Transform Your Dating Life in Minutes

If you're looking for a proven system to attract women and achieve dating success, you're in the right place.

Our step-by-step guide is the perfect starting point for any man looking to improve his dating life.

With our expert advice and strategies, you'll be able to overcome common obstacles, build confidence, and start attracting the women you desire.

Thanks for joining us, and I wish you all the best on your path to success!

The So suave Challenge


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2002
Reaction score
Vienna, Austria, Europe
destini, from your Website:
I've gone round and round with guys over this "nice guy" busines because they're universally perceived as those spineless sappy guys who shove their heads up a woman's ass and get jerked around. It's *wrong*. I, personally, cannot tell you how many of those Casanovas in my lifetime have vowed all they wanted was a piece of ass, no ties, and I said, problem...and 2 months later they were so far up my ass God could barely breathe.

It's not a "nice guy" thing and it's not a "jerk" thing. It's a GUY thing. And what's happening inside him, how he perceives women, the strength of his own ego, how self aware he is.
I read every article on your website. My conclusion is: You have long ago put yourself above men. You perceive men as weak and boyish by nature. I assume, the reason for this is: Your family dynamic perceives your father as weak. Maybe he was a good guy, but did not have a father himself, maybe he was an alcoholic, left your mother, whatever. I state, your perception of your father has twisted your whole perception of men. It even goes that far, that obviously you only *choose* weak men (see your statement above), you filter reality that it fits your inner belief systems, and then your generalize that weakness is "a GUY thing".
You are on your samaritarian crusade because you think men are weak and they deserve your motherly help, which you give so self-sacrificing, but your reasons are simply not legit, so you encounter harsh resentments.
The AI and other theories, are YOUR rationaliziations for keeping up YOUR beliefs (and probably family dynamics).

Thanks for listening. Keep in mind that english is not my mother tongue.


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2002
Reaction score
Northern Az

>>>Destini, I will apologize about one thing.

I was wrong: my mom actually had me when she was 19!! (Uhgggg! you guys are about the same age....)

Destini, talking to you can be compared to talking to my MOTHER in many ways: and this has nothing to do with you being a year younger than her!! It just the constant "Take out the Trash, or YOU GETS' NO SUPPER!!" references that get to me.


Well, thanks for clarifying your mamma issues for everybody. Actually, I'm not "scolding" you or anybody else. You know, we all have the Mother Archetype as well - point is, we HAVE these archetypes that are unconscious and hidden, but that nevertheless *compel* us to respond in various ways because we aren't *conscious* what we're responding to.

Your answer above is a shining, brilliant example of this entire manifestation of the AI...Shakespeare himself couldn't have done better.

You have, apparently attributed to me, without ever recognizing why, various traits you associate with the dominating mother archetype that, in your reality, threatens you. *Consciously* you KNOW I am not your mother and you KNOW I have no power over you and no reason to threaten your reality.

But the power of the unconscious archetypes is such that BECAUSE you don't consciously "get it" that 'hey, this is why I am feeling these feelings when I deal with D9 - I'm responding to the dominating mother archetype...and associate D9 with this archetype and projecting my perceptions - that I haven't reconciled with onto this person on this board' instead, you see me as being these things and therefore assume you're responding to me accordingly.

It's the same thing, honey.

We all have our Ideal Archetype Counterpart, and when we encounter such a person, we don't recognize it for what it is - we assume it's the person that has these traits therefore we're just responding to them.

How easy it is to see the AI at's always manifested as a projection OR a reflection. It has nothing to do with THEM. It's YOUR perceptions to your OWN AI that CONTROL ALL YOUR RESPONSES TO EVERYTHING AROUND YOU.

When you encounter these girls (now that I know you could be my son), they still represent to you forms of your AI (counterpart)...this is why you're attracted to them. If they, in turn are attracted to you as well, it's NOT because of anything YOU did. It's BECAUSE you reflect back to them, by the fact you exist, various forms of THEIR AI (counterparts)...and the more of these "criteria" you reflect for one another, the more the attraction is fueled by *compulsion*, which is also hidden, subconscious, which is why you inevitably will have sex, as long as the dynamic is not disrupted.

It's nothing you can "consciously" deliberately "do" for each's a recognition between you on an unconscious level, UNCONSCIOUS = YOU AREN'T AWARE OF IT.

>>>As a result, I will say this...To respond to your statement above would BE AN ATROCITY. It would only fan the flames of incest that are hidden in our.... A.I.'s ......<<<<

Well, you are responding.
I don't even wanna know what that "incest" crack reveals, but I'd bet moneyit's that you have a problem with integrating your own dominance when going up against your own dominating mother. See, SEX IS integration or the polarities.

I'm sure this makes everybody cringe, but that's because it's UNCONSCIOUS COMPULSION so we aren't AWARE of it for what it is, but when people have (and we all do before it's said and done) incest dreams we repress them and dare not ever mention that to anybody because WE "consciously" perceive that to be sick and twisted. In reality, your unconscious SPEAKS TO YOU thru symbols such as the archetypes and feeds them to your conscious brain...where, in turn, you begin the process of labeling and describing your "feelings" and intellectual meanderings, and since you know it's against the law, and sick and twisted to have sex with family memebers, you assume you're f*cked up because you had a dream like that.

ALL that happened was your unconscious sent you a "picture" (archetype idea) of various issues it already knows (cause it's already the whole and perfect YOU and its entire purpose is to evolve you) of various polarity issues you need to face and reconcile and ultimately integrate so you CAN evolve. The depiction of SEX between ANYBODY IS ALWAYS ALWAYS about integrating the polarities.

So when - because it'll happen, you have that incest dream and I'm there stepping on your testicles with a pair of 6 inch spikes, instead of freaking out, just know that it came to tell you that you need to deal with your dominating mother issues in a more constructing way than compensating for telling her off by telling me off.

>>>You know what though, I give credit where credit is do mom,..I mean Destini..OOPS!..
You are obviously a very intellectual woman with a lot to offer a man..(Or woman..LOL!)<<<

Don't tell me, sweety...tell your mom. She's the one you need to deal with. Then "ballbusting" women like me will no longer effect you this way...and guess what. You'll have integrated a thicker level of the confidence you're after.

>>>But I am happy going to the bars and picking up 20-year women with SS techniques. They respond...Sorry!!<<<

There's nothing to be sorry about. I'm not knocking you or anyone else for trying to find things to help them better themselves. I'm knocking specific "programs" that incorporate unethical behavior as a prerequisite for doing something that will automatically, naturally happen anyway.

You THINK you are getting women with techniques because you're being compelled by your subconscious and don't know any better. But the FACT of the matter is, your confidence levels increasing only made YOU more inclined to follow thru instead of run orr of freeze up, which thereby ALLOWED the dynamic to progess like it was supposed to and gonna all along.

You'd still get laid regardless, is the point.

>>>Who fu*cken cares if Ross Jeffries is a fast talking salesman???... IT WORKS FOR ME!..And that's all that matters.

I GOT LAID!! AFTER I USED HIS TECHNIQUES!!! AND THE WOMEN (although few) HAVE BEEN BEAUTIFUL!! (At least they are a sh*itload more attractive than the ones I fu*cked before I got SS Techniques down.)<<<

Who cares? You should if you sent him your money. Again, you would have gotten laid ANYWAY. You don't believe this because you're basing it on the fact that youhad no confidence and because you didn't none of the girls liked you enough to give you any.

That's nonsense. The fact you didn't have any confidence was relevant ONLY in the fact you never allowed yourself to follow YOU blocked your own self from something INEVITABLE. Confindece is only enabling you to NOT slam the door on the natural dynamic. Those girls were still attracted to you and always would've inevitably f*cked you. They just couldn't get past your wall.

If they could have, you'd have gotten laid whether you were peeing in your pants scared or ballbusting and brave. RJ has nothing useful for you. IT WAS ALWAYS YOU THE WHOLE TIME and that's why you should care.

>>>Okay,don't get your BLOOMERS in a bunch. (40-year old women don't wear panties do they?) I'm sure back in Woodstock, guys were more responsive to your A.I. theory;... so here is an idea.<<<

I wear thongs, when I wear them. I was a child during woodstock, thanks tho. Bone up on yer cultural history next year.

And, your basic psychology. It's not "my" theory. It's a very real, scientifically based, universally accepted model of human behavior, founded by the renown psychoanalyst Carl Jung. It iant something I "made up". This is HOW YOU OPERATE, and whether you belive it, buy it, understand it doesn't change a damn thing. It's been around much much longer than "woodstock".

Educate yourself. When (and if) you actually make it to colleg, be sure to get a good dose or 4 of psych classes. Then come on back and try again.

>>>My dad was in Woodstock and he remembers hearing the whole A.I. jargon through the haze of drugs.<<<<

which is no doubt the reason he's failed miserably in enlightening you.

>>>>I figure the both of you can meet up, create a UTOPIA-like environment,and recount all your WWII stories.

Then he can give you some DI*CK!... No!.... better yet some GOOD DI*CK!


DUDE. Are you like trying to set me up with yer dad??!! YOU got ISSUES. I think YOU need to get off the board and go confront your problem with your mother, and help daddy figure out why he's inept in his union with her. Cause it's sorely f*cking you up.

>>>Maybe, then you will lay off this board, and stop bringing CANDY to our forum with statements like:

" Hey little boy, Listen to me, and Momma will make you a STAR!"<<<

No, but if you take a really big breath and hold it, maybe I'll consider it. I'll let ya know ext Christmas

[This message has been edited by destini (edited 12-07-2002).]


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2002
Reaction score
Northern Az

>>>read every article on your website. My conclusion is: You have long ago put yourself above men. <<<<

You may have read em but you certainly didn't comprehend them. I don't put myself above anybody.If that's what you got out of it, that's what you were predisposed to get out of it from the 'flame' happening over her.

>>>You perceive men as weak and boyish by nature.<<<<

We are ALL weak and [childish] by nature. This is WHY I introduced you to your AI. Sorry you can't get your brain around it. And I'd tell you the same sh*t if you were a chick.

>>>I assume, the reason for this is: Your family dynamic perceives your father as weak. Maybe he was a good guy, but did not have a father himself, maybe he was an alcoholic, left your mother, whatever. I state, your perception of your father has twisted your whole perception of men. <<<<

Well, like that's something earth shattering. We ALL have issues with the opposite sex based on the parent archetypes and our relationships with them. That much you got right - except you erroneously assumed it was a "solitary issue" with just me and now you qualify for the APA.

My perception of men is clear as a bell. I did the work. Did you?

>>>It even goes that far, that obviously you only *choose* weak men (see your statement above), you filter reality that it fits your inner belief systems, and then your generalize that weakness is "a GUY thing".<<<

You have so completely missed the entire f*cking point of what you copied/pasted up there it's not even amusing.

The POINT I was making, that somebody with a semblance of common comprehension skills could pick up, is that the SS sh*t being fed to YOU guys ABOUT what a "nice guy" is or what a "jerk" is is horsesh*t. YOU are buying into the sterotypes. I wasn't saying *I* did by any means.

What *I* said was that YOU have assumed nice guys are spineless p*ssies who cant' get laid BECAUSE they're nice. An "jerks" get laid BECAUSE women want assh0les.

THIS is horsesh*t. The NEXT comment was a statement of fact that I personally have hooked up with the guys YOU (not me, cause I don't buy it to begin with) would classify as being a "jerk" PLENTY of times, and that by "jerk" he should be unwilling to be there, arrogant, pompous assed, selfish and self absorbed, all those "cliche jerk traits" and every last one of them "out for getting laid".

But it wasn't two months before they were up my ass, supplicating, doing all those things YOU CLASSIFY as being "nice guy/loser" traits. NOT ME cause I don't classify people that way to begin with. It aint about nice guys or jerks.


Maybe, for your satisfaction, I'll clarify it for you as it aint a guy thin, it aint a girl thing. IT'S A HUMAN THING.

Comprehend somthing. You read ONLY what you wanted to read, nevermind the fact it had totally nothing to do with the verifiable POINT of the post itself.

>>>You are on your samaritarian crusade because you think men are weak and they deserve your motherly help, which you give so self-sacrificing, but your reasons are simply not legit, so you encounter harsh resentments.<<<

Is that what it is? Thank you so much for "fixing me". Now all I need is some real man c*ck. Got any?

>>>The AI and other theories, are YOUR rationaliziations for keeping up YOUR beliefs (and probably family dynamics).<<<

You'll have to take that one up with Jung. I'm sure he'd take issue with me touting anything as "mine". Other than that, go back to psychology school.

>>>Thanks for listening. Keep in mind that english is not my mother tongue.<<<

Anytime. I will keep that in mind.

Mr. Mystery

Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
Right there!
You seem to have bought into your philosophical view. You believe it completely. One thing that you should keep in mind when dealing with philosophy is that it is best to be skeptical.

You seem to believe it completely. Suppose that this polarity is the real thing, what does it have to do with men here learning how to better themselves?

If the polarity is something we can't help, why worry about it? That is a big question I know you can't answer because its been asked so many times about philosophy.

It is interesting stuff but you should stay open minded when dealing with philosophical ideas.

Mr. Mystery

"Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around" - Vanilla Sky

The unexamined life is not worth living – Socrates

"Whats your favorite position? That's cool with me, it's not my favorite but I'll do it for you" - Tenacious D - Fvck her gentley

"I'd rather hear no, than never know" - Mr. Mystery himself!

Those that go searching for love, only manifest their own lovelessness. And the loveless never find love, only the loving find love. And they never have to seek for it - D.H. Lawrence

"Don't take life too seriously or you'll never get out alive" - Van Wilder

The Edge

Master Don Juan
Oct 25, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by destini:

So when - because it'll happen, you have that incest dream and I'm there stepping on your testicles with a pair of 6 inch spikes,

[This message has been edited by destini (edited 12-07-2002).][/B]
.........WHY EVEN BOTHER!!!!!!..............
I smell a lost cause, and it sure smells like FISH!!!

Destini...'UNCLE'.... There, I've said it..

You win, I lose, I'll take the candy, and I'll fu*ck you... Away from the playground though, where you won't get in trouble OKAY!!!

SHEESH !!! Do you have anything the fu*ck else to say grandma????

See you on another thread dude, this sh*it died the moment the letters " A " and " I " wriggled out of your fu*cken mouth..

The Edge "Some have it.. and some don't"


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2002
Reaction score
Northern Az
Hi Mystery~

>>>You seem to have bought into your philosophical view. You believe it completely
You seem to believe it completely. Suppose that this polarity is the real thing,<<<<

It's not "philosophy" and it's not "my" philosphy. It's a FACT of Life, of Nature.

Look around you. This polarity IS in ALL there is. On-Off. Up-Down. Black-White. In-Out. Hot-Cold. Strong-Weak. Love-Fear. Understadning-Confusion. Male-Female.

It's verifiably, universally proven FACT that ALL there is operates solely from the Male-Female Active-Passive polarity.

A light is either ON or it's OFF. An airplane is either UP or it's DOWN. You either WILL or you WON'T.

It all follows this principle. LIFE, human beings are no different. We are either conceptual or manifest. In order for any of us to get here at all, there HAD TO BE an active male force and a passive female force. Your dad was a male, your mom was the female, the active male force is the sperm, the passive feminine force is the egg, the act of sex itself requires the active male penis penetrating the passive female vagina, the process of germination follows the same principle, the fetus is hidden within the passive female womb until it is birthed into an active manifest (male) human.

In each and every creature there is the active, masculine consciousness and the passive, feminine UNCONSCIOUS.

EVERYTHING we do follows the same polarity: we're either passive or we're active, dominant or submissive, reserved or outgoing.

If you draw a picture, the crayon is the active, male tool and the paper is the passive, female canvas.

If you go pee, the toilet it the active male appliance and the bowl is the passive, feminine receptor.

If you fly a kite, the kite is the active male toy and the sky is the passive, feminine backdrop.

EVERYTHING is based, completely, down to the lowest possible denominator, ON the masculine/feminine active/passive POLARITY.

>>>what does it have to do with men here learning how to better themselves?

If the polarity is something we can't help, why worry about it? <<<

Compulsion is what happens when "you can't help it". The reason you can't help it is because ALL compulsion has its roots within the passive, feminine Unconscious, hidden from our active, masculine conscious minds.
JUST because we aren't aware of it in no way means it aint there...or that it aint still making us do the most "irrational" doggie tricks. On the contrary. And the less we are aware, the more powerfully we are led round by our noses by it.

The answer to both those questions is the same. As long as we do not understand our own processes, or WHY we respond as we do, we are unenlightened and no evolution will ever happen. Period. We will continue to be *compelled* by our unconscious dictates.

In and of itself, if that doesn't matter to you, fine, not the issue.

BUT if you are trying to do something that absolutely, without a doubt makes direct and total USE OF the Unconscious compulsion in another human being, then you NEED to know it's there and how to recognize it, how to work WITH IT.

Guys trying to seduce women cannot "seduce" women - respective of their ideas of what seducing women is because it's flawed. Anything you build on a faulty foundation will never succeed. It's always gonna come crashing down.

If you are looking at methods of "getting women" (regardless of the method) but you do NOT understand and recognize WHY you are attracted or sexually compelled by some people and not others, OR THAT other people are - and are not - attracted or sexually compelled to you, OR WHY that is, then whatever you try to "use" cannot possibly "work".

IF and when you obtain the results (regardless of what you did) and "get a woman", you will consciously apply a perception onto whatever behavior you performed and attribute it, FALSELY, onto the result that was successful.

In the future, you pull this out and "try it" again. No results. Instead of understanding WHY that is, you consciously apply a perception onto whatever bahavior you performed and attribute it, FALSELY, on to the result that was a failure.

In reality, you're developing an entire system of belief based on faulty structure and zero understanding of factual reality.

ANY 'confidence" you think you have obtained will ALWAYS be at risk because ALL it will ever take is ONE situation you cannot immediately get a handle on, and you'll immediately attempt to file thru your conscious drawer of "beliefs" to find something that provides a precident, and there won't be one.

WHEN that happens, and the first time you feel threatened, it will do MORE DAMAGE to your PSYCHE (which is the ONLY PLACE from whence true confidence originates) and make it HARDER for you to overcome the "blow" of the failure or barrier, obstacle, or whatever happened.

If you backed up and recognized WHY you even feel attraction, and WHY you do not, and the reason behind the sexual compulsions toward some people and not others, then youhave KNOWLEDGE of yourself and of other people.

WHEN you have knowledge, that is FACTUAL knowledge, the foundations will be solid and reliable. Because there is KNOWLEDGE, there is no room for doubts, fears, uncertainties. You simply KNOW. And WHAT you KNOW is FACTUAL REALITY. From this knowledge springs GENUINE AND UNSHAKEABLE CONFIDENCE that nothing else can ever threaten.

It's PERMANENT. And you WILL be able to tell the difference. It's not, "I feel great, I'm validated, look at me go". It's calm, assured, peaceful KNOWING that it is what it is and it will never dissolve.

There's nothing you can ever do to change factual reality. All you can ever change are your perceptions of it. Therein lay the key to your success in anything, women included.

You are attracted to anyone that your unconscious recognizes as mirror reflections of itself...that will ALWAYS BE consciously perceived as polar opposites...because your unconscious and your conscious ARE polar opposites.

When your unconscious recognizes these reflections in someone and is determined as being important "criteria" it knows you need to integrate to EVOLVE THE CONSCIOUS YOU, it will feed you a very clear "alert warning".

Your unconscious will feed you this by adding to the attraction the component of sexual urge, deepening it into compulsion. The more of this criteria you need to integrate, the stronger those urges will become and the more profound your attraction to the other person that's reflecting back to the conscious YOU, what YOUR unconscious needs for you to integrate so that YOU can actualize and evolve.

Your conscious, however, that is UNAWARE OF THIS FOR WHAT IT IS, can only respond to those feelings and urges by applying "conscious" labels and descriptions in order to communicate and comprehend, and it will do so based on ALL environmental and genetic criteria that's been fed into it from the day you were born, based on your upbringing, individuation, influences, society, and so on...

...Until, you, like everybody else who doesn't know any better,
feel the "arousal for mating warning" and consciously perceive "you're horny and wanna get laid and need to find a chick, especially a hot chick since that'll make you feel better about yourself and your masculinity, and to your buds in gym..." and any other bunch of nonsense you've bought into in your life.

You walk in a room and look around. You see 5 women. Your unconscious feeds you nothing more than basic attraction...maybe even 2 of them it tells feeds you a repulsive warning, meaning IT KNOWS that those two are NOT suitable for you to mate with for reasons known only to your unconscious, as it applies to your evolution.

Because ALL you consciously feel is "repulsion" you immediately begin to apply conscious attributes onto that perception, and end up satisfied with, "she's too ugly/fat/*****y/ or anything else your CONSCIOUS BRAIN has bought into as being "undesireable traits". and you're fine with that.

Then in walks the right one. Your unconscious immediately recognizes her and feeds you with an instantaneous urge to mate, that you, in your consciousness, immediately interpret as "she's a babe and I want some of that". And the more intense the "alert" the more you STILL RELY on you conscious brain to filter and attribute the information coming from your Unconscious.

If it's "unfathomnable" or confusing and you don't understand, your unconscious will point you in the right direction. It doesn't just leave you's goal is your evolution. So, it will "ding ding ding" louder and louder, like a radar detector when your perceptions get closer to the "criteria". All you get from it is that you're head over or "in heat" because she's beautiful, she's smart, she's sexy, she's wild, she's fun...all these things that your CONSCIOUS brain has attributed TO HER because it didn't know any better, that you find "ideal" in another person.

ALL that is taking place is that your unconscious is trying to get you to integrate i.e. mate .i.e. balane the polarities within yourself. Every one of those things you applied to another human being are ALWAYS coming from yout OWN AI perceptions and NOT THE PERSON THEMSELF.

YOU - and they - are ALWAYS responding to your own unconscious AI in all that you do.
And BECAUSE it is HIDDEN, meaning you aren't AWARE of it, ALL you can do is base everything you do on conscious perceptions.

IF those perceptions are WRONG to begin with, YOU cannot actualize. IE: YOU CANNOT MANIFEST INTO REALITY WHAT YOU WANT OR WHO YOU WANT TO BE. EVER.

You, who are immature and impatient and self absorbed, will immediately dismiss this as "whatever" long as you get laid, you don't care about all that stuff.

I am here to tell you that you will always get laid anyway when you can just get out of your own way. Any confidence you think you have obtained, without understanding what you're doing or why, is false confidence. You may not believe me right now cause you're amped and SS is "proven" by you, yourself.

But it'll happen. And every last bit of "confidence" you thought you had will dissolve before your very eyes. You will encounter that one woman some where, some time, when you least expect it (which will ALWAYS coinside with a much need transfromative period for you) and all your SS confidence and ego chillin will go right out the window.

She'll have you on your knees against all your best intentions and despite anything RJ can pull outta his asss.

THAT is why it matters. If you're looking to actualize and better yourself by way of indulging in your attraction for women, there's NOTHING wrong with that and THAT, for what it's worth is PRECISELY WHAT your unconscious is compelling you to do, time and again.

Further, you will go thru this time and again with countless women BECAUSE integration is a PROCESS.

It wants you AWARE so that you make CONSCIOUS CHOICES based on factual reality and proper foundation else there won't be any "betterment".

>>>That is a big question I know you can't answer because its been asked so many times about philosophy. <<<

I did answer it..with fact. Ya know, I doubt any of you (who use your brains) would argue with me that Einstein was brilliantly genius.

So let me leave you with this one last little gem...Enstein said...

The greatest mystery of life is that the universe is comprehensible.

It's not "philosophy". It's not "mysticism". It's not "jargon".

It's reality. It's LIFE. It's HOW we work and WHY we work and WHAT FOR.
It's proven. Validated only by looking around you.

And more comprehensible than you could ever imagine...

This information can do nothing BUT help you.
In more ways than you think. Whether you're willing to make a true conscious choice to wrap your brain around remains to be seen.

[This message has been edited by destini (edited 12-07-2002).]


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2002
Reaction score
Northern Az
My "views" of it, however are that it's the most humbling education we can get.

You couldn't pay me enough money to go back to life as it was before I learned this. Ever. And once you learn it, it's my opinion you'll feel the same way.

Mr. Mystery

Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
Right there!
Our definition on confidence seem to differ, I have explained my view of it in my post here in tips "The essence of the Don Juan", check it out and give me a little feedback on it, I am curious as to how you will see it.

If this polarity exists, how could one be attracted to another and not have the feelings reciprocated. In my place of work, most of women there are attracted to me, but I am only attracted to a few of them. If they are attracted to me and compulsed to make it evident, than why don't my feelings recipricate that attraction since its happening because of our opposite polarity?

Mr. Mystery

"Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around" - Vanilla Sky

The unexamined life is not worth living – Socrates

"Whats your favorite position? That's cool with me, it's not my favorite but I'll do it for you" - Tenacious D - Fvck her gentley

"I'd rather hear no, than never know" - Mr. Mystery himself!

Those that go searching for love, only manifest their own lovelessness. And the loveless never find love, only the loving find love. And they never have to seek for it - D.H. Lawrence

"Don't take life too seriously or you'll never get out alive" - Van Wilder


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2002
Reaction score
Grande Prairie
You people actually read that entire post?

Mr. Mystery

Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
Right there!
Originally posted by Kwah:
You people actually read that entire post?
Kwah, you've posted 10 times in the last ten minutes, I think you have a little time to spare. Why don't you read it too?

Mr. Mystery

"Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around" - Vanilla Sky

The unexamined life is not worth living – Socrates

"Whats your favorite position? That's cool with me, it's not my favorite but I'll do it for you" - Tenacious D - Fvck her gentley

"I'd rather hear no, than never know" - Mr. Mystery himself!

Those that go searching for love, only manifest their own lovelessness. And the loveless never find love, only the loving find love. And they never have to seek for it - D.H. Lawrence

"Don't take life too seriously or you'll never get out alive" - Van Wilder


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2002
Reaction score
Northern Az

I read your condifence post. When you say:

"Its been written before that you shoudn't think you are the catch, you should know you are the catch. To truely know you are the catch you must know yourself, and accept who you are and never be afraid to be you. You have to be comfortable being you, to explain it any further than this would only complicate things, for it is as simple as that. This is true confidence, and if it is acheived your life will be bliss.

It takes time and drive to get to this point, but the time it takes for you to get to the point where you are truely confident being yourself is the best investment in the world, it will be the best time you ever spent."

You are absolutely correct.

Confidence IS assurance. Confidence and assurance are the same thing.

If you're confident, you are assured.
If you're self confident, you are self assured.
If you're white, you're caucasian.
If you're black, your negro.
If you make a lot of sh*t nobody can figure out how to operate, you're Japanese

This, tho, that you said, itn't accurate. It's a misperception you've gotten from SS:

"I think we all agree that confidence is the biggest turn on for women right??" and

"Acheiveing this will not only get you TON'S of women"

The ONLY women who will respond to your confidence in a sexually compulsive way (as in, they're turned on by your confidence and are compelled to have sex with you) are women who are NOT confident - who have their own confidence issues they need to be whole in themeselves. They attach a perception onto you based on their own AI criteria that THEY NEED to evolve and "better themselves" whether they're ever consciously aware of it or not.

Confident women who want to have sex with you simply *appreciate* your confidence, but their attraction and/or sexual compulsion toward you has absolutely nothing to do with your confidence. You're reflecting back to their AI something entirely different and unconnected to your actual levels of confidence.

Ergo, let's assume you buy this premise that "all women" are turned on by condifence. You encounter a woman who, upon sight alone, her "radar" goes off and she's about to wet her panties to get you into bed. She sends you all the mating signals and you - because you're confident in your own self, return them and allow the dynamic to evolve. You are straightforward, assured, say all the right things, certain your confidence is the key.

You finally hook up and have a weekend of fabulous sex together. Somewhere during the "pillow talk" part, she tells you that she's just amazingly turned onto you, can't get enough of you, you're just perfect.

YOU, however, are both flattered and stumped - you still know, despite your confidence, you got issues. What in God's name is this woman seeing in you? Your confidence? So you go off on a little trip about feeling confident and self assured and how you reached it and she dismisses that with, "that's fine but that's not why she's with you" would you be able to know why she's there telling you (she thinks) you're perfect?

Remember, she did this based off looking at you. It could've been, and very often is, no more and no less than you UNCONSCIOUSLY project natural male dominance that only HER UNCONSCIOUS recognizes as something SHE NEEDS to evolve in her own reality. She sees you and her UNCONSCIOUS starts feeding her alerts, and she only consciously applies labels and descriptions of this she's perceiving FROM her UNCONSCIOUS and attributing them to you...even if she doesn't know she's doing it. What the eyes register as data and feeds directly to the UNCONSCIOUS is so vast we NEVER have any idea how much we let in, or how it ultimately affects us.

Point being, our attraction - especially sexual compulsion for "mating" - has nothing whatsoever to do with superficial qualities in other people. It's ALWAYS about what WE personally need, as directed BY the unconscious TO incorporate and integrate into ourselves. Anytime you're sexually attracted to a woman and look at her and say "I am so drawn to her because she's..."
whatever comes out of your mouth next will be diametrically opposite to qualities you still lack and still need to make yourself whole. THAT is why you're attracted to her at all.

You don't know that it's stuff you need to balance out and because you don't see it for what it is, AL you CAN do is conscious application of those perceptions. You give her those qualities, always assuming it's she who literally has them, and the less self aware we are, we're always in danger of hooking up with other people and feeding off them, instead of doing the work to grow while in that union.

"You make me complete" is a prime example of somebody feeding off other people and not growing or incorporating those "criteria" into themselves naturally.

Once they do that, tho, once they know themselves (and they will in stages), they KNOW it. Their confidence is ingrained and unwavering.

Check it:
Can you ride a bike?
Can you tie your shoes?
Can you drive a car?
Can you change a light bulb?

Of course you can.And you KNOW you can.That is assuance. It's what true confidence feels like.

If you scoff and strut around acting like you're the king of lightbulb changers but somewhere inside you get a little freaked every time you have to change a light bulb, it's not confidence and never was. It was swolen ego.

If you have to drive somewhere and the idea of it brings you anxiety, that's not confidence. It was always swollen ego.

If you fancy yourself a lady killer casanova but there's still always some woman somewhere who halts you in your step, even if you still approach, you don't have confidence. It's all inflated ego.

Confidence is unwavering in any circumstance.

SS instills ego in guys to compensate for yall's lack of power and understanding (i.e. confidence) in dealing with women - again, there is polarity. You're all here to overcome this imbalance, plain and simple. Instead of helping you understand anything, it feeds your egos with "affirmations" to convince your conscious minds you're "alpha males" and you hve to "know it" and you have to "command respect", basically stuff that does nothing but overinflate your egos.

Take Edge, for a prime example.

Convincing your conscious minds you're anything at all - when it comes from the outside in, is ALWAYS EGO dancing. It's you not doing the real work that still needs to be done and that will still get done, because aside from the mating, your unconscious will still lead you directly and deliberately into and out of millions of predicaments in your lifetime to test what you're made of. And everytime you come out the other side of oneof those experiences, you do so with an integrated level layer of confidence, which will continue to happen beyond your control until you "know yourself" - which is exactly this that I'm cluing you into. When you "know youself", you will know this I am showing you...that's what will happen.

You can go into battle strutting around like a peacock with your alpha feathers pricked, knowing "consciously" you're the alpha dawg, but you'll be dropped to your knees over and over until you LEARN from the INSIDE OUT that you aren't...and that you have to do the work. Eventually you know. And when you know, then you have confidence.

And when you have confidence, your d*cks don't get hard at the idea of being the alpha anything. You know you can't command or demand anything. Especially respect.

Still...just because you're confident doesn't mean that's why you're getting laid. Sadly, as I started out saying, the only times you get laid by a female who's there specifically becuse she's drawn to your confidence, you can rest assured she'll have little of it.

So, enjoy that scene...

[This message has been edited by destini (edited 12-08-2002).]


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2002
Reaction score
Northern Az
And your last question:

If this polarity exists, how could one be attracted to another and not have the feelings reciprocated. In my place of work, most of women there are attracted to me, but I am only attracted to a few of them. If they are attracted to me and compulsed to make it evident, than why don't my feelings recipricate that attraction since its happening because of our opposite polarity?

Because, as I explained previous, it's ALWAYS about ourselves.

You have your own set of "criteria" YOU need to become whole, actualized, to be able to bring into full balance and harness that balance of the unconscious/conscious polarity.

Consider the Unconscious the unseen puppet master, behind the scenes yanking your strings. You're the puppet. all you know is that if you do this, this happens, if you don't do that, that happens.
In reality, YOU aren't doing it...the puppet master's moving you.

Well the PM knows what it wants from you, how it wants you to be. In order to be this, youhave to experience various things...various movements of the strings.

Now, if someone else jumped into the show box, the PM looks over and sees another PM's puppet and recognizes YOU NEED to experience X situation with that other PM's puppet, so it let's you know by stirring up your hormones and getting your attention about the other puppet.

YOU - in YOUR LIFE - are dealing with your own unconscious for what YOU need. Has nothing whatsoever to do with what they need or whether they return your attraction.

IF it is returned, then what happened for you thru your "puppet master" happened for them. Their PM saw you and recognized their puppet needed X experience with you - but that experience may be for completely different reasons.

You might have confidence issues and that puppet is - you perceive - totally on top of sh*t, they, however might be in need of understanding some trauma from their childhood that'll be played out in some interaction only you were able to provide - as a puppet - at that time.

So, just because you're attracted to someone enough to want sex with them in no way means it's automatically reciprocated.

And when it's reciprocated, it doesn't automatically mean that it's the same polarity issue for them too.

ONE thing. It's been kinda hinted at that because this is how it is that it takes the quality out of the experience of dating. That it takes the "choice" out or that if it's all happening beyond our control and we can't help it, what's the point?

Okay, not knowing this, we go thru life shooting arrows in the air, hitting and missing, getting completely caught up in agonizing situations with people who will never return what we feel for them, we don't know why, it makes us sick to our stomachs to discover the one we loved is more attracted to someone else, or that we long for someone to notice us and they just don't.

We go thru the most agonizingly horrendous experiences "in the name of Love' and it literally f*cks people up. People take lives, literally take another human life over their entangled egos in some relationship that they couldn't control, much less understand. We're constantly swept away by illusions and delusions, clinging desprately to the hope that maybe, hopefully, out there somewhere is a soulmate, somebody just for us to love...but with each and every relationship meltdown, with each rejection, we begin to close our hearts and replace it with ego dancing, petrified to let anybody get close to us.

And we call this QUALITY OF CHOICE?

When you see what's happening, the agony is gone. It does NOT MEAN all your ties will be smooth sailing - on the contrary, your trials and tests will ge t harder and harder, the more you gain SELF awareness. But BECAUSE youhave seen the man behind the curtain, you KNOW that anything and everything you're led into is ONLY AND ALWAYS for the ultimate betterment of yourself, for your wholeness and it will ALWAYS work out in your best interests.

When you KNOW THIS, you have true confidence that there's no longer a situation you encounter you can't get thru on your own mettle.

If you look at these mating dances as a journey to the ultimate destination, your Holy Grail, your The One, your TRUE Soul Mate, each experience with the AI Muses is only leading you to The One...they are, because they are, PREPARING YOU FOR YOUR COUNTERPART.

You enter into all your relationships with the awareness that you're there to learn, teach and grow...and the quality of anticipation is so much richer when you SEE what's happening and can always make conscious choices that ARE for your actualization and growth and not to pacify your ego.

Casual sexual interludes still fall into this category. Sex always = integration. You can still enjoy the nut. You can still indulge in all the sex you want, but your choices are real and valid, and they're putting you in situations with people for your own good, even if the entire union sucks. It's trying to show you something YOU need.

And what you need is real understanding of who's been pulling your strings all your life, and then findout what it wants from you and then work with it.

[This message has been edited by destini (edited 12-08-2002).]

Mr. Mystery

Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
Right there!
Your last reply is strikingly similiar to what I consider to be the way of life for a Don Juan.

Gain confidence by accepting and knowing yourself, learn through experience, whether it be good or bad, and don't let others be the goal, you have to want it to improve you.

The philosophy, if you will, of this site (or at least my take on it), coincides well with your theory.

The system you speak of hasn't clicked for me yet. The way I learn things isn't like others, I either get it completely and can accept it, or I don't fully understand it so I reject, or more so put it on hold,for the time being. I still don't see knowing this info helping me too much, as the way I see things now is working out great for me.

You have explained it well, I find your ideas interesting and thank you for taking the time to explain them to me, I enjoyed discussing this with you.

Mr. Mystery

"Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around" - Vanilla Sky

The unexamined life is not worth living – Socrates

"Whats your favorite position? That's cool with me, it's not my favorite but I'll do it for you" - Tenacious D - Fvck her gentley

"I'd rather hear no, than never know" - Mr. Mystery himself!

Those that go searching for love, only manifest their own lovelessness. And the loveless never find love, only the loving find love. And they never have to seek for it - D.H. Lawrence

"Don't take life too seriously or you'll never get out alive" - Van Wilder


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2002
Reaction score
Northern Az

WHY do yall insist on referring to this as a "system"?

It's HOW you operate. This isn't something I made up here. This comes straight from science. I'm pointing it out to you here. Trying to tie it all together for you so that you will step back and realize that we are, and why this isn't registering with you is beyond me - we are all genetically programmed to respond to certain stimulus, to behave in certain ways in certain situations.

The fact you get horny and wanna get laid is NOT your decision. You are perceiving NATURALLY ENCODED urges that happen regardless of whether you like it or not.

It's coming from the same programming that makes you have to go to the restroom, to get food, to drink water, that makes women have menstral cycles, that reproduce your cells, that pump the blood thru your veins.

It's the mating instinct. It's no "system" or "theory" It's proven FACT of LIFE.

It's within you. Within me. Even, amazingly, within Edge and the others on here. It's within all the females you know. It's within your parents. EVERYBODY.

This is HOW your mind works. Your unconscious - subconscious cannot communicate with you in words like you consciously recognize. This is FACT. Ask ANYBODY - outside this board, that is. Call up your local shrink and ask them if this is a "system". It's HOW your mind works.

Because it cannot speak to you in ways you consciously comprehend, your conscious brain has no alternative because it's conscious brain, but to use conscious labels and attributes BASED on everything you've ever experienced, to be able to feed it to your thinking mind so you'll understand it.

It does this thru the use of symbols. Natural urges that your conscious brain has to decode for you. HOW you decode that information is based on all you've experienced. If you've built up faulty belief structures, then this is the foundation from which you'll respond until you change that behavior thru self awareness.

When it's time for you to mate, you get those urges from your subconscious mind. Once it's filtered thru the conscious brain, aint no telling how you decoded. commonly it's "gotta get laid". By the same token, your unconscious mind recognizes the right mate for you at any given point in your life...and it tells you this by sending you a sexual attraction to another person.

HOW you decode that information is based entirely on your belief structures. If that's flawed and f*cked up, SO TOO WILL BE YOUR UNIONS.

It's that simple. It's not a "system".

.....And...thank you, for discussing it with me.

[This message has been edited by destini (edited 12-09-2002).]

Ron Juan

Don Juan
Jul 27, 2002
Reaction score
I read the first third of your post and though "this kid is ****in CRAZY" and then I scrolled and realized how huge it was. So I can't really comment on what you said.

All I want to say is you have taken WAY too many philosophy classes or whatever the hell you wanna call it. I don't understand why you have to ANALyze it so much

AOL IM: moronRon
----------Ron Juan----------
Yo Baby
Yo Baby


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
These posts are too damn long.

I'm just going to agree with with everyone here.

Heart Of Stone

Don Juan
Feb 7, 2001
Reaction score
This is actually a very informative post.

The only problem is that it's posted by a female. If it was posted by a different DJ (not to mention any names) some of these guys would be praising the hell out of it and saying this should be put in the "BIBLE".

Put your ego's aside and try to understand what she's telling you. You might actually learn something that would save you guys a lot of wasted time and frustration.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2000
Reaction score
Originally posted by destini:
WHY do yall insist on referring to this as a "system"?

It's HOW you operate. This isn't something I made up here. This comes straight from science.

[This message has been edited by destini (edited 12-09-2002).]
This was an interesting post.

You are the 'female' Rollo May.

Others haved spoken about this in a persons

Basiclly we look for the women in our life that are like the one that origionally hurt
us. This allows us to confront the problems
that we buried because of wacky families
or adverse situtions.

The bottem line is this process is started
we take action, be charming fake it for 10 minutes, get her number and...

Get dates, when she stops wanting to see us
in person, alone the 'relationship' is dead.

This is what changes your life.

Your post was like a thesis on how a gas turbine engine works.

I make it work by adjusting the throttle, it

But I don't carry a diagram explaining the mechinical science of the compressor blades and the hydralics around tho.

Or how the chemistry of love works.

!!!!!!! Get involved, take a chance.!!!!!!!

That it!

Does she return your self-less love?
If not then move one...

I used that simple tip about faking it over
16 months ago and had a 14 month adult relationship [my first]come out of it.

With a 22 yr old
. I'm 28.

This week-end I finished a con-current relationship with a 20 yr old woman who second time asked me to stay with her in NYC for the xmas and new years celebation...

[This message has been edited by dorian_gray-from.usa (edited 12-09-2002).]

[This message has been edited by dorian_gray-from.usa (edited 12-09-2002).]


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2001
Reaction score
Very good post and interesting thread though I'm still a bit confused how to manage something that is very much confined to the subconciousness.


Aug 17, 2002
Reaction score
In my field of paper flowers and candy clouds of l
Originally posted by destini:
WHY do yall insist on referring to this as a "system"?
It's HOW you operate. This isn't something I made up here. This comes straight from science.

Because it IS a system. THAT is what science is, a system to explain the world around us. All scientific knowledge is tentative until a better explanation is put forward. YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND THIS IF YOU REALLY UNDERSTOOD THINGS AS WELL AS YOU THINK YOU DO.

It's so painfully obvious that you don't understand. You've bought into this pop-psychology bullsh!t for whatever reason. Carl Jung's ideas about archtypes are BAD SCIENCE for the simple fact that it cannot be falsified. This is why Freud’s ideas fail as well. If you understood how the philosophy of science worked you’d easily see this. But you don’t because you were brought up in the bullsh!t department of pop-psychology in college. Go back to college, take some critical thinking courses and learn how real science works before you go spouting crap in front of people who know better.

You are doing the same thing as both of them. You take abstract concepts and force them onto the world around you. I can pull ANYTHING out of my ass and make it abstract enough so it seems believable. Your SYSTEM is set up in this way -- IF YOU LOOK FOR A PATTERN, ANY PATTERN, HARD ENOUGH YOU WILL FIND IT.

That's how numerology works, that how astrology works, that's why there are nut jobs who think the NASA moon landing was faked.
