Gen-Z really got a bad deal. With the rise of social media, Pandora's box has been opened to the point where many women go on Instagram and believe they deserve the same lifestyle as Kim Kardashian. I know women who are unattractive, not to be mean, but literally unattractive, yet they have Chads/Tyrones flooding their inboxes not just on online dating platforms but also on IG. Admittedly, the Chad doesn't want a relationship with an unattractive girl; he just wants to satisfy his desires. However, twenty years ago, if word got around that a Chad was involved with an unattractive girl, it could ruin his reputation, especially with future prospects. The world was smaller back then. Now, a Chad can discreetly engage with both unattractive and attractive women, and no one would be the wiser unless he gets exposed through some viral means.
Onlyfans still befuddles me I remember in April 2020 when it exploded to most of us myself included it seemed out of nowhere but Quarantine really did a number on women and particularly Men. I mean it from 7.5 mIllion users to nearly a 100 Million users in less than a year. Even Disney and Netflix would be jealous of these numbers. I remember when webcam girls were taboo and underground. Heck I dated one briefly in 2009 (very nice body) but it was a hush-hush thing, now it's celebrated as women empowerment by the MSM. Gen-Zers think this is normal add to the fact that Gen-Zers and millennials missed out on some of their college years and now they are the least social savvy generation in centuries!
I've observed an explosion in open and polyamorous relationships in the last 7 years. With the cost of living becoming increasingly expensive, the idea of three people(or even more) sharing a one-bedroom apartment won't be far-fetched.
I mean, heck, the average rent in the USA is $1700 for a one bedroom! I remember fifteen years ago, that was the price for a nice three-bedroom house in a good part of town. How much will the average apartment cost ten years from now? Twenty years from now? 50 years from now? I shudder when I think about it, but the financial system, as we know it, is going to crash. I remember a story a guy once told me when I used to work part-time in a grocery store years ago. His roommate was an attractive white girl (a 7) who had seven boyfriends!!! Yes, seven. He said three guys would give her money, to the point where her rent was paid. This might sound crazy, but you can see it now, girls on regular dating apps openly stating they are looking for sugar daddies. Fifteen years ago, you seldom, if ever, saw that. Now, women "looking for generous gentlemen" is not crazy at all.
A girl I used to work with 6 years ago for fun as an experiment decided to see if she could get money on a dating app by doing nothing. In her profile it said "Sent $5 and find out what happens". By the end of her 8-hour shift, she had $40. That may not sound like much(it isn't) but remember she was working and
texting guys during her downtime or breaks, imagine if she did this as a full-time job She did end up with a "Sugar daddy" from London who would pay her $400 just to text. She eventually got tired of it because he was texting her non-stop. Mind you she lives in the USA and He lives in another country and he was paying her $400 a month! Another girl who I worked with in the videography industry told me she gets 3 DM's a week from random men offering to be her sugar daddy and she was an adjustable 6 at best.
I always enjoy talking to you about this topic, Sang. We definitely have to do a podcast on this, as it's a topic that I've been thinking about for years.