This is what she misses - and the messages are just so she knows she still has power over you
I used "the 7 habits of effective people" by Stephen Covey.
It's for work / personal development.
I was recommended it by a manager in work, but it actually helped me more with my breakup than it has with work......
I think you would do well to read some of it, just to see how you have structured your universe and why it fell apart, and how you can prevent this in the future
I found it as a pdf online, so just do a search for it
You need to get to the indifference of the contact....that takes time
My ex has
text me and rung me, it doesn't bother me one bit. and that's where you need to be......
This is the way I go:
If she rings, decide whether to answer or not
If I answer then she has to have a really good reason for calling.....if not, then "sorry, have to go....INSEERT BS REASON HERE"
eventually they get the hint that unless its something major you no longer have time for them
Same with texts,
Text comes in, have a quick look see what it's about, if its general chit chat bollox then straight on the backburner, go about whatever I was doing
Maybe i'll reply, but usually I genuinely forget about it until the next message comes in weeks later.....
You need to refocus
Think of what you need to do for yourself to better yourself.
I made a list of hobbies/things I wanted to do and I'm working through it, keeps me busy and I meet loads of new people all the time.
You got kids, so maybe focus on them a bit as well.
don't rush into anything with this new girl, go on dates and have fun - use her to get over the ex (and I don't mean use and abuse - utilise), just don't fill the void at the centre of your universe with her, that space is just for you.....