Day2\ Hello again SoSuave
Yesterday I blocked her off everything.
The day before is the last time we spoke, we broke up over a month ago now. Was the second and last time getting back together with her.
She's BPD or got parts of the following:
Narccissistic Personality Disorder
-Bipolar- definitely, it's easy for her to switch moods or for her to control her anger.
-Clinical Depression- yeah she has this but doesn't want help.
-Schizoeffective disorder- pretty sure she has this too in one shape or form.
-PTSD- don't know what this is
-Multiple personality Disorder- yepp
Long story short this is how it happened.
She goes out with her friends, can't get into a bar where she is banned from. Goes to McDonald's with her friends and calls me up upset. Told her to go with her friends, she says no. Tells me to come to her after a while, I said no, cos I have a 9am start at college the next day and it's the final few days till I hand the last work in. She lashes out on the phone (whilst being drunk) says she's gonna kill herself etc. Argument continues.
Next day I go to her and say I need some space, list out **** with her. She asks are u sick and tired of me? I say yes a little bit.
Everything is fine for 2 weeks, she goes back to her home city. We talk through the day but not as Intense as before. I get to see my family, friends and do things I wanted to do before.
After this she lashes out again over the same things we spoke about. When we talked about it all. She said I'm so angry over this and upset, I don't feel like talking to you.
I still continue to make an effort.
I now have an operation Schuduled. She couldn't come and see me cos her wisdom teeth got taken out. (however I've been to see her everytime she was in hospital or been there for her in anyway)
She said she'd come after she's better. Asks for space and she argues over petty ****.
She ended up going out with one of her friends, and stayed out for 4 days.
Come back and breaks up with me.
Then over the next few weeks it's a series of her calling me up or
messaging me saying she wants to meet, saying I hate you, threating me cos I don't respond to her messages or calls and been told and seen that she's with another guy. Argues and makes a big issue of meeting up by herself. Goes crazy cos she wants her book back. I ignore and drop it off after 5 days. Get bs for that. Then she asks who I dropped it off to. I responded and then blocked her off everything.
There's more but this is the short version with bits left out.
Part of me hates this woman. Part of me misses her even after what she put me through. I feel like crap and can't get this toxic woman out of my head.