Feminism and the attack on masculinity
Originally posted by Señor Fingers
I am not talking about the survival instincts that keeps us going. Of course you should consider yourself important! What I am referring to is the elevation of the self above everyone else. This odd human trait has flourished throughout history, becoming exponentially more prominent and upsetting the natural balance of the world...
The biggest problem I see in society is mankinds self-importance coupled with a misplaced sense of shame. Somewhere along the line we learned to value the “I” above the “we” and now you have a global culture full of go-getters trampling each other like a frenzied mob just to climb to the top of the status chain.
Mankind has also learned to feel embarrassed about our natural sexuality while we show no shame in destroying the environment, committing genocide and eliminating entire species for sport or profit. There is no denying that the delicate balance of nature has been radically disrupted!
When the sexual revolution took place in the late 60s early 70s, feminists immediately looked to history and began constructing a "history of patriarchy." I know because one of my history profs has talked to me at length about this. Feminist historians started looking back at the past, and finding the constant domination of women by men as the problem in modern society - from the greed of industrialists killing our environment, to the urban ills, to war, to nuclear weapons, to mass killing, all blamed on unbridled masculinity. Men throughout the ages have dominated and enslaved their wives, dominating the legal system, and generally using their sexual domination to rape women and nature, and to imprison other men in an unequal social hierarchy.
Feminists have called unbridled masculinity society's greatest problem, and have called for caring women to enter businesses and the halls of political power in order to fight the domination of our world by greedy, individualistic, overambitious men. That is the utopia behind feminism - and that is why you and I at first feel shame to embrace our masculinity today, because today's masculinity has been tainted with generations of societal problems which were indeed caused by men.
But feminists overstate their case. Many feminists believe that masculinity and femininity is a social construct and they're WRONG! They're so unbelievably wrong - they have just never allowed themselves to feel their own sexuality. Masculinity and femininity are fundamental to how we think - they are words to describe a feeling, just like happy describes a feeling, masculinity can describe a feeling of being a man. Men are happiest when they feel like men; women should feel like women. Homosexuals - well, I don't know.
I'm happy to have women work by my side, but it feels best to be a man and I am not ashamed to dominate women because women want it. Maybe it's just because our society is unequal (since all women are AFCs... not men's fault!!) but I am a man, a sexual man, and let no one who sees me be unable to perceive it.
Anyway, to sum up - masculinity is almost a bad word in our society, associated with generations of greed, rape, ambition, individualism, and self-importance. For feminists, men who "would do anything to follow their dreams" are the problem with modernity. This is why so many guys are terrified of being men; traditional manliness is associated with society's problems.
Feminists blame untempered masculinity for society's ills, and they have begun a crusade against masculine men. This crusade has been taken up by the usual suspects in the murder of the modern man: the media, PC politicans, gay liberation activists. AFCs have always existed (see Rousseau), but it's only in modern times that men are TERRIFIED of being MEN! A man embracing his sexuality is associated with the same sort of vulgar, uncouth, despicable aggressiveness and need to dominate that has nearly destroyed our environment, killed millions in horrifying wars, oppressed women for generations, and given us nuclear weapons.
Don't you see, men are blamed for all of this, and by analogy, masculinity is shameful.
But let me say something for the men and women reading this. Spineless men will not work to improve and bring peace to our crazy world. It takes real men, with real dreams to make our world a better place; men who will give everything for their dreams, everyone's dream of making our world a better place. I agree with the feminists that some men need better dreams, but a man who never dreams and just works a 9-5 he hates DOESN'T IMPROVE OUR WORLD. A man like that is a pus*y, who just breathes our precious oxygen, and stuffs our overfilled landfills with his waste. He does nothing to improve our world.
A man who dreams of profit and power, and would do anything to get it - including destroy our environment or kill millions or produce weapons - helps our society even less. Eradicating masculinity, what makes men men, cannot change our world for the better - only CHANGING MEN'S DREAMS CAN. We must teach men to dream of helping the world, not just helping themselves. Then real men will make our world a better place.
How can DJs change the world? A DJ isn't just a PUA. A DJ is someone who follows his dreams to the last breath. But if that dream is just personal greed and prosperity, a DJ is exactly the man feminists hate - and in some respects they are right to hate a man who would destroy the world to achieve his dreams (even though they are wrong to blame masculinity for the problem).
A true DJ is someone whose dreams IMPROVE OUR WORLD. A real DJ is making our world a better place, volunteering at soup kitchens, for the elderly, or working in third world countries.
In our world today you have PUAs who can get women, so they do and they never dream of how to make their world a better place. Then you have chumps who have no women so they do real things. Sometimes men who fear women do great things and help society. But it's really rare to find a PUA who follows his dreams of making this world a better place. This is a true DJ, the ideal man. One who never fears his manhood for a moment, embraces his sexuality (which is the source of future and present life), AND dreams to help the world, giving everything to make his world a better place.
You there, reading this - wherever you are or live, there are always places looking for volunteers to give an hour or two here and there to make even a small improvement in our world. Be valiant, be a man, be a DJ; give them a call.