day number 11
so i had this long distance relationship with my ex for 5 months, we met 2-3 times a month. 4 months into the relationship he tells me he thinks he is bi but he has never been with a guy. it got me thinking and i took 2 days to think. when we got talking he was so scared he will lose me. we had a fight on Skype that ended with an emotional breakup of us both crying real bad. well i called back and asked him to give it another chance and he took 2 days to think and we got back together. now,
we skyped and he asked about my male friends and took notes of everyone of them, name age, job etc - literally.
to cut the story short, last day we spoke, i was about getting ready for a females friends bday party( most of ma friends are male, i have been badly treated by female friends in the past). so this female friend is a gf to one of my male friends. so when i told him (he was at his mates bbq at the time i called). he sounded were and said good night. well, called up to chat with him as i changed my mine to not go since venue was miles away from mine and i and work next day. anyways , the call started ok, until he started complaining about the relationship not working and that he is not happy, that he doesn't want LDR anymore =, or he ant ready for a relationship, that my
texting for the past week has been snappy and more reasons we couldn't be together. stayed on the phone for almost 2 hours crying and begging him to not give uo on me (BIG MISTAKE). well he still kept saying he is sorry and how i am a great gal and i will find someone else. on and on and round the cycle with him rejecting me, i got fed up and hung up on him after saying 'you know what, am done, do what you want'.
so when i told my mates, another mistake, a male friend (my ex alway thought we was dating cos we are close but he has a gf and moved to oz) sent him a message via Facebook to make it clear we aint and have never dated and neither has anyone in our cycle of friends- NO REPLY.
4 days ago, my best friend couldn't reach me cos i had blocked my Facebook and changed my number (still kept my old number ). she contacted my ex to ask if he has heard from me. he told her he had broken up with me and when she asked if we could ever get back together he said he thinks there won't be any difference if we did, well, so she contacted my other pal in Oz who gave her my contact. she reached me and later contacted my ex to say she had reached the mate in Oz who told her where i am and gave her my new number. at this time i was away to Brighton with a gay mate of mine for the weekend.
ex didn't reply.
its a confusing story but i hope you get it.
well, i just got back from my weekend and it has been a sad day with em feeling lonely and depressed, sad ad crying. i haven't heard from him and i haven't contacted him after hanging up on him.
i don't know if he will contact me. i am trying to move on which is hard, i have been on a date and working on going on more in the cuter. my heart still bleeds cos i really miss him.
last time we broke up it was for a couple of days and i told him am not giving up on the relationship and i even sent a love missing you card by post to his office.
this time its day 11 and i haven't contacted him and i wish my friends hadn't too.
well i plan on reactivating my Facebook on the weekend after my party and then i will block him for good while i try to heal. until then i will update each day.
comments are welcome.