it. (start kicking at the ceiling).

The AI in each of us is sheer perfection - the most optimum, perfect, individualized soul in total balance, integration of who we are and are supposed to become, at its ultimate level.

EVERYTHING requires the male female force to spark the seed and kick off the dynamic that will perpetuate the species thru mating, childbirth,'s programmed into each of us and this is *why* we ever mate at all.

Given that the lack of polarity prevents life (prevents two likes from mating thereby unable to create life) a component is added to ensure that the polarity will always remain engaged...there needs to be fuel.


What happens when you look into the eyes of someone who reflects that AI, all you see, cause you're down here in the living room doing the day to day thing, is someone outside yourself who is "perfect" or "ideal". But it's just a mental or emotional application, expression, (manifestation, see) of the subconscious triggering of the AI that compels you to find a way of getting the ceiling outta the way.

Whether they actually are or not is beside the point. It's only your recognition of the perfection of the AI that is the potential YOU. You have the acute recognition that they are everyting you are not. And you're not. These people - if they were you - would be the perfect you.

In the opposite sex cases, these 'perfect ideal women' are the necessary fuel to ignite the fires of attraction, because the opposites are required for the sustaining balance...which inevitably leads to mating, to creation of life - naturally speaking.

That's the projection. Because we don't recognize this nor understand it, we just assume, for no real logical reason, that this person is completely perfect, flawless, completely capable of obtaining anything they want...which is basically a list of all your own secret aspirations for yourself that you're projecting onto someone else.

And then your friends shake their heads and call you a goober, get over it, she's just some chick, she aint even all the hot...

Because it's not THEIR AI, it's yours. They'll never see her in that respect. They have their own to deal with.

The more perfect you find them to be the more you recognize all your flaws, your fears and weaknesses, by sharp contrast. See, meeting the AI is you predesigned reality check - the intimidation comes in because of the overwhelming acuteness of self awareness of just how ****ed up we are in that person's presence.

They're so beautiful, they'd never want me.
They can get anybody...I'm just (insert flaw here) - you are suddenly aware of all your flaws.

And worse, you know, when you encounter such women, you are prone - as we all are - to sudden anxieties that she somehow possesses full capacity to see straight thru you, that you're completely transparent to *her* but not your regular friends, she can just look at you and know how ****ed up you are, and therein lay the root of the fear. The threat is that they literally have that much power in their perfection.

They can't really read our minds...again, it's how we apply our rationalizations, but because of the contrast, this is how it always feels.

Once you go into the attic and see the golden shining brilliant pole you cannot help but be more fully conscious of all the chipped paint on the part that's in the living room.

Thats why people are so intimidated by the "unobtainable ones". The people you encounter that provoke that response are the composite reflections of your AI, *manifested* in whoever the person is. It's still all your perception tho...because it's not the person who is perfect - even tho you think they are, it's the AI of YOU that requires your integration of perfection.

The reason I started this off with suggesting you recall the earliest females that provoked this in you was to show you the power - and the illusion - of the AI. As who you are today, all your experiences have evolved you. If you were to run into the first female that ever blew you away, chances are high that her appeal will have decresed considerably and you'll literally have no clue why she was able to affect you so profoundly.

Cause she was never the 'perfect woman'. That was an intellectual label you conjured up to define her, because defining her brings about the first stages of control.

She was only a reflection of what was always the rest of YOU. And as you evolved, you just grew into more of required less of the reflection from her (polarity) to sustain the dynamic...which, in its most basic core, is to ignite the fuel within you so that you are duely inspired and motivated to seeing the glare off our flaws, we know we have no choice but to work on them. And therein lay the ultimate beauty of soul evolution

This is also the reason no other humna being can ever make us whole or complete...thinking otherwise shows how much power we've handed over to the illusion of the AI AS anyone else but ourselves.

But we all never see this for what it is, so immediately project that "perfection" onto the person, who, in reality, is probably just as ****ed up as we are and couldn't read anbody's mind and who, more often than not, will have been completely clueless to just how *really* ****ed up you are...but when they're your AI muse, anything they do is beautiful. We are acutely aware of how flawed we are when we recognize the AI muse.

We have applied our own emotional and intellectual rationalizations of perfection onto other people, and the reason they are a threat - the reason we're scared to say hi, and always assume an inferior position when dealing with them is because we are not aware that it's not them, it's an AI based response...the idea of another person being flawless and perfect, bringing that kinda contrast to our own frailties is more than enough motivation to try to "knock them down" a few or make them "mortal"...obtainable.

Yet, we sense we will never quite be capable enough to accomplish that. When we manage to hook up with the ideal ones in spite of our fears, and see them in their humanness, their appeal rapidly fades - their power over you weakens because you're integrating who you presumed them to be with who they actually are...and as a result becoming more fully manifest of your own AI in YOU.

And, as is the rule...once that AI projection is mortalized, and more integration is obtained, we lose interest in the union itself in the early stages because it is mandetory that we follow the AI muses thru the integration.

THEN when we have reached that level of wholeness, we're no longer compelled by our AI - and the unions we established are productive, healthy, and long term, based on all the right things...

In people that do not reflect this, we breeze on by assuming they can't see thru us like those that captivate us. But in reality, they're just as objective and probably see precisely how ****ed up we are.

Those people are also on our own side of the ceiling and we seldom if ever have the polarity of the active, passive force to ignite any we don't mate.

You know who these women are. The women themselves have all evolved as you have evolved, each one becoming less of a "threat" because as you evolve, you are integrating the AI into a whole YOU, so there's less they reflect back.

If you recall these women who have blown you away, that you could not help but put them on a pedistal for little more than the fact they existed, you will be able to discover the "type" that embodies your AI. The women themselves may have changed, but the fundamental essence of the AI never changes.

It's not a superficial thing like whether she's aggressive and you're passive, or she's fat and you're not. It's not emotional nor intellectual. It's not hair color.

It's essence.

Women, who embody both m/f, are inherently female. Some are active and dominant, others are feminine and passive. Men, who embody both, can be active and dominant, or passive and feminine.

What they portray on the surface is typically a projection of the AI because the vast majority of people who are not self aware will inevitably compensate for the lack of balance by projecting the AI.

A rule of thumb, the more self aware someone is, the more integrated will be their AI and the less they will require someone else to balance them out.

The less self aware they are, the more their AI will be a projected image...which is - if they are someone you want - all you need to look for. When people project their AI, it's like a hologram and who they are "really" gets sent to the attic. The only way to get these people is to become what they project - in essence, not emotional, intellectual BS because it's fleeting and temporal.

If you know the girl is a passive, doormouse of a female, and when the chips are down, she seldom becomes aggressive or will retreat from conflict, her AI will be the exact opposite of this...she'll project the tough ***** attitude, carefree or maybe even reckless, she'll mouth off alot...come off like an aggressor.

Let the chips fall, and the pole in the living room will always be there.

It's an example. Study people sometime when you're out, kick back at your local bar and just observe, and see if you can spot the AI guys scoping one particular woman, compelled by her...she's his AI. Observe her, how she responds, her essence, and you'll begin to see this emerge so clearly you'll wonder how you always missed it.

The confusion comes in - which is where Jeffries and those clowns miss the entire reality check - is when the AI is not being properly integrated and people start "projecting" - when they are fundamentally submissive, but "become" their own AI as opposed to integrating it...therefore "becoming" basically, a mirror image of their AI if their AI was an actual person.

This is the very reason SS fails for soooo many of you guys. You have no idea there IS and AI, and especially that part where it's always hungry. When you meet a woman who's tough and opinionated, you honestly cannot tell - unless you understand this here - whether she's literally dominant or if its her AI projection. So you play the "eliciting values" rap and try to become her ideal guy, and get shot outta the sky repeatedly.

You have no idea why, and because ALL Jeffries and those clowns can come up with as a reason is "because she's bitter or a feminist or out for your money" or some stupid bull****, you guys are left hangin wondering *huh? I don't get it..."

If you had a grasp of fundamental nature you'd know before you ever even approached her whether she was D/s, whether her YOU were even her AI muse, whether she'd ever have sex with you...and if she would, what that reason was, so you'd know how much time to kill before getting to the goal line, how NOT to **** it up, and especially how to get the best from her and the relationship - on your terms. Plus, it'd always be conscious control. NOT conscious "power struggle".

Want" TARGET=_blank>
</A> Want to know what a woman wants? Ask One.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
chicago,il , usa
What is your crusade here anyway?

Why do you constantly waste yours and our time trying to convince us to listen to your ****amamey views on life?

Dont look at MEN .. Focus your energy on Women

Women set the standards..they make the rules..Men just have to react to their games.


If a Guy calls a woman too early..she sees him as desperate..and lame..So as a REACTION men wait to call a few days

Guy treats girl like a queen, takes her out to dinner, pays, buys flowers, etc..The girl sees him as a pushover dweeb..

As a REACTION men treat women like they way they wante to be treated..

I think your focus would be more utilitarian if you went to a FEMALES board and help get their sh1t together..not Mens

Mr. Mystery

Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
Right there!
Very interesting stuff Destini.

Funny thing though, I never had a women push me to improve myself, I just had a lack of confidence in myself and when I finally realized that confidence, and started my path to self-actualization, women than started to be much more attracted to me than previously.

I have never thought to look for AI in people, maybe now I will check it out, just for kicks.

Mr. Mystery

"Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around" - Vanilla Sky

The unexamined life is not worth living – Socrates

"Whats your favorite position? That's cool with me, it's not my favorite but I'll do it for you" - Tenacious D - Fvck her gentley

"I'd rather hear no, than never know" - Mr. Mystery himself!

Those that go searching for love, only manifest their own lovelessness. And the loveless never find love, only the loving find love. And they never have to seek for it - D.H. Lawrence

"Don't take life too seriously or you'll never get out alive" - Van Wilder


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2002
Reaction score
never mind.

"I love you, drZaius!!!"
---Troy McClure

[This message has been edited by drZaius09 (edited 12-06-2002).]


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2002
Reaction score
Northern Az
Mystery said:

&gt;&gt;&gt;Very interesting stuff Destini.
Funny thing though,
I never had a women push me to improve myself, &lt;&lt;&lt;

Then this should be a hella journey for you

&gt;&gt;&gt;I have never thought to look for AI in people, maybe now I will check it out, just for kicks.&lt;&lt;&lt;

Best bet's to start to recognize the AI in yourself.

I said:

&gt;&gt;&gt;THEN when we have reached that level of wholeness, we're no longer compelled by our AI - and the unions we established are productive, healthy, and long term, based on all the right things...&lt;&lt;&lt;

Mystery said:

&gt;&gt;&gt;I just had a lack of confidence in myself and when I finally realized that confidence, and started my path to self-actualization, women than started to be much more attracted to me than previously.&lt;&lt;&lt;

In actuality, what you call "confidence" is no more and no less than integration of your own's you evolving, actualizing, becoming the whole person you were always supposed to be. Confidence is a by product of knowledge. When you don't know something 1. you are compelled by it and 2. you are afraid of it, so you actively seek out means of controling it, harnessing it. It's what we do in any situation.

When it comes to the cycle of Life itself, this AI is within us, we are compelled by it, we don't - as a rule - know it's there - and anyone we meet that embodies various collections of the AI qualitites, we are 1. compelled by them and 2. afraid of them, and because of it we will actively seek out a means of controlling it, harnessing it.

Hence, Sepped seduction, so suave, how to get - not just any old chick, but THE HOT BABES that you're all 1. compelled by and 2. afraid of...

Need I say more?

This is by no means "my views on life". This is straight human behavior, fundamental psychology - i.e., the part that makes you do everything you do and say everything you say and feel all the stuff you feel because you have little to zero self control, much less self awareness.

It's not a "view of life", honey. It IS LIFE. And until you get to know it for what it is, well, I guess you can always just wonder why there's no real quality or fulfillment in your life in the places you need it most...that is, if you're deep enough to ever wonder why...

[This message has been edited by destini (edited 12-06-2002).]

At this point you probably have a woman (or multiple women) chasing you around, calling you all the time, wanting to be with you. So let's talk about how to KEEP a woman interested in you once you have her. This is BIG! There is nothing worse than getting dumped by a woman that you really, really like.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2002
Reaction score
Camp Pendleton, Ca
There are so many flaws and miconeptions in this argument I don't even know where to start. Not to say that its entirely rubbish, it just seems like you've taken a few coarse instances, and in a desperate and feverish attempt to explain them, you jumped to conclusions and never stopped Jumping.


[This message has been edited by CyranoDeBergerac (edited 12-06-2002).]

Mr. Mystery

Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
Right there!
If confidence and AI are the same thing, than why call it something different?

The confidence or more so, self-actualization I am working on is not driven by my need to satisfy any particuliar woman, and I have been working on attaining it long before I knew this site existed.

My reasons for knowing myself go beyond just simply to attract women.

And the AI that I'm after in other women that I'm 1. afraid of?? I gotta strongly disagree with you on this one, I am confident enough to know that I have plenty to offer women and have no reason to fear them, as ****y as this sounds, I feel I am doing them a favor by letting them be in my life.

Of course I don't give them much of my time if their not fun to be around and interesting.

Mr. Mystery

"Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around" - Vanilla Sky

The unexamined life is not worth living – Socrates

"Whats your favorite position? That's cool with me, it's not my favorite but I'll do it for you" - Tenacious D - Fvck her gentley

"I'd rather hear no, than never know" - Mr. Mystery himself!

Those that go searching for love, only manifest their own lovelessness. And the loveless never find love, only the loving find love. And they never have to seek for it - D.H. Lawrence

"Don't take life too seriously or you'll never get out alive" - Van Wilder


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2002
Reaction score
Northern Az

If confidence and AI are the same thing, than why call it something different?

Confidence and the AI are not the same thing. The AI is Archetype Ideal...your confidence is the degree in which you believe in yourself.The AI is who you are, but the subsconscious, hidden, "whole" you, so to speak.

When you look in the night sky and see the quarter moon, just cause you don't see theother half doesn't mean it aint there.

The goal of the AI is "full moon".

The confidence or more so, self-actualization I am working on is not driven by my need to satisfy any particuliar woman, and I have been working on attaining it long before I knew this site existed.

Self actualization IS the ultimate integration of your hidden AI manifested in the whole you. And, granted, the point of this evolution isn't to "get chicks", obviously. I'm at least glad to know you're doing the work for the right reasons.

My reasons for knowing myself go beyond just simply to attract women.

See above

And the AI that I'm after in other women that I'm 1. afraid of?? I gotta strongly disagree with you on this one,

You're not "after the AI" in other women. Those women reflect back to you various qualities of YOUR AI - at any given time of the encounter. The MORE they reflect it back, the more compelled to her you are.
I said above, the more self aware you are, the less intimidation there is. It stops becomeing a confidence issue and becomes an integrationg issue - what it is.

Only when you're unaware, unevolved, have no real clue why you are how you are, these women compel you and the "lack of awareness" is what intimidates the guys all over the place. But they know that once they meet her, get with her, "conquer" her that compulsion weakens...HIS illusionof who she always ws tempers into a realistic picture of who she is. Thru this union, on whatever terms, he begins to integrate these "criteria" whether he's conscious of it or not. He learns, he grows, he evolves. next time he encounters a woman 'like the last one' the intimidation issue is decreased. It's the women who are "perfect" more so, the absolute Ideal that noid him out.

I am confident enough to know that I have plenty to offer women and have no reason to fear them, as ****y as this sounds, I feel I am doing them a favor by letting them be in my life.

That's fine, but has little to do with what's taking place. But, if you are not reflecting any part of her AI back to her naturally, by the fact you exist, or by the fact you consciously deliberately project it, she will never be attracted to you no matter what. If you're attracted to her at all, she's an AI reflection (yours).

If you feel the phsycial attraction to her at all, the reflections are compelling you because they are a triggering of the integration process...the life dynamic has been engaged, naturally speaking, which is why you "have the urge to mate" with this woman, to balance the polarity, the perpetuation of Life, which is the point, but has, thanks to our self indulgent clueless egos, been bastardized into "getting laid" for the sake of pleasure.

doesn't mean we can't get laid for the hell of it. It means there's something else happening for other reasons that we comprehend, regardless of how we paint the surface pictures. doesn't change the FACT that it operates this way for a reason that cannot be changed excepting Death, so if you find a woman appealing at all enough to have sex with, it's your AI telling you there's more integrating that needs to happen, like it or not.

Of course I don't give them much of my time if their not fun to be around and interesting.

Attraction and compulsion are not the same thing. Compulsion is the fuel that runs attraction. You can be as ****y as you want, but if she doesn't find you attractive/compelling (meaning you don't reflect back any semblance of HER AI) she could care less either way, she has no attraction to you and you cannot change it.

If a woman IS attracted to you, she may or may not have sex with you. If she is COMPELLED by her attraction to you, you're so in it'd make your head spin.

Do you know how to know the difference? Would you like to know how to know the difference? If not, then don't worry about it. Keep on doing what you're doing and leave the whole thing up to chance.

The difference is that knowing means you are no longer compelled by life, experience or other people. It's not confidence. It's comprehension, awareness. Knowledge.

Very easy to "get". When you don't know, you're compelled. When you know, you're in control.

[This message has been edited by destini (edited 12-06-2002).]

Mr. Mystery

Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
Right there!
Thanks for clarifying.

So basically you beleive the whole opposites attract kinda attraction theory?

AI and self actualization are similiar? I beleive you said that self actualization brings you closer to your AI or perfect self. This isn't confidence? You could be right, maybe they are seperate things, but the closer you get to knowing yourself the more confident you become.

Could you go a little deeper into the compusion and attraction bit.


Mr. Mystery

"Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around" - Vanilla Sky

The unexamined life is not worth living – Socrates

"Whats your favorite position? That's cool with me, it's not my favorite but I'll do it for you" - Tenacious D - Fvck her gentley

"I'd rather hear no, than never know" - Mr. Mystery himself!

Those that go searching for love, only manifest their own lovelessness. And the loveless never find love, only the loving find love. And they never have to seek for it - D.H. Lawrence

"Don't take life too seriously or you'll never get out alive" - Van Wilder

The Edge

Master Don Juan
Oct 25, 2002
Reaction score
I have given up the hope of ever posting a reply, without either running into your name or train of thought.

First, "pat on the back" for being able to get your thoughts across without the use of vulgar terms as a buffer for your edgy comments..

I would love to spend an hour dissecting everything you've said on this thread, but the loud echoes of GRADUATE SCHOOL coerce me instead.

However I do have one question. After the exceptional display of your ability to recreate attraction into a science, and spoon feed it to a site filled with highschool and college students, how do you explain this?

Two men walk into a bar. Just for sh*its and giggles we'll call them Kwah(love that guy) and The Edge.

While they stand waiting for a beer they see a woman(we'll call her Ms her too) standing across from them:

Kwah: Holy sh*it Edge look at Ms Thang, she's freakin' hott.

Edge: I second..

Now as simple as this conversation sounds, here is the question:

How in the name of God, can you validate Kwah's A. I. and Ms Thang's A. I. suddenly, WITHOUT the two of them meeting, automatically going through an encounter of Polar-like dimensions??

Mind you they are way across the room from each other.

He glances at her once, and has never seen her before, yet he experiences that DESIRE for her. For a second, he even places her on a pedestal!!!!!

A. I. huh? I know this to be simple attraction, perpetuated by lust...

However before I continue, answer the question....

The Edge... "Some have it , and some don't"


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score

I will try to answer that...and will stand corrected if I am wrong.

When you look at somebody you don't know in a personal, ACTUAL level, your only basis is their physical appearence. When you see a 'hot' women, a chick that you are attracted to, you ASSUME or perceive them to have traits of your AI. This is because you simply ASSUME that hot girls fvck good, and that they are wild, and that they are sexy. You don't KNOW these things, but since they are characteristics that make up your AI (if in fact, they do), you PERCEIVE any girl which you are compelled by her looks to have it. It's just like if you were to look at Britney Spears (if you found her hot). You wouldn't assume that she's got a stinky pvssy, or that she is a total bytch, or that she has no confidence in herself. Because her image is sold based on the general man's AI. The hot girl across the bar that you have never met, you feel uncomfortable and nervous in front of her because you PERCEIVE, ASSUME (want) her to have these traits of your AI. And since, according to your subconcious, she does have these traits, the polar opposite of those traits are the flaws that are in you. You feel funny around her because you believe that she can see these flaws. Since her traits that are attractive to you are perfection, it ignites your flaws and makes you feel subconcious about them in yourself. And that is the reason for the uncomfortable feeling before you approaching.



Don Juan
Dec 1, 2002
Reaction score
Northern Az
Blitz - remember, the AI is subconscious so it's not going to be anything we consciously apply. All we are doing, because it's compulsion, is responding to it and applying conscious labels and descriptions onto our perceptions of the other person, attributing it to them because we are unaware of its actual origin.

Knowing this and becoming aware of it has never been a mystery of Life...the answers to this and where to look are found up one side and down the other. The AI WANTS to be actualized...that's its entire function, goal. So we're given clues and signs and signals and neon flares all over the place.

ONLY a certain kind of individual will EVER be able to see this for what it is, and that is an individual who has made a conscious, deliberate choice for self actualization.

Then he's on the right path. All the others, like those people walking on that raod, laugh, dismiss and carry on, never having a clue what's on the other side of that fence.

They weren't going anyway.


Sorry...took me a few to figure out where they moved it

&gt;&gt;&gt;Thanks for clarifying.
So basically you beleive the whole opposites attract kinda attraction theory? &lt;&lt;&lt;

It's not "theory" (per se). It's the force that sustains and perpetuates Life. Let me say, pending further explanation into another area altogether, that the same principles apply in the dynamics of any expereince. You must have this polarity period to even sustain the momentum in any of your experiences else the whole thing comes to a halt and ends. Polarity= life, no polarity = no life.

It's not a theory. It IS Life. It is what it is. So, work WITH it and the way will become surprisingly easier.

AI and self actualization are similiar?
I beleive you said that self actualization brings you closer to your AI or perfect self. This isn't confidence? You could be right, maybe they are seperate things, but the closer you get to knowing yourself the more confident you become.

The archetype Ideal is still you, but it's the complete you...the manifest you, the hidden you is not two different you's but the polarity OF is your active manifest Self down here in the world, the other (polairty) is the hidden, fully actialized highest Self. It's the reason we evolve, the reason for self actualization is to integrate the manifest self with the high self - you know this already.

It is not "confidence". Confidence is what the manifest you feels each time you make it out a growth experience alive :p
It's a by product of the KNOWING YOU CAN. If you KNOW it, there is no doubt. Doubt, in itself creates the sapce for fears and anxieties that block you from the integration of the AI with who you are here and now.

Could you go a little deeper into the compusion and attraction bit.

I will do that in a seperate thread shortly.


I have given up the hope of ever posting a reply, without either running into your name or train of thought.&lt;&lt;&lt;

Jeez, you give up so easily. We didn't even get to arm wrestle.

&gt;&gt;&gt;First, "pat on the back" for being able to get your thoughts across without the use of vulgar terms as a buffer for your edgy comments..&lt;&lt;&lt;

Blitz made me do it.

&gt;&gt;&gt;I would love to spend an hour dissecting everything you've said on this thread, but the loud echoes of GRADUATE SCHOOL coerce me instead.&lt;&lt;&lt;

Maybe we can meet over coffee.

&gt;&gt;&gt;However I do have one question. After the exceptional display of your ability to recreate attraction into a science, and spoon feed it to a site filled with highschool and college students, how do you explain this?&lt;&lt;&lt;

How do I explain what? How I "recreated attraction into a science" (which I didn't do - I just passed it along) or manage to spoon feed it to highschoolers and college boys?

All I did was lay it down on the table and chain a big ugly barking Rot to it and those who wanted to see, saw. Those would be the only ones who mattered. But, as I already knew, they weren't gonna see it anyway. I never was interested in cheerleaders.

Will do this one seperately one post isn't so horribly long.

[This message has been edited by destini (edited 12-06-2002).]

Bungo Pony

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2001
Reaction score
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
In otherwords destini, you're talking about CHEMISTRY.

"Feelin' sleazy dirty,
Feelin' kinda mean,
Feelin' up, down & in-between,
Feelin' kinda ****y
Feel I'm on the rise,
Feel myself a-coming between your thighs" - Jackyl

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.

The Edge

Master Don Juan
Oct 25, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by xblitz44x:

I will try to answer that...and will stand corrected if I am wrong.

Blitz, you've explained PERCEPTION to a perfection. Good Job!!!

However, my question for her was to validate why the man(Kwah...just love this guy) glancing over at the woman (Ms her too) from 10 to 15 feet away, fell to his knees with desire.

How in the world does Destini validate a "POLAR-LIKE ATTRACTION" when the two have not even met??

For a positive to even be slightly attracted to a negative( masculine A.I. and feminine A.I. according to "our lady with a destination") they both have to meet at some point for ANY type of attraction to occur.

Lust/ Desire/ Need/ Love/ Want/ Tenderness/ Flesh/ Heart/ Sex/ Throb/ Dilate/ Wetness..

Do you know why you felt good reading these 12 words?? Because they are all combined into a passionate extreme, that attracts us to each other!!

No matter how hard we try to break down the power of attraction into a science, the truth is, in the animal kingdom a horse would fu*ck its own mom just because he wanted to.

However, as humans, a thin veil separates us from the sporadic-like behavior of animals.

It's called our conscience, and with it, we have the ability to control our desires.

Thus, to put it matter-of-fact-like, we really CANNOT COMPREHEND, nor do we have a ability to provide any feasible explanation as to what drives us through the attraction phase.

However, as sorry as it sounds, we can learn how to manipulate it, through mediums. Be it speech patterns, begging theories, or reading Romance Novels(ugh!) as Destini puts it ..

Whatever works!!!(LOL!)

So the next time you want to explain the anatomical patterns that come together to form the mystic system we know as attraction, remember the one time your PU*SSY got WET when you saw someone you liked, and just...


The Edge "some have it and some don't"

Bungo Pony

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2001
Reaction score
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Originally posted by The Edge:

How in the world does Destini validate a "POLAR-LIKE ATTRACTION" when the two have not even met??
Even though this 5hit is not worded in a straight-forward way which I can understand easily, I think I get it. It's just an early stage of chemistry.

Look at it this way. Some fvcking AFC has got his eyes on this chick. He loves the way she moves, the way she smiles, the way she pulls her wedgie out of her asscrack, etc. He overheard her talking to one of her friends, and he loves the way she speaks and the sound of her voice. This fvckhole is feeling a chemistry with this chick who doesn't even know he exists. Same 5hit works for women.

However, the two COULD notice each other, and like how the other one acts without even meeting each other. They both feel some sort of chemistry with each other. Get what I mean? Of course the dumbfvck is too chicken-5hit to make a move on her cause she just seems to do all the right things to give him a lump in his pants.

Doesn't this 5hit just make you wanna go "awwwwwww!"?


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2002
Reaction score
Northern Az

&gt;&gt;&gt;In otherwords destini, you're talking about CHEMISTRY.&lt;&lt;&lt;
AND biology AND physiology AND physics AND psychology...


The Edge

&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;However, my question for her was to validate why the man(Kwah...just love this guy) glancing over at the woman (Ms her too) from 10 to 15 feet away, fell to his knees with desire.

How in the world does Destini validate a "POLAR-LIKE ATTRACTION" when the two have not even met??&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;

Go back to my site, go to the link for "who exactly is destini9" and when that picture comes up you tell me 1. would you f*ck her and 2. how long it took you to make that determination.

The attraction is either there or it is not there. The same thing happens, precisely and for the same reason, when you look at a woman, be it in a picture or in the flesh, the attraction is there or it is NOT there. IF you look at a woman and you KNOW you would never f*ck her, there is NO ATTRACTION. IF you look at a woman and you KNOW that "given the right circumstance" you would, YOU WILL.

You either WILL or you will NOT and YOU KNOW this the instant you set eyes on someone.

Now, when you look at a woman, such as was the case for Kwah when he spied Ms Thang, the attraction was present ENOUGH to KNOW he wanted to f*ck her. Provided that's a literal example, either way, we'll pretend it is.

IF, however, he found her attractive but wasn't all that amped up at the idea of sex with her, the ATTRACTION is still present.

The difference, that you're wanting an answer to is between ATTRACTION AND COMPULSION. Attraction simply draws two opposites together. Compulsion guarantees it.

&gt;&gt;&gt;For a positive to even be slightly attracted to a negative( masculine A.I. and feminine A.I. according to "our lady with a destination") they both have to meet at some point for ANY type of attraction to occur.&lt;&lt;&lt;

No they don't. I'm not talking about superficial, emotional or intellectually based rationalizations like "if the timing was right" or "if she was thinner/fatter/smarter/cuter" I'd do her.

I am talking about core human motivation. Superficially it is attraction. Beneath it is compulsion. Compulsion driven attraction guarantees sex is inevitable PROVIDED nothing destroys it before it's manifested. You can always knock something off course.

Provided it's not knocked off course, and provided both continue to feed the dynamic between them interest and attention IN SEX BETWEEN THEM, the nature of that interest and attention will inevitably result in SEX BETWEEN THEM.

That might sound vague or abstract but it's really quite simplistic. It's common physics...everything in life, from objects to situations began with an Idea...and given then nature of applied force on that idea, resulted in a physical reality manifestation. Toilet paper was an Idea. Not it's a physical manifestation OF that idea.

We have "ideas" abotu what kinda partner we want, what kind of lifestyle we want, what kind of job we's all IDEA. As long as we apply active interest and attention, we will ultimately manifest the partner, lifestyle, job in our reality.

The AI is an Archetype Ideal. It's NOT anything we consciously created. The AI is NOT "our ideal lover". The AI is a polarity balance of ourselves. Always was, always will be. In a nutshell, WE, you and me, and them and us, and everyone IS THE PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION REALITY OF OUR OWN AI in any given stage of integration and wholeness. The AI, however, is fully realized. WE are NOT, and thus the purpose of "evolution" and "self actualization" is to ultimately integrate the full wholeness of the AI into a physical manifestation reality. Your AI IS THE reason you are here learning ways to better yourself. Your AI is solely responsible for motivating YOU, as a flesh and bone individual, to evolve and grow.

Kwah may take one look at Ms Thang and fall on the floor in a heated pile of smouldering passion, but Ms Thang may take one look at Kwah and feel nothing. Just because he is floored by her in no way "means" she will feel the same things.

If Kwah has this reaction to Ms Thang, it's BECAUSE, and only BECAUSE, she reflects back to him various qualities of HIS OWN AI, that he will inevitably, ultimately attribute TO HER as having, when in reality, she very does or may NOT possess them herself.

The MORE of the AI reflection he sees in Ms Thang, the MORE his attraction is driven by COMPULSION. There is a reason for this.

I explained it above. It's the reason we mate. We don't mate, and anybody who thinks anything differently is sorely uneducated, because we want to get laid, have sex, are horny, are in love, or any of those reasons. The ONLY REASON we, as humans, and same goes for any other breeding species, MATE AT ALL is for the purpose of perpetuating the species. Period. And this is programmed into each and every one of us from the moment we are conceived.

BUT...the POINT of Life is evolution. Evolution is the graduating of the species, "to form a more perfect life form", so to speak. This is WHY there is the polarity at all...those opposites do attract and the "fire" created by that attraction is the fuel called compulsion. The more of it there is, the more it is guaranteed we will mate BUT that we will mate with the right partner so that we can evolve the species the right way. Everything evolves. Death happens when those two forces cease to exist...when there is no polarity.

In order for this to be on "auto pilot" (cause we all know the Creator/s are not down here going, "hey! Time to mate! Evolve here! Let's go!") a mechanism was provided that would guarantee we would mate at all, have a reason to, and then ultimately, to do it for the good of the species itself. That mechanism is that thing you call "horniness" - that is the sexual urge to mate, programmed into every one of us. It's the Sex Radar...and it is pre-designed to "go off", send alerts thru our bodies when we are in range of the proper suitors for the task. The urges simply tell you that it's time to mate.

The AI is what tells you "who with".

&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;Lust/ Desire/ Need/ Love/ Want/ Tenderness/ Flesh/ Heart/ Sex/ Throb/ Dilate/ Wetness..

Do you know why you felt good reading these 12 words?? Because they are all combined into a passionate extreme, that attracts us to each other!!&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;

Well, first of all, I didn't feel anything whatsoever reading those words, aside from my overall feelings as I reply to you. And this assumption you made is so flawed it defies explanation. Words don't have a flying f*king thing to do with anything...other than to convey an IDEA. They are used by a conscious, unevolved brain to describe an abstract, evolved, concept. You can describe it any way you want, but that in no way changes, manipulates, or otherwise alters what IS. That's just you describing it based on how you perceive it.

&gt;&gt;&gt;No matter how hard we try to break down the power of attraction into a science, the truth is, in the animal kingdom a horse would fu*ck its own mom just because he wanted to.&lt;&lt;&lt;

Wrong. If and when a horse mates, it has little to do with what it "wants". He, like you and the rest of us NEVER MAKE conscious choices on whether to mate or not. Ever. We're GOING to mate because we are COMPELLED to mate. The compulsion is purely subconscious programming FOR THE PURPOSE of perpetuating the species, NOT because it was horny and that horse looked good. That's ridiculous. That horse, same as you, me, everyone else, has a trigger programmed into it designed to go off when it's time to mate.

The point I am going to assume you're making is that attraction isn't a "science" because it's compulsion. I're arguement there leave much to be desired. Attraction can be studied, measured, filtered, manipulated...therefore can be qualified as a "science" to some degree, depending on the "scientist". Attraction is measured by degree of compulsion. Not ego based want or desire. It's subconscious programming and we're programmed with a perfect image of the perfect mate that, when integrated, creates and sustains and perpetuates a perfect wholeness. The AI is behind the evolution, and that applies specifically to "who" we mate with at any time.

&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;However, as humans, a thin veil separates us from the sporadic-like behavior of animals.

It's called our conscience, and with it, we have the ability to control our desires.&lt;&lt;&lt;

Indeed we do.

&gt;&gt;&gt;Thus, to put it matter-of-fact-like, we really CANNOT COMPREHEND, nor do we have a ability to provide any feasible explanation as to what drives us through the attraction phase. &lt;&lt;&lt;

Wrong again. The correct answer is that we DO NOT COMPREHEND that we DO HAVE THE ABILITY to provide a solid, factual, provable explanation as to what drives us thru the attraction phase. We absolutely CAN comprehend it AND SHOULD comprehend it, cause it aint that hard to wrap your brain around. The only reason we don't, as a rule, comprehend it is BECAUSE it's a subconscious motivation...and because it is such, it is compulsion rather than consciously controlled. If you have any doubts about subconscious compulsions, then it is you who cannot see passed the edge of your nose.

And a very easy way to measure the subconscious compulsion is to look only at the physical manifestation reality is produces...and it always will. You just have to know it when you see it.

&gt;&gt;&gt;However, as sorry as it sounds, we can learn how to manipulate it, through mediums. Be it speech patterns, begging theories, or reading Romance Novels(ugh!) as Destini puts it ..

Whatever works!!!(LOL!)&lt;&lt;&lt;

I have no idea what you're talking about. YOU may not comprehend how powerful you Archetype Ideal is and how much you are compelled by it nonetheless, but that doesn't mean that it aint there and it aint making you do doggie tricks. It's extraordinarily powerful. Learn about archetypes. Learn about you.

&gt;&gt;&gt;So the next time you want to explain the anatomical patterns that come together to form the mystic system we know as attraction, remember the one time your PU*SSY got WET when you saw someone you liked, and just...

LEAVE IT AT THAT!!!!!!&lt;&lt;&lt;

Attraction doesn't have squat to do with mysticism. How you pulled that outta your asss is beyond me. And I genuinely hope to God above that you seriously do not really try to pull that "trance words" bulsh*t on real people in real life.

Here's the part you miss. All over the place. IF you walked up to me in a bar and you said that sh*t, and I gave you a blowj*b in the parking lot later, I know sure as I sit here you'd go home thinking Ross Jeffries is like the most smartesss dude everrrr...and it never would've occured to you that maybe, just maybe, the only reason you got it at all was because I found you fundamentally attractive enough (which comes straight from the AI reflection coming from within myself, projected onto you thereby engaging the compulsion beneath that attraction) to give you the time of f*king day.

And IF I didn't, you can use "p*ssy" and "wet" and "f*ck" til your teeth fall out but you won't EVER get any "cat" from yours truly unless you took it by force...and then you better make it good cause it'd be the last bit of p*ssy you ever got...

[This message has been edited by destini (edited 12-06-2002).]


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2002
Reaction score
Northern Az
Bottom line........

"Horny" says it's time to mate.

"Attraction" brings you together.

"Compulsion" ensures it happens.

"AI" directs you to the right one at the right time for what you need to experience and ultimately integrate to evolve further.


If any of these are not active, NO F*CKING WILL EVER HAPPEN.

1. Just because there is an attraction present, in no way implies nor assumes that it is of a sexual nature.

2. The ONLY TIME we have sex with ANYONE AT ALL EVER is when the attraction is fueld by compulsion.

3.If there is no compulsion attraction, there will NEVER be any sex happening ever, at all, no matter what you think, want, or do, short of rape.

4. Sexual/physical attraction IS COMPULSIVE.

5. Compulsive attraction will ALWAYS, by design, point us straight to those individuals who reflect back to us the proper polarity WE NEED TO INTEGRATE THAT WHOLENESS OF OUR OWN AI.

[This message has been edited by destini (edited 12-06-2002).]

The Edge

Master Don Juan
Oct 25, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by destini:

And IF I didn't, you can use "p*ssy" and "wet" and "f*ck" til your teeth fall out but you won't EVER get any "cat" from yours truly unless you took it by force...and then you better make it good cause it'd be the last bit of p*ssy you ever got...

[This message has been edited by destini (edited 12-06-2002).][/B]
Destini, I will apologize about one thing.

I was wrong: my mom actually had me when she was 19!! (Uhgggg! you guys are about the same age....)

Destini, talking to you can be compared to talking to my MOTHER in many ways: and this has nothing to do with you being a year younger than her!! It just the constant "Take out the Trash, or YOU GETS' NO SUPPER!!" references that get to me.


As a result, I will say this...To respond to your statement above would BE AN ATROCITY. It would only fan the flames of incest that are hidden in our.... A.I.'s ......

Isn't that how YOU put it D.E.S.T.I.N.I.!!!

You know what though, I give credit where credit is do mom,..I mean Destini..OOPS!..

You are obviously a very intellectual woman with a lot to offer a man..(Or woman..LOL!)

But I am happy going to the bars and picking up 20-year women with SS techniques. They respond...Sorry!!

The truth is, as long as I am successful using something, I will continue using it. So take you witnessing to someone else's door PLEASE!!!

Who fu*cken cares if Ross Jeffries is a fast talking salesman???... IT WORKS FOR ME!..And that's all that matters.

I GOT LAID!! AFTER I USED HIS TECHNIQUES!!! AND THE WOMEN (although few) HAVE BEEN BEAUTIFUL!! (At least they are a sh*itload more attractive than the ones I fu*cked before I got SS Techniques down.)

Okay,don't get your BLOOMERS in a bunch. (40-year old women don't wear panties do they?) I'm sure back in Woodstock, guys were more responsive to your A.I. theory;... so here is an idea.

My dad was in Woodstock and he remembers hearing the whole A.I. jargon through the haze of drugs.

I figure the both of you can meet up, create a UTOPIA-like environment,and recount all your WWII stories.

Then he can give you some DI*CK!... No!.... better yet some GOOD DI*CK!


Maybe, then you will lay off this board, and stop bringing CANDY to our forum with statements like:

" Hey little boy, Listen to me, and Momma will make you a STAR!"

The Edge "Some have it and Some don't"

[This message has been edited by The Edge (edited 12-07-2002).]