Thank god I haven't stumbled upon her at the hospital.
The dermatologist gave me an OK to start the treatment. I hope I'll also get a whole bunch of sick-days as well.
I started talking to almost every girl I see, embarrassed myself by doing the "did it hurt" line just because I had NOTHING else to say and I just forced myself to talk to the girl (she blew me off hahaha), took the number of a 2 girls, been
texting with one back and forth and the other said "I have a boyfriend" right away and then I said we'd just go for a jog. (she's kinda chubby so I don't miss out on anything

I still feel like a huge chunk of me is missing. She was just like my family, I felt 100% comfortable with everything she did, I loved her tiny odorless farts lol.
I am still very anxious about her and the new guy but it's natural. I wish it was the stone age where you could kill your rival and breed as many women as you want.
Not afraid to say I listened to "Crazy" by Aerosmith and cried my eyes out, we used to dance to this song and it melted my heart every single time. Why are you so stupid, girl, why did you force me to do this, girl...I think I'm at the hardest phase now, the "Why?!" and "How could you?!" phase.
That's it. No more cheating. No more lying. My next relationship will be based on, like David X said, Honesty, Trust and Respect.
@beatjunkie how are you man? What do you mean "go longer than 60 days"? I don't ever want to hear from my ex nor contact her...why ever stop NC?
End of day 18