Hehe this reminded me of my last girlfriend of two years. Great girl. Funny as hell. But in the end, the long distance thing was too much for me. Anyways she told me she was a feminist. When asked what feminism ment to her, she basicly said she wants to controll her own life, make her own decitions, career, education etc and not be grounded to the kitchen sink like a 1950's housewife. If that's feminism to them, then I have no problem with women calling themselves feminists. They don't know what it is, but like to throw labels around cause it's empowering them and giving them an identity.
Same thing with styles like the feminine man (metrosexual). In the beginning, only homosexuals were metrosexuals. Then it became increasingly popular and reached a peak. Slowly it's dampening and its going back to more masculine ideals.
In the end, it doesn't really matter. We are a product of or parents. Ritch parents, rich kids. Broke parents, broke kids. Happy parents, happy kids. We model our parents in one way or another. Females have allways had gender roles and males have allways had gender roles no matter wich popular labels are thrown around. Humans and animals alike, we have instincts.